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This is so much better with a controller than mouse+keyboard that it's insane. Way more challenging and it just feels right. I think my next playthrough will be keyboard only.
Console FPS games shouldnt exist and the PC ones should have mandatory WASD movement with mouselook and a jump button. Dont @ me.
Doom has autoaim programmed into it. Mouselook feels super cheap when playing it.
>This is so much better with a controller than mouse+keyboard that it's insane
Never played with comfy controllers before? You do you, anon.
Up until a pain elemental or two is floating above and behind some pinkies or other chaff. These encounters lead some to label autoaim as "artificial difficulty".
With mouse you basically need fast monsters enabled. Doom 64? more like Doom so poor!
Think you want Instagram or something.
I don't understand. It feels better playing with a controller but you're going to play it keyboard only?
the game is built around the limits of a certain control scheme that requires a more methodical mentality focused on executing basic techniques. when you clear your mind and meet the game on its own terms it can be engaging. when you introduce a mouse that design crumbles and you effortlessly breeze through the game, like using hacks.
medal of honor for playstation is the best fps ever made
he means looking up and down, silly
>way more challenging
Zoomies are brain broken
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Why did they program autoaim into it by default then? You're naive as shit if you believe the BS these programmers say to appeal to their modern zoomer fans.
For vertical shooting.
>WASD for movement
>Joystick instead of mouse look
Sounds kino to me. Has anyone tried this with any FPS?
Why everyone who uses the word 'kino' is retarded? I mean, it's a perfect detector for a person with low intelligence, but why retards are so attracted to it?
unkino post
>wasd for doom
I wish hitler could come back to gas you and all of your family
Does refusing to use chanspeak make you feel like a big man? A big man with a big penis? Are you starting to feeling intelligent yet?
FPS games on PC are just for babbies who have to have everything on easy mode. Using a mouse to instantly flick to exactly where you want is not in any way realistic and turns it all into a bit of a mockery. I admit to sometimes playing pc multiplayer fps with keyboard and mouse but for single player there is absolutely no excuse unless you're a real beta boy cuck.
No version of Doom should never be played with a mouse. And fuck mods that make you use the mouse.
Don't care. If it's a first person game I'm playing it with kb+m like a civilized person.
it's another same fag troll tries to gaslight vr into thinking a retarded opinion is commonly held thread... these are getting old
>dont @ me
You're either underage b& or pretending to be for some reason.
Your brainrot has misguided you. People who like Doom 64 tend to like 1 and 2 as well.
>People who like Doom 64 tend to like 1 and 2 as well.
I'd say "don't forget Final Doom" but Plutonia can filter people.
@11376192 you're wrong.
Doom has no height. Everything is infinitely tall or flat depending how you want to look at it.
Only the thing more retarded is not browsing with 4chan X, retard.
sounds ludo to me.
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>Everything is infinitely tall or flat depending how you want to look at it.
Only between monsters, collisions, and explosions.
*between monsters/players and explosions
This is the one thing I don't like about the Turok remaster. I struggled with the game on n64. With kb+m I just flew through it.
You should also replay the remaster with an N64 controller and its default aim-snapping for a full and proper comparison. Turok's also a weirder case because it was out for Windows later the same year in 97.
Completely wrong.
techinically is illegal and scientifically impossible .
WASD for Doom is the traditional way to play and how everyone was doing it back in the DWANGO days.
That's a modern engine, modern Doom engines are all natively 3D and only faking/simulating the 2.5D aspect.

In the OG engine you can't even look up/down because it's impossible due to the way the graphics are rendered.
hey you're the anon LARPing as a /k/ommando i saw a few threads back. how you've been faggot?
This cope was not true the last time you said it, and it's not any more true now.
But can you control it with d-pad to move/strafe and control stick for aiming with z button to fire? Check and mate.
>That's a modern engine
That's also vanilla gameplay behavior you'll see in vanilla Doom 1/2 that's affected by height. Those big red columns with varying heights at 15 secs in are from Doom 2's Chasm.
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Doom is not a raycaster, you fucking idiot.
Doom doesn't do up and down looking because it doesn't do perspective correction, thus looking up and down will create a distorted and unrealistic visual, which Carmack thought looked ugly as fuck.
This is irrelevant to whether or not Doom is 3D, because the world of the game objectively is, it has an X, Y, and Z axis, and all actors with defined collision need to actually be able to physically fit or reach to traverse level geometry.

Projectiles and hitscans will fail to hit targets if they are too low or too high, and it's entirely possible to move up into a moving projectile, or fall down onto a moving one, and thus get hit. A door, crusher, elevator, or other moving level geometry, will intercept projectiles if they hit them with their floor or ceiling surfaces, crushers work on height, the taller Cyberdemon will be caught by one while players or smaller monsters are still free to roam underneath it, until it reaches down to crush them too.
You have to play on the toughest difficulty for get a mid experience then. Everything lower is like playing on ultra easy.
Not that anon and I already thought this before that thread, was nice to see gun experts confirm it however.
You're lying, and you're also still wrong.
A mouse much more closely approximates pointing a gun at a target than a DPad or analog stick ever could, because you're outright using your arm and hand muscles to position a physical object to direct your shots.
Is it JUST like shooting a gun? No, no it isn't, but if using a mouse in an FPS isn't much like aiming and shooting a gun, then using a gamepad is EVEN LESS like aiming and shooting a gun.
If you need to shoot something in the corner of your room as quickly as possible and you have a gun in your hand but relaxed, do you within fractions of a second align perfectly on it, have your eye looking through a crosshair (or equivalent precision) and know exactly the spot you are shooting, or you shift the gun with some significant inertia and inherent human clumsiness, point it in that direction and hope it hits somewhere close to the spot you want to hit.
Your point only stands true you're talking about a sniper rifle hitting a long distance target.

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False dichotomy, pointing a handgun is fairly quick and easy. Not to the point of aiming with a mouse, but it's not slow and cumbersome like keyboard turning or DPad turning, where you have no analog input and turn at a fixed rate, akin to a forklift.
An analog stick is somewhat better for just overall body movement, but it's still an abstraction for aiming, particularly when you consider that actual aiming entails lining up a front sight when looking through a rear sight.

Then there's the at rest thing. Yeah, in a relaxed state it would take more time to get your weapon on target, but that falsely assumes that you would be at rest all the time. If you are in a situation where you are moving to location to location and engaging in a lot of firefights (like in action videogames), you would obviously be very alert, and either move with your weapon in a low-ready at the least (really only for brief moments of rest), but much more likely keeping your weapon in a high-ready.
This also assumes always going for or having a sight picture, when there's various situations where pointing is the better option because you're close enough that you have very good chances of hitting, or at least suppressing.

Also, I am going to labor this again, because you seem to ignore it: Just because a mouse gives you much more speed and precision than what's actually realistic, does NOT mean that keyboard or DPad input for aiming is somehow automatically more realistic, because it instead is TOO slow and imprecise to be realistic.
>Your point only stands true you're talking about a sniper rifle hitting a long distance target.
No it isn't, because when doing long distance shooting you need to account for drop and wind, and it actually takes more fine muscle control than what you would put into aiming in a videogame.

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