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Look at the expressions on their faces!
George Clooney syndrome
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Look at their uh, faces!
WTF, is this doujin?
when do mai and chun-li kiss ?
they're faces*
I love this cover because 99% of people probably didn't know who Kyosuke was, they just put him and Kim on the cover because they were new characters added in CvS2
I can't believe "Shinkiro"'s art in this game is actually by Bengus.
Kyosuke is one of the coolest characters in the game both aesthetically and mechanically.
It's so kino
I agree and yet he's so terrible.
Keep rockin', bebe.
that's a meme

play him with S-Groove or N-Groove and he performs
His damage output is so terrible. I still main him because he looks cool.
I like his DP motion attack but yeah it does so little damage.
I wish Capcom would put the swimmer guy in one of the VS games, he was my fav from Rival Schools.
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Heeey, who allowed them to join this tournament? They're way too strong! I mean...what's up with that?
i can't wait to see what's going to hapPEN
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I have a lot of nostalgia for CVS1, great game too
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Thanks Ai...
Kim was in CVS1.
Records are made to be broken!
What's the secret to beating Survival mode? I was playing with Ryu and then changed to Shin Akuma, thinking a boss character would make it easier, but it seems CPU difficulty scales?
I'm playing the ps2 ver fwiw
I guess nobody has anything to say about this game anymore.

/vr/ doesn't play fighting games
Tips for Maki?
hardly a meme considering hes easily the worst in the entire game. even Dan is better than Kyosuke. Literally has nothing going for him at all.
You can feel the calm before the storm before the battle begins...

Pretty sure that IS where Falcoon started...
Master the run mechanic
It's weird because Shinkiro would've moved to Capcom when CvS2 was developed.
His TvC art is impeccable
Boring as shit game. I don't get the praise. And yes i mean competitively because you "fun loving casuals" are just flailing like retards
Boring as shit game. I don't get the praise
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>Literally has nothing going for him at all.
ah yes let's ignore the vast movepool, launcher, air combos, and so on
Groove system lets you play whatever kind of Traditional 2D fighter you want to, and its default gameplay is minimal combos and poke-based.

The character variety further allows you to play how you want and keeps things relatively mixed up.

Getting to use 3 for the price of 1 is more fun than single character play.
It's only fun on a casual level, it's pretty broken at high level play where some character setups just dominate all
Which characters dominate all?
I honestly don't think Survival is doable, fuck having to beat like 50 fights without losing with input-reading CPU.
I'm sure some crazy nigga had the patience (and most importantly, luck) to achieve it once, but I don't think it's normally possible.
I know there's some unlockable behind it, but honestly fuck it.
I beat the boss survival once and that was enough bullshit for me
Mostly the ones ported from Alpha, particularly the ones with a move that can abuse roll canceling or custom combos particularly ridiculously. So you usually see Sagat, Blanka, Sakura, Cammy, and Bison. There's some other characters that are good but their preferred groove makes it hard to make good teams with them.

Athena, King, and Yuri all being total shit is personally depressing because I use those characters a lot in KoF.
Watching tourneys I saw people using characters like Hibiki, is she not good too?
he barely knows what he's talking about and is mostly feeding you the retard line

yes hibiki is good and usable, as are many other characters
I know that you'll beee baaaaackkk...
The Millionaire Fighting 2001 is about to begin. Hardcore fans have been eagerly anticipating this event, and now the waiting is finally over. Check your training wheels at the door, ladies and gentlemen. This is gonna be one incredible battle that won't easily be forgotten. The time has come when the new history is going to unfold. You can feel the intensity in the air as the hopes, dreams, and hearts of these warriors are about to be put to the ultimate test of skill. What they're after is the title of the world's strongest. Now, are ready to get it on?
I like the girl who keeps her sword in her scabbard. Hibiki or something.
CvS2 is the oldest fighting game I can think of that has the whole "you need to link in order to special cancel" stipulation for combos.

When hit stop is so brief in a game like this it feels unfair that I'm trying to tap out light attacks and then have to nail a proper cr.MP link in order to Tatsu.
This battle, is about to explode. FIGHT
Wouldn't be problem if chaining lights was easier but that too is weirdly inconsistent. Also it doesn't help that there is no plinking for 1 frame links and that those can fail randomly due to the game speed. Even doing a cr.lk, cr.mk xx special feels like a feat in this game.
I'll never understand why they went with Kyosuke and Kim for NA boxart while Japan and PAL regions got Chun Li.
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or this
>Luke at the expressions on their faces!

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I have it burned onto CD or DVD-ROM somewhere yet not willing to dig it out at this time, but I could no longer find Namonaki's Sakura A-groove video online. It went to a nice J-pop song I think was called "<something> Strawberry" or "Strawberry <something>". Other videos could be found like the Rolento A-groove video the person did to L'arc~en~ciel at https://youtu.be/GeW4O-CTZlM but the Sakura one was fun with the song and all the shoshosho.

I don't mind the Saigado look either. The character art changes with the groove selection to a specific artist.

But Kyosuke is also on that boxart. Alongside Chun, there's Kyo, Iori, Maki, Athena, Yun/Yang, Haomaru, and I think between Athena and Kyosuke is Rock Howard.
The single greatest video game of all time.
That Laruku video was pretty soulful
What a bad job you did. How long did you try to make this work before giving up?
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Yeah, I was pretty into J-pop back then in the late 90s to early 2000s, L'arc~en~ciel was a good one, here's another A-groove combo video by Namonaki featuring another I liked by Dir-en-grey: https://youtu.be/d4WZfKHjRBM which is why I was looking for the Sakura A-groove video as it had a good song featuring a J-pop group I was not familiar with but also was a song I liked. Maybe I will dig out the old CD/DVD burns I had. Used to share those downloads with friends when we met along side other bootlegged anime or Dreamcast games in those days. I miss the days of getting together and playing these fighting games, sharing the cool stuff we each got from the net, and just having the time together, which is why CVS2 is so special to me.
I read this entire thread in the announcer's voice.
I think you should kill yourself. You're not wrong but you should kill yourself.
>But Kyosuke is also on that boxart. Alongside Chun, there's Kyo, Iori, Maki, Athena, Yun/Yang, Haomaru, and I think between Athena and Kyosuke is Rock Howard.
Yeah but Chun Li is upfront so if you're in game store she would catch your eye.
Welcome, to the revolution...
I wish more fighting game had Grooves.
Even Smash, would end all the tribalism the game had for years.
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Thoughts on the original Capcom VS SNK?
Better stages but everything else is weaker then CvS2.
The thing with Grooves is it's exactly like DMC3 styles:

a frankly rather needless method of gating complexity and diversity and the full range of gameplay.

There's no reason why all the unique mechanics couldn't be fused into one groove in any other type of game besides crossovers, which explicitly wish to preserve the mechanical distinctions.
I think the Ratio system (undermined by the Free Ratio system)---which idea gets used in fan tiering to this day---was highly interesting and should have been explored more in video games.

If you're going to intentionally stratify the character balance behind the scenes, at least systematize and codify it so that the game ends up fairer anyway.

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