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didn't see a /vroom/ thread, talk about racing games you are playing.

I'm playing the GT World Championship in GT4 and I just spun out from getting red tires in the middle of an El Capitan lap. Two of the rival cars didn't even need a pit stop.
>I'm playing the GT World Championship in GT4 and I just spun out from getting red tires in the middle of an El Capitan lap. Two of the rival cars didn't even need a pit stop.
Tell me you're driving a Minolta without telling me
It's either that or the Jaguar because one or both will be in the race against you.
How do I enjoy this game? Every time I play it I just get bored as fuck in the middle of a circuit
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>These particular fans of this particularly obscure PSX racing game are so incredibly fucking obsessed with it that after almost two decades of playing it, making a whole wiki for it, and recording every kind of gameplay video they could, they are now making videos on how to murder the AI drivers by stalking, ambushing and throwing them off cliffs like they're serial killers
>They congratulate each other on every video like they're having a fun and friendly killing spree
Total Drivin is a wild place.
Make that three serial killers. And they're somehow friends with Fatalita of all people.
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>Car I want to use is one of the last ones that are unlocked in a playthrough of the game
>Have to drive cars I don't care about until I unlock it
>Not only is it too overpowered to play the entire game with, it's also not as fun to play through it again with it if I unlock it legit since I've already beaten the game
what car what game
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What the actual fuck is with aging
I'm 35, I played pic related a lot in my early 20s
I could race all day, like all fucking day, now, if I'm in a driving sim for more than 10 minutes I have to take a break, yeah maybe I can try relaxing my death grip on the gamepad but that only helps me add a few minutes to my endurance
Shit sux, I need PEDs to play racing sims nao
>if I'm in a driving sim for more than 10 minutes I have to take a break
Try playing an arcade racing game instead of the boring subgenre.
Try alternative control schemes. I like having the gas on R2 trigger and braking using down right analog, while I change gears with L1/L2.
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Sega Rally is the definition of, dare i say it, soul
Sega Rally Calibur
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Ferrari says their cars are too good for Hot Pursuit mode, do they?
It was lightning in a bottle.
Midnight Club 2, Torque JX
Nice looking lake
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Favorite 2D racers?
F-Zero, Hang-On, Super Monaco GP 2
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Simple but surprisingly fun and technically very impressive for a GBA game
neat rain
>it's literally just lines cascading down the screen with an offset around vehicle
Can't you just appreciate the fact that it's there despite the GBA's limitations and not be a bitch for once?
No, I'm a dirty, angry old man with a large erect cock and I am going to wave my cane and shout at the clouds until the day I die, because nothing on this earth or above it is beyond my hatred.
do they?
do they really be like that?
some say they dont but they do
do good arcade racers even get made anymore? closest to scratching the itch was forza horizon 4, and that still wasn’t quite there. I feel like the genre really died, which is a shame
There's a few indie titles coming out but it's still dead as a genre thanks to shitmulators
>Try to take a turn
>AI car crashes into me
>Try to do the same to them, absolutely nothing happens
The more racing games I play, the more I appreciate the Ridge Racer series. Both you and the AI play by the same rules in that game and you can actually block and punish opponents, unlike other games people think are more mechanically "advanced".
Unironically, Ferrari as a manufacturer is very particular with how their cars are depicted in video games. They're totally fine with vigorous breaking of speed limits and having Ferraris race among ordinary traffic cars, but they check out when it comes to Ferraris being involved with any kind of implied illegal activity, and they only got more strict over time on this policy.

Also, I think I've found text for an unused single race opponent option called "AI personality". It's options appear to be: Krazy Ivan, Blazin' Brooke, Akmel, Bob, Serge, Tad, Mid-Life, Iceman, Juan Valdez, Tatoo, and Cop.

As well, it is possible to do a single race against a single AI El Nino opponent, but a full grid causes a crash.
What happened with Hot Pursuit 2 that let Ferraris not only be involved with cop chases, but also be depicted running away from cops in the intro and promo art?
Considering that was the last NFS game Ferraris appeared in proper (excluding Shift as DLC) it probably was the straw that broke the camel's back and caused them to get even more obsessed with how their cars could be depicted.
>nice looking water
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>We got Sega Rally at home
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Is it not possible for Underground 2 (PC) to have force feedback? I have xinpuit added and works fine but no vibration is a bit of a bummer for me.

Also has anyone checked out underground2.net mod? Spent most of my downtime trying to get vibration to work so didn't get a chance to check it out.
>New and restored/ported Spoilers
>New Body kits
>New Rims & Spinners
>New and restored/ported Decals
>New and restored/ported Vinyls
>New and improved Audio Components
>New Neon colors
>Updated faithful high resolution Textures
>Improved Enhanced Contrast and Overbright with the usage of ReShade
>Bundled with quality-of-life (and some required) ASI mods, such as HD Reflections, Animation Controller, etc.
Hold the fuck up, people LIKE total drivin'!? Even reviews of it back in the day gave it a sort of 5/10 rating (lel one review I had in a mag showed a picture of an a.,i car that got stuck on the other side of a roadside barrier). The game itself is pretty meh to play with the handling being twitchy. The tracks do look nice though (scotland in particular imo).
I've not seen this mod but you have my attention. I will give it a go - do you know if you need to use a new save for it or will existing ones work?
lmao triple exhaust
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I like Total Drivin's Dakar stages.
What do you think of GBA OutRun (Arcade Gallery)
I like it more than the Genesis version
how did you even lose a position there
The a.i cheats.
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Other car climbed the dune offscreen on the right a bit quicker than my SUV.
One thing I like about this game is that the AI can take shortcuts as well as get itself fucked up and spin out during races. They look quite human at times.
Total drivin also has the most ridiculous cheat input method.
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It's actually pretty clever. It should've been more common.

lmao what am I watching
a deer
a deer
a female deer
Not that anon but the rain actual looks like shit wtf.
its atmospherique
you wouldn't understand
I know we're on /vr/ but Ferraris are in some of the new Need For Speed games, with cop pursuits and limited customizations.
Fan mods for these kinds of games is always so bad
I've heard about the limited customization overall, that is indeed a Ferrari trait. It's why the F50's upgrades in High Stakes were so minimal compared to the more dramatic transformations other cars had.

As well, I managed to trick the game into loading an AI car into NFS3's extra tracks. They get off the line, but then immediately brake. I can shove them around the track. If I push them off far enough, they do center themselves on the track and at least face the right direction, though.

It's not because I'm making them use an El Nino, though it is as ridiculous as you'd expect in their hands.
I love this game so much. High Stakes too but Hot Pursuit is more nostalgic. My first real 3D racing game along with Gran Turismo when I bought a PSX in the summer of 1998. Ironically, I found NFS3 driving much harder than GT
If only the empire city alt track was finished.
looking back, nfsu2 is an incredibly ugly game.
pure soul.
It uses some extreme contrast settings that give it quite a stylised look that modern LCD's really struggle with. If viewed on a crt or oled it looks pretty decent which was all it ever was back in the day. If you turn enhanced contrast off you lose some tonemapping that helps sets the mood (like how trails in GTA 3 does tonemapping in addition to the ridiculous motion blur) but the image is a lot more forgiving on an LCD. This pic is enhanced contrast on...
...and off.
I always liked NFSU1 more from the visual standpoint
UG1 is more detailed as you only ever see the track you are racing on. The open world design of two is a real step back for both track design and overall visual fidelity of the game. Of course around these parts that is a verboten opinion.
I think you'd find plenty who dislike it. I just find it inconvenient and I'd rather everything be accessible from menus.
A major problem of underground 2 is the second anyone stops and thinks they realise the game world unlocks in the reverse order to what it should. Unlocking the hills when you car is still slow as shit is backwards both from a styling of the area (where the rich folk live) and from a gameplay perspective (long high speed sections). The order it should be is;

>city centre: stays as is - is a good mix of tight cornering and long straights, great for getting to grips with the game while being scalable for higher power machines later
>coal harbour: now you've got your foot in the door the racing scenes moves off to the industrial area after hours where the authorities wouldn't be looking (it is an illegal racing scene after all). Mechanically it is considerably more technical than the city but speeds remain low, giving the player experience in more advanced corning.
>beacon hill: now that you are a player in the scene the big boys are noticing you but you can't get too close yet. The area is a combination of the city and harbour with a mix of speed and technicality with a focus on teaching the player to maintain speed in the more advanced corners now car power has increased
>jackson heights: the player is now gunning to be number 1 and the rich boys with their heavily tuned machines take notice and let you play with them. The area is all about high speed with some sharp corners so racing line matters more than ever to ensure as much acceleration as possible as competition has never been fiercer.

Fudge the airport a bit as that just exists as a location for URL races and the very start of the game (i'd possibly re-locate to be off the side of beacon hill so it can unlock with that) and suddenly progression has a much more natural flow and makes the game feel less of a slog.
Tbh it's more about color palette for me. UG2 has too much garish looking neon greens and purples.
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You should see the secret level unlocks
it's more the polygonal models and their textures/shading. It looks very cheap somehow.
This one isn't, they made sure everything fit the game's aesthetics and time period
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I like the music in Sonic R, why does it have a bad rep?
Not a good game I assume
Hard to dismiss a bad game with great music isn't it
No idea, I played it recently and it's my new favourite 3D sonic game. It's exactly what I wanted.
It's not rock music, it's too girly-pop in instrument choice, and the vocalist is a woman.
too soulful for NPCs
Damn I beat G-Police some months ago and didn't notice this. Which mission/city dome?
It is all over the large city scape stages but that particular webm was recorded in mission 30 simply because that is where I most recently saw it and it is one of the missions with no urgency now that nanosoft is dead. Note i'm 70% sure these "high quality" in game ads are only in the pc version and not the psx version (which is what i'd wager most people play - the pc version can be a real motherfucker to get working on modern windows, but it can be done).
Oh I played the PSX version.
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As I did in 1997. I never knew there was a pc release until a couple years ago so I decided to throw my modern machine at it. Turns out if you go above 100fps the handling and acceleration go crazy and at 200fps you go sanic fast and basically instantly die when you hit anything.

My Abandonware has a pre-installed version of the game which (imo) is the easiest way to get the pc version working.

Oh and completely unrelated: fuck jason plato.
If only you could strafe in it, it would've been perfect. The sequel fixes it but at the cost of not having a vertical descent button.
I really, really dislike the control changes in weapons of justice. At the very minimum the targetting now being automatic stops one of the best tactics the first game has for taking out the high threat targets - flying in, getting a weapons lock and then fucking off to pepper them with homing missiles from outside of draw distance. I get why they made the change (people just tried to only shoot the thing directly in front of them and did't leverage what the lock on system offered) but still, boo.
Yeah I like the feel of performing the targeting lock manually, but the original game allowed you to lock onto friendly targets which was frankly useless.
Try making car noises with your mouth while you play. That usually works for me
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For me, it's turning the Dualshock controller like it was a racing wheel when going around tight turns.
For me it's rocking left and right in my chair/sofa as if I'm affected by centripetal force
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Spec ii bros, did you update to 1.07 already?
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Speaking of G-Police i'm reminded that I first played it on this demo disc - a demo disc that includes felony 11-79. I played a lot of the felony demo and while it was fun it is also really rough. Obviously smashing shit up is fun (and if you reach the end without wrecking the limo the time limit goes away iirc) the handling is a bit wonky. The worst part though is is the collision - models and hotboxes are only mildly related so bouncing off invisible walls is all too common. I did want to get the game back in the day but never did and i'm kind of glad really - fucking about through an emulator to enable things like invincibility and everything unlocked is decent enough but not enough fun i'd spend money on it.
Are you using overpowered cars and steering clear of your rivals? you should be fighting for the victory until the end and get engaged that way. Use cars that yield you high A-Spec counts (100-200). If you enter a race and you see 0 from 60 A-Spec points, you're doing it wrong.
No, because the AI is broken by being based on the GT4 online version and will never be fixed.
So apparently the underground2.net mod lets me have vidya inside my vidya.
What is the name of that need for speed high stakes romhack that adds a bunch of stuff? Championship edition or something? I've never played it and was wondering if it is actually worth the effort of the base game.
I had a hunch something was off about the AI the first time I played II, good to know I'm not going crazy. Base game AI is already really bad and slow though, how does the beta fuck it up even more?
Is it just me or is that Gamecube fucking huge
QRD on this "broken AI"?
I don't know why it happens but the AI cars in the GT4 online beta (and the spec II mod consequently) are full retards. It's more noticeable in some circuits, like in Apricot Hill they'll go wide in every corner, or take other turns unbelievably slow, like the fast corner in the main straight in Paris

Sega and Namco are still making Initial D and Wangan Midnight games but they only release them in arcades.
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... So I've been racing retards for a month
...you haven't been losing right? right?
You've raced against /vr/ anons?
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Took me days to win the professional 70s championship
I fond that the AI in the PS2 version takes corners perfectly but can still be outpaced by braking hard, then turning around the bend, then accelerating while straight in the proper direction. Not really sure why this is, maybe because the more even pacing of the CPU means they aren't ever putting the pedal to the medal.
I meant to do the "petal to the medal" joke but a fucked it up.
It's a doggy dog world...
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That's the most expensive game I've bought, since I later ended buying a '69 C3 Vette and Viper GTS thanks to it.
GT4 AI is a little strange in that they never really try to "red rev". It's a bit strange to explain but you know how there's this little gauge near the speedometer that shows you how deep you're pressing the gas? The white section of it is usable speed (pure grip) but when it turns red, that's wheelspin. The AI will do its best to avoid getting red (because of course it will) but a human player with assists can get faster exits by slamming the gas while the AI is gradually speeding up. You can see it in action in B-Spec.
Pretty cool that people are still modding that game after all these years. One would think that at some point it would get old to insert ferraris into it but nope.
I love how much people in the internet has dissected that game to the point stuff like that gets noticed.
But that's also so bothersome, having to get the ideal car, not make it too slow or too fast. And I say this as someone who has beaten GT4 3 times.
That reminds me, I have beaten the game once only using German cars. So I guess that's a challenge for anyone wanting to replay GT4. Try not to get stuck using the Lupo!
>full OR2k6 online lobbies
aw yeah
that's hilarious, I'll dive into this later.
Put in some single race laps at Atlantica for a break between trying to dig in to some addresses.

My main target right now is to find and see if the AI control section at the start of practice mode can be made to stay active. That is, if it is true AI control that is happening.
god speed anon
>One would think that at some point it would get old to insert ferraris into it but nope.
A mod for the 360 or 550 with period-correct 3d models instead of imported forza shartrizon rips would be nice ngl. Similiar to the available Porsche 911 one.
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>when you complete a grueling Vitz cup in the professional leagues and get another Vitz as a reward
I wish I knew about re-rolling back then.
Alternate reality where the Gamecube was as wide/long as the Xbox, but also still a cube.
Not sure how this is possible. The first Hong Kong race in beginners league, it took me forever to beat it because I had to drive absolutely perfectly, although it might be because Spec II's default tires make everything loose and drifty.
It is track specific, and becomes more of a problem with more powerful cars as well. One of the JGTC tourneys in Spec II was fucking awful for that, with rivals going super slow or simply binning it in every turn in Apricot Hill
Good news for you: I managed to find the address that's responsible for AI driving being active in practice mode. Pic related is a hit of weirdness I found in the process of trying to locate it.

Without further ado, here's the route the AI takes, with best line turned on to show that it doesn't just follow the line: https://files.catbox.moe/axjcx4.mp4

I'm suspecting that this AI was made on an old version of Atlantica due to how it behaves at times.
It's just you. It's smaller than the XBOXHUEG in that pic still, and both the HUEG and the PS2 can only be put into trunk slots if they're big enough.
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I still play POD along with a small community of other top og players. We play a special portable version of the game geared more towards speedrunners that runs perfectly on modern systems. It's got some quality of life updates recently that includes custom starting position for ghost mode, a more accurate millisecond timer, the option to render the entire track at all times, all of which can be toggled on and off with newly implemented shortcut keys. There are also some modding tools available
I will not drive the POD
I will not eat the (graphical) bugs
I hate atlantica. The worst track in the game.
Okay so I'm boarding the NFSUG2 anniversary hype. I have the mod, but I only see the PSP and Gamecube in trunk accessories?
Also what are the new powder coat and high heat paints? They look basically identical.
is gt4 understeering a legit problem or is it a meme?
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>PSP and Gamecube in trunk accessories?
Not all of the slots are the same size - the ps2 and huegbox only fit in the larger ones.
Bullshit the same slot can fit a giant ass sub
Try it for yourself anon - there is a reason why in this pic >>11386467 the ps2 and xbox are only in the top (larger slots).
if you have understeering problems, you let us know you're a scrub
No really, fuck Atlantica. It looks ugly, causes slowdown and the obstacles suck. Every other track is better.
It's the reason why I'd recommend NFS3 and 4 on emulators. The game is massively held back by its poor performance on the PS.
Or play the arcadey PC versions.
Atlantica is one of the best NFS tracks when it comes to vibes. It's also fun driving.
Anon, never go full retard.
For me it's empire city or the mountain tracks or the desert tracks.
>Or play the arcadey PC versions.
No, thanks. PSX NFS3 in the simulation mode is one of the best feeling racing games period. The challenge of not spinning out when drifting is real. PC version is for smoothbrains.
Post your rating of NFS3 tracks and why the fuck do you love atlantica so much
Empire City
Lost canyons
Redrock ridge
Country Woods
The Summit
Rocky pass
Nah, Rocky pass is top tier.
I always wanted monster trucks for psx. Playing it years later I realised it is a very mid tier game that is wildly inferior to destruction derby 2.
It only happens with driving aids on. Deactivate them and the cars handle as normal
I keep forgetting how potatovision a great many fmvs are by the standards of today.
well if you upscale them to 4K, that's what happens
They aren't great even on a crt.
If that pic was 640x480 it'd still be full of JPEG compression chunks.
fmv sucked, the clash between real time 3d and those fmv makes your eyes bleeding
those who mention the ps1 fmv as a plus have no taste
Counterpoint: the tekken 2 intro.
I'm finding that underground2.net mod to be rather unstable, even by NFSU2 standards.
I will check that out, sounds cool.
A similar case is GTA:SA, but there's a ton of more lore friendly car mods right now.
I used to think there was, but then I learned to play using the joysticks and not the buttons.
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you can drive NFS cars in it
extreme-g bros.......
Fuck you, ps1 fmvs were soul. You n64kids didn't get it.
What's the best Sega Rally?
I kinda wish there was a NFS game that was a sort of super cut - hand picking the best tracks from the classic series, a career mode not unlike porsche's evolution and maybe some special events or something that when beaten unlock the various bonus cars the series has had (warrior, el nino, titan etc) - sort of like what wipeout HD is at heart. In practical terms it would mean making it all from scratch but still, that is the dream for me.
theres only 3 games and one of them isnt retro
>n64 out of nowhere
>I've been found out
yes, in your mind 24/7
lookin' good
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I can't imagine many people actually played this - especially on playstation.
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>getting more than 15fps
The future is now
MIDtown MIDness
I don't like UG2 very much but I reinstalled it for the anniversary. I'm trying to tune it according to the time period down to the chrome Civic tail lights but without using EA's non sensical designed parts. How did I do? Apparently the trunk can't fit a PS2 so I had to settle for a Gamecube.
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Interesting that the GameCube version has an uncapped framerate
>Sega Rally
>Sega Rally 2
>Sega Rally 2006
>Sega Rally Revo
>Sega Rally 3
That's five, four of which are retro by the board rules
1 and 2 are good, 3 looks abysmal in terms of aesthetics, Revo is almost good but has a chase camera that makes me want to kill myself, and 3 fixes the camera issue but at the cost of being inaccessible.
>at the cost of being inaccessible.
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Look at this town, it's like a concrete forest of midness
How do I fix the minimap?
It works normally for me so I would first check if you have any other scripts running that might mess with it.
A fresh install of UG2 1.2 and UG2net mod did this
How peculiar. Just as proof i'm not bullshitting you can see it working fine here.
That underground2.net mod adds a bunch of body parts for the rx7 (called touge) so it looks like Keisuke's from the dorfitoooo animu & mango.
Make sure you didn't fuck with the Reshade that came with ug2.net
I deleted the SMAA pass and that's it, but I think the minimap glitch happened before that

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