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Is it just me or do high IQ people tend to like this game? It's very intellectual
I like it and I'm very gay so take from that what you will
It's a furry anthro game obviously lots of gays like it too
I hate furries and trannies, I just dilate my anus with refrigerator vegetables on a daily basis while thinking about Paul Walker. Don't lump me in with those sodomites.
I too have noticed that this game is enjoyed by intellectual types
collectathon cringe
Hi I'm an intellectual and I enjoy this game
My favorite Banjotroid
superbanjo and superbaddy as early as the first mumbo pad. So many jiggies are a breeze because of warp pads, and I know people missed them because I almost did in both worlds until I realized I wasn't retarded. Without the frame dips there is no reason to hate this game anymore. The presentation value is off the charts, you have to admire it for that. The dialogue can still hit that sweet spot of charming and humorous, there's still whimsical jinjos and the deaths are done for laughs and raising the stakes, yet people act like it pulled a conker on banjo. Ordinance shootout best map, 9.6/10 game. The thought of going back to mario 64 after tooie was laughable. It felt a generation ahead, and kirkhope matched that energy
High IQ like complexity. You'll find them playing games with complicated rule sets. This was designed for children who by definition have lower IQs.
The levels are fun to explore especially when they intersect
Hawk tooie
It quite unironically insitss upon itself
>This was designed for children who by definition have lower IQs.
Enough about FF7, let's stay on topic and discuss the greatness that is Banjo Tooie
This is my favorite game and I've tested 85 iq with intellectual disabilities. I only play nintendo.
The Banjo games are the Dark Souls of 3D platformers
The NSO and it's consequences have been a disaster for /vr/
fuck forbid people discuss games here
The only platforming game that felt like a true adventure. Nothing else can compare to it.
It's a game for literal children.
I forbid anyone to discuss any game from the nso
It really feels like this board has turned into a tendie hugbox since covid hit
I’ve noticed that midwits tend to prefer BK and BFD. While those of us with high IQs prefer BT and DK64. Ever wonder why BK is considered the superior game, even though it’s objectively inferior in every way? Midwits, they outnumber us. That’s all.
Agreed. They're upset they have to backtrack, but you don't need to do that to beat the game. To me its fun to see what new stuff you can do in an old area, rather than being able to do everything you can in one visit.
The developers knew this, which is why they made it 70/90 Jiggies, rather than 94/100. Sure they could've shown in the view totals how many you could've gotten at that moment in time, but didn't expect "Beating the game" to be a synonym with "100%", which is where most of the complaining comes from.
It's either zoomie nintendo ball sucking or retarded console warriors in all these NSO threads. I'm glad I had a sega and a Nintendo growing up, apparently that made me well adjusted
That's Castlevania 64
as a high IQ person I can confirm this
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hard agree. I feel like people are just too fixated on "doing everything in the game" rather than just enjoying the game at their own pace and beating the game. DK64 is so much better if you aren't being autistic about collecting every item in each world.
I liked that Gruntilda was a skeleton in this game
You never thought like this when you were a kid and you're not intelligent for enjoying this bloated garbage.
Banjo-Tooie might just be the biggest secondary-filtering sequel of all time
>fuck forbid people dicksucking here
>Final battle against the witch that murdered your friend and destroyed your house, in the machine that destroyed a village
>You can't just hit it and magically harm it, you have to systematically destroy it from within
>Grunty gets increasingly desperate and throws out everything she has, to the point where she tries to fucking GAS you
>Her final desperation move is the same murder spell used in the beginning of the game

I forgot how fucking kino the final battle was.
ITT: fart sniffing
I have noticed this, yes. I suspect the Tower of Tragedy quiz show is the great winnower.
High IQ people don't play video games.
High IQs do somewhat like it (they would much more strongly if the game didn't have a running habit of wasting the player's time, and if it capitalized more on some of its missed potential.) but it's much more accurate to say that low IQs dislike it, because they just cannot fucking handle it at all.

Banjo-Tooie doesn't attract smart people, but it does filter the FUCK out of dumb/impatient ones lol.
>"Yeah I don't feel compelled to complete everything in the game in a single sweep, I'm happy to take my time and leave some things incomplete to come back to later if I want."
>"You're so AUTISTIC!"
>I liked that Gruntilda was a skeleton in this game
Holy shit, it's the chick from that Wolverine movie.
For me this game is more about exploration and figuring out the best method to do things, and a lot of gamers hate exploration and figuring stuff out on their own these days. This is why there's so many "backtracking" complaints for all these older games now. Is it because of lower IQ? It's possible.
This game leans much more into the action adventure then just being a 3D platformer and that's where the divide comes from.
>Size of a building in-game
>Slightly taller than Banjo in cutscene
It's the best 3D Metroid game
On the one hand, levels are really huge and there's lots to explore. On the other hand it's often hard to keep track of stuff you have to return to later.

On the one hand it's a cool mechanic that you return later with new moves to get more jiggies, so the past levels yield additional challenges. On the other hand the backtracking can be a bit of a chore.

All in all I'd say the direction was spot on but maybe they overshot the mark a bit. Also it needed that final level, that was really disappointing. Would of been good even if just some much smaller level with fewer jiggies, but at least something. That tower was so ominous.
Played this for the first time a few days ago and this game almost changed my entire opinion about remasters.
The N64 version is so incredibly bad it's borderline unplayable (some spots felt like 10 FPS), but the XBLA remaster fixes almost everything about it (couple of sound desync issues because its not playing at 10 FPS but very minor complaint)
If you haven't tried this, don't be a stubborn "muh original" like me. Just get the XBLA version. It's a great sequel.
XBLA version is no longer the best version of the game. The NSO version is now so good it's by far the best version of Tooie. The only thing of consequence Xbox Tooie has is the Jiggy Tips menu. Which doesn't make up for not being able to skip text for fuck's sake, the awful audio fuck-ups, or not allowing the fast walk code.
>The NSO version is now so good it's by far the best version of Tooie.
>Not Rare Replay + XboneX w/ 4k native res
Mumbo biggifies her in terrydactyland
lol can you imagine if she stayed the same size but the magic spell made her boobs bigger lmao wouldn't that be funny haha how embarassing for her haha
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>people like me are very intelligent!
Look up "Dunning–Kruger effect".
Better than Blast Corps. Feels like RARE were trying to combine the two series in a way, at least by the xbox era.
>superbanjo is illegal
>no vibrato
>soulless redesigned font and portraits
The sound in Xbox tooie is SO fucked up

I've personally never played the XBOX version but from watching some videos I've heard some parts of the sound getting glitched in Witchyworld
I always liked it more than the first and my Asian friend thought I was crazy.

Upon playing both recently they definitely are both 10/10 games in different ways. Banjo Kazooie is the one you play straight through and beat in a week or so, Banjo Tooie I am taking my time with and enjoying each world a lot more thoroughly as their own thing.
I come back to the multiplayer minigames, it is comfty. Unfortunately they don't make split screen games like that anymore

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