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It's fine to like Donkey Kong Country 3. Hell, it's even forgivable to prefer it over DKC2. But if you tell me that you think this is in any way good character design, you are objectively wrong and probably a bad person.
He's funny, in fact I've never found these RARE designs anything less than funny
He's way better than the freaks we got in DK 64.
this is a case of the british making fun of you for being childish
I like the baby theme of DKC3 until they ruin it by stating it's a sequel and not a prequel. This should've been how Dixie met Diddy. Then they'd alternate barrels, and this brings greater utility to the partner grab because you can toss em and pick up the other partner barrel if you want to switch
Retardo Kong
I like the dk64 kongs
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What are you talking about, anon. Kiddy is WILD.
Bleak is peak
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We went from THIS to controlling a literal crybaby.
Dixie in 2 was tolerable because she was Diddy's girl, she looked cool and trendy enough.
But 3 felt like the spin-off of a tv show that went on for too long and was starred by the quirky side characters because they couldn't afford to pay for the real stars outside of a cameo or two.
If only we got a 4 so he could be the main character trying to save the other three.
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>Donkey is only playable in ONE of the games with his name on it
He wasnt playable in the first game with his name on it either. If anything that's based for keeping with tradition.
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Ha ha Iookit that lil baeb y u so buff kiddo ha ha ha lookit his lil feeties that onesie don't even fit him ha ha y daddy give u that kiddo he know it dont fit u ha ha ha daddy gonna have to watch out for his bananas in a few years baeb gonna grow up mad havin to rock that drip lmao
>the texture on his lips
Do not want
that was goofy as hell and you know it
dixie's guitar was goated though
this nigga wiling
The 64 Kongs are good although Tiny and Chunky are kinda redundant, Lanky should have been in the Returns games.
Chunky Kong is a much better iteration of this archetype.
his autism scream when he dies is unbearable. singlehandedly ruins the game.
It somehow made me as furious as he was and I'd slam my controller down and scream right back. I never did that when I died in any other game.
when I looked at candy kong in dk64, i certainly felt funny
the weirdest thing about the dk64 kong was suddenly making tiny kong into a candy kong proportioned kong, next to dixie who is still proportioned like diddy
Tiny is better looking than Dixie (there, I've said it) and has the special ability of going tiny.
special abilities don't mean jack when it's tied to a barrel
It's about Kong's country, not about Donkey Kong himself.
It's because she replaced Banjo in Diddy Kong Racing DS. Dixie replaced Conker.
So you're saying Donkey Kong just has the same name as some other gorilla whose heritage is tied to "Kong's Country"?
I mean technically you don't play as Donkey Kong in any Donkey Kong Country game. In DKC1 you play as a grown up Donkey Kong Jr., son of Cranky who was the original arcade Donkey Kong that kidnapped Pauline
I have the most respect and nostalgia for the first game, the second one is the best but three is my favorite. I love the super camp vibe, the log cabins and forests and bears. I like the trading sequence and it had the most payoff for finding the secrets. But you're right, Kiddy is kind of annoying. I almost feel like they were trying to capture the teenage babysitter girl demographic or something, going on a quest to rescue their boyfriend but the kid has to tag along
Bit racist.
Then they’ll need another new Kong as his partner, or they can stick him with Donkey Kong and complete the cycle.
Bleak is pretty cool.
DK64 blows, but you're right.
lul yeah, just look at DK64
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>I almost feel like they were trying to capture the teenage babysitter girl demographic or something, going on a quest to rescue their boyfriend but the kid has to tag along
Finally, it all makes sense.
DKC3 is great, the first world just sucks and has some terrible level gimmicks. Filters most.
I really like these games, especially 2, but I've always though that pre-rendered aesthetic is more something you put up with than something that actually looks good. With raw pixels it's just vomit-inducing.
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That makes so much sense!
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Probably a new one who would get to star in 5 to rescue the other 4
to be fair his country is only in one game too even if you can see it in 2.
you're goddamn right

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