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Really like that game
I don't.

I love it.
Some mods i recommend,
Minerva metastasis
Mission improbable
Forest train

there are a lot you can play but those are well made, verified by me, anon
entropy zero is retarded, non stop idiots making voicelines. i hated it for that but its not bad (if i could replace every custom voiceline by a fart i would improve it)
Free + 20th Anniversary update

All the changes and links to documentaries and stuff are there too. They released high quality E3 footage, for example.
I bought this PC back in 2004 right out of high school just for Half Life 2 and I got bored in the middle of it and quit. I‘ve upgraded since then but still use the case. Might try playing it again when RTX comes out
What are these like? Standalone campaigns?
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This new update probably broke Obsidian Conflict, again
Thanks Volvo you faggots
based setup
Cool. Did you put that floppy drive in yourself?
Best game ever.

>Best game ever.

just the amount of mods this game has is enough to make me buy it and now its free.
the added workshop is great too, no more moddb bs with outdated stuff
its great, you can activate and deactivate mods from the hl2 menu,
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Is there a single original part left?
I put my floppy drive into your mom after she turned it into a hard drive
Did Valve at least fix all the shit they've broken since 2004 with all they Source updates?!
Call me stupid but I don't like the Episodes now being included in Half-Life 2. I already had the entire Half-Life series, but now it's harder to pretend that the Episodes don't exist.
The original ending of Half-Life 2 wasn't a great ending, but at least it was typical of a Half-Life ending: you save the day, and the spooky man puts you back in the fridge. The Episodes fucked that up by stopping two-thirds of the way through a trilogy, at a cliffhanger — and it isn't even a good "ooh gotcha but actually it's over" cliffhanger, like when the dead monster opens its eyes right at the end of a horror film so it's not over but no sequel is really needed because the rest is left to your imagination. Rather, the Episode Two cliffhanger is just a fade to black at what couldn't possibly be considered an ending. As important as Eli Vance's death was, it's not important enough to be the last thing that happens. It would be like the first Star Wars movie fading to black when Obi-Wan dies.
the optical disc drive I would imagine
>game's so bad they have to give it away for free
lol typical valve slop
I gutted it and turned it into a crypto miner 3 years ago, now it’s just a gaming pc. The floppy and disc drive aren’t even plugged in>>11386904
How about the documentary and prototype footage?
>Kleiner's VA actually sounds like him, and it's his unironic voice
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Half-Life 2 counting as /vr/ is weird to me personally because I associate it way more with the PS3 and 360 Orange Box port rather than the OG Xbox port.
Anybody watching the documentary they released today?
Really cool seeing all the cut content and early designs.
>he floppy and disc drive aren’t even plugged in
yeah but they are still in the case and that's what matters
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fyi a new hl2 beytah mega build was just posted yesterday too, almost all the old maps from the documentary like the E3 levels are playable
What a time to be alive, lads!
It's a bloody good port all things considered
It's technically very impressive but it's not a great way to experience HL2
I love it, it's comfy
HL1 on Hard is bad but HL2 really should be played on Hard. I found myself actually using physical props as cover.
Steam is not working on Windows 7 anymore, it straight up just doesn't launch. I guess I'm experiencing the 'you will own nothing' meme firsthand at the moment
I thought 3 games disappeared from my library, but they just merged the episodes and lost coast. Those bastard guys. I have to get all the achievements again.
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It installed the new update this morning for me and still works perfectly
Valve was good for a while... but something happened to them nowadays, man
That's certainly weird, my PC just freezes as soon as I launch it, I have to reboot. This started some time ago. I kinda don't give a shit but it feels bad knowing I'll never be able to play something like TF2 or L4D with friends ever again. Maybe it's time to buy a new PC after 15 years lmao
>been connected to the workshop for less than 24 hours
>already over 2k mods
>already two goth alyx mods
this gon be gud
Just install Linux Mint and learn how to run Steam and your games on it. You don't sound like someone who wants to play the most recent AAA game so your PC should be capable of running almost all your games. And TF2 and L4D became unplayable years ago, at least with randos
>I have to get all the achievements again.
You shouldn't. It should give you all of the episode achievements when you boot up the game. That's what happened to me.
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Nobody has said whether it's free temporarily or free forever?

They only gave HL1 away for a while, then stopped.
It's just till the 18th.
.dot (period)
Even when it's free on Steam, I still don't like this game. So I refuse to download it. It sucks. Have fun with it though.
It should stay the same no one wants them to try to "fix" Half-Life.
please activate windows you dunce
>learn how
it's point and click at this point, only thing that requires any know-how at all is clicking 'play all titles'
>Minerva metastasis

boring as shit
this is why I love valve
I was 1 achievement from 100% on the base game and now I have to 100% the episodes again...
>Half-Life franchise on sale on Steam
>Half-Life 2 free to play
>RTX mode for HL2 incoming
>Community Workshop mods for the game

They couldn't hint at HL3 harder if they tried
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You expect me to download and launch executables from such geographical locations?
lol fucking dream on. they finally confirmed no ep 3 on their anniversary page.
I couldn't care any less if I tried.
no epsiode 3 becaue half life 3 will be a full game
hahaha right? right?
If you click right below Episode 2 on the selection menu, it makes a sound...
By the way, in case anyone cares about the developer commentary, it seems that there's a bug where it disables itself after the first map in Follow Freeman, so if you want to hear the commentary for the chapters after that you need to manually restart the game at Our Benefactors with the commentary re-enabled.
I never understood why people keep being in denial about Alyx being HL3/Episode 3/whatever
because it does nothing to continue episode 2
yes it does, it saves eli that was extremely important for some reason (dont remember the plot i just pile things when they talk)
more importantly it advances the engine and assets to current gen and thats whats important.

anyone listened to the dev commentary??? most feel like filler but some bits about mapmaking were cool like when they go into details about how they optimized maps increasing the lightmap resolution only in surfaces that were relevant. they apparently limited the game a lot to save on performance
the plot was already kind of shitty but they actually throw it into the bin giving gman the power to timetravel and some other bulshit, they should have go full into dystopia and make them loose or something ... at the end it seemed a marvel superheoe movie... a
Because it's some AI meme shit which most people aren't gonna bother with.
>If you click right below Episode 2 on the selection menu, it makes a sound...
it does holy shit
*VR meme shit. Fuck.
>actually ACTUALLY patent FACT Half-Life 3 is confirmed
Wow does that feel good.
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Oh goddammit, the new update of HL2 wiped out all my skins and my configs. Thanks a lot, Gabe.
likely explanation is they're using a single list component and used a blank button to create a space between the games and extras/options. All the buttons in the menu are the same length regardless of text length. If you click one of the games the same space exists between 'Achievements' and 'Options'
Its hacky and bad practice and certainly not HL3 confirmed.
I enjoyed the commentary very early on when they admit the crate-stacking puzzle was a total mistake in every single way
>Temporary Half-gay 2 renting license while Steam is connected is free on Steam
idk what you mean but please leave your homosexual tendencies out of this.

this is my situation anon, i never owned a valve product until i got left for dead and half life free some years ago, now i can play in official servers without having to download it from a russian webpage, please explain how is that a negative thing???
half life 2 deathmatch is actually fun but the sprint movement is kind of broken compared with hl1 dm that has more normal movement
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Just finished "amalgam" cool mod, fully recommend if you have 2 hours but it has some pacing issues. i prefer playing short mods than the old game since it has less alyx and more complex locations.
it took me exactly 2.4 hours, i know because its on steam

honestly, it seems like theyre gearing up for something involving half life, but its valve so you never really know. i dont really care about the alyx timeline anyway so im just following infinite finality instead
I liked the Episodes being separate in your library. Why did they have to do this?
Why are you autistic enough to care that they're together now?
Just grab an Intel NUC for $200 if it's a struggle. Cheap and tiny, will do anything but modern 3D games well.
>make steam account in 2007
>spend probably $200 to accumulate 100 or so games
>"well actually you might lose access, possibly, one day

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