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That time in the early 90's when Nintendo became obsessed with Tetris and tried to create their own version of it
Yoshi (not Yoshi's Cookie) and Dr. Mario were great though, some of my most played NES games
I had Yoshi, Dr Mario and Yoshis cookie for my Gameboy and played the shit out of all of them on road trips.
Mario is not a real doctor
Hes a gynecologist
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Sega does what... Nintendoes?
>when Nintendo became obsessed with Tetris
Everyone wanted a piece of that cake. Tetris was the Fortnite of the 80's.
why does dr robotnik need to imprison small animals in his robots?
yeah, capcom was in it too with puzzle fighter
That's a good question, right up there with "Why does Yoshi lay eggs? He's a male lizard of sorts."
>Video game company creates games following popular trends
Thanks for your observation anon, you really opened my eyes to the stark reality of the industry.
they are the power source
I believe Wario's Woods is the only NES game with an ESRB rating.
dr mario was very successful. i liked it as much as tetris and all my friends' moms played it
They were fun, weren't they? They also oozed charm. What more could you ask for?
It gives him a stiffy.
Are there any gynecologists in the Sonic universe? Asking for a friend...
These. The animals don't provide the power, his boner does so he needs to keep it raging if he has any shot at stopping that sadistic sonic.
Nintendo has always thought they could punch above their weight but they end up giving the impression that they don't even know why the original thing they're challenging succeeded. They simply throw their weight at it in any way, hoping for success but ultimately falling short.
Fun fact: Yoshi (Yoshi no tamago) was devved by Game Freak
All the companies were. The tetris puzzle game craze continued until at least the 5th gen for the consoles, after that it was unacceptable to create super small games like these and less started being made... But then there was the handhelds that continued it. With the GBA to continue this into the 6th gen, and then it continued a bit with the DS with the 7th gen (Stuff like Hexagon Beat). The genre then fell victim to the mobile garbage craze and I haven't heard of a really good one in the genre since
I think that Puyo vs tetris game or whatever was popular, same with some other new installment of Tetris.
I dunno, Dr.Mario, which then was enhanced as a battle puzzle on the N64, Wario's Woods and Tetris Attack/Puzzle League are actually pretty damn good games in the genre
Yoshi's Cookie is kinda mediocre. And Yoshi is, urrg. It's fun but the game gets repetitive even faster than Cookies
In the end however, Nintendo fared so much better there than the average companies. Remember Zoop? I got this shit for almost free on Snes and what a shitshow of a game. Maybe I just "didn't get it", but man, they ported that shit to literally every single system, hoping they'd had the next Tetris on hand. But yeah, a lot of companies would attempt to make these and fail spectacularly
Well, it's not that they don't totally exist anymore, it's just that they don't exist to the level it previously did. If it does, it's a ling running franchise. I just bought Magical Drop VI because the quest mode looked interesting
But all in all, you rarely see the bigger devs put out smaller games like these anymore, which the last time were dedicated Handhelds like the DS and the Wii, which had stuff like the Kororinpa series for example

Isn't that just Puyo Puyo? SNES had one too. OP is talking about original creations by Nintendo though, I think?
Panel de Pon is fantastic, I prefer it to Puyo Puyo even as a person who really likes Puyo Puyo.
Dr. Mario > Wario's Woods > Yoshi's Cookie > Yoshi
Can't rank Panel De Pon because I suck ass at it.
Yeah, it's like Tetris was very successful or some shit.
This was all a scam on kids who couldn't read. You would think you'd get a new Mario game and then it's some puzzler. Especially when ordering games out of a magazine where it'd be merely the title and the price.
I love Wario's Woods so much it's unreal. Never liked Dr. Mario though.
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There's also Knight Move, which I believe Nintendo actually got Pajitnov himself to design. It's actually pretty fun and I like the really bizarre vibe it's got, especially with the music and sound design.

Panel de Pon is definitely their best go at making another Tetris in my mind. I think it gets the appeal of Tetris in a way other puzzle games don't in that, like Tetris, there is both a low skill floor and high skill ceiling. Playing like an idiot but with fast reflexes is fun and will get you pretty far, yet there's still a lot of potential improvement if you try to think more steps ahead. I also like the risk/reward aspect with being able to choose how far you want to bring up the blocks and giving yourself more opportunities to create big combos if you're able to think quick with them, it's a very cool expansion on Tetris's concept of speeding up the fall speed of blocks.
>but ultimately falling short.
Yeah, that's why Puyo Puyo, a franchise that started out as a clone of Dr. Mario, is so successful. NINTENDO BAD
fucking retard
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>tried to create their own version of it
They literally did that
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Knight Move is credited to JV Dialog (JV stands for Joint Venture), which was the first independent IT company in USSR, responsible for localizing various Microsoft products into Russian. I assume that Pajitnov did game design for Dialog with intention to release on computers and then it got Nintendo's attention, who ported it themselves to FDS.
How many popular IPs have had their own puzzle spin-off? These are the ones that come to mind.
>Kirby (technically)
>Pacman (technically)
>Street Fighter
>Rampage (very late to the party)
>Mortal Kombat (very late to the party)
It's a shame that Megaman never got his own puzzle spin-off, but I guess Capcom thought that one Tetris clone was more than enough.
>Kirby (technically)
No technicalities needed. Kirby Star Stacker for Game Boy and Super Famicom.
>Kirby Star Stacker
I forgot about that one. I remember playing it on an emulator some years ago.
Technically for Pac-Man? Pac-Attack is very much a puzzle game
Panel de Pon is top tier. Not just personally, but a puzzle game with a battle mode should also be rated on the possible skill ceiling/skills needed to play properly and there's practically no limits there, which is as good as it gets for battle puzzle game
Although, Yoshi is an incredibly simply puzzle game that you've seen and done everything there is to do in 10 mins, it's entirely possible the 2 player mode has more than meets the eye. Same for cookie. I don't think I'll ever manage to play a high level vs game of these with anyone else ever, so there's probably a reason nobody plays these competitively and I don't remember them having an extensive vs CPU mode either, nor did they ever came back in any form with one, for good reasons probably
Pac-Attack is a Western reskin of a Japan-only arcade game Cosmo Gang: The Puzzle.
Heroes of Might & Magic and Warlords Battlecry too. The last one revived the genre with the puzzle\rpg hybrid of Puzzle Quest.
Really? I was completely unaware of that
Yeah. Cosmo Gang were characters from Namco's game centers in Japan, so they had no international appeal. When the game was ported to Super Famicom, Namco Hometek chose not to localize it and instead decided to "Doki Doki Panic" it into a Pac-Man spinoff. They also ported it to Sega Genesis as well. Eventually Namco in Japan adopted Pac-Attack as a proper release and even remade it for PS1 in a Japan-only Namco Anthology Vol. 2 with Pac-Man graphics intact.
It's impressive how the game's main gimmick fits Pac-Man so well. It really feels like a game made with him in mind.
Tips for Dr. Mario? I genuinely think my IQ is not high enough for it. My brain can't plan ahead at all.
Play on a higher level, or hell, the highest level at Easy/Slow, you'll eventually be forced to adapt. You simply just have to not fuck up and be consistent and minimize damage as much as possible because having a pill tower of loads of different colors is long and costly to clear
It gets brutal on Dr.Mario 64 however, I have not reached this level of play and man, I do want to try it out again. You really have to set up combo chains in that
Isn't Dr. Mario 64 a very rare and expensive game?
I’ve been so surprised by the Zoop hate here. I had it as a kid for the Genesis and I loved it.
Not him, but garbage controls ruin it for me. You shouldn't have to move a whole tile just to turn.
>"Why does Yoshi lay eggs? He's a male lizard of sorts."
"He" might be a dinosaur version of New Mexico whiptail, an all female species. Being all female, they reproduce by parthenogenesis but, perhaps weirdly, half of the species choose to live as males and attempt courtship with other members of the species. They will still lay eggs.
Although NMWs engage in reproductive intercourse with related species (even producing offspring) iinm, the hybrids themselves are infertile, leaving NMWs an eternally female species since without males providing genetic material, parthenogenesis can only create female offspring.
They're not the only all female species of reptile but they're the only one I know of where several of them act like trannies. Yoshi is a tranny. This is perhaps the only time when bringing up trannies in relation to Mario games has ever been relevant.
Me too. Got it cheap when a local store went out of business.
The actual answer, according to Miyamoto, is that Miyamoto doesn't care about realism or lore at all and thinks people who overthink the lore side of game mechanics are dumb. Yoshi lays eggs because Miyamoto liked it as a game mechanic and never thought it through further than that.
>cartoon robotnik is canon
He uses them for their brains because programming AI is too hard. Just like those rat brain robots people have made in real life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-0eZytv6Qk
that's fair. he probably wants no homework to be necessary before playing a game. you should be able to just plug it in, play it, and "get it"
Zoop begs for a rotary controller. I would play much better if you just moved around the perimeter of the square instead of walking across a 16-tile field.
It's more complicated than that. Short answer is yes but Yoshi don't reproduce by laying eggs.
I know it's all funposting and hahaposting when it comes to Yoshi nowadays but I gotta rep lorefags on this one and say it's more interesting than it might initially seem.
So there were ancient Yoshi, which were bigger, and went extinct along with other dinosaurs due to natural disasters. Their egg shells remained around in pieces, and new lifeforms like Goombas and the like, started using these egg shells as shelter. Then, 5 meteorites fell from the sky, actually from Native Star or Star World (the 5 "star road" found on Dinosaur Land map). These stars falling caused the broken old eggs to come together again, trapping the new creatures inside, and with some sort of special energy, the creatures inside merged and formed a new Yoshi, revived from extinction. It's almost like a reverse theory of dinosaur extinction, where a meteorite actually revives them, somehow.
In both SMW and Yoshi's Island, Yoshi never gives birth to a new Yoshi, his eggs either give items like 1ups or are shallow and only seem to be useful as ammo.
I wonder if the colored Yoshi you can find at Star World are maybe ancient Yoshi's souls or something like that. You know, like the old "the stars are our ancestors" kind of thing.
Another thing I find interesting is how SMW came out basically the same day as the JP original novel book, and this lore about Yoshi getting revived by mixing its fossil eggs with new creatures remind me of JP's whole using frog DNA to complete the chain.
Nope. Wrong. New Mexico whiptail.
You're wrong.
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Miyamoto just liked eggs as gameplay elements.
My gf loved Yoshi's Cookies on Tetris DS
That mountain peak look sus.
Nope. Whiptail.
>this Japanese video game character is based on some random North American lizard no one has heard of even though the creator of the character literally says it's based on nothing and is pure contrivance for the sake of gameplay and aesthetics that he explicitly tells people to stop questioning or reading into
Robotnik was under that weird phase where they were trying to figure out which design they should staple.
Nah, I'm still curious.
And i need to see if Yoshi has a cloaca or not.
SEGA of Japan knew exactly what they wanted. NoA was allowed to humor the gay ass Shitbotnik cartoon design, for a localized spin-off game.

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