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How many different retro games do you usually play through at a time anons? Do you play multiple games on different systems or do you stick to one?
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I tend to stick to 1 RPG, and various action/arcade games but not that many either, like 1 rpg and 2 or 3 arcade games is my balance.
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Usually 1 game on my vita (Parasite Eve 2) or the kids switch and whatever IL playing on my consoles (played mlb slugfest 2003 and tekken 4 with my wife last night, finished the quake 1&2 recently and working on a DMC ps2 run and a medal of honor ps1 playthrough, also been playing predator 2 for sega)
I only ever watch walkthroughs, lurk on this board and time travel in my memory
I typically just watch Let's Plays and use the information I get from those to trash the game in /vr/, unless the game is really bad.
One at a time.
i'm always playing all of the top all most anything retro games of all time
>Doesn't feel compelled to play youtubers game of the week
>Doesn't scroll through ROMs randomly starting games and playing for 20 minutes
>Doesn't get filtered by simple puzzles and rage quit only to come back and fail again and again
>Finishes things he starts
lol. Are you older than 12 or something?
One main game im trying to beat and lots of random games to play 30 min every now and then

1 or 2 at a time
this is the way to do it, as far as i'm concerned
I play a whoooole bunch. I counted once and at that time it was like fifty.
Whenever I finish one it's a massive event for me because I'll have been chipping away at it for years.

Not sure if this is the best method, but I do appreciate how the music feels fresh for me every time I play.
Right now, I'm mostly playing NES and Atari 2600 games with a little PSP here and there.
If I'm actually trying to beat the game, one at a time. These games were made to be sold for $50+ and be worth that investment, so unless you're abusing save states to save time, a game should take up your whole attention. If I'm just killing time and having fun, no limit. I could cycle through several platformers and puzzle games casually if I just want to enjoy myself
i dont play retro games, i shitpost about retro games
One game at a time.
I also hate JRPGs so my playtime per game is not very excessive
Dunno if it's "the" way but it's what works for me. Don't have time or the required memory/attention to play more than that.
I play ut2004 since it came out and another game
playing multiple games is a surefire way of not finishing anything
One or two. If the game is long enough, that is. There are lots of games which can be beaten in 2 hours or less, so you don't actually have to juggle. There are also titles which don't necessarily need commitment, and that's what I play often: basically genres like fighting or arcade/kart racing and arcade sports.
Great game to pass the time: The New Tetris (N64). You can play alone, with up to 4 friends, or even against the CPU (the game chugs a little because of AI processing though). There's nothing more to it, just basic and fun Tetris, straight to point. Easy to get in, easy to get out and come back later.
One game at a time. For retro I have an autistic system list that I roll on per gen (with some irrelevant rules) that way I play a bunch of stuff I normally wouldn't. Mixing playthrough I'd probably only do if I'm familiar with the games.
>I'm usually gaming on 2-3 devices at a time.
based octopus
No matter what game it is I only play one game at a time until I beat it again, or if I just have to move on if I can't fully complete it or whatever. I never have multiple games going at the same time.
The one exception to this is that I'm also playing PSO BB with my irl friends right now so that's a different story.
I make no distinction between retro and modern. I play whatever I want when the mood strikes me. If I hook up a specific console than chances are I will play games for it for a while but I will absolutely dig out the ps2 just to play smackdown vs raw for the weekend and put it away after. Sometimes I will make a point to finish games that I start but not always. I've gotten better at resuming old save files rather than compulsively starting a new game and I've found this has increased my overall enjoyment. Ultima online is always at least on the back burner.
Replaying Mega Man X3 tonight. It's definitely the weakest of the trilogy, but still can be fun. Do you replay your games, anons?
I stick to:
1 game on PC
1 game on console
1 game on handheld
The PC and handheld games might be console games emulated.
Depends on the game and a few other things. Some games are only good if you focus on them. Other games it's easy to pick them up and put them back down. I generally like to focus on and finish the story-driven games one at a time because it helps me stay immersed.
are you neurotypical
why, of course. Are you NOT?
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My brothas

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