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I don't get it. It's just going through mazes and getting raped by enemies every 5 steps. It gets boring. Did people back in 1987 really enjoy this?
Idk about 87 but i had fun in 2007. Only rpg i got 99 across the board on due to getting hopelessly lost somewhere, maybe the dwarf mountain.
Not sure how you managed to get lost. The official manual for the NES version handholds you through 55% of the game.
> Did people back in 1987 really enjoy this?

Yes and it lasted for years, every FF game released in the west (including the GB ones) were constantly in players' top 10 in Nintendo Power
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>I don't get it. It's just going through mazes and getting raped by enemies every 5 steps.
this your first rpg?
Not at all. The first RPG I played was Skyrim in 2012.
Na, not really. Nobody cared about final fantasy until FF7, most people’s first rpg was Super mario RPG.

Yes. It was a relatively new type of game and many of the fans were kids.
>getting raped by enemies
You're doing it wrong. You should be raping the enemies.
Level cap is 50.
Spoken like a true zoomer.
Play more (retro) RPGs.
Kek. Explains it all.
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I would say that FFI is more playable than both Dragon Quest 1 and 2.
No. It came out in 1990
was 4chan bait alays this obvious and lame?
>why don't people from 30 years ago think like I do now?
magic doesnt scale in ff1 its fucking BROKEN
What's not to get? Did you read the manual? Did you talk to the townsfolk? Did you grind a little bit? I played a little over halfway through it like two years ago and I thought it was awesome. Those dungeons got to be pretty scary places. That opening was super good. Overworld map was a work of art. Just don't make 'em like that anymore.
yeah but it's broken in a good way. the magic system was based on old dungeons and dragons rulesets where magic users started off weak with few spells and got more powerful as the game progressed.

as you level, you will be able to cast low level spells a bunch of times without needing to rest. resting is key, you need to visit the inn often in early game to recharge your magic. the number of high level spells you can cast before resting again will still be somewhat limited but unlike later games, spells like LIT1 and LIT2 but do considerable damage even to high level enemies. so spell choice is actually extremely important especially at the lower levels. you want to maximize the number of damage spells you are able to cast. don't waste slots on spells that don't do damage, unless you've already got one in that level bracket.

you biggest mistake, though, is relying on magic at all. it's just not that important in FF1. for your first playthrough, the secret is to have TWO fighters in your party. not a fighter and a black belt, not a fighter and a thief, not a fighter and a red mage - TWO FIGHTERS in the top two positions (position is very important, stick your weak characters at the back).

with three fighters in your party the game becomes trivially easy. you can't even build a party like that in later versions of the game.
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who wouldn't love this little fucker
Two fighters on a first play would most likely lead people into grinding a LOT for money at the Elf village to buy gear

Whereas you wouldn't do that with a B. Belt or a Thief
that's wrong. fighers are so badass you don't even need great gear for them. plus grinding is MUCH easier with two fighters. everything is easier with two fighters. the game is unbalanced and fighters are the most overpowered class.

after the first playthrough, go ahead and use one fighter. nintendo power magazine fucked up everyone's perception of this game with their lies. by todays standards this game is hard. you don't want a 'balanced party' on your first try. you want TWO angry unruly fighters who are damned near invincible wearing only leather armor and hitting shit with cheap swords.
I'm not saying you need, I'm saying a first player is gonna thinks he needs it
So basically I fucked up having a (((balanced))) party? I'm at the sea shrine level and I'm getting molested by whirlpools of water now.
oh, you're absolutely right and i did that when i was new player. as for weapons, the game seems to expect you to have more than one fighter with how it gives you so many fighter weapons that other classes can't even use. before you even escape the bay, you'll have like three good swords to choose from. i like that the best weapons aren't even for sale and you get them for free by exploring the dungeons and getting all the chests.
Meh it's a better olay through giving everyone a unique class imo. Most people are only gonna play through ff1 once.
no, you're fine. it just means that you'll have to level up a bit more and the game will be harder. i never beat ff1 when it came out because i thought it was too hard. i followed the advice in nintendo power and gave up before i even got to the class change part (which is awesome btw). i didn't actually beat it until a few years ago and i did it by making the game stupid easy with two fighters. it was so much fun that i played though again but with three fighters. i'm usually much more interested in magic users, but the strategy for using them in ff1 is kind of different from other games.

as you level up your black belt is going to get better and better. one trick with those guys is to make sure he DOESN'T have a weapon equipped because at higher levels he does more damage with fists than any weapon. completely counter-intuitive, you just have to know.

you're pretty far in the game already. you've nearly beaten it with your "balanced" party. further than i got, anyway. keep going, be proud you're playing on hardmode.
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its called being COMFY you pineapple haired brain-fried zoomer doomscrolling-addicted faggot
>I don't get it.
>u just like press buttons and things happen on the screen?
>like it doesn't show tiktok videos or let me scroll\DM other men?
This is funny. Thank you. Is this the zoomer mindset?

I beat FF1 as a child in the 90s so this thread is amusing. I even made maps and had a notebook to write clues and whatever in it. My best friend bought FF1 too after seeing me play it and so did my cousin. They beat it too back then.

My party was fighter, thief, w.mage, b.mage and it never failed me.

That's almost the same party my sister and I always played with. But we had a red mage instead of the white mage.

I would never have written clues. I was one of those chumps who just relied on secrets given by other people (including official guide material). That stuff didn't matter to me at all back then. Oh well. I still loved the game.
Of course it is, FF1 came out a long time after both of those games when you account for how quickly Famicom development got very sophisticated. Dragon Quest III, which was released closer to the first FF, clearly mogs it.
>getting raped
Skill issue.
That was the classic party but thief is useless and red mage mogs white and black mages.
Would have been better off replacing the black mage with the red mage. White magic slots and physical attacks are more useful than black magic.
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It will rustle FF1 enjoyer's jimmies, but your assessment is pretty accurate. Understanding why the game was fun 40 years ago requires some explanations.
There wasn't anything like that on console. Arcades have beautiful and fast paced games. But a game that allowed you to self insert (isekai style) was a novelty. Not only it was fun, I'd argue it was far more engaging back then when nothing else came close to it. Besides, in my opinion, this short of gameplay is not different than modern openworld games, except it is actually more focused. Rather than spending 40 hours solving fetch quests, you play as a group of heroes in a particular quest. Every dungeon you beat is relevant to the story of the game (defeat the four fiends).

You had to be there.
In the PS1 and later versions, it's 99. Most people did not play the NES version.
Not him, but were you implying that ff is better than skyrim? Come the fuck on. You could say it was more influential but that's debatable, as skyrim approaches retro age.
I played the NES version as a kid. I didn't speak English at the time so I was utterly lost for most of the game but I soldiered on. In fact the first time I could make some progress in the game was when I said fuck it and I picked 4 fighters for my party so I demolished Garland and was able to start making progress through the game until I got to the Marsh Cave (or something like that) where there are some enemies that require fire magic to beat so I realized I had to restart my game with a more balanced party.
He's not wrong. FF1 was a big success but its audience in the West was far smaller than Asia. And we didn't even get FF 2 and 3 until 2007.
>level 99
Why would he have the NES manual when he obviously played the PS1 or PSP version?
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Wrong, we got FF2 and FF3 in the 90s. Then they skipped a bunch of numbers for no reason on PS1.
Skyrim is boring as hell. At least ff1 is good for an afternoon
What do you even want in a RPG?
This was one of the most popular NES games around 1990. One of the consistent top 5 right behind Mario 3.
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No, you are wrong. FF1 sold basically as much on NES as it did on Famicom. It was also better regarded on NES than on Famicom because the US version benefitted form Nintendo publishing and marketing and on the contrary on Famicom it had a lot more competition within the same genre.
FF2 and 3 were planned to get released as well, and FF2's translation was 95% done, the only reason that didn't pan out is by the time it took to do it (coupled with the fact that Square of US was just getting started) the SNES was there so they skipped them in favor of FF4 and then a similar thing happened with FF5 and 6
>Final Fantasy Ledgend
I don't understand how they got shit to look that good back when they didn't have remotely decent computers.
I like swords.
for me it's spears

honestly, my biggest gripe with ff1 is that there's no spears
And then you must escape from combat to save your time and resources while in the dungeons.

There is nothing wrong with this game. It's the most basic easy to play classic RPG. If you don't like it because of your ADHD, play more modern games...
If you ever wonder why Phantasy Star 2 gets a lot of weird appreciation from old people it's because it got localized before FF1 despite being like 2 years younger in Japan.
And if you ever wonder why people like FF1 at all its because it got localized 2 years before DQ3 despite releasing at the same time in Japan.
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I'm a zoomer. I don't care about what old people think.
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I know you're a zoomer and were born directly into a world of overstimulation and 24/7 connections, but back in the 80s and 90s these things weren't problems. People used to get bored. When you're truly bored and have nothing else to do, of course Final Fantasy is going to be a blast to play.
God I miss those days.
I didn't realize DQ3 got localized at all
It was localized on NES and GBC.
it's not even about overstimulation imo, though it plays a small part...

I'm a zoomer, and I believe it has much more to do with artificial food causing metabolic problems which causes the general population to develop ADHD & other mental disorders

When I switched to a more natural diet, which involves cooking my own food, I find myself to never ever get bored even if all I'm doing is staring at the sky or massaging my cat.

I enjoy games so much more than I used to, thanks to mental clarity, and I am more confident in how good I am and how long I can go without getting tired or bored...
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it's really just poison in the first dungeon that's difficult, stock up on antidotes and save magic for curing it. It was my first and only FF until 7 came out.
You are correct about the food and mental issues, but ADHD is fake and gay just like the pharmaceuticals that are pumped out to make people crazy.
It's a part of why nu-games are almost soul suckingly shit.
>>you biggest mistake, though, is relying on magic at all. it's just not that important in FF1.
Wrong. The bosses and strong singular enemies fighters and black belts are good at fighting aren't that dangerous in FF1. It's big rape squads of cockatrices and mindflayers that will kill you if you don't have black magic users to blow them all away at once.
>why Phantasy Star 2 gets a lot of weird appreciation
Because kino ending
ADHD is real, but the solution to ADHD is a nutrient dense whole food diet rich in animal protein and animal fat and low in sugar. That will actually fix the problems in your brain; pharmaceuticals just numb the symptoms by giving you worse brain damage instead of addressing the root cause of the problem.
I played the GBA version of Final Fantasy I as a 12 year old and the repetitiveness wasn't really bothering me

I did get lost and stuck though at some point so had to stop

Nowadays I could never go back to this and I've long since discovered how much I dislike Final Fantasy as a whole
Is there anything glaringly wrong with Dragon Warrior 3 NES such that I should avoid it and play a remake or TL hack or something
I just got this, I figured the Autismos can do something with it. Fitting how it's from a nostalgia thread
>skyrim had a deeper rpg system than ff
>kek explains it all
>literally explains nothing

There is a serious overflow glitch if you create too many characters but you aren't likely to stumble on that on your own
As you well know, the SNES FF2 and FF3 were FF4 and FF6 respectively on the Super Famicom.

FF2, FF3 and FF5 didn't originally receive western releases.
Just don't go to a pizza hut these days, anon
you're both correct. whether ADHD is real or not doesn't matter, it's just a made up condition by doctors that relates to certain text book symptoms.

The fact of the matter is people are not happy these days, and are being prescribed more often this drugs, but they do it before a diet intervention and I believe that is a symptom of systematic corruption in the food and drug industry...

bottom line is, if you want to be happy and enjoy your life and gaming better, the key is to cook your own food while avoiding artificial ingredients.
NES games were bullshit. This is not a surprise the game was like this. BS difficulty was normal back then. I will have to play it myself to find out.
thats what i did playing it for the first time recently, i had a good time playing it and liked the idea of getting prepared with specific spell slots, like older d&d
hasting up and all that, and using the element protection spells to defend the whole party against bosses that looked like they would use it was fun
i probably wont play it a second time, but only because i plan on going for the second etc
but, anonymous, white magic is gay

luck doesn't work, so thief becomes a bad warrior. unless I guess you play the non-nes versions? my choice is Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, Black Mage
Zoomer here. I fuckin' love classic FF games, even though I still play modern games like FFVII Rebirth & Dark souls R.I.P.
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You don't have to choose of course. 80's games hit differently, because they were targeting a demographic who wanted to immerse themselves into a different world. Since late 90's fantasy implies modern world thinly disguised as an alien an esoteric kingdom. The idea of defeating evil because it is evil, and not due to personal grievances makes you understand the world differently. From the perspective of an hero or savior, not someone who wants to find himself. That kind of immersion is pretty much lost (though DS actually did great in that regard, but it's the exception not the rule).
No amount of kek can save us from comments like this.
its flawed, a product of its time, charming, but outdated, and there are better games, but i still enjoy it
What's crazy is that there are 20 year olds who think they're full-on adults and got into gaming by playing Skyrim at 8. Time is fucked up
Don't remind me, it still baffles me that the majority of people who played RE for the first time played 5 or 6.

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