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Why's he the bad guy just because he wants the streets of Tokyo-to to be safe and free of ugly graffiti? Captain Onishima was a good man. The GGs are a criminal gang who belong in prison.
He's a bad guy because he wants to fucking shoot Cube
Sup cap'n
I heard the gang's leader stuck a cross up a nun's cunt.
>ugly graffiti
It's the only thing bringing beauty to the pessimistic hellscapes we call modern cities
OP is baiting but graffiti niggas in the real world are annoying stoners. There are some geeky niggas but they're not shonen heroes like in the game.
It's not like the game is pretending that you aren't playing as criminals and that the objective of the game isn't to commit crimes.
Only chuds hate vandalism.
Even if you agree with him, shooting an underage because of graffiti is plain retarded.
Did anyone download graffiti skins back when this was on Dreamcast?
Things did escalate I suppose. Attack choppers and tanks seem like an extreme reaction to vandalism.
Meanwhile, Bonanza Bros. has to be localized so that you're "testing security systems" and "gathering evidence" when it's obvious that you're thieves looting banks and casinos.
You only say that when its done by white hipsters.
I am a chud
Yes. Took so bloody long to dial up, get the browser to the right page, browse the gallery and download. All for significant chunks of your VMU to get taken up by meh grafiti. Doing custom ones would be worth the effort more but at the time getting the data onto the VMU was difficult in a win9x + dial up world.
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this guy is a cop??? why does he look like a degenerate of society? the vandals look cleaner and more nice than this guy!
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I think he'>>11387658
s supposed to be a parody of Dirty Harry
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It's almost like there's some sort of bias that favors the delinquent protagonist roller blade/graffiti gang against the law enforcement trying to do their jobs that seeps into the design.
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nice to see someone gets it
why did they put this disclaimber for graffiti but they dont do it in games where you kill people
My friends and I started skateboarding and breaking things because of tony hawk. We didn't start stealing cars and killing hookers because of gta
Probably because it's way way more likely that you play JSR and want to start tagging things yourself.
Does the Japanese exclusive version have Japanese voices with English text?
>Killing hookers is art. However, killing hookers as an act of murder is a crime. Every state/province has murder laws that apply to killing hookers, and local entities such as cities and counties have anti-hooker killing ordinances.
>haven't thought of this game in years.
I wonder if my Dreamcast still works. I have it somewhere...
But hookers are already dead inside.
its about protagonist vs antagonist. doesnt have to be good vs evil in every game.
Nobody will get that reference.
what's the best way to get started with jet set radio?
by playing the game
what if i don't understand the cultural background behind the game? i'd be totally lost and that's scary
What's more scary is trying to discuss games before playing them. Socialism
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I don't get this notion of needing to read a thesis to play the JSR games. They're just urban platformers with nice soundtracks and that's it, ignore any youtubers with negative testosterone telling you that these are some sort of odes to Y2K culcha and that you should prostrate in front of them before playing. They're fucking Sega games, by definition they're as unpretentious as they come.
i know, i was just joking in reference to one particular earlier thread, after i asked a stupid question. i'm sorry
Because it's easier to do than kill a bunch of people without getting killed by cops.
You stupid idiot.
you tag in (later) tony hawk games. I think its just parents overly freaking out about everything.
2000s graffitis had soul and skill though.
from what I remember

> UFO and alien with a shopping bag giving a thumbs up on the iron double doors of a small grocery shop
> Blues Brother on the concrete wall behind bus stop
> Paper Mario stomping Goombas on some old wall which you can only see while looking out of the bus window passing by
> a cat drawn from rear angle farting swear word clouds out of butthole

Pure art. Nowadays, it's just some punks leaving their "I WUZ HERE" signatures and drug dealer contacts.
Looks more like a Columbo parody to me.
>And one more thing Mr. Beat... where did you say you were again on the night Benten got sprayed? You were dancing right here in this garage, correct?
Amazing how fucking lazy this janny now is.
Yes except for Cube and Combo who use their English dub voices.
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I always heard it as "The coolers in your face" assuming it was some lingo I just didn't get lol

>googled for a picture of a cooler to accompany post
>found a dbz villain instead

Bet if I was into DBZ I would've assumed they meant him.
congas in your face but i think crew sounds good too
you already made a thread about this that received answers
you must be new here
He was the bad guy because he was unhinged enough to kill you over it. There's upholding the law and then there's just being a nutcase.
I loved Captain Onishima as a foil for the gang. He definitely had the 70s surly cop look and I think he was a parody of Dirty Harry as well as Columbo since he also used his .44 Magnum loaded with rubber bullets to shoot at you.
As much as I still love Jet Set Radio Future too, I feel like the police chief in that game was such a step down in coolness.
Jet Set Radio Future is horror, not comedy like the prequel.
Found my copy. Yay.
>authorizes lethal force on children for graffiti & skating.
>calls in SWAT & military over vandalism.
>is so in the pocket of corporate interests that he kidnaps someone on foreign soil on his master's orders.
>allows said corporate masters to conduct MK ultra-tier experiments on children to brainwash them into being conscripts.

hayashi is meant to be crazier than onishima but is nowhere near as evil as him. the worst he did was kidnap people and force them into gladiatorial fights where the losers got lobotomized.
He betrayed the law
>the worst he did was kidnap people and force them into gladiatorial fights where the losers got lobotomized.
that's still heinously evil
What's your skin color?

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