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hinto for the last ep says the game title ends in "kids", meaning it's likely:

>Liquid kids (PCE)
>Snowbord kids (N64)
>Toilet kids (PCE)
>Virtua Fighter Kids (SS)
You forgot an obvious one:

>"Uesutan kizzu"
>"Western Kids"
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Famicom detective games are fun though they are linear and not much actual detecting.
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>Season 28: Episode 13 (#389) "______ Kids" premieres on Thursday, November 28th.
We'll find out what it is in a few days.
>#304 Sep. 17, 2020 Mappy Kids {FC}

That one's been done. Maybe it'll be Booby Kids this time.
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No JP version so won't be in a challenge.
Yet another FC challenge would be a bit bland, but Cowboy Kid is a solid game so it gets a pass. My personal wish is for Liquid Kids. It would feel strange to challenge a Virtua Fighter spin-off when there's other 3D fighters of the era to challenge, especially on the Saturn.
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Arino's casual clothing.
Not to get political but I love big tits
Latest ep has Kibe saying that management (producer Kan) said that the fishing mini-corner was a disapointment .
Sprelunker is an exploration game? Didn't know that. I thought it'd be a linera game. Oh and you can play as a wizard in II?
is that nao jinguuji
They should really do another run of To Catch A Catch Copy. Kibe, Arino, the announcer lady, one halfway personable AD, and one autismo AD. They could do SFC or PSX games this time instead of Famicom.
great titties
but I'd still chosse Ogawa-san over any of them
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Arino owes me CX
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Normal girls are charming. I'll take tired gascoin girl instead
That looks awful. AI is so bad at translating.
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t. meatbag whining they're being replaced by AI overlords.
I sure do love watching my favorite TEFL ONE Sports tone bang etai, Game Center GX! It's a miracle that it got four of the staff names correct. The one on the right should be Tetsuka.
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That can be transliterated as "Tezuka" or "Tetsuka". It's the same kanji. Tezuka seems to be the older way of rendering it, while Tetsuka is more modern.

Example of someone with the same "手塚" who is rendered as "Tetsuka".

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>TEFL ONE Sports tone bang etai

It's opaque text in the top right, so it's shocking that they're able to translate anything at all, and likely the curtains are confusing the AI. It's not really impactful.

Here is Google translating the text for the OP image.
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>Subtle gamer merch?
手塚 has at least five different readings. This particular AD happens to be Tetsuka. I remember seeing it written out in a profile somewhere, which is common to dispel any doubt about someone's name.
The point is that it's not really a major error but a contextual one which an AI is never going to figure out on its own. It's not like it's translating it as Mary Jane Bob. All the errors that I've seen are mostly contextual ones that a human would have to actually understand the situation to translate properly, and AI isn't at that stage yet. For that the AI would have to be able to look at a scene and try to figure out the context and who is saying what to whom. The pronouns are an area that they mangle endlessly.
True, there are some things that an AI is just never going to get right, and there are other things that could take years for it to become competent at doing.
>True, there are some things that an AI is just never going to get right,

Never is a long time. The next phase would be to have another pass where it actually looks at the visuals and tries to identify the context. ie this is a man talking to a woman.
Liquid Kids was also released on Saturn
Oh neat. The show has a fetish for the original releases even if later releases were improved which is why they have a hard-on for Famicom ports.
casual arino always looks snazzy
I wonder how much he hates that ugly green uniform they force him to wear
I liked when arino's "rank" within the company changed and his outfit color changed along with it
new ep confirmed tomorrow.
Less than 8 hours till the usual time now.
It won't be Liquid Kids, it's called Mizubaku Daibouken in Japan.
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>Arino is Baped up
Wonder if he'll mention this in one of the episodes? He usually mentions if he meets up with comedians or tv presenters.

It's Survival Kids.
>Survival Kids, known as Stranded Kids in Europe and Survival Kids: Kotou no Boukensha in Japan, is a Game Boy Color game developed by Konami that was released in 1999. The gameplay revolves around surviving on a deserted island. The game features an open-ended structure that presents the player with multiple ways to progress through the game.

Oh nice, even better. GBC.
thank god it's not snowboard kids.
Expecting ADs to be clad in loincloths giving survival tips.
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never ever.
just finished season 2
the PoP two parter is my favorite so far

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