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do you prefer your NES boneless or bone-in?
I use a toploader nes and it’s so much better than the og nes. I do use the og nes controller tho, just because the bone controller I got with it didn’t work properly. I often use the nes advantage as well.
I don't like the stiff ass dpad and my controller is one of those random cases of "it's stuck being yellow forever"
what about muh jailbars though
>Build quality feels cheaper
>A and B buttons are in the wrong alignment
>Round corners aren't really an ergonomic improvement
Dog bone was a good idea, but terribly executed.
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The harsh rectangle of the NES controller is fine. I've never had the slightest problem with it. The console, on the other hand, sure does like to refuse to start up games correctly. If the toploading version fixes that the way everybody says it does, then I guess I'd prefer that one.
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I prefer it supersized
I have never played NES on an NES, or Famicom. I used to emulate it on my PS2, now I use the FPGA core on my EverDrive 64.
The toploader sucks. You get worse picture quality and I like the iconic look of the side loader. I like the dogbone controller, because if you play a difficult NES game for two hours where you use a firm grip like Ghost N Goblins the side of the rectangular controller start digging into your hands like a motherfucker. The rounded edges of the dogbone feel better.

Side loader + dogbone is the best way to play.
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I just went with the prime rib myself
Fuck that cheap shit. Slowing down the game for Kung Fu? That's cheating.
Is the D-pad identical to the SNES one?
it's blacker unless you paint it or something
I've been faithful to the old rectangle NES pad for decades, even using it for my Famicom 2. Then last year I finally ordered a dogbone (Japanese one too which are presumably better than the US) and I ended up not liking it.
The d-pad was super stiff but that might just be mine.
oh and I even got an USB adaptor from raphnet to use my old OG NES pads with computer emulation
>Japanese top loader is known as NEW FAMICOM or A/V FAMICOM
>One of the selling points was the A/V input as the FAMICOM only offered RF
>NTSC-U Toploader removed the A/V jacks and only offers RF
What the fuck were they thinking?
Yes, and you can mix-match parts from the SNES controller. You could make a dank modded version if you liked.
You didn't beat the meat.
This was literally a disadvantage for most NES games. Platformers for example.
The mechanism of sideloading is the reason why you blew off your cartridges, it's fucking unreliable
>use a everdrive
>never have to take it out
>cartridge slot never fucks up
just werks
Clean your pins, dummy.
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If only...
Based. I found thise grips for like a $1 at my old game store's "junk" pile. Super comfy and, of course, work with the NES Classic controller too.
I get all these old games working. The problem is the pins become dirty over time. You use Q-tips and rubbing alcohol and all this black grime comes off the pins, then the game works again. NES games are rugged, really the only thing that will make them stop working is water damage.
I've never used a dogbone NES controller, but it just looks wrong. I've also never had the problem of the corners of the OG NES controller digging into my palms. Do people seriously grip the controller that hard? Just have it rest in your hands
The dogbone is the least ergonomic first party controller I can think of.
The angle of the buttons is bad, but not that much different than the Game Boy. It must be the shape and bump that makes it feel as awful as it does.
Nintendo of Japan wanted to keep supporting the console so they offered the AV Famicom as an updated model, Nintendo of America was phasing out the NES and basically just stripped it down into a budget model to encourage the last of their stock to move.

Sucks, but AV modding a top-loader is like babby's first soldering project, the kit costs like $15.
>Do people seriously grip the controller that hard? Just have it rest in your hands

I can't help it during intense games like Contra and Battletoads and Ghost N Goblins. If you're playing a slow paced RPG then yeah you can rest the controller in your hands.
How small are your thumbs dude
But your right thumb moves in an arc shape the other way....
Instead of swinging your thumb you would instead bend and retract it like a toggle. For some people that's far more comfortable.
>not rocking your thumb across both buttons
You must suck at platformers.
I can't tell if this is a good idea or a bad idea
Couldn't be any worse than how the piece of shit actually is.
>Can't install your own color palette.
nes dogbone b and a buttons are placed so that you keep your thumb inbetween both buttons with each side of your thumb placed over both buttons, and shift your thumb left and right to whatever button you need to press. its the ultimate filter if you have baby thumbs.
as an xbox kid it would be weird to play what is essentially X and A instead of A and B
it was good for shmups and beat em ups tho
Japanese top loader came out after the american one.

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