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Just finished playing this game for the first time and I do not understand why it gets so much hate. The story was very comprehensible and easy to follow. Ultimecia does not "come out of nowhere" like so many people claim..you literally see her leaving Edea's body at the end of disc 2, and then Edea goes on to talk about how she was possessed, meaning that Ultimecia has been influencing her since disc 1.

The junction system was a ton of fun. The only time I felt like I ever drew any magic was at the start of the game when I put together a small pool of spells for Selphie before I had magic refines from the GFs. Once you get the magic refines, killing monsters for items, playing cards, etc gives you all the magic you will ever need. I think at level 100 I spent 5 minutes stocking 300 meteor from a Ruby Dragon for junctioning, but that was it. Junctioning magic to ele/status atk and ele/status def was interesting and felt like it gave a level of customization that is unheard of in the series prior to VIII. I really liked how the girls could use all schools of magic because it made casting magic very enjoyable and dynamic. I ended up using Squall, Rinoa and Selphie in the end, and had Selphie cast Cerberus for 2x and 3x and enjoyed the casting more than any other game in the series.

I adored the "realistic" character designs when contrasted with the chibi shit from previous entries. The summons/GFs also had very nice designs relative to the others in the series.

Ultimecia's Castle was the best final dungeon in the series as well. That place was dripping with sovl, especially compared to that shit hole crater from VII.

This game has a certain aura of magic and elegance to it that I've never seen in any other game. I loved it and think the haters are just too stupid to enjoy it.
some bad reddit spacing at the end there for having to cut out parts due to character limit, but the only real criticism that I've seen online is that the GF memory thing felt kind of forced and like the writers were reaching a bit there. Also, Squall and Rinoa had a lot of character development compared to the rest of the cast because it was a love story. It would have been nice to see more character development for the other characters, but their personalities were all nice and I adored the characters for who they were.

I legimately do not see why people hate this game, unless the haters are all just seething autists that are just autistically locked in their ways
>I legimately do not see why people hate this game, unless the haters are all just seething autists that are just autistically locked in their ways
you haven’t even proven tgat they do hate it, outside of a seeking notion. you think this board is real life maybe
sure, let me prove that people on 4chan hate something by putting up a paper on arXiv for you to read
you said “people” not 4chan. in my opinion too many here praise it at times. nothing here is real though
>walking simulator, disappointed antagonist etc
Game suck
Still to this day the intro FMV gets me pumped up.
It is a masterpiece, invasion of Dollet and Battle of the Gardens is kino too
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>Another FFVIII thread
I loved it too. Its my favourite mainline FF. There's been so much ff8 threads I don't know what else to say anymore. I just loved it man. Its not perfect but it has wabisabi.
Some dev wanted all 3 gardens to combine like Getter Robo but they couldn't get approval
>Some dev wanted all 3 gardens to combine like Getter Robo but they couldn't get approval
Based Sakaguchi tard wrangling them
the only bad thing IMO is not enough character development for the non Squall/Rinoa chars
Rinoa is a nasty girl
>Based Sakaguchi
I miss him so much bros
only incels/neets say this
FF8 fags are the Segafags of JRPGs.
>Just finished playing this game for the first time
Stop lying, you are FF8posting here for years
FFVIII is the patricians choice
Kino or larping?
It's "hated" by people that want to fit in middle school-tier nerd cliques.

It's an ambitious as hell game that has a lot of remarkable ideas and a profound way of storytelling unlike any of the other games, also the best Odin design of all time.
>Edea: I'm going to fucking kill every last one of you.
>Every single person in Galbadia:
People make fun of it because the story and writing are laughably terrible even by jrpg standards.
It's a great game, and certainy better than anything after FFX.
>Junctioning magic to ele/status atk and ele/status def was interesting and felt like it gave a level of customization that is unheard of in the series prior to VIII.
You can do this in ffvii tho.
>laughably terrible
But they're pretty good? My favorite part is how Seifer based his entire persona on Laguna's movie.
>and a profound way of storytelling unlike
Is that what we're saying now?
>My favorite part is how Seifer based his entire persona on Laguna's movie.
And if Seifer ever actually mattered that might mean something.
You can't even think for yourself.
Why when we're the same.
Not a real FF.
I could never find that fucking white seed ship.
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"Rinoa Heartilly was weak. I destroyed her." - Kingdom Heart 3: Special Edition
I found it totally at random while fucking around the islands after getting Odin.
>xXxSephirothxXx entered chat
>squall just randomly decides rinoa is his entire world at the start of disc 3 when they've had like two interactions the whole game previously
>entire mission to assassinate the #1 most wanted person on your hit list is destroyed because questis is sad she hurt rinoas feefees
>the merc government is run by a bunch of yellow monk aliens and you kill their leader just because and absolutely nothing about this entire plotline goes anywhere or is relevant to anything in the game
>there's a multi continent war going on for over 20 years that is then totally forgotten because you need to go to outer space and stop the imprisoned time wizard from breaking his chains and summoning monsters from the moon
>dude amnesia lol
>dude we're all kinda siblings lol
>dude the leader of merc government is actually married to our assassination target but it's cool because she's just possessed by a time traveler and now we lead marc government lol
>dude your dad is this famous soldier movie actor scientist and this changes nothing at all so glad we wasted 5 hours of the game on it lol
it really is, the story and game have elegance, and most people are too stupid to appreciate it. It really felt like a very advanced game, as you mentioned due to the realistic characters instead of that anime style from the earlier games.

It is a masterpiece and few will ever appreciate it. FF9 is good too but it went back to the old style, altho it was a very good game. It kind of combined both styles in a way.
A game can be ambitious and still be shit.
Fuck you
Which is not the case for FF8, a game that is both ambitious AND good.
>context context context
You must realize when FF7 came out it introduced A LOT of people to JRPGs. Consider the PSX sold twice as much in the US as the SNES, and it had to compete with two other major consoles.

When FF8 came out people were expecting more FF7, a lot probably even expected the same characters or at least the continuation of the story or taking place in the same world.

They got something vaguely familiar, that, for all intents and purposes, could have been branded another name entirely and they'd be none the wiser.

At the time that was it's major problem; it wasn't FF7-2

You also can't repeat people's first experience, there was something endearing about FF7, people popped their cherry on it.

Those that could look at FF8 in a vacuum very much appreciated it at the time.
>game is called final fantasy VII
>the last game was III
>cloud strife is nowhere to be seen in VI because final fantasy anthology included III by accident
>red XIII joins the party before red I-XII
>final fantasy V takes place in between II and III, but they don't call it final fantasy II.5
I think a more logical explanation is that japs don't know how roman numerials work.
Xenogear 64 more mature than PS1 RPG
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The numbering confused people, I recall my brother finding out and telling me FF1 was 1, 2 was 4 and 3 was 6.

We enjoyed 2/4 and 3/6 and found a translation of 5 at some point around the time FF7 was around.

But people that were indifferent at best to games got into games at that time and FF7 was a big reason why. Of course other titles like Tomb Raider, Wipe Out, Twisted Metal, etc. helped because it did seem games were more mature. Before that it was mostly considered kid's stuff given Mario was the prevailing icon of all things vidya

I assume you're saying Xenogears was more mature but FF7 was mature enough at the time. Plus it was first and it was absolutely epic compared to anything we'd seen so far
>came out a year afterward
>2D cutscenes
>anime was still too weeb for US

Also see pic. Cait Sith and chocobos weren't exactly mature but they were nothing like this thing
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If dev made Cait Sith into neko trap, than I would reconsider.
Is this series worth playing? It always seemed kind of cringe, but this character looks intriguing. Could I play just this game and be okay?
>sexualising cait sith
so fucking wrong

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