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What games are peak soul?

Paper Mario 64
gameboy tetris
I hate the term soul. How can a game which is the 4th in the series that is just the same game over and over be soulful?

The snes game is soul though.
It's the second game in the series.
But to answer your question, according to Yasuhiro Wada, Harvest Moon 64 is his fully realized idea that couldn't make into the SNES game due to the deadline.
sovlfags only care about aesthetics of a game. Everything else doesn't matter.
Its the 3rd, there was a gameboy game. I was mistaken in thinking the NA only gbc port came before the N64 game.
>there was a gameboy game
Yes, and it's a port of the first game.
What are you even trying to do? Just have the final word?
>Yes, and it's a port of the first game
no its not, maybe you thought it was because of my previous point that all the games are basically the same and releasing the same game every other year isnt soulful.
That game actually scares me because you can't get cucked if you're not fast enough.
I think there's an event where the rival bachelor asks you if they should make a move and you can tell them no. I might be thinking of BTN instead I just remember one game they give you the option to not get cucked
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Sovlest game of all time
chores simulator will never be peak soul
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>the same game over and over
SNES was the original.
I've never played GB, but from what I understand it's a much simpler handheld offering that's much more focused on the task of building a farm rather than a rural life sim.
64/BtN is a fulfilled version of SNES's intention. Bigger and Betterâ„¢ is far from a bad thing, especially this early in the franchise.
Save the Homeland was (is?) divisive because the playtime is much more restrictive and there's a definite ending. You've got one year to accomplish a goal, but have multiple ways of doing it. Farming and building a relationship with the townsfolk are the means to the end of saving the village.
A Wonderful life also changed the formula by having a generational storyline, and if I remember correctly, seasons are drastically shorter to help convey the passage of time to aid that. The farming and ranching mechanics seemed significantly changed from what little I played, too.
I never played it, but from what I've read Magical Melody was similar to Save the Homeland in that it was about accomplishing some specific goal rather than just simulating a simple farming life.

I won't comment on the other GB games or the ones that came after these titles because I know absolutely nothing about them rather than even a little like some I mentioned, but I think calling this series "the same game over and over" is reductive and dismissive.
>but I think calling this series "the same game over and over" is reductive and dismissive.
I like the series and I dont find anything inherently wrong with releasing basically the same game on the new platform. Different games in the series sometimes have more story or less story but 95% of the time during every game you are waking up, tending to crops, saying hello to your animals, picking up eggs, going into town and talking to cute girls. There is nothing wrong with keeping this formula and updating the graphics or whatever but this formula does not create "soulful" games which was the whole point of my original argument. The formula is soulful, the original game is the formula and its soulful.
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>I hate the term soul
because you're soulless
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Yeah they just watch YouTube and gifs endlessly, they don't actually play any games.
>driving backward
I think you have to become friends with the bachelors before they do anything.
Wizard of Oz SNES had interesting graphics even if the gameplay was horrible
this >>11391537
soul recognizes soul. if you can't see soul, you just see games as a product, not a medium.
>What games are peak soul?

Animal Crossing

Sonic Adventure 2

Phantasy Star Online Episode I from the hub world to the end of the forest levels

Shrek 2 iirc

Mario picross. The sound of the chisel is just beautiful.

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