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>Princess Crown patch 0.6 is out
>no thread
lets fix that
Yes, just what this board needs. An eternal general about some Saturn Slop that’s being translated by a butthurt troon or something (idc I don’t play weebshit or the shitturn)
>Some autist is going to bruteforce this shit in 3 months
CyberWarrior all you had to do is post "I'm still working on it".
More MiYaku ESLop oh joy
based eadmaster not backing down.
The psychotically obsessed community around this game literally thinks it's the most important and notable Japanese Saturn game of all time. They think it's a bigger Japanese Saturn game than games like Sakura Wars, Lunar, Grandia, Wachenroder, Shining Force III, Baroque, Devil Summoner, Soul Hackers, etc. That's how deluded they are.
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Pretty much every major J-Exclusive Saturn game is either translated or WIP.
The Princess Crown community has been acting like this for over a decade, before most those games were even translated or in progress. And no, there are still plenty of major and more notable Japanese Saturn games that are not translated or being worked on.
Such as? Inb4 Ronde
cyberfaggot in -ACK watch
>NEW VERSION: added some new wrong lines
Whoa this is HUGE. Now fix the crashes.
>Such as? Inb4 Ronde
Ronde is an even more mediocre title so no, though I'd imagine the Megaten fanbase is probably be bigger than the Princess Crown fanbase. But here's a short list for you of the top of my head:

Devil Summoner
Super Robot Wars F
Super Robot Wars F: Final
Tengai Makyou The 4th Apocalypse
Mobile Suit Gundam Gaiden Vol 1-3
Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon
Madou Monogatari
Sakura Wars Columns
Togue King the Spirits 2
Any of the Langrisser games
Any of the Evangelion Games
Enix's Soccer RPG
Macross Do You Remember Love

All of these games were far better received in Japan on release than Princess Crown, and many of them are part of a larger fanbase as a whole than Princess Crown. Princess Crown is not that high on the notable Japanese Saturn games list. Only it's deluded fans put it that high. Hell I'd say even the Saturn port of Suikoden is higher on that list than Princess Crown.
>Tengai Makyou The 4th Apocalypse
PC-FX buyer in Japan still mad about this.
well at least the psp version of DS is getting translated soontm
in spanish
>robot wars
shovel ware garbage. completely lazy soulless slop game they fart out effortlessly.
>Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon
>Sakura wars
tranny game
>Tranny Game!

They all largely outsold Princess Crown and have much larger fanbases. They are all far more significant to the Saturn's Japanese library and are overall more worthy of a translation than Princess Crown.

To put in perspective just how much of a flop Princess Crown was, the Sakura Wars fan newsletter disc sold about 5x as many copies as Princess Crown. And yes that's including the PSP version.
>calling SW a tranny game in a thread about a game called Princess Crown
Keep making these threads to piss them off OP, you're doing gods work
in a world of untranslated gems, this doesn't even rank top 1000. i don't get the autistic obsession over it
It looks good and fun
Ignore it, it's the original translator spamming
>i don't get the autistic obsession over it
>mixing dragon crown and princess crown up
Didn't mix them up. Simply pointing out one of the main driving forces behind why people suddenly started looking into this game and becoming obsessed with it.
Ronde is kino
you faggots are just doing the exact same shit you're accusing Princess Coomer fags of, parroting false rumors
no Ronde is not Le worst Saturd game ever and no Princess Coomer is not Le Saturd hidden gem
it's a game made by the people who went on and founded Shovelware studio, the hacks responsible for awful coomer-core games like Odin Sphere and Dragon Crown
>acting like princess crown doesn't have big boobie bitches
that guy is cripplingly retarded. he thinks translating クソ as anything except the word "shit" is censorship, so his "translation" is the only "uncensored" one.
Can't wait for Miyaku to UNCENSOR the SHIT out of this game LETS FUCKING GO
Learn Japanese yourself, anon. It's easier than anyone makes it out to be, don't let Cyberfag blackpill you.
Someone should say something on the CDR comments about the translation being crap. I know you browse this site, Spike
For a lot of people on that site (and elsewhere) as long as you can play it from beginning to end and see English words they're content. Like that Shining game on PSP. Although it is pretty funny that the Shining example is so bad it's even marked as MTL even when other MTLs aren't, that's just how bad it was.
Some people might also be afraid to say anything cause they might get comments deleted for "personal attacks". Weee i love safe spaces!!!!!!
Just about everyone I know has been calling the translator's work crap when this all broke out, even on "safe" places like Resetera. I'm honestly surprised eadmaster kept them when everyone was praising him for releasing something but slamming the translator he chose.
It's deliberate, all in cybercvckolds names
someone post more of the ESL translations
the github is public ya bum
He doesn't care about quality, only getting something out quickly. So he probably just took the first person to say yes to doing it.
just learn jap lmao
>start working on a translation hack
>don't tell anybody about it
>don't post about it
>nobody hates me
It's that easy.
>learn 4 years of a dying nation language bro
>it's that easy bro
by that time, i won't be able to easily access hentai anymore after next year.
but i know you're just a trolling tranny, so not like you were actually serious.
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Learning languages is easy as fuck, you're not problem solving anything, just memorizing things.
this nigga eatin beans
Vanillaware is based, so a dedicated group of autists who hold every single thing associated with them in such high regard isn’t surprising. This is doubly so when it comes to Saturn games just by virtue of it essentially being a console for weebs.
Cyber, stop crying, you had 12 years to release your translation.
princess crown has incredible graphics and vanilla ware are underrated

robot wars is slop that sells more for the same reason Mcdonalds and nigger music sells more

princess crown is unique.
Sakura wars is a fucking dating Sim with 1 brainless battle every 5 hours. go play any of the 1 million other unoriginal Otaku dating games
spike has banned me 3 times for calling out autistic crybaby faggots
>princess crown is unique
Good, stop trying to start shit with people
Don't care. Where's Hungry Ghosts?
When It's Ready™!
I really don't know what he expected after 12 years of barely any progress. Screaming that it's disrespectful for someone to swoop in on what was basically an abandoned project is why I hate the fan translation scene and their unwritten rules so much.
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If you spend more than 3 years working on a translation and it's still not close to completion you were never going to complete it
>basically an abandoned project
That's the issue here. It wasn't abandoned as people were pointing out in the various threads before this was even released. All it took was a simple PM to confirm or deny that.

The main point of contention here is that a very early and broken beta was released without even reaching out to the devs. While yes there's nothing legally preventing this, it's still generally seen as shit behavior. If eadmaster had released his own patch and translation that he did from scratch, or simply used the tools Cyberwarrior made but did his own translation there wouldn't be any drama.

This is an incredibly naive take. It all depends on the scope of the game, the size of the team, and how much time they have to devote to the project.
what makes you think that anon was?
>it's still generally seen as shit behavior
Hi Trekkies. Nobody cares about your translation clique mentality from 20 years ago, people just want it done. Genuinely nobody cares about the feelings of some douchebag who sat on a translation project for 12 years.
>That's the issue here. It wasn't abandoned as people were pointing out in the various threads before this was even released

Trekkie, we know it's you, it was abandoned. All it took was a PM to check? All it would have taken was a simple "I'm still alive" anytime in the last three fucking years. His last real post was in 2019 where he said it would be out latest by the end of the year, he posted once again in 2022 just to go "I promise it's not dead!" only to NEVER LOGIN TO THE SITE AGAIN FOR YEARS.

Admins locked the thread because even they considered it dead, saying that they would re-open it if Cyber tells them it's not... and he never did. Even the one time he logged in again a few months ago just to say "RHDN is closing? I haz a sad :(" he didn't request his thread be re-opened. Even to this day, the thread is still locked with that "It's dead" message from the admin.

Cyber ONLY re-surfaced when someone stole his thunder, logging into an account he had not used since 2017 in SegaXtreme, just to bitch that ead "stole" his work... and then when shown he clearly had no idea how GPL or open source works he still demanded ead take it down because "My version is better and I am still working on it".

The only reason he even put out that video was because of ead stealing his spotlight, even Cyber's supporters agree on that... and he STILL claims that ead stole his work and that he has zero intention of providing any release dates or estimates. By the way, that video is one of only two videos Cyber ever uploaded to his YouTube channel, the other being 5 years ago of another dead translation. He claims he will post more frequent updates... still no new word since, and I don't expect any new word ever.

It was dead, and it's clearly still dead, Cyber only dug up it's corpse to puppet it around on strings to try to steal back some of the spotlight, but it's clearly going back in the casket forever after that. 12 years is absurd.
Again the issue isn't that something was released. If eadmaster did his own work there would be no drama here at all. The issue is he released someone else's homework. Learn to differentiate the two.

>Cyber isn't a social media attention whore so therefore it was dead!

Great logic there. Everyone else in the Saturn scene had no issue getting a hold of either CyberWarrior or SamIAm. The project wasn't dead, and it still isn't dead. Just as Sakura Wars 2 isn't dead either even though some of you keep trying to claim that as well.
>The issue is he released someone else's homework
It was open source. And even if it wasn't nobody cares when you abandon it for 12 years.
>The project wasn't dead, and it still isn't dead
It's beyond dead, I'm starting to seriously believe that rumor the translation was going to be exclusive to that utter scam console Cyber is involved in.
>It was open source
Doesn't mean it's not shit behavior. And this kind of crap is exactly why more and more developers are no longer putting their stuff up on github. Not everyone puts something on github for people to just take. For many it's just for source control so it's not lost in a HDD crash.
>And even if it wasn't nobody cares when you abandon it for 12 years.
Lots of people care which is why you see quite a few devs being disgusted over this. And again it wasn't abandoned.
>It's beyond dead
If it was beyond dead there would be no progress to show at all. Progress was shown which proves it wasn't dead.
>I'm starting to seriously believe that rumor the translation was going to be exclusive to that utter scam console Cyber is involved in.
No one believes your retarded conspiracy theories HoodiePlez.
>And this kind of crap is exactly why more and more developers are no longer putting their stuff up on github
God forbid anyone steal their all important attention. Of course the most important part of all fan translations: ego of the translator nobody cares about.
>Lots of people care which is why you see quite a few devs being disgusted over this
Only you suck him off Trekkies, literally nobody cares about romhackers or translators outside of saying "thank you" when they release something.
>Progress was shown which proves it wasn't dead.
Only after EAD actually released a translation for the game he's been sitting on for more than a decade, it's still never coming out by the way.
>No one believes your retarded conspiracy theories HoodiePlez
It is possible Cyber is just an insanely lazy egotistical retard, but I generously assume it's greed that motivates him.
>there would be no drama here at all
Absolutely bullshit and you know it
>God forbid anyone steal their all important attention. Of course the most important part of all fan translations: ego of the translator nobody cares about.
Who said anything about attention or ego? The issue with something like this is more that it's a broken buggy release floating around now. It's the same reason devs get upset when people make repros of beta patches that have serious game breaking bugs in them. This release is no different as the game has serious softlocking issues. The issue here is their work being released in this awful broken state instead of an actual finished state.
>literally nobody cares about romhackers or translators
Other ROMHackers and Translators are quite upset from what they're seeing here. I've yet to see any that are actually supporting what eadmaster did once they realized Sam and Cyber didn't sign off on it. And we're seeing quite a few players saying "Just wait for the finished release" when people try and shill this broken mess.
>Only after EAD actually released a translation for the game he's been sitting on for more than a decade
So what? They didn't feel there was any need to show anything as they were working on it in their free time. Even if they gave you weekly updates it wouldn't change anything as you've become so psychotically obsessed with this translation at this point that you now just want blood. You don't care about eadmaster's release because you want to actually play the game, you only care about it because you see it as a way to get revenge on Cyberwarrior and SamIAm.
>it's still never coming out by the way.
The same is probably true for eadmasters version. The guy never finishes any project he starts. Go look at his previous projects on the PC-Engine, they're all unfinished broken messes.
>It is possible Cyber is just an insanely lazy egotistical retard, but I generously assume it's greed that motivates him.
Or it could be he has a life outside of doing this kind of stuff?
>Absolutely bullshit and you know it
Not really. We've seen that happen before in the translation community and even the Saturn community before. If someone comes out of the blue with a polished and finished patch they did from scratch for a game someone else already started the other devs usually go "Ok, you beat me, I'll move on to something else." We've seen that play out in the Saturn Community recently with Baroque. The key points here are communication and not releasing other peoples work against their wishes.
>If eadmaster did his own work there would be no drama here at all
It was open source GPL, cry some more. We know damn well all this "He didn't do his own work" is just bitching because he got all the attention, and that if he had done his own work Cyber would have still bitched that he was working on it first. He flat out said that ead should stop because his version is better.

>Great logic there
Except that ead isn't doing it to be an attention whore, he rather hates all the drama it started, he just wanted something playable out there. You don't get to drag your ass for 12 years and then claim others are drama whores for actually getting shit done before you.

>The project wasn't dead, and it still isn't dead.

Until something playable actually gets released, it's fucking dead, and you will never convince people otherwise. Cyber has several years to let people know it's not ead when everyone labelled it dead and he didn't so much as give three simple words of "it's not dead" until someone else appeared, in which case his three words were "You stole it!"

Stop huffing Cyber's farts for a second to see how he was had basically tossed it away until someone came to take the attention from him, how the fuck is Cyber then not an attention whore if he used an account he had not touched in SEVEN YEARS just to bitch about this? You're far more skilled than him anyway, I don't know why you are acting like his lapdog.

You are also sure as fuck barking up the wrong tree. Do you really think 4chan of all places are going to side with Cyber, or accept any of your drivel? Nobody other than Cyber himself even accepted your arguments on SegaXtreme, what makes you think we will accept them here?

>Doesn't mean it's not shit behavior.
I agree, what Cyber did really was shit behavior.
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>And this kind of crap is exactly why more and more developers are no longer putting their stuff up on github
You mean like your own fucking obsolete emulator?

Github is more popular than ever, cry some more about it

>Lots of people care
Actually, no, outside of your hubbox on bluesky and discord literally EVERY other site and forum was against cyber on this. RHDN, SegaXtreme, Reddit, Twitter, GBATemp, fucking Resetera of all places, various random gaming news sites, pretty much EVERYONE was on ead's side. Shows that either you are delusionakl or you don't even leave your hugbox to see what reality is like.

>If it was beyond dead there would be no progress to show at all
We didn't see any progress that was not done several years ago, the only screenshots ever posted before that video were a decade old, release something then we'll talk.

>No one believes your retarded conspiracy theories HoodiePlez
No idea who that is, but several people have posted about that. A ripoff overpriced emulator box comes out, Cyber is working on it, suddenly all talk of the translation had gone radio sileny until ead appeared, and then suddenly said scam console announced it's going to be releasing game collections on physical media..... hmmm...

>The issue with something like this is more that it's a broken buggy release floating around now

There is Cyber's previous work. A joke of a hackjob that is version Alpha 0.2 where ALL he did was add an English font to the game without even translating a single word (pic related) and then called it quits. You're telling me that he was not ashamed to release THAT... but is ashamed of incomplete work where almost all of the game was already translated? You're literally just parroting his bullshit.
>Other ROMHackers and Translators are quite upset from what they're seeing here
No they're not, again, leave your hugbox, just about everyone is against Cyber

>They didn't feel there was any need to show anything as they were working on it in their free time.
12 years, 3+ of radio silence, they weren't working on it

>The same is probably true for eadmasters version
Literally just released an update three hours ago, it's the 8th update this month
>The issue here is their work being released in this awful broken state instead of an actual finished state.
Aw man, if only Cyber could have done something about that.
>You don't care about eadmaster's release because you want to actually play the game, you only care about it because you see it as a way to get revenge on Cyberwarrior and SamIAm.
Correct. Dib calling clique mentality shit is best left in the past.
> We know damn well all this "He didn't do his own work" is just bitching because he got all the attention
If he did his own work there wouldn't be any drama.
>He flat out said that ead should stop because his version is better.
In direct response to eadmaster saying he'd stop if a better version was being worked on.
>Except that ead isn't doing it to be an attention whore, he just wanted something playable out there.
Then he could have done his own translation and work first before just releasing someone else's work. Even if he just used Cyber's tools to do his own translation from scratch most people wouldn't have an issue with it.
It's been proven multiple times, you just don't like it because you're psychotic over this.
>Nobody other than Cyber himself even accepted your arguments on SegaXtreme
Most of SegaXtreme is on his side on this. You don't know what you're talking about.

>He released other stuff as unfinished!
And he stated he was done with it and moving on. He didn't do that with Princess Crown. Notice the difference?
>Github is more popular than ever, cry some more about it
Not with fan translations. Most devs are keeping that shit private these days for this very reason.
RHDN is dead so who cares.
SegaXtreme was NOT on eadmaster's side. Most of that community is disgusted with him and the entitled brat behavior he's attracted to the site.
>Reddit and Twitter
>We didn't see any progress that was not done several years ago, the only screenshots ever posted before that video were a decade old, release something then we'll talk.
You're not entitled to a beta release. Not all devs like to do them. Same is true for constant social media updates.
>No idea who that is, but several people have posted about that.
The only person who posted that was HoodiePlez (The guy that made the video) in every discord he was in. Just about everyone agreed it was completely retarded.
>No they're not, again, leave your hugbox, just about everyone is against Cyber
Ok then who? Which ROMHackers and Translators are against Cyber?
>12 years, 3+ of radio silence, they weren't working on it
They stated it wasn't dead multiple times. They were also easy to get in contact with. Just because you refused to do that doesn't change the reality of the situation
>Literally just released an update three hours ago, it's the 8th update this month
And it's still horribly broken. He hasn't actually fixed any of the softlocks. His fixes are just replacing the files with the Japanese files leaving them untranslated. If he actually cared about fixing the issue and completing it he'd be taking the time to look into and fix those problems.
>Aw man, if only Cyber could have done something about that.
He did what he could, he took down the github repo.
>Dib calling clique mentality shit is best left in the past.
That mentality never existed to begin with. There's never been anything stopping you from looking into a ROM and or Disc Image and starting to reverse engineer it yourself. The issue in this case is that someone elses work was released as-is without their consent.
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>He did what he could, he took down the github repo
Now here me out, is it possible he could have actually completed his translation over the span of 12 years?
>The issue in this case is that someone elses work was released as-is without their consent.
This isn't an issue when your translation is open source and clearly abandoned.
>Now here me out, is it possible he could have actually completed his translation over the span of 12 years?
Ever here of real life issues? These things are done in people's free time. Not everyone has tons time to devote to it. And this project was just 2 people working on it. They asked for help early on, no one offered.
>This isn't an issue when your translation is open source and clearly abandoned.
A simple PM would have proved that wasn't the case.
>Ever here of real life issues?
If his issues were so serious he should have just announced the project is dead.
>A simple PM would have proved that wasn't the case
12 years and only a theoretical PM to show for it. Respectable work ethic.
>If his issues were so serious he should have just announced the project is dead.
Why? If someone else really wanted to do it they could start reverse engineering the game themselves.
>12 years and only a theoretical PM to show for it. Respectable work ethic.
If you were this concerned for 12 years why didn't you try to communicate with him?
>If someone else really wanted to do it they could start reverse engineering the game themselves.
Nobody is going to bother when they assume someone else is working on it. You've already been told this before but nice try with the same bad faith nonsense.
>If you were this concerned for 12 years why didn't you try to communicate with him?
It's funny how much you think people care about translators/ROMhackers, believe me when I tell you not a single person cares about what Cyber has to say in a PM.
>If he did his own work there wouldn't be any drama.
1 There still would be and you know it
2. It's open source, again, cry some more

>In direct response to eadmaster saying he'd stop if a better version was being worked on
There is no proof of one being worked on, also, don't lie, he demanded he stop

>Then he could have done his own-*SNIP*
Do you have any argument other than "Wah wah, he stole 12 year old abandoned open source GPL code"?
Because guess what? IT IS NOT STEALING if it's licensed under the GPL license.

>It's been proven multiple times
If it was everyone wouldn't consider it dead, we have nothing to prove it's not dead and haven't bene touched in years.

>Most of SegaXtreme is on his side on this
Go re-read the thread, that is, assuming you didn't put everyone who disagreed with you on ignore so you only see the handful of people on your side. Anybody who visits the thread right now can tell you are lying:

>And he stated he was done with it and moving on. He didn't do that with Princess Crown.
Because it was abandoned

>Not with fan translations
With anything posted there. I see you don't know how it works either. Better take your emulator down before someone "steals" that too, I am sure it's not dead despite being last updated almost a decade ago right?

>RHDN is dead so who cares
Forums are not, also that does not chance the fact that he puts zero effort into making people not think it's abadoned

>SegaXtreme was NOT on eadmaster's side
Again, anyone who reads the thread can see that is not true

>You're not entitled to a beta release
And Cyber is not entitled to bitch that others are making use of his open source code to make a beta

>The only person who posted that was HoodiePlez
I don't even use Discord, so no, I didn't get it from there. Like I said, you are so far up Cyber's ass you can't see when others point out his bullshit
>Ok then who? Which ROMHackers and Translators are against Cyber?
Like I said, pretty much everywhere outside of that hugbox, including SegaXtreme that you are intentionally blinding.

>They stated it wasn't dead multiple times
They last stated it in 2022, after disappearing since 2019. It's dead, cry some more.

>And it's still horribly broken
And ead knows this and mentions that it's an unfinished beta. Not everyone refuses to release a patch until it's 2077 and it's "perfect". Funny how you are defending Cyber taking 12+ years but chastising ead for having not even had a month so far, yet has released far more than Cyber ever did.

>He did what he could, he took down the github repo
Doesn't matter, that's not retroactive. That's how it works.

>That mentality never existed to begin with
Tons of drama about it over the years, I see you love to straight up lie when facts are tossed at your arguments.

>Ever here of real life issues?
For 12 years? With years of no contact? Fuck off.

>A simple PM-*snip*
Shut the fuck up, he made zero effort to let people know it as not dead, he had not logged into his accounts for years so there was no reason to try to PM either, he ghosted everyone. Your "Just PM him!" argument holds no water.

>If someone else really wanted to do it they could start reverse engineering the game themselves
So then I suppose nothing you use or ever have used is open source? Because then you would be a hypocrite for saying ead should not have used open source code.

>believe me when I tell you not a single person cares about what Cyber has to say in a PM.
Not to mention Cyber has flat out said that even if he was PMed he would have refused to let others work on it anyway, so claiming "PM him!" is just flat out lying.
>1 There still would be and you know it
We've literally seen that play out before and there was no drama. See Baroque.
>2. It's open source, again, cry some more
Doesn't mean it's not shitty behavior.
>There is no proof of one being worked on, also, don't lie, he demanded he stop
He posted a video of proof that it was being worked on.
>Do you have any argument other than "Wah wah, he stole 12 year old abandoned open source GPL code"?
Do you have any other argument other than "Wah wah I want translation now!"?
>If it was everyone wouldn't consider it dead
Quite a few didn't consider it dead. Only the impatient considered it dead.
>Go re-read the thread
Go look at the accounts. Most joined just to post in that thread. Quite a few of them were temp banned when the thread was locked.
>Because it was abandoned
For the ones he said he was done with sure. He didn't do that with Princess Crown. Hence the difference.
>With anything posted there.
We're talking about fan translations and rom hacks. A lot of devs aren't putting that stuff up on public githubs anymore until it's 100% done, exactly because of this kind of shit.
>Forums are not
For now. Why would he revive a thread on a site that's clearly dying?
>And Cyber is not entitled to bitch that others are making use of his open source code to make a beta
Everyone is entitled to bitch. You however are not entitled to make demands on a project you have put zero effort into working on.
>I don't even use Discord, so no, I didn't get it from there.
That's the only place it was posted. The video barely has any views. Stop lying HoodiePlez.
>Quite a few of them were temp banned when the thread was locked
Not a clique mentality btw.
>A lot of devs aren't putting that stuff up on public githubs anymore until it's 100% done, exactly because of this kind of shit
Because someone else might actually do the work for them? After 12 years no less.
>Like I said, pretty much everywhere outside of that hugbox, including SegaXtreme that you are intentionally blinding.
So then you can say who.
>hey last stated it in 2022, after disappearing since 2019. It's dead, cry some more.
And they clearly stated they were still working on it. SamIAm was easy to get in contact with and regularly helps Pandamonium with his videos, and he has said even in those videos it wasn't dead.
>And ead knows this and mentions that it's an unfinished beta. Not everyone refuses to release a patch until it's 2077 and it's "perfect".
Sure, but it seems kind of silly to just revert it to Japanese instead of taking the time to fix it. It seems like he's in the mindset that if he doesn't keep spoonfeeding worthelss updates weekly the fanbase will turn on him as well.
>Doesn't matter, that's not retroactive. That's how it works.
So what? He still tried to do something about it, which you claimed he did nothing about it. Just because it wasn't what you wanted him to do doesn't mean he didn't do anything.
>Tons of drama about it over the years
Only from people who actually believed there was a dibs mentality. Tons of people have released patches they did on their own and beat other teams to the punch with little to no drama. Again it happened with Baroque in the Saturn community just recently. Even Grandia falls into this as many people had claimed to have been working on it in the past or had their eyes on it. Same with Sakura Wars and other games over the years.
>We've literally seen that play out before
And we have literally seen it play with tons of drama, usually with drama

>Doesn't mean it's not shitty behavior
It's not

>He posted a video of proof that it was being worked on
First media in a decade, no reason to believe it's not from a years old build

>Do you have any other argument other than "Wah wah I want translation now!"?
Do you have any argument other than "wah wah ead stole it" and "wah wah PM Cyber"?

I have plenty of arguments, but I don't think you are intelligent enough to understand them.

>Quite a few didn't consider it dead
Far more did, including the admins of RHDN

>Go look at the accounts. Most joined just to post in that thread
I looked at the accounts, such as Cyber's account, that had not posted in seven years since this incident

Also, so now you're changing your story from "Everyone was supporting Cyber" to "Anyone calling out Cyber must have been a troll"? And even that isn't true if you look at the account history.

>He didn't do that with Princess Crown
He did, until someone stole his thunder, and we still have nothing from him

>We're talking about fan translations and rom hacks
I see quite a lot still on there

>For now. Why would he revive a thread on a site that's clearly dying
Because the forums are still very active and one of the most active still romhacking forums. You are trying very hard to spin lies

>Everyone is entitled to bitch. You however are not entitled to make demands on a project you have put zero effort into working on.
And Cyber is not entitled to whine that others are doing what he could not. If he can't be bothered to let people know it's not dead, then he's not entitled to complain when others take over.

>That's the only place it was posted
Wrong, shows how little you have looked into this. Like I said, I don't even use Discord.
>and he has said even in those videos it wasn't dead
How many times do I have to tell you that not a single person cares about the promises of someone who spends 12 years ""working"" on a fan translation?
>It seems like he's in the mindset that if he doesn't keep spoonfeeding worthelss updates weekly the fanbase will turn on him as well.
Who needs updates when you can have the all important holy PM?
>For 12 years? With years of no contact? Fuck off.
I never said he was having the same exact issue that lasted 12 years. I said people work on these in their free time. And when it's a small team things take a while which means you're more likely to have real life issues get in the way.
>Shut the fuck up, he made zero effort to let people know it as not dead
SamIAm stated multiple times it wasn't, these were event in some of Pandamoniums videos he helped with. Both people were easy to get in contact with.
>he had not logged into his accounts for years so there was no reason to try to PM either,
You realize when you PM someone on SegaXtreme they get an email notification right?
>Because then you would be a hypocrite for saying ead should not have used open source code.
I didn't say he shouldn't have used the code. I flat out said multiple times even if he used the code but did his own translation people wouldn't be as upset. The issue was the initial release was literally just what Cyberwarrior had on github as is.
>Not to mention Cyber has flat out said that even if he was PMed he would have refused to let others work on it anyway, so claiming "PM him!" is just flat out lying.
He said he would have refused to let him release the work as-is. As for letting other work on it with him, that was the original reason the github was put up, to recruit help. The problem is most people who actually try to offer help in these situations have no valuable skills and it's just a waste of time.

>Not a clique mentality btw.
Not every community is 4chan.
>Because someone else might actually do the work for them? After 12 years no less.
No, because someone might just take their work and release it as-is before it's done.
>Not every community is 4chan.
Yeah forums are actually way worse.
>No, because someone might just take their work and release it as-is before it's done.
Tragic. They really jumped the gun releasing it like that. I mean they only gave the guy 12 years do it himself. Do they not consider the feelings of the guy who claimed it 12 years ago? Heartless.
>So then you can say who.
I posted the thread in that last post showing it

>And they clearly stated they were still working on it
They disappeared for three years, said it was not dead, then disappeared for three years again. That's not clearly stating, that's death throes.

>Sure, but it seems kind of silly to just revert it to Japanese instead of taking the time to fix it
Again, early unfinished beta. You can bitch when it's 12 years from now and ead's translation is still in this state. As of now it's further along than Cyber's last translation of Langrisser III.

>So what? He still tried to do something about it
Because once it's on there, under GPL no less, anyone can use it even if it was taken down, that's how the site work and how the license works. You can't do anything about it. Is Cyber secretly Barbra Streisand or something to not know this?

>Only from people who actually believed there was a dibs mentality
Which has been prevalent in the romhacking community for years

Fact of the matter is, it does not matter how much you bitch here like the whiny buttsniffing bitch you are. Everyone now knows eadmaster as the guy who did it, everyone who is playing any version of it in English is playing what eadmaster did, and that's how it will remain. 99% of people who play it will not know who Cyber is or any of this drama, they will just know eadmaster released it. And for all your bitching, all your brown-nosing in the world, all your endless simping, unless Cyber releases something that's how it will forever remain no matter how much times you go "wah wah pm him" or "wah wah ead stole it". Nobody will know, and even less will care, as long as ead is the one releasing something and Cyber keeps going "someday" and ghosting while not releasing anything.

So keep wah wah wahing yourself to death, it won't change a thing as long as Cyber does not change a thing.

By a way I downloaded the repo of your open source emulator, oh no, I am about to steal it!
>And we have literally seen it play with tons of drama, usually with drama
Ok give examples. I've provided plenty of recent examples where no drama happened.
>It's not
It is.
>First media in a decade, no reason to believe it's not from a years old build
No reason to believe it isn't from a recent build either.
>Do you have any argument other than "wah wah ead stole it" and "wah wah PM Cyber"?
The only argument I'm making is that the drama could have been easily avoided. That's it.
>I have plenty of arguments, but I don't think you are intelligent enough to understand them.
Your argument is that nothing matters as long as the entitled brat is pacified.
>Far more did, including the admins of RHDN
The RHDN admins didn't lock it because it was dead. They locked it because it was becoming a toxic drama thread that was constantly being bumped by whiny brats.
>He did, until someone stole his thunder, and we still have nothing from him
Where did he say he was done with it and moving on?
>I see quite a lot still on there
From years ago. A lot of devs aren't even announcing their projects at this point because of the entitled brat mentality.
>Because the forums are still very active and one of the most active still romhacking forums.
Again, for now.
>And Cyber is not entitled to whine
Everyone is entitled to whine, even you when it comes to whining about it not being done.
>If he can't be bothered to let people know it's not dead, then he's not entitled to complain when others take over.
Just because you want to believe it was dead doesn't make it true.
>Wrong, shows how little you have looked into this. Like I said, I don't even use Discord.
The video has less than 1000 views after almost a month.
>They locked it because it was becoming a toxic drama thread that was constantly being bumped by whiny brats
Fucking entitled brats asking me for proof of work after years of inactivity. Don't they know I'm the all important CyberFaggotX? Classic shit that goes down on forums.
>How many times do I have to tell you that not a single person cares about the promises of someone who spends 12 years ""working"" on a fan translation?
Just because you feel entitled to something doesn't change the facts of the situation.
>Who needs updates when you can have the all important holy PM?
Updates are nice, but sometimes there's nothing to report on. If you're truly concerned about the state of the project there's nothing stopping you from reaching out and asking.

>Yeah forums are actually way worse.
Both formats have their ups and downs.
>Tragic. They really jumped the gun releasing it like that.
Well maybe if you actually put some work into making something only to have someone release it in a half-assed state you'd understand.

>I posted the thread in that last post showing it
And as I said look at the accounts. Most were made just to post in that thread. The actual long term members of the community were defending Cyber. Others stopped helping when they realized Cyber and Sam didn't sign off on it.

>That's not clearly stating, that's death throes.
They didn't disappear for years. Both were easy to get in contact with, and SamIAm regularly helps Pandamonium out with his videos, and even stated in those videos it wasn't dead.

>He's releasing things!
My point was that he's not actually concerned with fixing the issue. He's more concerned with keeping the community pacified with constant updates even if they're worthless.

>GPL Licensing!
We know, the point is that the drama could have been avoided.

>Which has been prevalent in the romhacking community for years
It really hasn't. Nothing has ever stopped anyone from doing the reverse engineering and work themselves. The drama has always come about when it involved using someone else's work without there permission.

>By a way I downloaded the repo of your open source emulator, oh no, I am about to steal it!
I don't have any repos of an emulator.
Most forums lock a thread when it devolves into a toxic bitchfest.
Jesus christ you fucking spergs chill the fuck out
>Updates are nice, but sometimes there's nothing to report on
There sure is nothing to report on when you do fuck all for 12 years. What is your excuse for this when EAD's latest update has the first scenario completable after a month? Literally what was stopping Cyber from doing that over the span of 12 years?
>There sure is nothing to report on when you do fuck all for 12 years
Sometimes you get stuck trying to reverse engineer some weird piece of code to try and fix an issue. Throw in real life distractions and it can take a while.
> What is your excuse for this when EAD's latest update has the first scenario completable after a month?
Only after reverting a bunch of files back to their original Japanese files and leaving them untranslated.
>Literally what was stopping Cyber from doing that over the span of 12 years?
Him and Sam didn't want to release it in a half-assed state.
>Throw in real life distractions and it can take a while
Twelve years with nothing to show for it is more than "a while".
>Only after reverting a bunch of files back to their original Japanese files and leaving them untranslated.
Temporary solutions are better than nothing.
>Him and Sam didn't want to release it in a half-assed state
Then they're record levels of incompetent for failing to do a month's worth of work in twelve years.
>Twelve years with nothing to show for it is more than "a while".
So what?
>Temporary solutions are better than nothing.
Would you be ok with him instead taking say 6 months to a year to sort out the issue and releasing it actually working correctly? If not then you're part of the problem. Devs shouldn't feel compelled to release something just to pacify an angry mob.
>Then they're record levels of incompetent for failing to do a month's worth of work in twelve years.
The months work is still half-assed.
>So what?
So don't act surprised when nobody cares about the fee fees of the guy who claimed it.
>Would you be ok with him instead taking say 6 months to a year to sort out the issue and releasing it actually working correctly?
That would be much slower progress than he's making right now, but still leagues ahead of nothing for twelve years. Why should he do that though? Nothing wrong with consistent updates proving you're actually doing something.
>The months work is still half-assed.
Again it's better than twelve years of literally nothing.
>So don't act surprised when nobody cares about the fee fees of the guy who claimed it.
Don't act surprised when devs stop doing translations because they're tired of the entitled behavior.
>That would be much slower progress than he's making right now
But it would actually be making progress. He's currently not actually making progress.
>Why should he do that though? Nothing wrong with consistent updates proving you're actually doing something.
That's just it though, is he actually doing something? Is the patch really any better than it was? All he's done is made it so instead of having to switch to the Japanese disc to get past the softlock, it just goes back to Japanese on the same disc. Is that really better? The game is still untranslated and the core issue is still unresolved.
>Again it's better than twelve years of literally nothing.
Again is it really better? The same problem is still there. Those parts of the game can't be played in English and the root cause is still unknown and unsolved. It's a worthless update that only serves to pacify impatient people like yourself.
>Ok give examples. I've provided plenty of recent examples where no drama happened.
Tales of Destiny

>It is
It's not

>No reason to believe it isn't from a recent build either
Burden of proof lies on the person making the claim. It's Cyber who needs to prove it's recent work.

>The only argument I'm making is that the drama could have been easily avoided
No, you are trying to insist that there were ways to contact someone who had ghosted everyone, and drama would have happened regardless. Cyber even said he would not have allowed it if PMed, despite the fact that he has no say in how open source code is used

>Your argument is that nothing matters as long as the entitled brat is pacified
Your argument is brown nosing Cyber at every opportunity regardless of actual facts or evidence

>The RHDN admins didn't lock it because it was dead
"It has become a series of bumps", words from the admin, nothing about it being toxic. It was the SegaXtreme thread that had become toxic, mostly because of you and Cyber. Also they said it would be reopened at Cyber's behest, it never was.

>Where did he say he was done with it and moving on
When did he say it wasn't dead? Oh yeah, years ago, after everyone said it was dead and he didn't tell them it was still alive.

>A lot of devs aren't even announcing their projects at this point because of the entitled brat mentality
And you know these projects exist when nobody is talking about them how? You saying you now have secret insider access to other's translation projects? Despite open source being more popular than ever before?

>Again, for now
Then that's where people should go for now, yet the thread is still locked. And what evidence do you have to think that people will move to other sites when it's still the main place people taling about romhacking with no signs of slowing down despite the site closure? They are even still posting news about new romhacks, just not hosting them anymore.
>Just because you want to believe it was dead doesn't make it true
Just because you want to believe it was alive doesn't make it true

>The video has less than 1000 views after almost a month
Didn't see a video about it either, shows that people are talking about it

>And as I said look at the accounts. Most were made just to post in that thread
I did, and they weren't, most were old.

>The actual long term members of the community were defending Cyber
Mostly just you Trekkie

>They didn't disappear for years
Not even logged into their accounts for years, they did

>We know, the point is that the drama could have been avoided
The point is Cyber is being a shiny bitch for starting drama over something that ead did nothing wrong NOR scummy or shitty over.
You get me?

>It really hasn't
It really has, but it's clear that your modus operandi is to lie lie lie and deny deny deny and then when you are cornered try to move the goalposts. You are by far, the worst type of human being on this planet.

>Sometimes you get stuck trying to reverse engineer some weird piece of code to try and fix an issue. Throw in real life distractions and it can take a while
Not this long
You realize this translation is taking almost Duke Nukem Forever levels of development time? Fuck off with that "Real life problems" bullshit, literally hundreds of other translations were stared and finished after Cyber had announced his.
>Only after reverting a bunch of files back to their original Japanese files and leaving them untranslated
And of course you don't acknowledge the newer stuff that was originally left untranslated that got translated
And you are also bitching that a beta patch that the creator says is buggy for now is buggy and has already released 8 revisions in a month while bitterly defending Cyber taking 12+ years with ZERO to show for it

>Him and Sam didn't want to release it in a half-assed state
They don't want to release anything period, and before you go "Yes they do" I want them to prove it, an actual release of SOMETHING, even a demo, not a video that could be years old.
>He's currently not actually making progress
Blatantly untrue. Just look at the Github updates, you know those awful things that signify actual work being done? Don't they know being left in the dark for twelve years is way better?
>Is the patch really any better than it was?
>Again is it really better?
How many times are you going to ask the same retarded bad faith question in one post?
>Don't act surprised when devs stop doing translations because they're tired of the entitled behavior.

Nobody other than your brownnosing ass thinks that having a "Hey, I am still alive" just once a year is being "entitled". You pulled this same shit on the SegaXtreme forums, acting like people were demanding the moon just asking for a "I am still alive" post once 6-12 months. You wanted all this drama avoided? THJAT would have avoided all this drama. Cyber not only brought all of this shit on himself but then STARTED the drama himself. If you think that a "I am still alive" post in a year is "entitlement" then you can kiss my ass, nobody on the planet would consider that entitled. Only idiots who have no arguments to make toss around the word entitled left and right as if they just learned it in a dictionary.

>But it would actually be making progress
So is ead, but we have not seen any progress from Cyber that could not be years old abandoned code

>That's just it though, is he actually doing something?
You're talking about Cyber right? Because that's what everyone is asking about him.

>Again is it really better?
Yes, because something is better than nothing.
It's because of the drama. No one absolutely gave a fuck about this game or its supposed fans until whatever drama shit happened and got spammed all over vee and vr.
I had this game for a long time and its exactly like all other VW slop - all style, no substance and insane amount of padding to hide the fact that it normally would have been 2h game. Dragon's Crown was their only decent title that resembled to have a bit of varied gameplay, rest is pure garbage that puts to shame other crappy ARPGs of that time in how possibly crappy you can get.
>Tales of Destiny
And what was the drama there?
>It's not
It is.
>Burden of proof lies on the person making the claim. It's Cyber who needs to prove it's recent work.
Considering how much further along and polished it is from what we've seen of eadmasters patch it's definitely more recent.
>Your argument is brown nosing Cyber at every opportunity regardless of actual facts or evidence
I could care less about who the person is. I'm simply saying drama can be easily avoided by simply being civil and courteous to each other.
>"It has become a series of bumps", words from the admin, nothing about it being toxic.
Look at the bumps in question. Most of them are starting to get pretty toxic.
> It was the SegaXtreme thread that had become toxic, mostly because of you and Cyber.
Yet those weren't the accounts that were temp banned. Maybe the actual toxicity was from the people making accounts just to brigade the thread.
>When did he say it wasn't dead?
When did he say it was dead?
>You saying you now have secret insider access to other's translation projects?
Some yes. And a lot of devs are also talking about not making their githubs public anymore after this fiasco.
>Then that's where people should go for now, yet the thread is still locked
The SegaXtreme one isn't.
>RHDN is still alive!
Not really. The site was already dying when it came to submissions long before they shut that part down. Most devs were already hosting their patches on their own sites or on other sites. RHDN's hosting was already far too limiting for disc based patches as well. Even the forums aren't as active as they were with significantly less new posts per day.
Yeah sure, nobody cares about vanillaware games
>Just because you want to believe it was alive doesn't make it true
Both SamIAm and CyberWarriorX have stated it's not dead. That's the fact. Everything else is just you making conjecture.
>Didn't see a video about it either, shows that people are talking about it
The only person talking about it was the creator. No one took that shit seriously because it was batshit insane.
>I did, and they weren't, most were old.
No they weren't. Almost all the ones posting against CyberWarrior after he posted literally made their accounts that day.
>Mostly just you Trekkie
There were other devs as well. Others voiced their disgust in the discord.
>Not even logged into their accounts for years, they did
SamIAm was regularly active on discord. CyberWarrior could easily be contacted as well. Again if you send a PM the person gets an email notification.
>The point is Cyber is being a shiny bitch for starting drama over something that ead did nothing wrong NOR scummy or shitty over.
Again the shitty thing was releasing the script and patch as-is with out asking. It would be one thing if he used the code base to do his own translation and released that, but that's not what he did.
>It really has
Again I've pointed to instances where this happened and their was no drama. Again Baroque was being worked on by EmeraldNova, then Plissken released their patch. Did Emerald throw a fit? Nope. He said "Oh ok there work is better I'll move on." CJ Iwakura was workign on Sakura Wars PC for years, then Noah came along and announced his Saturn work. Did CJ throw a fit? Nope. He instead reached out and the two joined forces. The drama usually only happens when someone elses work is used without their permission.
>You realize this translation is taking almost Duke Nukem Forever levels of development time?
You realize translation patches aren't full time jobs right?
>And of course you don't acknowledge the newer stuff that was originally left untranslated that got translated
And the quality of that translation is extremely questionable.
>And you are also bitching that a beta patch that the creator says is buggy for now is buggy
No, I'm pointing out the progress really isn't progress. The bugs are still there, he's just given up and replaced the files with the original Japanese ones.
>I want them to prove it, an actual release of SOMETHING, even a demo, not a video that could be years old.
You're in a position to demand nothing.

>Blatantly untrue. Just look at the Github updates
I am looking at the updates and actually reading what they are. The updates are replacing the broken English files with the original Japanese files. He's not actually fixing the core problem. So in that sense, no he's not making progress.
File: Updates.png (56 KB, 965x849)
56 KB
>The updates are replacing the broken English files with the original Japanese files
Why lie?
>Nobody other than your brownnosing ass thinks that having a "Hey, I am still alive" just once a year is being "entitled".
That's not the entitled behavior. The entitled behavior is when you think because you've waited you're now entitled to make demands on the developers.

>You're talking about Cyber right? Because that's what everyone is asking about him.
No I'm talking about eadmaster. Look at the updates he's posting. Did he actually fix the softlock issue? No. He just reverted the file back to the Japanese file. The problem is still there and unsolved. The point I'm making is it's a useless update that only serves to pacify entitled people like yourself.

>Yes, because something is better than nothing.
Even if that something is really nothing when we look at the actual progress of the project as a whole? Does reverting the file actually get us closer to playing the game in English? No, it doesn't. If anything it takes us a step backwards.
>Why lie?
It literally says right there he reverted the file to Japanese. The major issue is still there and unresolved.
>It literally says right there he reverted the file to Japanese
For one specific part as a temporary fix. Beats twelve years of nothing.
And as I asked previously, would you be ok if instead he took the time to focus on fixing that and released it as a more substantial update? Even if it took a year or more?
Having actual updates proving you're doing something is better than radio silence. Every single person on Earth knows this. Only a lazy fuck looking out for himself would want anything else.
So again you're part of the problem. Devs shouldn't feel compelled to keep posting updates just to pacify an angry mob. They should be able to post them when they feel they have something worth sharing.
Expecting proof you're actually doing something is not a problem, unless you're a lazy fuck who wants people to praise you for doing nothing.
>hes still going
you could have let the thread die you know
This is a hobby that people do for fun in their free time because they enjoy it and they're a fan of the game. They should be allowed to work at the pace that their real life schedule dictates. Unless you're actually contributing work yourself, you're in no position to dictate terms and make demands. All you accomplish by doing that is take any sense of enjoyment out of the hobby which just results in devs quitting.
>All you accomplish by doing that is take any sense of enjoyment out of the hobby which just results in devs quitting
What a shame it would be if people who never release shit after twelve years called it quits. I mean just imagine how much of an impact that would have.
>And what was the drama there?
Typical dibs bullshit

>It is
It's not

>Considering how much further along and polished it is-*snip*
We know it was further along than the version that was on Github, my point is it could still be a version from years ago when he stopped working on it. Nobody is saying he never did any work past the version removed from github, we are saying there is no way to prove there was any work done in the last several years on the one shown in the video. It could just be a years old version dub up just to make the video and then remain unworked on.

>I could care less about who the person is
That means you do care. Maybe you should not be into translations if you can't into grammar. And if all you cared about was not starting drama then you would be against Cyber, who started the drama. No, eadmaster was not in the wrong for using open source code in the very way open source is meant to be used before you try to counter with that. Cyber was definitely in the wrong claiming the code was "stolen" though.

And don't lie, we know damn well you are kissing Cyber's ass.

>Look at the bumps in question
You mean your posts? Yeah, those I agree.

>Yet those weren't the accounts that were temp banned
The mod warned ANYONE causing more drama would be temp-banned, the fact that you think the mods are somehow on your side is showing the heights of your delusion. And yet again, you are changing goalposts. From "People were mostly supporting Cyber" to "It was just new accounts" to "B-b-but some accounts got temp banned!". Give it up Trekkie, you're bad at this.

>When did he say it was dead
Typically when someone working on a project disappears for years it's considered dead, especially when there are opportunities for them to say it's still alive and they don't take them. He never reappeared in years of people saying it was dead, only reappeared to bitch when someone actually released something and took the spotlight.
>Some yes. And a lot of devs are also talking about not making their githubs public anymore after this fiasco
Considering your chromic lies so far here, it's very hard to believe anything you say.

>The SegaXtreme one isn't
Stop trying to move the goalposts. We were talking about the RDHN thread, the one Cyber started and posted in for years that has hundreds of posts, and was locked because Cyber disappeared with the message that Cyber could request it unlocked. Yet he did not. Not the SegaXtreme post SAM started and was dead until ead revived it to do actual work.

>Not really
1. Yes really
2. does not matter if it's still the most active site
3. Also the most active Princess Crown translation thread, the one that Cyber started

The fact that he's not even putting in the effort to reopen the thread shows how little of a shit he gives about the actual translation and only cared that he lost the sporlight

>Both SamIAm and CyberWarriorX have stated it's not dead
And there are people who state that Elvis is not dead and claim they have "proof", yet nothing concrete. Cyber can show us something concrete or go cry in a corner.

>The only person talking about it was the creator
Again, shows how shielded you are in your little circles, explains a lot of your garbage posts really

>No they weren't
Yes they were

>SamIAm was regularly active on discord. CyberWarrior could easily be contacted as well.
When the threads they were posting in were locked and those accounts not logged into. Stop trying to simp for their bullshit.

>Again the shitty thing was releasing the script and patch as-is with out asking
No, that was the right thing by open source standards. What is shitty is Cyber claiming ead stole it and starting this drama.

>Again I've pointed to instances where this happened and their was no drama
And I posted instances where there was. Thing is, there has been more drama over this dibs bullshit than not.
>What a shame it would be if people who never release shit after twelve years called it quits. I mean just imagine how much of an impact that would have.
How do you think devs of other projects react when they see this kind of behavior? Secondly the behavior is already starting to spill over with other projects getting attacked by some of the same people, even when they give regular updates.
Ladies please. More translating less arguing. Everyone deserves a gold star
>How do you think devs of other projects react when they see this kind of behavior?
Cry to their hugbox about people being entitled, then cry about it on /vr/ for hours. All while doing fuck all on the projects they called dibs on, of course.
>You realize translation patches aren't full time jobs right?
I see you ignored how tons of other patches had been started after and finished before, those were not full time jobs either. There is NO EXCUSE for it taking 12 years, with several years of ghosting. NONE. None whatsoever. No amount of "But it's not perfect" or "But real life" or "But it's not dead" excuses that bullshit, none whatsoever. You are an idiot if you cannot understand this. And no, shut up about PMs that I know you are going to reply with, I already thoroughly tore that one apart.

>And the quality of that translation is extremely questionable
"You don't get it Steve, that doesn't matter" - Bill Gates
ead gave people something playable, he released something, Cyber released nothing. It does not matter if it's going to be the most immaculate translation to ever exist in the history of gaming if there is no sign of it ever coming out.

>No, I'm pointing out the progress really isn't progress
Except it is, as I and others have pointed out.

>I am looking at the updates and actually reading what they are
Then you suck at reading, just like you sucked at reading the SegaXtreme thread, because there is actual progress and even untranslated stuff being translated there.

>The entitled behavior is when you think because you've waited you're now entitled to make demands on the developers.
No, that's using open source, thinking you have a lock on open source code is entitled behavior, so is claiming others stole it

>No I'm talking about eadmaster.
Failing at understanding sarcasm too I see. Are you sure you know English?

>Look at the updates he's posting
I did, you didn't, because he's actually translating untranslated parts. I wonder what new thing you will find to bitch about when that is fixed. Again, less than one month vs 12 years. You don't get to bitch about the softlock until ead has also taken 12 years.
>Even if that something is really nothing when we look at the actual progress of the project as a whole?
Except it is.

>Does reverting the file actually get us closer to playing the game in English?
Yes actually

You know what doesn't get us closer to playing the game in English? Not releasing jack fucking shit at all.

>It literally says right there he reverted the file to Japanese
That's ONE of the things he did which you are hyperfixating on because you have no other arguments, I know, too bad that as I and others have pointed out he also made improvements. I have noticed that pattern in your posts Trekkie, you love to ignore facts and only cherry-pick things to hyper-fixate your arguments on. You realize that is gradeschool level debate skills right?
>Typical dibs bullshit
Give examples then.
>It's not
It is.
>my point is it could still be a version from years ago when he stopped working on it.
And my point is that's you trying to come up with another reason to keep your hate boner going. From what SamIAm has said in discord as well as CyberWarriorX they've been working on it.
>That means you do care. Maybe you should not be into translations if you can't into grammar.
I do the programming not the script.
>And if all you cared about was not starting drama then you would be against Cyber, who started the drama
The drama started when eadmaster released the patch as is without even reaching out to Cyber or SamIAm. As stated the issue with most isn't the code being used. The issue is that the patch with the early draft of the script was all released as-is. If he used the code to start working out his own patch with his own script most wouldn't care including myself.
>You mean your posts? Yeah, those I agree.
I didn't post in the RHDN thread.
>The mod warned ANYONE causing more drama would be temp-banned
Correct. And some of the ones causing it were already temp-banned.
> From "People were mostly supporting Cyber" to "It was just new accounts"
I said the actual long term members are mostly supporting Cyber. The ones who were attacking him were mostly new accounts that only ever posted in the Princess Crown thread.
> He never reappeared in years of people saying it was dead, only reappeared to bitch when someone actually released something and took the spotlight.
The other member of the team insisted it wasn't dead multiple times. Again they were easy to get in contact with to confirm or deny it.
>The drama started when eadmaster released the patch as is without even reaching out to Cyber or SamIAm.
If only he reached out so he could be told no, then we'd have zero Princess Crown translations like it was always meant to be.
>More blah blah blah
Again, at the end of the day, not a single word you said matters. None of it. All that matters, REGARDLESS of the bugs or current state, is that someone released something playable. That's it.

And all your bitching and moaning and brownnosing makes zero difference if Cyber does not release something.

Release something, that's all that matters, nobody gives a shit about the rest of this. None of your delusions that people were actually supporting Cyber or that it's not dead or that it wasn't Cyber that started the drama or any of that shit makes any difference at all.

All that matters is that ead released something playable, Cyber did not in 12 years. And unless Cyber also releases something nobody will give a shit about any of these details. So you can just fuck off.
holy mental illness
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>it's very hard to believe anything you say.
Take it or leave, I don't care. The point is this is having ripple effects throughout the community.
> We were talking about the RDHN thread, the one Cyber started and posted in for years that has hundreds of posts
We were talking about both but ok. CyberWarrior posted an update in February 2022 and the thread was locked less than a year later because people kept bumping it with nothing of value.
>RHDN is still active!
The site was already dying before they closed submissions due to various other issues and politics.
>The fact that he's not even putting in the effort to reopen the thread shows how little of a shit he gives about the actual translation and only cared that he lost the sporlight
Probably because he see's no point. If I were to start a new translation project I wouldn't even bother with RHDN these days.
>Again, shows how shielded you are in your little circles, explains a lot of your garbage posts really
Ok then where was it posted and talked about? And again why does the video have barely any views?
>Yes they were
No, they weren't. CyberWarriorX posted on October 26th, 2024. These are the two accounts that did the most attacking. Notice that they joined on October 26th and their only posts are in the Princess Crown thread. Even some of the ones that had joined earlier, most of them barely have any posts as they only post to comment on translation threads usually asking "Is it done yet?" or "Is this dead?" or "Why wont you translate the way I like!". These aren't long time contributing members of the community.
>PMs dont matter if they don't log in!
You realize when you get a PM it sends an email notification right?
>What is shitty is Cyber claiming ead stole it and starting this drama.
The drama started when eadmaster released it as-is.
>And I posted instances where there was.
You mentioned one with no details.
>These aren't long time contributing members of the community.
Much like Cyber.
>All while doing fuck all on the projects they called dibs on, of course.
Stop harassing them then. That's kind of the point. By doing that you're accomplishing nothing and if anything causing them to lose focus and start considering if it's really worth continuing.
>I see you ignored how tons of other patches had been started after and finished before
I didn't ignore them. Every project is different and every team is different. Especially when it's entirely done by fans in their free time. You can't directly compare one to another because it's not the same game or the same people working on them.
>shut up about PMs
Just because you don't like the fact doesn't change the fact that you could get into contact with them if you actually tried.
>He released something!
That only goes so far in the short term.
>Except it is, as I and others have pointed out.
All you've pointed out is that you don't care about the quality of the updates and the actual progress being made as long as your being pacified.
>No, that's using open source
No it's not. If you're not actually contributing or doing anything you are not entitled to make demands on the developers. And before you say "ead contributed something!" he didn't in the intitial release. He just released what was there as is. That's what the issue was and why there's drama.
>Failing at understanding sarcasm too I see
I got it, I just chose to redirect back to the actual point.
>You didn't!
I did.
> because he's actually translating untranslated parts.
He's not translating those, someone else is. And the translation is very questionable. Secondly the original response was to the latest release that just came out, which the main bit of that update is simply replacing the broken file with the Japanese file instead of fixing the actual issue. The point is that the updates you're cheering about really don't amount to much.
>By doing that you're accomplishing nothing and if anything causing them to lose focus and start considering if it's really worth continuing.
Good. If they aren't going to do any work then they should quit.
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>Yes actually.
How? It doesn't make any progress towards fixing the issue.
>You know what doesn't get us closer to playing the game in English? Not releasing jack fucking shit at all.
I didn't say not releasing anything. I said taking the time to fix the actual issue even if it means you have a longer gap between releases. You said you didn't like that so I pointed out you were part of the problem.
>That's ONE of the things he did which you are hyperfixating on because you have no other argument
It's the main "fix" of the update. The rest is just fluff. My point was would you be ok if he instead released all of those as one big update that also included properly fixing the soft lock even if it took longer?
>If only he reached out so he could be told no, then we'd have zero Princess Crown translations like it was always meant to be.
He could have done his own translation. As I said most of us wouldn't have had a problem if he even used Cyber's code but did his own script translation.
>All that matters is pacifying an angry mob!
Which is not the situation any dev wants to be in.
>Much like Cyber.
Cyber has been around since 2001 and has contributed more than all of those other accounts combined.
>Good. If they aren't going to do any work then they should quit.
Then enjoy having the translation scene dry up. Because that's what will come of that.
>Cyber has been around since 2001 and has contributed more than all of those other accounts combined
Langrisser III 0.001, Princess Crown 0.2, unfinished notoriously shit emulator, another unfinished emulator as part of the single biggest scam in retro gaming right now... the list goes on...
>More blah blah blah

Again, you don't understand. None of this matters when Cyber has not released jack shit in 12 years. Absolutely none of the circumstances around it matter, none. All that matters is if he released anything, he didn't, ead did. That's all that matters and all that 99% of people will care about or see.

Oh, and I hope it has ripple effects, I truly deeply hope that. I hope that Cyber, Sam, you, and every idiot like you leaves forever so there will be less of this bullshit among translators. Why don't you prove you are not lying about this too and actually leave? The only angry mob here is you, and everyone wants you to go away.

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