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Why can't modern displays compete?
They very much compete and then some.
CRTs give motion clarity for free by their fundamental nature. All other display technologies, motion clarity goes against their nature.
phosphor ghosting
Still better than sample and hold.
That's a hell of a lot of motion blur.
there's no motion blur in that webm thats just phosphor persistence
that's not motion blur but it is one of the big downsides to crt. the streaking brights due to phosphor persistence.
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>darkest black is a light grey
I don't know, anon. I think modern displays can compete just fine
wtf you mean glass that is mean to light up isn't as dark when its bright?
yes, but that motion blur has SOVL
How do you someone is a CRTvegan? Don't worry they'll tell you
How do you know someone hates CRTs? They will autistically whine about them instead of filtering the threads.
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>filter the CRT general
>expect CRTrannies stay in their containment thread
>nope, gotta make a new thread and avoid saying "CRT" to avoid filters
>still blame you for it
Kill yourself doubleplusnigger
>filter gramophone general
>expect radiotrannies to stay in their containment thread
>nope, gotta make a new thread and avoid saying "radio" to avoid filters
kill yourself whippersnapper
You spend more time bitching than it would take to just hide the thread you triple nigger.
Sounds like the doom thread.
that's not motion blur, it's glow when you put something bright on a black background
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On a modern display you wouldn't get those trails but Jill's entire silhouette would become a blurry mess instead. Phosphor persistence is soulful, doesn't obscure detail like LCD/OLED blur and makes some games look better than they do without it. Try this stage with fireflies in SoulCalibur III for example.
Looks like SOTN, pretty cool
You used a whole lot of words to perfectly describe motion blur.
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Does the problem go away when there is no motion on the screen?
It goes away when it's not on a black background
Me but with the telegraph
no it's not the same thing. LCDs have motion blur but no phosphor persistence because they don't use phosphors.
streaking on CRTs can completely fuck up the video quality on some games. It is technically blurry and happens when in motion so I'll concede to your autism.
Reminder that there is NO way to properly show interlaced content on anything that isn't a CRT. Interlaced video standards were created with CRTs in mind. You always lose quality when the image gets deinterlaced to be displayed on a modern TV or monitor. This will be true no matter how much money you shell out for upscalers. If your console outputs 480i signal and you're not using a CRT, you're missing out.
Not really tism, just that motion blur is general enough that it can describe the phenomenon but subcategories can describe the actual cause. eye saccades, phosphor persistence, lcd shortcomings, etc

yeah, it might be tism.
>modern displays have better black
What is this, Opposite Day?
This is what's a bit funny about PVM-faggots.
PVMs can sometimes lack certain features like the darker shadow masks that were marketed in the 1990s. Which included most arcade monitors of the time period. Those CRTs were supposed to feature greater contrast and better black levels.
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>there's people talking about retro displays here how could this happen to me
Post link to demonstration of perfect motion clarity in a modern display. Thank you.
>come to the retro board
>complain about retro tech
/v/ is leaking i see
Incorrect. Plasmas also have the inherent motion benefits of CRTs. They also died for the same reason of being too big and heavy.
and burning people's houses down.
There is motion clarity. The actual object (Jill) does not blur while moving.
Phosphor persistence adds sovl, as does bloom.
>All other display technologies
You're really behind the times. OLED have been around for years now and Micro LED displays are now in retail.
And they are all still sample and hold based.
>Plasmas also have the inherent motion benefits of CRTs.
False. Plasmas are high persistence displays. They use PWM to control brightness, so you get both sample-and-hold blur and temporal dithering artifacts. One of the worst display technologies to reach the mass market.
OLED motion quality is basically the same as plasma, i.e. garbage. Micro LED could theoretically be good but in practice it's the same as OLED.
when your motion blur is so high that it becomes ghosting, you know you've got to tone it down a notch
you're lying
>blur on lcd bad
>blur on crt soul
wrong word, ghosting would be a more apt term
>ghosting on lcd bad
>ghosting on crt soul
We're not talking about ghosting on LCD though
>ghosting on oled bad
>ghosting on crt soul
You've never seen a CRT, or are too stupid to recognize the difference.
There's no problem with the motion of the Jill model.
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Dude thinks pic related isn't soul
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2006 magnavox 13 inch.
My beautiful color bleed.
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Little wiggly.
>shitty quality in technology I dont like
>shitty quality in technology I like
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Nah, I was being sarcastic, it's a shit tv. But it was 10 dollars new in box with remote. It's good enough for hooking up a rasp pi to it for a toonami stream.
that's a great TV. it doesn't get much better than an old new in box set. Looks a lot like my commodore monitor that was branded magnavox. If you could RGB mod it the quality would be good.
that bezel shape and size really make it match a commodore.
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One of the capacitors is likely dead, it has to run language and channel setup every time I turn it on. Which means about a minute of static channel surfing.
Luckily i can just press the setup button on the remote to skip it and go right to the aux channel.
I need a better stand for it.
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What's up with the autist that keeps shitting on CRTs? They are either free or cheap, the only reason I can think of to hate them is living a pod.

>b-but CRTvegans are annoying

Yeah, so are you, faggot
Black frame insertion dickhead
You're lying again.
OLED will burn out in seconds if you try to run it low persistence. Sample and hold is mandatory. And while it theoretically doesn't have to be PWMed, literally every OLED display I've seen was. The advantages of OLED are CRT-tier contrast ratio and better-than-CRT-tier ghosting (see >>11390691, this isn't the same as sample-and-hold blur).
>OLED will burn out in seconds if you try to run it low persistence
lol. NTA but that's blatant bullshit, aka lying.
OLED already has problems with burn in at normal brightness. You expect it to survive strobing at 100 times normal brightness (which still results in higher persistence than a CRT)?
You're lying (again).
False accusations won't bring back the money you wasted on an OLED monitor. Next time buy a strobed LCD, which can have even better motion quality than a CRT. Latency is still higher but that only matters for original hardware. OLED is only the correct choice when your motion quality is going to be bad whatever you do, e.g. watching 24fps movies or playing N64 games.
>Forgets all the issues CRTs has
>Forgets about bloom and trails on CRTs
>Tries to say they are as good as OLED

Oh wait. Is OP serious?
Ignorant much? Yes. Don't reply, ignorant fuck.
okay but why are you lying
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>have the same TV
>bought it in 2001 right after 9/11 for $320
>only tv that size that had component inputs for my PS2 and upcoming GC
>not even Sony Trinitrons had that
>still have it to this day
>selling for over $600+

Feels good, bros.
>They are either free or cheap
Bullshit but hey. They're not crazy expensive either.
>You expect me to cope?
Of course. The zoomer will never fact check itself. Even after its bullshit has been called. Instead, it will tap a bunch of words, hoping that will make it appear knowledgeable and intimidate other low information zoomers. But the tactic is useless against grownups who know what they're talking about. All it does it make grownups chuckle and mock the zoomer, hoping to elicit an epic meltdown.
OLED is inherently sample and hold. Furthermore, OLED brightness control is only possible via software (reducing the effective bits per pixel) or PWM. There are currently zero OLED monitors on BlurBuster's recommendation list. Strobing/black frame insertion can improve motion quality of sample-and-hold displays but reduces brightness in proportion to the improvement, and OLED already has problems with brightness. LCD is also inherently sample and hold, but unlike OLED, LCD uses a backlight so maximum brightness can be extremely high. This allows for large reductions (and large improvements in motion quality) with strobing. LCD is objectively better than OLED for fast action games. You can easily verify all this with an oscilloscope and a photodiode.
sample and hold deez nuts
no big deal since CRTs take a minute to warm up and look their best anyway
i thought the pwm for oled was because reducing the brightness otherwise changes the color
meant for
Yes. OLED pixels have non-linear brightness response, and PWM is a way to work around this at the cost of further reduced motion quality.
>My posts are inherently cope. When I'm called out for lying I won't correct myself or even acknowledge it. I just tap more words in a desperate attempt to convince someone, anyone, myself, that I know what I'm talking about. It never works. In my 12 years on this earth I have not once fooled anyone into believing that I'm not a retarded pathological bullshitter. But I still do it. The power of autism compels me. My parents have taken me to dozens of doctors but none of them have been able to fix me.
i think you could work around brightness being nonlinear. i thought i read somewhere that the leds emit a different wavelength at lower currents, so it messes up the color reproduction.
Anon your OLED still looks pretty don't let him get to you.
You have no idea what you're talking about, retard.
He's lying about the big picture. About the idea that no technology ever matched CRT motion clarity. When they have for years now.
Strobed LCD can already exceed CRT motion quality, as I already said: >>11393781
OLED cannot and probably never will.
Why do you keep lying about OLED?
OLED is sample and hold, and unlike LCD can never be strobed to CRT-tier low persistence. Despite its superb contrast ratio and ultra-low ghosting, OLED is not a suitable display for /vr/ games.
>and I same fag. See >>11395431
>OLED is sample and hold, and unlike LCD can never be strobed to CRT-tier low persistence
Yes it can.
Not really. Motion blur on modern screens causes eye strain. Phosphor persistence on CRTs does not.
So why do no such monitors exist?
>every anon is the same person because i'm seething

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