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Is this the best looking game of the 5th gen?
Objectively no.
worst take I've ever seen.
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It's very comfy-looking but there are better 2D games on Saturn.
I like the 2D sprites but the 3D backgrounds arena bit bland.
3D-wise it's probably something on N64, Conker, Perfect Dark, or Evangelion look very impressive for 5th gen.
that's pretty beautiful as a game engine style, but the colors are a little drab. perhaps that makes it greater.
Conker and PD might be impressive technically, but they're not what I'd call pretty
Well, "pretty" is very subjective.
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I love how Quake 1 looks. I know some people will say the Half-Life, Unreal, or Quake 3 better represents the height of 90s graphics. But Quake 1 is neat and visually so well made.
it's got very warm colors
>brown and grey the game
>warm colors
yup. it's earthy.
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>Is this the best looking game of the 5th gen?
Not even close.
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the wheel of time game mogs any of those
Are we counting Arcade and PC releases or just PS1/N64/Saturn?
That isnt what wheel of time looked like on 1999 hardware.
People posting these youtube videos are running on mid 2000s PCs or later and some are running ESRGAN and other optimized modern unreal engine mods.
Same as this:
Quake did not look like that in its prime. Quake released in 1996 and only reached 25fps in 1997 with the arrival of the pentium II (at 640x480). GLquake also released in 1997 supporting some 3d hardware and added the reflections, the transparent water, and a lot of things impossible for the original dos release.

Its not just PC doing this. Half the playstation videos and screenshots I see now are emulated with upscalers and all manner of fuckery as well. There is something very inauthentic about modern retro gaming overall, especially from youtube where they strive to post everything at 1080 60fps.
looks outdated and 2d
that’s lush. go tig
Are you blind? It's clearly 3d
What game? Looks kino.
breath of fire iv
>It's very comfy-looking but there are better 2D games on Saturn.
Better games or better looking games?
Also, list them. Breath of Fire 4 is soulful and beautiful.
are the breath of fire games good? they all look good, but I tried to play the first one and was pretty boring, is it one of those style over substance things?
97 is definitely prime Quake
BoF 1 is not very good, but 3 and 4 are fantastic if you like JRPG's
I’ve only ever played the first one, maybe I should’ve skipped it but it was fine. The plot did nothing for me but I thought other than that it was okay.

Is 2 any good? All the SNES fans I know praise it but in the broader RPG world it seems like 3 and 4 are the favorites.
1 was pretty barebones. 2 is an improvement but the bulk of the game was left intact.
Are those colored red lights near the start there? I thought that was a 64/Q2 thing and not for the original PC release.
god i want to FUCK tiggers juicy polygon ass!
Maybe it's a KeK version? They recompiled all the maps and ruined them with color lighting.
Objectively you're a shit eater and most likely think you are a woman. the 2d sprite work a lot games had on the psx was simply amazing. where is most 3d games looked like shit because of the horrid textures and awful models.
I would rather look at Soul Reaver. 2d was dead by 5th gen. Neo Geo killed it.
3 was a beautiful game and the first part was a true 10/10... but the dungeons in that game suck so much ass. Repetitive, overly long, and confusing to navigate. Then the second half of 3 sucks even more ass. Takes what could have been an amazing experience and makes it a chore to get through.
you sound very subjective and a boomer who clings onto outdated design. 3d is the future, retard. look where we are now
BOF 2-4 are great. Personally my favorite is 4 followed by 2. I recommend playing BOF2 with the re-translated romhack because the original release has garbage english. BOF4 also has an uncensor patch that restores 4 scenes cut by puritans from the original one.
BOF 1 is a generic JRPG.
I won't bring up the last ones because fans of it are autistic shitstirrers who think it's good solely because it's nothing like the others.

There's also no real connection between the three outside of "Squall is dead" type stuff so you can play them in any order. I'd start with BOF4 personally.
Your pic is in software rendering. This is why 3D accelerators became a necessity in the second half of the 90s
>Your pic is in software rendering
Quake didnt support 3d hardware rendering. Its subsequent source ports did.
GLquake was created for OpenGL support the subsequent year but was a buggy mess and was not supported by ID, just kind of a side project to try stuff out when getting ready for quake 2.
Quake 2 was already out by the time they got quake unfucked and playable at a decent frame rate using more powerful pentiums and 3d hardware in mid 1997 through 1998.
3 is better
Just lower the resolution. Next you are going to tell me Duke 3d wasn't playable in 1996 because you need an Athlon 64 to run it at 1600x1200
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>you sound very subjective
>Just lower the resolution.
That was the entire point. Read what that was replying to. It was a response to the habbit of people posting videos or screenshots of old games running on modern PCs with newer optimized engines, advanced lighting and at high resolution and 120+fps (capped at 60fps because they ripped it from youtube).
>I cant believe how good this looks for a 1996 game!
At launch quake was played in 8bit color mode at 320x240 even on a decent pentium because it had no 3d hardware support in vanilla quake.
>the present/future dictate what is currently enjoyable about the past
Unironic soulless golem brain, please walk into an oncoming street cleaner
the world is not so black and white. find joy in the moment.
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I ripped the textures from Wheel of Time to study them... the quality is incredible. They appear to be hand painted but nearly photo realistic. They have a 80s / 90s fantasy painting style to them.
>look where we are now
in a world with plenty of 2d games still coming out? what kind of bait even is this? pretending to be a game journo from 1997 that hates 2d games while claiming your opponent has outdated beliefs?
Not really. This is Google's first definition of pretty: "attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful or handsome". I'd say that's spot on. There's a big difference between that and what an adult male thinks looks crisp and clean.
how can you refute it? 2d lost, if it had won, 3d wouldn't dominate gaming world

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