Was the N64 theoretically capable of displaying unfiltered textures, or was the blurring some sort of hardware-mandated setting?
>>11392634It's called anti-aliasing, and it's an intentional design of the hardware, to add depth perception to the 3D graphics.People will accept nonsense about TV's purposely being blurry, but they won't accept this actual fact.
>>11392634Yes it could and that's how things like HUD elements were typically represented. Texture filtering was used because it looks good; unless you mean to tell me your picture looks better
>>11392659>It's called anti-aliasingTexture filtering and anti-aliasing are two different things anon.
>>11392659>It's called anti-aliasingNot really, though that's a related concept in some ways.>>11392663>because it looks goodWell that's arguable, but I agree that at the time it did impress people since very visible pixelation in textures was what consumers were accustomed to. Sadly it also made developers lazy and prevented them from later on developing a visual style based on the hardware limitations that was as appealing from a modern perspective as late PlayStation visuals (which enforced consistent texture scaling).Obviously I wasn't saying these examples looked good, it's mostly an example of the overreliance on texture filtering that I just described..
>>11392634>Was the N64 theoretically capable of displaying unfiltered texturesNot just in theory, it's a setting that can be enabled/disabled per texture.See the distant buildings in the first level of Perfect Dark where texture filtering was disabled.
>>11392695For 5th gen consoles it made sense, because you could blend out low resolution textures so they wouldn't look so bad when stretched out over larger surfaces, and with smaller resolution textures you would have more space in memory.
If you opened up a rom with a hex editor you might be able to find the functions that enable the filter. So it's not as easy as disabling all of the other stuff because it's not a flag you can switch on and off.
Quake 64 had an option to disable texture filtering
>>11392634I know there's one N64 game that has a cheat code that forces texture filtering to be disabled and the polygons to shake around like in a PS1 game
>>11392913quake and I think doom 64 have it in the options
>>11392634In Turok 1 there is a cheat that lets you do it but there is no performance difference. I may have seen an F1 do it for the sand but it might have been an emulator screenshot.
>>11392913Extreme-G has it and I think Top Gear Rally has it too
>>11392695>prevented them from later on developing a visual style based on the hardware limitationsI hate hearing this platitude over and over again. The N64 had a 4KB texture cache; don't you think that was a hardware limitation then informed the texture design?
>>11392663> Texture filtering was used because it looks goodIt looks like shit. But it was a necessity because the n64 has potato textures.
>>11395420PSX tended to have slightly more high res textures, but it really isn't by much, the filtering lets the N64 get away with cheap usage like in OP's pic without it looking like in the image.Blur filtering like that is kind of vital if you're gonna blow up small textures like that and you don't want it to look totally cheap, remember that these machines only had so much memory.