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Would you like to eat your PlayStation games with Duckstation or with PS TV?
Beetle PSX
It appears Duckstation has surpassed that recently
how did it surpass it? muh accuracy that can't be measured?
in your dreams maybe
Nah I was happy with Beetle PSX and Duckstation has shitty licensing but I had trouble with Vagrant Story with Beetle.
I've been playing Vagrant Story for almost a decade now on Beetle PSX (via mednafen) and it works perfectly fine.

The truth is PSX emulation has been perfected by the time 2016 came around. There's not much to fix other than adding options that only enhance the experience for some people and memes like cycle-accuracy. The only systems that really need better emulators are the Xbox (360) and PS2/PS3.
>would you like to eat your playstation games
what do playstation games taste like?
I used duckstation for a few years but went back to beetle recently
how come?
Realized I don't really care about any of the enhancements and I feel like I've had less issues with beetle. I'm using the original software rendered version instead of the hardware branch. Might have been able to tweak duckstation to be the same but meh.
i was told if your waiter offers you duckstation to say no
I use DuckStation. I like how easy it is to transfer saves etc. from my PC to my phone and back.
Why would PSTV be a good way to play them? It is stuck at 720p which makes it a shitty option. I am pretty sure a PS3 is a better option and those are much cheaper and easy to obtain. A dumpster PC or Mister is a nicer way to play them too. A PS2 is good too if you can be bothered burning disks. Why would you use a Vita TV for anything other than Vita and maybe PSP games.
Because I already own a cfw PS TV
>I've been playing Vagrant Story for almost a decade now
Bro the game's like 40 hours tops.
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Ever since video games got popular they're not that fun anymore. Rather go for a bike ride instead
>It is stuck at 720p which makes it a shitty option
It isn't, 480p and 1080i are also available. It's PS Classic that's 720p only.

Depends on the screen: a monitor or a TV. Generally speaking, I'd use my OLED Vita. Duckstation's debugger is literally worthless AND unusable for any meaningful action, so I'd switch to PCSX-Redux to have all my cheat-making, cheat testing and actual playing in one program (see PPSSPP). Too bad that its debugger is utter pain the ass to use, but at least it works.
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So is Ares trash when it comes to PS1 games? I thought it was one of the more accurate emulators, but I just tried the Japanese version of Ace Combat 3 in it and no text is appearing in the textbox in the intro.
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And then even the images stop appearing in the image box
>>I've been playing Vagrant Story for almost a decade now
idk if you've spent 10 years on a 40 hour game maybe you're not the best judge of emulator quality...
>Chooses the most literal and autistic interpretation rather than the typical one everyone understands
You know what I meant mate. Stop being intentionally obtuse.
The Duckstation dev seems like a baby bitch idiot boy so I don’t use his emulator.
It is off-putting ngl
>Can't replace textures
Beetle HW > Duckstation.
And I say this as someone who uses Duckstation.
Basically the standard experience of this board. The comforting thing is that it's like 5 vocal + autistic "UMM ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT" semantics guys, and literally everyone else on the board knows what you meant.
What are you on about?
If it doesn't affect the quality of the emulator, I don't really care.
No don't eat your playstation games they're going to get scratches.
>PSTVs were going for $40 new at one point
>didn't pull the trigger
Still regret it
a psp with component out.
They were cheap, then they were discontinued & faggot speedrunners realized that a lot of games have faster load times when using it so it skyrocketed
Is that why? I just sorta assumed it was because discontinued products tend to sky rocket in price in general.
it's why it seemed to skyrocket more drastically than one might expect just from it being discontinued
its a joke retard
>It's a joke retard
You and I both know we are on a board so autistic, that there's longscale discussions on whether a game can "age" or not when regardless of that statement's veracity, all that's meant is that it is outdated. Unironically, some people on this board are so brain-broken, they can't understand basic idioms. Unless it's blatant sarcasm or the joke is right there in front of you, you always have to assume the poster is just that autistic.


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