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Its time for the yearly 'Castlevania 64 is actually a decent game' thread.

>that music
I have played it since release and I have always found it to be fun.
And I also like it better than LoD because I find Cornell's journey rather boring, the final Dracula is one of the worst Castlevania bosses ever (despite having a really cool design) and if it weren't for the unlockables and Henry, I wouldn't have played LoD for longer.
It's one of those cases where the first one is more "compact", so to say.

Screenshot from LoD because I don't have any other, but I like how savage Carrie is. Must be puberty.
Also, to get the meme out of the way.
>posting PAL screenshots

Please leave this board.
True but only if you play Reinhardt.
Carrie trivializes the gameplay too much.
I found Schneider to be easier because those retarded balls don't always go where you want them to go.
Plus, fighting Actrise is annoying as fuck because of that. inb4 speedrunner strats
love these n64 vanias. play them once every couple of years.
it's a decent game by N64 standards because it's library was filled with nothing but shovelware
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>captcha: VGTRY

Nice try but I'll stick to vr
Growing up is realizing these are some of the best games in both the series and the console.

PAL CV64 is superior desu
>PAL CV64 is superior desu
I've never heard anything about this before. Elaborate
Castlevania 64 is awesome. Great atmosphere and gameplay. Dumb faggots whine about the camera and platforming and while it's no zelda it's still no worse than any other 3d shit of the era. Also the Frankenstein hedge maze is good you fucking losers.
PAL CV64 is a weird beast, being the latest version of the game with changes/bugfixes not present in other versions. Some changes/additions in LoD were actually first properly introduced in it, like the sidecar motorboners, the Hard Mode Gardner fight, deleting the invisible platform ledge near the Villa's entrance, and the Special3 jewel that would go on to be leftover unused in LoD. PAL CV64 Hard mode even goes a step further than LoD Hard by moving item placements around or even introducing new placements that didn't exist before, and also has many candles that are exclusive to hard mode and candles that don't spawn on hard. Bosses can also one-shot you in PAL Hard if you're not careful.

PAL CV64 also has a better text font with a similar black outline as in LoD, and a slightly longer ending credits theme (the one in the OST album) to properly match the sequence running slower/at 50 Hz (though KCEK bothered to make the characters faster in PAL to compensate). It's honestly difficult to document all the weird shit it does, since there're a lot of small things.

Also the Japanese version for both games supports the Rumble Pak. Konami took this feature out when they brought it to the West.
>deleting the invisible platform ledge near the Villa's entrance
The original release is closer to a beta, Legacy of Darkness is decent enough and I'd rather replay it than SotN.

No game that had it's framerate cut by 10fps was ever superior to anything
It was the only 3D castlevania that actually tried to be a real castlevania and yes it is good
Unfortunately, everybody ended up flocking to the weird and wacky PS1 side-game instead.
5 FPS + they made the characters faster to compensate in the case of this game. Also >has not played Crash
>released 2 months after OOT

I bet their penises felt very small and insignificant when that game dropped.
I love Classicvania and I love the N64, so in theory I should love this game, but I never actually owned it as a kid. Every time I try to get into it, I end up getting annoyed at the first level. I know I've passed it before, but even last month I tried and ended up dropping it.
greeting to your own Iberian stepmother, Alucard
it's literally the only piece of castlevania media that properly transliterates the name of the fernandez clan. where the absolute fuck did they get belnades?
>where the absolute fuck did they get belnades?
The Japanese language not differentiating between "B"/"V" and "L"/"R" and no one bothering to tell them they were wrong.
there's no v sound anywhere in it, though. the japanese is ferunandezu. they not oly got the entirely wrong sound for the first letter, they ignored the middle n. belnades makes zero goddamn sense.
Fernandez is a name for bricklayers and carpenters, it doesn't sound epic or mysterious.
Fernandez sounds like the guy might just knock on my door to ask if I need my walls or roof redone and if I say no tell me I'll get a 20% discount if I pay cash because wink wink

Maybe you live in america and that's not the case there.
I really like the atmosphere of Castlevania 64 but actually playing it just frustrates me after a while, and I really wish it didn't.
Never played Legacy of Darkness though, did that make the game better?
Or The Viper - who has come to vash the vindows.
It's ok, they released Goemon 64 a year earlier. CV64 is no slouch either.

Try Legacy of Darkness, it actually adds several improvements (while sadly also missing some, like the day/night making vampires stronger). The differences in how the both games play are massive; Legacy of Darkness' gameplay feels considerably better and more polished, while the original CV64 comes across much as more "unwieldly". Just input the Konami Code cheatcode to unlock Reinhardt and Carrie and play through their mode(s) first, since Cornell introduces some issues on his own and is better left for a later playthrough. Hard LoD with Reinhardt is legitimately fantastic.

But one thing to have into consideration when playing CV64 (and LoD as well), is that you can do a small jump dodge if you tilt the stick in the desired direction and then jump. This mechanic actually helps a lot when fighting enemies and gives you plenty of space/crowd control, but most people don't seem to know about it. Also, using your whip while jumping is more reliable, as you can still move while attacking.
I didn't really have *too* much trouble with the combat. I mostly just died from falling a lot because the ledge grabbing could be a fickle bitch at points.
I'll definitely give LoD a go one of these days though.
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Does LoD change hit detection and/or animations? I've played both games several times and the only things I noticed are visual aids (like the whip looking different) and level design changes

I never had a problem with the original game btw I just think most players are retarded. The only real faux pas was having those insta death pits in the first level when the player isn't used to the jumping yet and when in reality there isn't that many pits in the whole game
And at this point, they're sticking with it whether it's wrong or not.
>one for October.
CV64 have eshop
LoD added switch online
Btw, did they use the same engine for CV64 as they did for Goemon?
I never played it at release, but not too long ago on an emulator, and it felt very like CV64, jank and all (while the dungeons themselves felt like Zelda).
Prototype for dark souls:
Damn never knew the messer was so fast
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Superman 64 suck
That font and alignment are more unholy than Dracula himself.
It's just a subtle stylistic device to emphasize just how unhinged Carrie actually is
>never had a problem
>posts webm of 20s of the most bland 3D combat possible
Ermm... was hoping this thread would sell me on this game but.m uhrhhmm.....
>hey guise I'm trying to save another second here by employing this pro speedrunner strat of passing the bike as close as possi-
You were supposed to trash Rare games or Zelda, not the actual poopoo.

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