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Does anyone know of a good (and cheap) PAL -> NTSC converter that supports PAL60 properly? I have a European Dreamcast and it can only do PAL60, no NTSC at all. Even if I launch a CD with an NTSC game on it, the console displays it in PAL60, which has NTSC resolution and frame rate but PAL-based color encoding scheme. My Panasonic DVR just cannot handle it. If I record in NTSC mode, the colors get messed up. If I record in PAL mode, the colors look fine but there are lines of garbage signal at the bottom of the picture and about every 6th frame gets dropped to fit into 50 FPS. S-video behaves the exact same way, the image is just a bit sharper. Using RGB is not an option either because this DVR can only accept RGB inputs in PAL mode, meaning PAL resolution and 50 FPS. The results look very similar to PAL60 in PAL mode if I switch to 60Hz with RGB.

I tried one of those cheap Chinese white converters and it can't do it properly either. It claims to support PAL60, but the colors through it still look messed up, just in a different way. Image quality isn't good either. I looked at a bunch of online marketplaces local to my country, cannot find any other ones (even used) with RCA input and output. The only ones I found use RF for input and I really don't want to use RF on a 6th gen console.
there could an option like 4.58 or 3.38, my tv lets me change the colour mode in the menu
Your desired solution isn't "good" for your stated goal, so no "good" device exists. Also, you sound confused about your DVRs capabilities and what's happening. So all that shit about what doesn't work is fairly useless. What you need to figure out is what does work and work backwards from there.
Use an RGB to composite adapter. I mean if you're gonna be encoding the signal to NTSC color anyways then might as well start with a clean source, no need to fuck about with first decoding the PAL color.
I'm amazed you're still using a dedicated DVR instead of getting a cheap analog-to-HDMI converter and one of those cheap HDMI-USB dongles that cost literally 5 euros.
I cannot find anything that transcodes RGB to composite, neither locally nor on AliExpress. The RGB I was talking about is SCART RGB, not VGA btw.

My TV handles these chroma subcarriers seamlessly, I don't even have to change any settings. But my DVR doesn't and it doesn't have any settings like that either.
>I'm amazed you're still using a dedicated DVR instead of getting a cheap analog-to-HDMI converter and one of those cheap HDMI-USB dongles that cost literally 5 euros.
I'm playing on a CRT, so I can't display HDMI on my TV in any case and those adapters are probably bad when it comes to quality. Using a DVR also allows me to play those recordings back on my TV. It's a quality Panasonic one and cost 15 EUR because the DVD drive is broken. The problem with it is that they apparently didn't bother implementing many European standards properly.

I do have a separate capture card (Elgato Game Capture HD), but I only use it to transfer recordings from my DVR to my PC. I have a native component cable for my Elgato. My DVR has component out and progressive scan option and actually does a really good job deinterlacing footage, better than the card does by itself (it can only deinterlace 480i to 30 FPS, even when source footage is 60 FPS). It's even better than taking raw videos from my DVR's HDD and deinterlacing them manually with yadif or bwdif using ffmpeg. Pretty crazy, honestly.

>What you need to figure out is what does work and work backwards from there.
What works is proper NTSC using composite or S-Video and proper 50Hz PAL using composite, S-Video and SCART RGB. PAL60 doesn't work in any way, shape or form. I think I could solve this by replacing my European Dreamcast with a Japanese one (which emits proper NTSC when in 60Hz mode by default), but I don't want to. I know that the GD-ROM drive in my unit is in good condition and the hypothetical Japanese replacement is an enigma.
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best most non-autistic way to do it?
a small pvm that supports s-video
for under $200 you get PAL, secam, and ntsc support without any fuckery on a nice screen

another MAYBE thing you could try is a nice multi-region vintage sony vcr that supports PAL\NTSC\SECAM tapes and it MAY have an analog signal converter circuit thing going on

im not sure what happens with my "keene electronics" RGB2S-vid converter
it supports both PAL\NTSC but i have never tried to feed it a PAL signal and display it on an NTSC only monitor...

if you dont mind using a modern panel the retrotink 2x pro supports PAL most of the time and produces a decent image with basically no lag

good luck
i will be monitoring this thread
maybe message wakavideo on ebay, i use many of his converters for other purposes
Why do you need to connect a Dreamcast to a DVR? If you need to record game footage I don;t think a DVR is the best way in the current year.
>I cannot find anything that transcodes RGB to composite, neither locally nor on AliExpress
Skill issue
Looks like one of your biggest obstacles is the use of meme terminology. If you lay off those and just use normal words you'll probably have better success.
This contradicts your op, but if true is your best solution. No converter needed.
blazing star
>Skill issue
OK, then show me a listing with that. Even on something like eBay. inb4 you post a passive adapter that just exposes the composite lead inside the SCART cable into an RCA jack, which misses the entire point of what I'm trying to do because it would still be PAL60 and not NTSC.
>This contradicts your op, but if true is your best solution. No converter needed.
You need to learn to read. The results using SCART RGB and S-Video are very similar, I can only record PAL60 with dropped frames and mismatched resolution using either of those, at similar quality. And how does it "contradict my OP"? How did you think that I was talking about anything else than SCART in the OP? Have you ever seen a DVR with a D-sub input?
I'm not looking for a new TV. My current CRT already does all of that completely fine. The problem is with my DVR. I only use it to record, I don't use it for signal passthrough because it adds a lot of lag to both video and audio (around 100ms, I measured with a script from PS2 Linux LiveISO). I split signal between my DVR and TV so I can record and have lagless gameplay too. The VCR might be a good suggestion, thanks.
>"keene electronics" RGB2S-vid converter
That sounds like something able to solve my issues too but I cannot find it anywhere, not even photos much less listings.
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its rare now
but they pop up on ebay from time to time
>OK, then spoon food a tard
>You need to learn to read
Epic irony. You need to learn to write. I asked you to list what works. You listed "SCART RGB". In your OP you said that didn't work.
Enjoy being an angry little faggot who can't record his shit.

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