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I'm looking for this version of Pac-Man I used to play as a kid on PC, what I remember from it:
>pacman had normal eyes, not the pac-shaped black ones
>you could press the number buttons to change the graphics of the maze
>when pacman died he would look at the screen and start spinning before disappearing
>not sure about this one but i think it ran on ms-dos instead of being a regular pc game exe
Could it be CD-man?
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Sadly no, though I got reminded of something else:
>camera was zoomed in
>the mazes were somewhat large (though maybe it was because of the zoomed in camera)
>probably not a thing but there was a random chance of a warp appearing in the maze bringing you to a new level
>probably not a thing but there was a random chance of a warp appearing in the maze bringing you to a new level
Sounds like Deluxe PacMan, but other than the eyes it doesn't really match the description. The Windows version also does a weird zoom-in when you finish a level.
that's a damn good guess. That win animation is what I would have thought too.
It isn't deluxe pacman either, the only other things i can remember from it are some of the skins you had when you pressed the number buttons
>one was kind like a green cybernetic background, think of the matrix
>the other had this steel looking background
>pacman looked sad at the screen when dying (pretty much a D: face) before spinning and dissapearing
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The death sequence sounds like pac brothers
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>>one was kind like a green cybernetic background, think of the matrix
Reminds me of pic related, I had this disc back in the days. Maybe the game you're describing was included
I didn't had that disc but i remember the pacman game I'm looking for came with another pac-game:
both games were in a floppy disk and i used to play both on my windows 95
3D Maze Man?
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Nope, game was in 2D
Is it one of these?
Is there any possibility at all that it could have been on Amiga/ZX/C64?
Nope i played it on a Windows 95.
The one that's close to it is "Pac-Them" but the camera should be more zoomed in and I remember the game being faster and more fluid.
Pac Mania?
Are you sure it was DOS and not a Flash/Shockwave game? Like you remember loading the game locally?
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I dont think it was a flash game, the game would go full screen after opening the exe (afaik every flash game would go window mode after opening it) and it certainly didn't look or played like a flash/shockwave game.
Do you remember having to insert a CD to play? There were a variety of "Top games for Windows 95/98" CDs that would sometimes even have mods of classic shareware games. It may be grasping at straws, but I'm actually wondering if you played a mod of deluxe pacman where you had the visual options you listed.
It was on a floppy disk, i didn't need instalation or anything iirc.
>im wondering if you played a modded version of deluxe pacman
deluxe pacman is the closest to being similar to it but there was some differences from it
>in deluxe pacman the mazes are small, in the one i played the mazes were big, or at least looked big because of the camera
>like i said the game was zoomed in, deluxe shows the full mazes
>afaik deluxe pacman didnt change the maze graphics when you pressed the row number buttons
>in deluxe, pacman dies like in the original game while in the one i played he looked at the screen with a D: face before spinning and disappearing.
Can't say about music because that PC didn't have audio drivers and the game didnt had pc speakers sounds either.

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