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Sometimes I wonder if people care about the PS1 at all
Inonly cate about the PSX
Of course they do. But Gen alpha will probably be the first gen to not care about it at all.
Nintendo 64 has a monopoly on media exposure. It's sad really. Going on youtube will make you believe that PSX never existed and N64 sold 1 billion units.
it's a large world out there. maybe someone does.
It was the second-best console of all-time behind the PS2.
Why aren't PS1 fans creating and watching videos about the PS1's many great titles? Nothing's stopping them.
PSX has 100 8/10 games

Nintendo 64 has 10 10/10 games

The way psychology and media works is that people hyperfixate on those 10 10/10 games.
Sony should have focued on bringing more memorable titles to the PS1 instead of going for the quantity-over-quality approach.
What makes you say that? On this very board right now there are threads about PS1 games.
Playstation won
I have one of these little guys with the special mini clamshell LCD screen and the controllers and everything in a little branded padded pouch, it's all in spanking new condition. No box tho.
>Going on youtube will make you believe that PSX never existed and N64 sold 1 billion units
I always wonder why there are so many videos about the n64 and its games compared to other old consoles. Is it just Nintendo fans being so loud and annoying?
>Going on youtube will make you believe that PSX never existed and N64 sold 1 billion units
Youtube feed reflects your search and watch history.

Search PS1 graphics on youtube. Innumerous videos with thousands of views.
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Literally the most important console of its generation
And it's not just videos. They seem to get many fan projects as well.
Even zoomers love the ps1
bruh your survival horror is missing alone in the dark 4, one of the best on psone. rpg list is missing the first suikoden, a masterpiece. you left out final fantasy 8 viii but kept threads of fate. no oddworld 1, no tenchu 1, only tomb raider iii? where is ace combat 2 or colony wars? missing a lot and keeping a lot of turds. nobody on this board ever seems to know the real classics, and recommends a lot of mediocre sht especially with rpg and platform games. also you’re on drugs calling monster rancher 2 an rpg.
Another stealth N64 seethe thread made by obsessed console warriors. This is getting sad.

People just like the aesthetics.
80% of those "ps1" projects don't even feel like real ps1 games

dude this image is like from 2011.
Although I think there is a more modern version out there.
>Nintendo 64 has 10 10/10 games
OoT, MM, SM64, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark are close to perfect, but the rest of the library is mediocre
>this image is like from 2011
And? Did any new PS1 masterpiece come out in the last decade?
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>recommending epsxe and fucking around with plugin hell in the year of our lord 2024
Please never post this image ever again
I see a lot of PC gaming content from that era, skill issue
F-zero X is so good, some people prefer it over GX
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>OoT, MM, SM64, GoldenEye and Perfect Dark
Perfect for a child's brain. Those games feels pathetic now.
I can't digest the fact that there are adults who play those games.
A similar pathetic behavior would be an adult playing with toys
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Meanwhile, PS1 games have aged like wine from an adult's perspective.
here are some that i’ve played again and again, in no order. minus sports for the most part and some miscellaneous games i never played such as crash 1-3. somewhere here is a better starting point of a real list, to add or strike some

metal gear solid
ace combat 2
ace combat 3
castlevania: sotn
resident evil
resident evil 2
resident evil 3
final fantasy 7
final fantasy 8
final fantasy 9
alone in the dark: the new nightmare
tenchu: stealth assassins
colony wars
colony wars: vengeance
gran turismo
ridge racer type 4
heart of darkness
monster rancher
fear effect
final fantasy tactics
chrono cross
vigilante 8
oddworld: abe’s oddysee
wipeout xl
tekken 3
silent hill
ape escape
suikoden ii
medal of honor
tomb raider
tomb raider ii
ctr: crash team racing
dino crisis
breath of fire 4
spyro: ripto’s rage
spyro: year of the dragon
um jammer lammy
tony hawk’s pro skater
street fighter alpha 3
devil dice
armored core
civilization ii
twisted metal 2
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>I can't digest the fact that there are adults who play M rated games
please stfu you raging sperg
Literally cherry picking. Both platforms have kiddie games and more adult ones
Pic related is one of the most popular PS1 games and tons of Anons on this board keep posting about how much they love it
Trying to appear mature is a sign of immaturity.
i bet you still play with barbies u manchild
Can't take these charts seriously when they include arcade ports and console RTS ports in 2024. Download MAME
Video games are toys.
i hate these fucking things because there are always a couple i want to know the names of. you’re an asshole for posting if
There are plenty of videos about classic PC games as well. Nobody wants to talk about Sony games or watch videos about them for some reason.
can’t take you seriously if you don’t appreciate the differences in game versions and comprehend that if you are touting a library, ported games may be noteworthy. exclusivefags and pcfags and emulationfags go away
Because of their stupid naming convention, I call these PlayStation Minis at work.
they didnt have to when third parties did it for them.
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> Tomb Raider III instead of TR1
> Capcom fighting game ports that are complete dogshit on the PS1
> Megaman X5
> Worst version of Rayman 2
> Command and Conquer/Red Alert on a console
> Resident Evil 3 but no Dino Crisis 2
> THPS3 in the "Racing/Sports" section but no R4
In fact the entire "Racing" lineup is a complete fuckfest:

> Gran Turismo when Gran Turismo 2 exists
> No Wipeout
> No Porsche Challenge
> No Jet Moto
> No Colin McRae Rally
> No Rally Cross
> No NFS Hot Pursuit/Porsche Unleashed/V-Rally
> No NASCAR Rumble

And finally,
> Pushing epsxe

I SERIOUSLY hope that you are just pretending to be retarded and that this is bait and that I fell for it, because it not than I've got some bad news for you anon
Which games? Why isn't anybody talking about them?
you people are spergs
this is the list most users of the board have been running with and trying to play and it shows
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Anons please help, I'm trying to find a game on the PS1:

>has a hub world/multiple hub worlds akin to Driver
>looks like pic related, I think it actually had a Vegas map at night
>there were pedestrian sprites that would flee from your vehicle when approached, including a clown and a bear

That's all I remember, I want to say it was called Outdrive/Driveout or some standard shit along those lines.
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Sorry man, but no one has bothered to make a updated good quality PS1 recommendation chart
midnight club
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Nope, no pedestrians.
If this shit is rated for mature, then GTA SA should be rated literally for demonic creatures who torture people in hell
The mature game Conker's bad fur day is nowhere near as good as the kiddie game Banjo Kazooie
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The Saturn was such a weird console. A lot of the multiplats either ran or looked better on the PS1 but there were some games where the Saturn port shit all over the PS1 version (many of which didn't even use the RAM expansion). Games like Dead or Alive and Grandia have their definitive versions on the Saturn.

Then you had just weird stuff like Mass Destruction being the exact same game on both consoles but the Saturn version runs at 60fps and the PS1 version is capped at 30.

Then you had games that were basically the same but had weird quirks on one console or the other. Tomb Raider has a much better draw distance on the Saturn and doesn't have z-buffer issues, but the PS1 version runs better. Resident Evil has sharper background images and fully textured characters on the Saturn, but the PS1 version has significantly shorter loadtimes and sharper character face textures.

Then you had games like Die Hard Arcade and Destruction Derby where the PS1 versions ran great, but the Saturn ports ran or looked like ass in comparison.

I think the weirdest thing about its library was the fact that out of the 5th gen consoles the Saturn had a shitload of the best ports of big PC FPS games from the era. Duke Nukem 3D had its best version on the Saturn, as did Powerslave, Hexen, and Alien Trilogy. Quake is arguable since the Saturn port performs worse than the N64 version, but the N64 version has extremely streamlined levels so its barely even the same game.

Doom is the one area where the Saturn shits itself, but that was mainly because John Carmack is a Gran Autismo and intentionally kneecapped the port. As a result Doom runs like soft dogshit on the Saturn, meanwhile the N64 got an entirely new Doom game and the PS1 got really good versions of Doom, Doom II, and Final Doom.

I try not to be yet another segafag who wonders what the system's library might have been like it if had lasted 2-3 more years, but its hard not to wonder.
Was it Carmageddon?

(I've never played it but have seen screenshots, so if this is a retarded answer that is why).

Twisted Metal 1 also had humans you could run into as well as a night time city map, but that's a hail mary.
>but the N64 version has extremely streamlined levels so its barely even the same game.

Saturn Quake literally wasn't the same game and also had level changes for performance
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Felony 11-79
"Level changes" in Saturn Quake was something like putting in a vis-breaking wall every once in a while, or changing the orientation of an elevator. Meanwhile N64 Quake looks like blurrier Wolfenstein half the time due to the N64's inability to push polys and its insanely anemic texture memory. The simplification of levels is an embarassment.

If you want anyone to take you seriously you should have mentioned that the Saturn version replaced the four secret levels with new ones or that it ran on Slavedriver instead of id Tech 2. Those are freebies you can try and use in the future.
is the most accurate ps1 emulator, still that japanese one that doesnt allow anything beyond the og experience?
I play ps1 with my gen alpha nephew and he loves Tony Hawk’s pro skater 2 and ridge racer type 4. Of course he only knows about ps1 because I showed him, but it was my brothers who showed me ps1 when I was kid (I’m 27). Ps1 will be passed down for the generations because it has many timeless games.
he will be emulating in a few years and calling you a fag on this board for making him play shit games
Use Duckstation
There's Mednafen too but the difference in accuracy is negligible and Duckstation is the most user friendly and easy to use PS1 emulator ever made
N64 videos get less views versus PS1 videos from the same channel

>1 mil vs 3.1 mil

>290k vs 941k and PS1 video is from a year later, less time to accumulate views

N64 is not more popular, its current popularity corresponds with the console sales back in the day.
>Doom is the one area where the Saturn shits itself, but that was mainly because John Carmack is a Gran Autismo and intentionally kneecapped the port.
You fucking retards are parroting this story for years and even have managed to gaslight Carmack himself into buying it. Go check the leaked sources of Saturn version - full of amateurish mistakes and spaghetti code. The idiot who did the porting wouldn't make a good port regardless of circumstances. Check his Mobygames credits too - not any other high caliber 3D game in sight. Writing a custom hardware Saturn renderer was out of the question without hiring someone competent, like Lobotomy.
> anon is so assblasted that he is literally trying to tell people on /vr/ that they have "gaslighted" John Carmack into thinking he did something that he didn't do

You are retarded.
you can’t draw a conclusion that n64 is more or less popular based on internet views of videos, it could simply be that there are more popular channels currently doing nintendo videos or that n64 are prettier to look at online at a time they do better, and at a time they are lower you could argue it’s a surge of interest in playstation because of x, y or z reason. do you see how you aren’t operating logically? i wish people could lift out of this type of argument here but afraid it may be too autistic and cannot be salvaged. let’s see where this goes, and let’s see if the first thing you do is tell me i’m objectively wrong and/or a tendie or a snoy depending on how you read my post
They're busy with jobs, families and successful lives.
>That anemic racing selection for THE racing games console of the generation
>Half of the games aren't even actual racing
We can do better
He's right though

That's makes you the moron

Ps1 is the overall winner next nes classic
Then maybe original xbox or pc
Do you have any proper arguments? Can't refute?
I was replying to this argument:
>Going on youtube will make you believe that PSX never existed and N64 sold 1 billion units.
Anon didn't even back it up. Maybe he's just watching only N64 content and thus he only gets more N64 content in the recommendations, idk. I never noticed N64 being that prevalent on youtube.
okay y’all let’s make a chart. i don’t know how but it’s a worthwhile thing
my mistake, thanks. lot of hyperbole and irrationality here, it is what it is. i wrestle to discuss anything because you have to get past many layers of bullshit. i only do it because it gets me excited about old games i have. i want to play playstation games now
Well you can use this list as a base


right away they have air combat. only ace combat 2 and 3 are quality, air combat is not up to par. and apocalypse, which is a total garbage early title with bruce willis. autism made these trash lists. safer to look up on an old videogame magazine than this bullshit
A PC with a voodoo 3dfx > ps1 > n64 > saturn
I think the reason people still talk about the N64 while you hear far less talk about the PS1 is because a lot of IPs that were on N64 have had a steady stream of attention given to em. Mario (along with Kart/Party), Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon, Smash Bros, manage to not only have their N64 games easily available since their initial release, but still get new entries. The interest in those franchises never stopped, so people will always come back to their older entries.

PS1 meanwhile had lots of great games, but most of them were left to rot for twenty years with a tiny handful getting attention in recent years. Spyro, Crash, Croc, and Oddworld were put out to pasture twenty years ago and were only recently revived. Ape Escape, Klonoa, Chrono, Breath of Fire, Nightmare Creatures and Twisted Metal didn't even get revivals and haven't had any attention in years. And a lot of the PS1 IPs that still get entries (Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill) either watered down their brand with enough middling spinoffs as to kill mainstream interest in the larger franchise, or are trying to replace the earlier games with remakes/remasters which makes a lot of people see no reason to go back to the originals. Combine that with the fact that Sony themselves ignores like 95% of their franchises these days because they just wanna be known for "cutting-edge narrative experiences", and you wind up with a console that your average gamer isn't super interested in discussing.

N64 popular because Nintendo's very openly proud of N64, PS1 less popular because Sony's not really interested in anything that isn't cutting-edge.
Why was it called PSOne if they didn't know there would be a 2
They came out the same year
they did
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Damn, you are a annoying bitch
So many crap on this list, so many good games are omitted
you took him at his word that he said anything remotely resembling the truth. what’s really going on here is that more users on this board grew up playing n64 and op noticed. everything is seen through that biased lens, and you agree with that. plus you don’t know the sustem like prople who grew up with it, you bring up nightmare creatures. and you don’t even mention metal gear solid. more users are starting to play psone gaes and the board is shifting, better come up with better arguments
I specifically didn't mention Metal Gear because it's in a sort of weird inbetween. It had lots of attention given to it for 20 years, and then was basically self-destructed with Kojima's firing ten years ago, and is now getting a remake of 3 out of nowhere.

Also you don't gotta get dramatic, I grew up with N64 but nowadays prefer PS1. I'm just saying, as someone who likes PS1 more, and agrees it has a lot of classics, Sony shit the bed in keeping modern interest in it alive while Nintendo's been making a big deal out of promoting their N64 library since the Wii came out
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Air Combat is good
>Also you don't gotta get dramatic
you’re a douchebag, you don’t deserve one iota of respect. who fucking cares about nintendo vs sony, good games are all that matters. i’m not 5, i don’t need nintendo to make a big deal for me and perform to get me excited for mario. people are still playing metal gear solid, with or without sony doing anything. i wish all this company nonsense was not how you new gamers talked. i know it’s not every single one, but it’s reddit and you are yapping about marketing which is business and is not just the games. you basically are a walking game informer issue. and they used to talk about the games more back in the day. gaming is fucking corny business shit now. fuck off
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It's what actually sold and what people were talking about back then
For example Mega Man Legends isn't there because it didn't even sell 1 million worldwide lmao
We can choose now. I can play proper arcade versions of Capcom 2D fighters via a modern collection or just emulate them. If I were to choose PS1 fighters for the list, I'd rather put Tobal 2 on it rather than settle for a poor Darkstalkers port. And I don't even imply that Tobal is better than Darkstalkers, it just makes more sense on PS1. You get the idea. I wouldn't put Starcraft 64 on the essential N64 games list too.
I care, the original Playstation is in my top 10 non-handheld/PC gaming consoles of all time. As the editions go by, my interest in Playstation consoles wane, with the PS2 landing in my top 15 and the remainder within the top 25. There are more games on the original Playstation that suit my tastes than more modern ones Sony offers.
Only top 10? I'm curious about what 5 to 9 consoles you think are better than the PS1
PS1 is my fav console of that generation and I wouldn't touch any of the modern Sony shit with a 10 feet pole.
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The answer is the fanbase and the library. N64 fans are like the modern Sony fans: they are loyal to the brand, focused on first party games and base their identity around the console.
PS1 is more like NES or SNES - there are so many games there, the majority of great ones being third party, that the platform itself is nothing but just the device to play those games. If a person likes Ridge Racer but doesn't care about Crash or Spyro then he most likely will talk about Ridge Racer rather than PS1 as a whole.
>N64 fans are like the modern Sony fans: they are loyal to the brand
do you even think to yourself what the fuck am i talking about as you type
>FF7 not even in the top 10
Oh no no no no
Anon, I don't know how you're saving these but here's the top 10 in a non-dogshit quality
Are you taking screenshots instead of actually saving the scan of the page? Holy retard
psx graphic throwbacks is its own subculture at this point.
Do I have to draw you a picture?
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Ya I like it because it's still the most experimental era and they were trying to make it work

Ps2 is great but it's almost too good in a way that isn't the same as the ps1 that tried more
That doesn't make sense but it does to me
> voodoo 3dfx
Yes, I just love Vaseline smears. 3dfx always looked like shit compared to software rendering.
I agree. PS2 era is too boring and homogenized. That includes Xbox and GC too.
>I'm not 5
I wonder why so many ps1 fans need to bring up that they hate modern Sony
Do you like modern sony?
As a NES/SNES fan, I hate modern Nintendo. Though hate is a strong word, I just don't care about their post-SNES products.
BASED uncle keeping retro love alive.
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>living through the SNES era as a kid
>living through the PS1 era as a teen
Fucking based and anything else is not even close
Why would they? It was released as a 3D powerhouse when 3D itself became just viable enough to make most stuff work, but with massive shortcommings. On top of that anything 2D got push aside as being 'obsolete' for the most part.
2D looked great but didn't get enough love while the 3D part was literal dogshit
Way more than they care about N64, that's for sure
I lost interest in Sony after Ps3. It just feels like this place has a lot of /v/ refugees that bring negativity here from modern gaming because they been disappointed
I knew something was up right in the middle of the the PS3 era when Sony marketing and budgets were focused on the likes of Uncharted 2, Infamous and God of War 3 and they introduced gimmicks like PS Move and 3D TVs support. Resident Evil, Tekken, Final Fantasy and Ridge Racer being crap and multiplat didn't help either. It just wasn't the Playstation I knew anymore so I stopped caring. Demon's Souls was the only exception.
It's the same way how I stopped caring about Nintendo consoles during the N64 era but their handhelds have been always great.
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you guys pretending caddicarus doesn't exist?
This, minus goldeneye and perfect dark.
What a dogshit parody. No PS1 game sounded like a 2005 youtube tutorial video.
>PS1 is more like NES or SNES - there are so many games there, the majority of great ones being third party, that the platform itself is nothing but just the device to play those games
How is the SNES like that in any way? The SNES library is drowning in shit, everyone only cares about the same dozen games (mostly tendie) and nothing else, because there is nothing else worth playing. Third parties were on a mass exodus during the SNES, which is why the N64 had zero support right from launch.
SNES drones don't get a free ride on the PlayStation's success. The PlayStation did everything the SNES tried to do, but a thousand times better.
Are the little PSOne units any good? I remember a few friends had them when I was younger. Other than being smaller what's new?
The PsOne is a later PlayStation model that's released in 2000.
>e-celeb cancer
SNES had all that Konami, Capcom and Enix and Square goodness, along with lesser known but still good stuff from Natsume, Hudson, Irem and Taito. PS1 was the same but with the addition of Namco and Psygnosis. There was no exodus from SNES until PS1 arrived. The only prominent third party that actively ignored SNES was Treasure.
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Google is your friend, but tl;dr gaming youtuber who does lots of content on the PS1

>"Why aren't there content creators making videos on the PS1?"
>Sees a content creator making videos on the PS1
>"Ew is that a fucking content creator??"
>Konami, Capcom and Enix
>Natsume, Hudson, Irem and Taito
Were all jumping ship before the N64, during the SNES lifetime.
>Namco and Psygnosis
Already jumped ship.
SNES had a large quantity of third party games but they're largely shit and nobody ever talks about them, nothing like the PlayStation.
>not 1, but TWO videos about children games being scary
think we found the cancer that caused the winnie the pooh thing
Nta but Nintendo consoles always had a heavy 1st and 2nd party presence which ps1 didn't have at all. Thats the difference to me
kill yourself
Is that supposed to be him in the drawing? Yikes.
>Demonic Disney games
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My concept so far

>adding a 2D Platformer and 3D Platformer section
>adding a multiplat section (?)
>adding a jap/eur only section (?)
Concept for what?
>Were all jumping ship before the N64, during the SNES lifetime.
SNES lifetime starts with 1990. Your comment only concerns the late years
Holy shit, thank you anon. This game felt like a fever dream for the longest time.
To be fair to him when he does that kinda stuff it's usually very blatantly taking the piss out of people who genuinely try to play up the "horror" of some kids games. He's not putting an overblown VHS filter over deep-fried footage of Donald Duck Goin Quackers and talking about the horror of liminal PS1 spaces or bullshit like that.
But not always?
What a fucking weeb
Buy just a single game that isnt caked in anime, I dare you
i do
Good. I don't want these faggots to bloat up PS1 prices.
Best part about it is you can get sealed god tier games for ps1 for $10 in 2024
are you kidding?a ton of great games are in the $150 to $400 range.
And? This doesn't erase those $10 games from existence.
I don't get reddit upvotes from $10 games
kid you are full of shit, there’s no sealed god tier game for ten bucks. basically the shit you actually want is no less than fifty, and sealed is gonna cost you five hundred in many cases. i already bought the shit new and kept all my playstation games, but anybody looking now is better off going on psn or emulating to try out a game first. playstation games aren’t cheap at all
I like it, but not more than N64 or Saturn.
Playstation always gave me this "generic" platform vibe, even though I played many of my favorite games on PS, I had and still have more favorites that are exclusive to N64 and Saturn
>Playstation always gave me this "generic" platform vibe
that was the point, they were willing to publish any title to give you more options. you needed a sega or nintendo vibe because you’re a child
based mature gamer
Let's give this a try:

1R: Oddworld 1/2?, X, Tenchu x?, X, X
2R: X, Vagrant Story, Resident Evil x?, MGS, X
3R: King's Field x?, Silent Hill?, Blood Omen: LoK, Parasite Eve?, Silent Hill?
4R: X, X, Heart of Darkness?, SOTN, $
5R: Tomb Raider x?, Vampire Hunter D?, X, X, Alone in the Dark (2? 4?)?
First row second game is fear effect
I like mine so much I have it right next to my computer with the lcd screen installed on it. Its a fun console
1st row last is Hellnight
2 row 1st is Alundra, 3rd is Echo Night, 5th is Galerians
3rd row first is Shadow Tower
4 row is Dino Crisis 2 and I think Nightmare Creatures (?)
5th row third might be Countdown Vampires, 4th is Brightis

Personally I think I'm only missing 3rd row 3rd and 5th and 4th row 3rd and 5th
Then STOP listening to Scat The Wuzz and 2010-onward Vidya youtubers!
In what fucking universe? Your ass?
3rd row 3rd looks like legacy of kain, 4th row 3rd maybe heart of darkness? No clue about the others.
1R: Oddworld 1/2?, Fear Effect, Tenchu x?, Koudelka, X
2R: Alundra, Vagrant Story, Resident Evil x?, MGS, Galerians
3R: King's Field x?, Silent Hill?, Blood Omen: LoK, Parasite Eve?, Silent Hill?
4R: X, Nightmare Creatures 2, Heart of Darkness?, SOTN, X
5R: Tomb Raider x?, Vampire Hunter D?, X, X, Alone in the Dark 4: TNN
1r 5th is Hellnight, 2r 3rd is Echo Night, 3r 1st is Shadow Tower, 3r 2nd is Silent Hill 1, 3r 5th is Shadow Man, 4r 1st is Dino Crisis 2
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This thing needs a fuckin update jesus christ
1R: Oddworld 1: Abe's Oddyssee, Fear Effect, Tenchu 1: Stealth Assassins, Koudelka, Hellnight

2R: Alundra, Vagrant Story, Echo Night?, MGS, Galerians

3R: Shadow Tower, Silent Hill1, Blood Omen: LoK, Parasite Eve, Shadow Man?

4R: Dino Crisis 2, Nightmare Creatures 2, Heart of Darkness, SOTN, Tenchu x? No clue hard to find

5R: Tomb Raider 5: Chronicles, Vampire Hunter D, Countdown Vampires?, Brightis, Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare

I used google lens on most of these and can pretty much confirm all without a question mark either through finding the exact same screenshot/scene or HUD elements. 3R5: Shadow Man seems to fit based on look and feel and the MC, can somebody confirm? 5R3 is tricky. Looks like Countdown Vampires might fit like the other anon said, another RE clone? 4R5 got me stumped however. Not finding anything.

Once we're done, does some anon want to uodate the picture with titles? I can do it, but I would use whatsapp for it lol
I never really saw anyone outside of /v/ lament Sony moving away from niche japanese games to mature western blockbuster cinematic experiences during the late PS3 era. In fact it was welcomed with open arms because the 'weird' marketing and brand image Sony was using during the PS1 and PS2 became hated with those PSP and PS3 ads.
Why are the shitty reviews always from a bongland magazine? There's one where they're talking about how sotn is a piece of shit compared to castlevania 64 because it's 2d instead of 3d.
>There's one where they're talking about how sotn is a piece of shit compared to castlevania 64 because it's 2d instead of 3d
You're talking about the bottom of page 5 here? That's from the official Nintendo magazine in the UK. In the US, Nintendo Power was more polite, but bongs didn't give a fuck and just talked shit about the competition

Why are Sony fans like this lmao, you weren't there so just stop. Going from Mario 64 to unplayable trash like Tomb raider, Crash, Spyro or Tekken almost gave me cancer back in the day
>e-celeb cancer
E-celebs don't exist anymore. Now it's all "influencers" astroturfed by glownigger intelligence agencies to control online discussion.
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It is just personal preference anyway, but being in the top 10 of all time is still pretty special. As mentioned in the last image, I was primarily on the Saturn when the Playstation was still in its heyday, being my choice for multiplats, but the Playstation still had great exclusives that I still enjoyed enough that both can share spots as some of my most favorite non-PC/handheld gaming consoles.

Understandable, there's a lot of amazing games on the system which appeals to me. As mentioned, as time moves on I've become less and less interested in the platforms, so the ranking order of Sony home gaming consoles pretty much matches their number to me. Well, maybe 4 and 3 might flip, but most of the stuff I like from 4 are legacy titles from prior/other systems but I don't have the same fondness. There's still plenty of games which appeal to me even in the modern times, but I just can't afford them.

Challenge accepted. How about this? My taste in games diverges from the majority, but it is not necessarily "caked in anime".
Ass console with great games. Mogged by PS2 in hardware potential and expansive library, otherwise a really solid platform.
>Mogged by PS2 in hardware potential
I was.
Even as a kid (11yo) the n64 games felt stupid and too childish... and that was common sense at the time. maybe a major reason why this console sold so poorly.
But my younger cousin (7yo) loved that shit, obviously.
Do you guys use crt shaders for games with pre-rendered backgrounds or do you rawdog the pixels
I never knew a single person that ever had a N64 in the late 90s. Everyone had a Playstation.

But post 2008 or so the myth has turned into everyone had a N64 and the playstation was some kind of total failure since there was no Zelda for it.
I'm curious, too. What's in your top 10? Or top 25?
> no u

I trust John Carmack's admission that he made a mistake significantly moreso than some fag on /vr/ who is only trying to start shit
Believe what you want buddy, saturn port source speaks for itself
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I tried playing Ridge Racer 64 for the first time a while back, it was interesting. It basically felt like Ridge Racer or Ridge Racer Revolution, being fairly simple. I remember seeing it being played not long after release and it seemed weird that they stuck with the style of the original game when R4 had released a year earlier and was insanely well liked.

In terms of playing it I did so on an emulator for the Vita (I don't own an N64 because I'm not a fag), so I can't say for sure whether I experienced it "as intended" (or how it actually ran/played on real N64 hardware), but it was a fun if unusual experience.

I did have a DS Lite many years ago and played Ridge Racer DS on it. It felt like the same thing, but the big DS feature was the ability to "steer" the car using the stylus to move a wheel on the touchscreen. It was dogshit though, you were much better off using the traditional d-pad to steer.

Honestly though its always fun seeing how Seaside Route 765 looks in the various games in the series that it appears in. It's still my favorite circuit in the entire series.
One side of this argument is supported by the guy who literally wrote the Doom engine and was literally in charge of authorizing the Saturn port and who literally mentioned why he didn't like it and who then literally said he should have been more open to the alternate engine that was written specifically for the Saturn.

The other side of this argument is supported by some fag on 4chan (you).

Guess which side is probably right?
The other side of this argument is supported by the source code which is out in the wild and can be easily checked but apparently you're too stupid and illiterate to do it
Jim Bagley claims that he wrote a custom engine which ran fullscreen at 60 fps on Saturn which sounds like a load of bs. The other anon is right, checking the Saturn Doom source code one can easily see how much of a shitty programmer Bagley is. Carmack is correct that he should've allowed the port to run on a custom engine but he would've had to hire a better team for that.
Bagley is lucky that Carmack takes the blame. SNES and 3DO ports were coded so much more professionally but had to run on shitty hardware. Saturn port has no excuse really. Just an incompetent coder.
Virgin Jim Bagley:
>"C...Carmack-sama! I can make a custom engine! I swear!"
>"No you can't you stupid fuck. Deadline is close, just do a direct port"
Chad Randy Linden:
>"Hey, Romero! I've made a SNES port from scratch. It's complete, just publish it"
>"Fuck yeah!"
Lobotomy did a nice Quake port the same year. The best way would be letting them handle the port and since it was 1997 already, it should've been a port of Doom 64 for it to be fresh. With CD media they could add more levels too, like from Final Doom.
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Doom running at 60fps in fullscreen on the Saturn isn't outside of the realm of possibility, especially considering how the already primitive level design of the PC version was dumbed down for various console ports. It's probably better to trust Carmack on this one.

Shit the Hellslave demos that have been released manage to stick to 30fps most of the time and they have significantly more features than vanilla Doom did (true 3D rendering, higher poly environments, more texture variety, simulated reflections, transparencies, colored lighting, etc).

Quake is debatable since it runs on a completely different engine (Slavedriver, which Lobotomy made in house, it also powers the Saturn versions of Powerslave and Duke Nukem 3D). It also replaced the polygonal player weapons with sprites, although they're good sprites so its not obvious. The game chugs heavily in some areas, but its still pretty amazing that it runs as well as it does considering it has fully polygonal enemies and environments that retain the PC version's level of detail and complexity with relatively few changes.

Getting the actual Quake Engine running on any 5th gen console would have been a nightmare (the N64 version technically runs on the Quake Engine, but it was a { h e a v i l y } modified version that had to be hacked to pieces to actually run on the hardware).

If you really want to see some amazing FPS gameplay on the Saturn check out the homebrew port of Unreal. In capable hands the console is capable of absolutely ridiculous levels of performance for its time.
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I wouldn't call Doom level design primitive by 90s consoles standards. Most of the 90s console games were even more simple with straight corridors, fog and small draw distances. Slopes, 3D objects like tress and bridges with true 3D geometry is what made them look more complex.
Hellslave is cool but it's a homebrew made with modern tools and with no deadlines. People made Wolfenstein 3D and Starfox run on stock Sega Genesis.
>Quake is debatable since it runs on a completely different engine
That's the point. If anyone could be trusted with writing custom hardware engine for Saturn Doom port then it was Lobotomy. If they were involved and Carmack said no then Carmack was in the wrong indeed. Bagley was nowhere near as good and his ability to deliver a good custom engine, running at 60fps no less, is doubtful.

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