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What makes gaming on hardware so peak is that there's nothing between you and the game. No filters to configure, no romfiles to browse through, no worrying about latency or screen aspect ratio, just pop a cartridge or disk in, and you're good to go.

Emulation, playing "remasters" on modern consoles...it's incredible how tech in general so much more advanced, yet it still can't replicate the feeling.

What do you think? Can you relate to this feeling?
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>What makes gaming on hardware so peak
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>no worrying about latency or screen aspect ratio
>being a zoomer and a hardwarefag
How is clicking a ROM harder than putting a disc into a machine? BTW, in the old days, it would take an hour to set-up a computer game.
I'm 31, you guys.
I don't have any spare CD-Rs on hand so I'm playing Grandia 1 via emulation instead of my modded console. It's alright, I only had to configure shit once and now the game is two clicks away from desktop.
The adventure vibe is nice and I'm enjoying it so far, though maybe I should have played this before Grandia II since the latter's battle system felt more refined.
Hardware fags
>get old tv and console from your basement
>hook up console(s) to TV
>make sure the wires are properly connected to the TV and console
>make sure the controller is connected and working
>make sure you selected the correct TV channel
>waddle over to game collection and pick up game
>put game into machine
>remove game and clean if it doesn't work
>bonus: you have to sit through openings and loading if it's a CD game

Emulator gods
>click emulator
>click rom
Jesus Christ. Are you playing over RF? This looks like shit
You're taking it too literally. It's not "harder", but it's easier to get wrapped up in choice fatigue if you have every game known to man in your romlist.
>it's easier to get wrapped up in choice fatigue if you have every game known to man in your romlist
I only download the single exact game I want to play, and I only download it if I actually want to play it at that very moment, so my folders only have games I'm really interested in and are not bloated
My rom folder only has 54 files. Maybe don't download entire packs like a retard
>What do you think? Can you relate to this feeling?
I used to, but now that my old consoles are dying off, hardware gaming is becoming the stressful option for me more and more every day.
It's so much less drama for me to just click the emulator than to cross my fingers hoping I can play my PS2 without getting red screened.

But yes, back in the day when my technology just worked, it was a very special feeling. I do miss it a bit.
Why would I be a contrarian? I value having free disk space, why would I fill my SSD with 99% of bullshit I'll never play? do you think downloading entire catalogues from every system known to man is normal behavior?

and now you deleted your reply like a coward because you realized it was a bad take immediately
This is all I have in my Dreamcast folder right now
I deleted it because it was on a trip I don't want to use here.
I stand by what I said though - I don't believe you. Yes, downloading catalogues is normal. why wouldn't you want to reduce the amount of time searching for a game in the future? The stupid one is you, methinks.
Heh heh...
Looks like we've got a feisty one, boys!
It's not every day you see a pretty whore like this shitposting on /vr/ on the Sacae Plains.
Don't worry, after I break her in, I'll make sure you all get a turn!
Outside of your atrocious language, you're right.
Nigger wear do you live where it takes a half second for your crt to display input from the video cable?
God strategy: entire romsets backed up on externals, only pull them out onto your main drive's "game collection" once you're actually about to play them.
>it was on a trip I don't want to use here
Kek, I actually didn't even notice the trip, Lynn
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You ROM and Emulator Boyz better keep the dream alive. Vimm just got eaten.
Now who did it? Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft?
I think it takes about 15 minutes of setup for emulation to become more convenient/less full of barriers than hardware, never understood this. But I do think hardware is *the* peak regardless, yes
A CRT isn't a fix all for input lag, plenty of games have due to software and/or hardware.
you are simply a material fetishist or idolater.
Based OP making emubabies seethe.
Really. So how did 30+ years of gaming get along? Do you actually think there is a serious delay between when you press A and when Mario jumps?
>no worrying about latency
yeah no, we have preemptive frames or source port to fix that
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>I'm 31, you guys.

That's adorable.
There are still 1-3 frames of input lag in even the most ideal setups depending on the game/hardware. This can easily be 3-5 on a bad display. You can figure it out from there
(If you think this is imperceptible, you haven't tested yourself, or have brain lumps)
there's 3 frames of delay in between hitting A and Mario jumping, yes. you can confirm this using pause and frame advance in an emulator
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It lets me pretend I'm a 12 year old playing games back in (insert time the hardware was relevant) even though I was either not born during that time period or too young to play video games when that console was still being sold in big box stores.
>there's 3 frames of delay in between hitting A and Mario jumping
I just tried in retroarch with the mesen core and there is only 1 frame of delay
>hold A
>next frame: no jump
>frame after: jump
Excluding specific games that still have the odd emulater bug, its essentially an objectively superior experience to play emulated rather than on original hardware
but, often in practice i have more fun because my minds tells me i am on the computer so i should quickly tab out to check something and interrupt the game, when i dont have these thoughts at all if i turn it off and play "offline" resulting in a better experience
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If those few frames are your issue, you are low skill. Millions of people doing what are essentially flawless Mario runs. They didn't have a problem.

I think you need something in your life. Have you ever seen a man die? Ever skydive? Ever beat GodHand on Hard?
neither of you even specified which mario game
im pretty sure SMW has 2 frames
SMB1 and 3 have one frame of delay
But yes, SMW has two frames
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For sure, I have pretty much all main consoles hooked up to a big CRT
how i feel at 32
Can't actually tell if this is bait or just another retarded 38 year old man. This board is tough sometimes
Also God Hand is just a fighting game for people too pussy to play online/go to a tournament. Good game but you're lost if you think it's bragging rights
>why I retro on console
Because I have my old stuff
>should you emulate
Yeah it's cheaper
>does that make me a poser
Were all posers steve-o
You are not 31 otherwise you would not be asking this question.
>me: work hard, reap rewards
>you: do nothing, get nothing
>Can you relate to this feeling?
No, as I'm not an autistic retard
fighting game tournaments have gone to absolute shit and modern fighting games are even worse
Can still go to Third Strike/CVS2/MVC2-3 tournaments if you want to (and honestly, all those games have cool scenes in 2024 minus some of the nogs). Not going to defend Slop Fighter 6 or Tekken 8 though, yeah

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