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This piece of shit has to be the least comfortable 1st party controller that I've ever used. 10x worse than the normal turbo pad. It's way too wide.
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You got woman hands, boy?
Would it kill you fucking people to have a conversation in good faith for once? The width causes it to feel unstable due to how far apart your hands are. You also need to break your thumb to reach the d-pad, so having small hands would probably make it easier.
>The width causes it to feel unstable due to how far apart your hands are
Are you also unable to use horizontal handhelds?
a thread died for this
This would make a great 3rd party nes controller. Keep the numbers, letters are for dorks. The 3rd button simulates pressing a and b at the same time, that button will be button 2.
putting the buttons and d-pad at the bottom was an interesting choice, feel bad for the kids who were stuck with trash like this lol.
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A+B are already very easy to press simultaneously on an NES controller
I'd keep it like OP's controller where you have a switch to select if you want it to be Start or Select. Several NES games make you press Start or Select in the middle of the gameplay (like Start being the super attack in Punch-Out for example) and that would be much more useful
Never seen it. I still think the original NES pad is pretty uncomfortable.
What does the third button even do? Don't most PCE games only use I and II?
It's a relevant topic. STFU.
>Would it kill you fucking people to have a conversation in good faith for once?
It would. That's why OP can't do it, and only cries about his personal problems on a board for discussing old toys.
The third button is select. Placed in a manner that's more easily accessible. There are a lot of games that use the Select Button as a third button.
>What does the third button even do?

>The Avenue Pad 3 (アベニューパッド3) is an officially licensed three button controller for the PC Engine released by NEC Avenue in 1991. It was initially sold by itself, but was later packaged with Forgotten Worlds as part of a special bundle.
>It adds a third fire button (Ⅲ) in addition to the standardIandⅡbuttons. Unlike the later Avenue Pad 6, the added button doesn't provide any unique functionality of its own but simply duplicates the effect of the SELECT or RUN keys, which is assigned through a switch. This made the controller suitable for action games which had special moves or such assigned to either button such as Shinobi, Bloody Wolf and Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo, as well as the aforementioned Forgotten Worlds. There are also turbo switches for each fire button, although the turbo switch for button Ⅲ works a bit differently, as it has a "hi" setting for turbofire and a "hold" setting for autofire, whereas the other two switches simply have two turbo settings.
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Wrapping your fingers around the top of the controller and pressing the controller into your palms despite no shoulder buttons or controller handles exhibits an inability to adapt to the unfamiliar, effectively ensuring you will always be a mediocre player.

Button 3 is just a dupe of Select, too
Well yeah, games were using select as a third action button. The Genesis released with a 3 button controller. The really funny part is how Street Fighter 2 launched the same year as the Avenue Pad 3, meaning another controller upgrade was in the wings when they launched.
A lot of old controllers sucked. It took some companies a while to realize how important ergonomics and usability and everything was. Probably the most baffling for me was Sega of America being stupid enough to think that the Western version of the Saturn controller wasn't an extreme downgrade. Going from the six button Genesis controller and SNES that I was using prior to that just already felt so much better. When I tried the "new"/original when they released it here I was so happy. I really just don't understand how people in the company could have used both controllers and bundled in that piece of crap for us.
Please remember this is the worst board on this shithole forum.
I see. Never played enough PCE stuff to notice that.
So what does button III do? TurboGrafx games weren't made with that in mind. Does it function like a second select button?
It can function as Run or Select, there is a toggle switch.
Didn't even notice. I saw it said hold and hi but I didn't even look at the left of the controller kek.
lot of shooters use select/run for switching speed on the fly

its funny that it was designed for forgotten worlds. it plays way better with autofire anyway
they actually brought the forgotten worlds port to the US but not the controller, kek
I don't really understand why the dpad is in the bottom left for these things. Hudson makes the amazing third party controllers. If they designed these, that's a shame
I think the most uncomfortable control pad is the one for the Master System. The corners are so sharp, it feels like it's digging into your hands. Plus the buttons don't feel quite right when you press them...
True I even got the one with the removable nub thing and it still fucking sucks with that
it's also shitty in responsiveness
>Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo
Rondo did something with select/run? Damn I completed that game without ever using that
Yes, when your heart counter is flashing green you can press select to do a special attack (Item Crash) with your sub weapon
That controller layout is making me angry just looking at it. All the button inputs are too close to the bottom.
>That controller layout is making me angry just looking at it.
Well done. You're fitting in perfectly as the stereotypical perpetually outraged manbaby. Your mommies must be so proud.
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I never tried that version of it.
Yeah. The D-Pad kinda sucks dosen't it?

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