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So I want to hack this bad boy I got from some used electronics stuff.
It works.
Anything I need to provide like model or serial to know what hack is the best for it? Thanks.
We don't spoonfeed around these parts. Go look up a guide.
you need a stupid network adapter though, and the mod that lets you hook the network adapter to a modern hard drive
I see. I thought it would be enough with a memory card with some program.
Didn't know I had to get some peripherals.
Will look into it. Thanks.
freemcboot also works, but it takes up a memory card slot and you cant load games onto it, you can buy a preloaded freemcboot memory card pretty easily online
You don't need this
easiest and most braindead way to do it is to just buy a memory card off ebay with free mcboot pre-installed. Use open loader with freemcboot to play ps2 games off a hard drive. Get a sata adapter and then you can use any HDD.

If you want to play ps1 backups you'll need to use either popstarter to play off HDD (which is emulation) or burn ps1 discs. I don't think there is a way to boot ps1 off HDD in actual ps1 mode.

If you have a 500xx model or later you can install mechapwn to be able to boot burnt ps1 games easily.
You can play PS1 games off a USB as well. The USB 1.1 ports are slow for many PS2 games but are double the speed of the PS1 optical drive.
Don't you need a PSX memcard for that as well?
Nope, POPStarter doesn't even have the ability to read from or write to memory cards.
FMCB memory card
FAT32 formatted USB thumbdrive

>Apps for console:
OPL to run PS2 games
Retroarch PS2 port for emulation of various retro consoles
SNESticle as an ISO to emulate SNES games
Popstarter to emulate PS1 games
PS1VModeNeg to launch PAL PS1 backups with corrected video output
GSM to force various other video outputs

>Additional PC software:
OPL Manager to rename and add artwork for OPL game list
CUE2POPS to convert PS1 .bin games to .VCD for Popstarter
USBUtil to split PS2 games over 4gb into smaller chunks
Master Disc Patcher to make playable PS2 disc backups for use with Mechapwn’d console

This is all the shit I use, and I get by fine. By far the quickest and easiest way to have a modded PS2 setup without having to mess around with HDD which I can’t really be fucked to do. Also I’ve been mostly using slims anyway
Popstarter automatically creates a virtual memory card file for each game.
…oh yeah, I forgot the most important part

Install Mechapwn (if American SCPH-50001 console), to play import and backup discs
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I just checked the like 8 memory cards I have and found a freemcboot.
Is this the one?

My model is SCPH-30001.
Is it compatible with all of that?
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>just buy a memory card off ebay with free mcboot pre-installed
I've been hearing this for years and I'm sick of it.
How the FUCK do they put it on the memory card to begin with? If they can I can too, why not?
I'm not buying shit off of ebay just to play free games, there HAS to be a BETTER WAY!
you can do it with a ps2 slim and freedvdboot, that's how i did it. if you don't have a spare slim lying around getting one from ebay is the easiest option. there are also usb-to-mc adapters that sony made for ps3 but those are expensive now.
I could maybe do this to my buddy's dying slim for him, but I only own a pair of older fat consoles and one network adapter between them.
well freedvdboot you can just burn on a disc. put it in a slim and create a universal fmcb memory card. take the mc out in put it in the phat. you're technically good to go but i hear it's ideal to now create a fmcb mc specific for that phat console. also don't save games to that mc afterwards. only use to it launch the exploit to ensure maximum stability.
oh i guess freedvdboot does support some phats. maybe yours is a supported model. mine wasn't.

Everything except Mechapwn, so you’d have to find some other solution for disc games

Your memory card with the Freemcboot file is probably borked if the PS2 doesnt show the FMCB menu automatically with the card in
>if you don't have a spare slim lying around getting one from ebay is the easiest option
jesus. rereading my own post that sounds completely wrong. i meant getting a memory card from ebay is the easiest option if you don't happen to have slim just lying around.
>How the FUCK do they put it on the memory card to begin with? If they can I can too, why not?
You take your console apart and tape the disc tray sensors, then put in a copy of 007: Agent Under Fire, beat the first level, then before starting the second level you disc swap to a copied disc with ulaunchelf.ELF disguised as BONDAUF.ELF, tricking the game into booting uLaunchElf, from which you can navigate to a USB thumbdrive with the FMCB installer and install on an empty memory card.

That’s how people used to do it from scratch, now there’s FreeDVDBoot to do the same thing much easier.
or you shell out the money for a mc adapter, load up mcs en masse via pc and then sell them on ebay (if you can get them cheap enough - which is unlikely)
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Thanks. I thought most hacks were for the fat console.

It shows this on screen but then remains black. So either not compatible or freemcboot is borked.
It might be auto-booting into ESR. Try holding a button while the console boots. Try each button, they might be configured to different apps
not an expert so not sure what's going on there but fmcboot installs can be specific to a single console. when creating a fmcb mc you have to specific whether you want it to be multi console or regular mode. multi is what you'll get if you order from ebay. allegedly multi is less stable which is why you should use a bought fmcb mc to create a regular one for your console (but there are also those that say they never did and haven't experienced any issues)
Maybe they hardmod the console and use unlaunchelf.

Also forgot to mention I DO have an slim PS2 but this one is already hardmoded to use with swap magic.
But I'd like to have my unmoded fat PS2 to play games and because the swap magic might wear down eventually.
If I have to burn my discs, thats fine. I have a bunch of them (Of dubious quality but they work)
way to selectively quote me like a retard. I said the most braindead and easiest way. no shit you can do it on your own but with a fat it's not worth it
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Forgot pic.
Got this while holding the circle button.
Do I launch it?
>hardmoded to use with swap magic.
you're probably going to have to disable the hardmod for freedvdboot to work. usually possible by hold a or a combination of buttons during boot. google it

>I'd like to have my unmoded fat PS2 to play games
fmcb is the first step. if you don't want it anymore just pull out the mc and the console is back to stock condition
yeah it looks like autobooting to esr. the default button to get to free mcboot is holding triangle when booting unless they changed that too.
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Forgot pic again.

It was the circle button for me.
You can just use mechapwn and boot burnt discs with no swapping. Swap magic is old shit
Well all the apps and emulators and shit on the list I posted are gonna work, so you can go a long way without burning discs.
I mean I have 2 PS2s, fat and slim, but slim is already modded.
I would rather get a new slim instead with that 500 model.
the very last slims are considered low value i think. they have some compatibility issues with certain games afaik bc the hardware changed so much over the years
Yeah. Assuming that it works you need to go into free mcboot configuration (should be bottom options inside FMB) then go to "Configure E1 launch keys" and then remove ESR from auto on the top option. Then select save CNF to whatever memory card slot FMB is on (mc0 is slot 1 and mc1 is slot 2).


basically this guide in reverse
They have some advantages too though. You can boot ps1 backups directly into ps1 mode on deckard models using DKWDRV. The compatibility is better than popstarter. I've never had any problems with ps1 games on my deckard ps2 but I've only played a couple dozen titles.
I see. So which models would be best?

Thank you. Will give it a try.
Everything before 75XXX has the ps1 guts. Includes the first slims. 75XXX and after are called deckard consoles and emulate the ps1 stuff. It's pretty good compatibility and has some advantages with being able to boot ps1 games from USB in ps1 mode. But it is emulation so if you want to be a purist get a pre-75XXX model
the compatibiltiy issues i was talking about concern ps2 titles

>So which models would be best?
dunno. all this information is out there at your fingertips. i'm no expert. i know a couple of things and that's it. do your own research
What ps2 titles have you had issues with on deckard? I haven't come across any yet but the ps2 library is so big I've only played a little of it.
Sadly seems like it wont work for me since when I launch freemcboot, the console just restarts and don't get any options. Since I have Swap Magic and unlaunchelf disc, guess I will just download freemcboot and try again.

Got it. Guess will keep an eye on one of my trips to the stores.
PS2 Slim 70XXX with the ps1 components also has unpopulated pins for a SATA hard drive. So you can mode it to have an HDD like a fat if you are really good at soldering.
best to start fresh. I've had to do that on my own setup a few times after fucking something up.
I meant you specifically. That list can't be correct because I've played Super Monkey Ball Deluxe and Jak X on mine without any problems.
Never seen a FMCB menu like that, maybe you have some ancient version. As long as it can bring you into ulaunchelf you can do a fresh install with a newer installer (FMCB v1.965 might be best, heard v.1966 has a few compatibility issues)

The last slims (90K) are better than the first Deckard slims (75K) from what I know. From 75 to 90 they made improvements and added more baked-in game-specific patches. None of the Deckard slims handle PS1 very well though, if you’ve played a game a lot you’ll notice many performance differences from MIPS PS2’s

Fuck no, missing CDDA and XA audio is hardly better compatibility than anything. Only good for games that have no FMV’s and voice acting, which is not a lot. At the very least you should have both Popstarter and DKWDRV.
>Fuck no, missing CDDA and XA audio is hardly better compatibility than anything.
what does that mean? I've played a ton of ps1 games without any missing audio
you insulted his baby and now he's mad. calm down, dude.
>The last slims (90K) are better than the first Deckard slims (75K) from what I know. From 75 to 90 they made improvements and added more baked-in game-specific patches. None of the Deckard slims handle PS1 very well though, if you’ve played a game a lot you’ll notice many performance differences from MIPS PS2’s
thanks for the info. i don't know all that much about this stuff
play Silent Hill and you’ll get no voice acting. Most games with voice acting will have none. Lots of music and FMV audio missing in other titles too.
Projection buddy. you are just mad that your old ps2 fat isn't the best anymore.
>None of the Deckard slims handle PS1 very well though, if you’ve played a game a lot you’ll notice many performance differences from MIPS PS2’s
Not true at all. you won't notice any difference at all. I go back and forth between my deckard and ps2 fat and it's the same.
Then you haven’t played the game enough to notice. For starters it’s common knowledge that Deckard PS2’s have faster loading times than pre-Deckard. For some games Deckards are worse, for some games they can be considered better depending on the effect and personal preference I guess.
I've played a shit load of games to completion going back and forth on both. It's always some sperg who quotes a wiki page to tell me it apparently performs worse. Prove it faggot.
The default configs on those chinese FMCB cards are so fucking shitty, they really make your PS2 menu ugly. They include like 5 revisions of OPL and give the full version number in the menu item title. And those blinking pulsating cursors. Yuck. But you can easily edit the config files once you start file managing with uLaunchELF.
CDDA was the early standard for storing redbook audio, that would also play on a CD player - think Ridge Racer, Wipeout, etc. XA was the later loop-friendly standard on the PS1, between the two of them you have a large portion of how music was done on the console, so without either of them a lot of games won't have music. DKWDRV has better THEORHETICAL compatibility with popstation but as of right now until shit gets fixed it's clearly inferior. While still imperfect Pops with the ongoing hugo patches is a lot better than it used to be, you can play a lot of the library flawlessly.
It’s just a fact that PS1 games generally run faster on Deckard. If you need proof you can compare speedrun videos. This goes for virtually all games, so you can pick any game you want. They all use Deckard PS2’s because they know it makes their game run faster.
There’s also the fact that the CPU chip is literally different hardware, so I fail to understand how you can claim it’s 1:1 when it just simply isn’t
Must have just gotten lucky with my testing then because the games I played with voice acting still worked. Like spyro or valkyrie chronicles. What determines if it uses CDDA/XA audio?
Nevermind got my answer here>>11395397

I'm not claiming it's 1:1 that's the terms faggots obsessed with muh accuracy use. I'm claiming you won't notice any difference actually playing games. If it was as bad as people said I would find it unplayable compared to my ps2 fat when I notice no difference going from 1 to the other.
>Never seen a FMCB menu like that, maybe you have some ancient version. As long as it can bring you into ulaunchelf you can do a fresh install with a newer installer (FMCB v1.965 might be best, heard v.1966 has a few compatibility issues)
Yeah I will do that and make a thread if necessary.
Thanks all of you.
Except you >>11394383
i think the thing you mostly fail to understand is that you're obviously talking to a faggot and that maybe you shouldn't
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bing bing wahoo
Kek'd, good post

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