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For me, it's the Jag!!

Swap Pitfall for Super Burnout
Swap flashback for Worms, too. Or Iron Soldier
I love homebrew ports of Atari ST games

I don't. ST sloppa doesn't fully utilize the hardware. Gravitic Mines is a good example of modern homebrew that uses the Jag's capabilities. Color depth anyway.
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I wonder if anyone is an actual huge Jaguar fan. I'm talking about someone who unironically has the Jag in his top 3 favorite consoles of all time

I love the hardware aesthetic, specs & thinking behind it as a roughly GBA spec home console in 1993 for $200. I do not like most of the library and Jag fans stink of stockholm syndrome. Atari had a winning formula on paper but the third party devs didn't come through with quality software. I'm a sucker for "in-between" half generational oddball systems I guess, like the TG16 or 32X
>I'm a sucker for "in-between" half generational oddball systems I guess, like the TG16 or 32X
I know what you mean, and we're lucky with the PC Engine actually having a huge library of great games
Now I'm wondering if you could consider the Dreamcast an "in-between" console. It's much more powerful than the PS1 or the N64, but nowhere near the Xbox
i’m wondering why anyone has a top list of consoles of all time when time isn’t done yet
You know I meant all of the consoles that have been released so far you disingenuous faggot

Yes I would. Also arguably the OG Xbox had one toe dipped in the 7th gen.
How do you feel about the Neo Geo?

Since 5th gen was defined pretty heavily by the jump to 3D I'd say it's squarely 4th gen, but many nicer looking Neo Geo games can pass for 2D Saturn or PS1 titles and indeed many were ported to those platforms. It's my favorite 16 bit console but I collect for TG16 instead because I don't shit gold nuggets
Whoa 3 games!?!?

Lmao pass
Did you guys ever see this Biff guy's YouTube channel? I found it when I was looking for old E3 videos and it was basically the first time I ever came across a Jaguar fanboy. The footage is pretty awesome for historical reasons but it's funny how he goes around the show floor asking people if there's going to be a Jaguar version and a bunch of Jaguar questions when they obviously don't really care:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-qJYJnhbYw
Apparently, he was going to host some jaguar show too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJmKwXXyE-s
(kek I forgot about his opening too... "fun. fun. fun."
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Was I filtered or is pitfall actually a very difficult game? I think I got filtered at a part with all the big rolling stones and I actually felt like I couldn't get past that part in the game because i couldnt find any way to get past one section. It's also been years since I've played it so I could just be wrong.
I mean, video games stopped being good sometime during the 00s so anyone can make of all time lists that includes the future
I was looking into the Nuon one day, and found this guy https://www.youtube.com/@KevInBuffalo
Youtube profile bio tells the tale, a fucking essay about the Jaguar. And as bonus points, he's a Nuon fan too
Kinda based honestly
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>all ports
aside from doom and wolfenstein 3d, they're all better
Explain how the Raiden port with no autofire is better
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SHMUPs were originally played without autofire
Autofire is a crutch for casuals
>saves the atari jaguar

god bless this guy

>I love homebrew ports of Atari ST games

This guy is doing a pretty good port of Mortal Kombat for the Atari Jaguar:

I'm pretty sure either the 32x or Saturn versions of NBA Jam TE were better. I do Keep Jaguar on my BigBox with Tempest, Raiden, FlashBack, and AVP. Although I don't think the last 3 are the best ports. Flashback versions are all worse/better in different ways
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>Big P
I commend him for creating the only emulator that plays Jaguar CD games. I only ever wanted to play it for that one action/softcore porn FMV game.
The (you)s on this board hit so much harder when you can predict what they're gonna be/fish for specific ones
>that one action/softcore porn FMV game
American Hero?
Also if you're into failed console FMV porn games, check out the 3DO library:

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