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Did something happen recently that it's jumped from £300 to £600?

Every generation up to the fucking PS3, major second-hand sellers like CEX and faggots on ebay are selling (or trying to) every remotely "retro" consoles at triple digit prices.

Who the fuck IRL is buying PSPs and PS2s for insane prices?

I went to Japan recently and found that this disease has spread over there as well but I could still find retro games at reasonable prices compared to here. (I wish I could read japanese).
This stupid thread again
This also seems to extend to electronics in general, like every 2nd hand place I've been to in the UK are selling outdated 22" plasma (not even CRTs) screens for £50+.

Japan on the other hand has an actual function 2nd-hand market with reasonable prices for everything (except console/games below a certain generation).

Like what the fuck?
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Are we sure he isn't offering to pay you for the pick up?
Seriously how the fuck are PAL games worth anything?
If I was unfortunate enough to be European, I would emulate everything.
There are no reasons to buy physical games beyond collecting. NTSC or PAL
>Seriously how the fuck are PAL games worth anything?
Cos they play like how I remember them? At 50hz.
A lot of Sega games are World roms, so PAL games could play at 60hz on an NTSC system. And some 50hz games are better converted than others.
I actually like having limited options and a level of investment in certain games so I have motivation to play stuff for more than 2 minutes before compulsively loading another game from a menu.
Once prices become insane, though, people should just emulate.
Is US market better than the Europe market for retro?
you can list things for whatever price you want. that doesn't mean it will sell for that much.
>Asking price
Look for sold items.
Anyone can ask for any price they want, doesn't mean it's selling for that cost.
Looked up the actual price. It sells for between £350 and £450.
Not £600.
How many times are we going to have this thread? Retro game prices shot up during the pandemic and while some have come down a bit since then, they're still higher than they were five years ago and will continue to be. Interest from scalpers, news reports about how your copy of Mario might be worth a fortune, and increasing actual rarity of physical retro games over time all mean prices will never actually go back to where they were in 2008. Pay the late tax or emulate.
Motherfucking PS2 costs £90 in CEX. A PS3 costs £80 and a PS4 costs £120.

What are these fucking prices?
Game collecting used to be a bulk buying hobby, which is why trying to get full sets of NES or SNES used to be a common (relatively speaking, in the "community") pursuit; the overwhelming majority of games were very cheap, with only a small handful of heavy hitters, most of which topped out at maybe a couple hundred bucks back then. Nowadays it's a selective pursuit, where newfag collectors and nostalgiafags will buy a console and a small selection of games for premium prices, which don't really impact them much, because they're dropping a few hundred here and there for a small selection of games, without the ambition, or financial ability, to snag a meaningfully sized collection.
It's irritating, but you can thank the previously mentioned reasons and people for it shifting from a poor man's trash collecting hobby to a luxury pursuit infested by literal multimillionaire investors.
Mate of mine just gave me back my old PS2 for free after I sold it to him 15+ years ago
>It's irritating, but you can thank the previously mentioned reasons and people for it shifting from a poor man's trash collecting hobby to a luxury pursuit infested by literal multimillionaire investors.

I don't understand what these faggots are getting out of it. It's not like they're collecting classic sports cars which have always been coveted by normalniggers. It's gaming consoles, almost every single normalfag I know does not have their old consoles anymore. It's either been sold or given away or even trashed.
Investment. There's obviously a lot of people, even wealthy ones, who buy expensive games because they like having them and/or to show them off to other game collectors, but there's also ones who collect games as a means to an end. You can typically suss out these types when their response to collectors complaining about game prices is something along the lines of that you should be happy that your collection is worth more. Of course that only matters if you're selling, and if your end goal is to cash out and buy some unrelated asset, like a sportscar or whatever, because otherwise all it means is that you're paying more for other games.
I sometimes make burner accounts and message sellers that I've doxxed them, I know where they live, that I'm coming to break into their homes and set their hoarded shit on fire while they're at work. I've probably singlehandedly inadvertently sold a lot of home security systems and rents on storage units, maybe even a few bank deposit boxes. Which is why I tell them that the police and fire response would never make it on time to save their shit or to arrest me (which is true, smash and grab burglaries rarely result in arrests).
Nintendo recently put the deathnail in emulation. Buy and download what you can soon.
>Nintendo recently put the deathnail in emulation
Nintendo has put like 50 deathnails in emulation over the years.
Anyway, I'm off to emulate some games now, see you later.
>Nintendo has put like 50 deathnails in emulation over the years.
But that's like the new stuff right? Everything up to gamecube should be decent. I mean, NES and SNES emulation should be perfect at this point.
t. every emulatorfag who says they’re not jealous of people with money

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