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Opinions on these ports of Donkey Kong Country?
gba version is not bad
t. played it decades ago when i found a dkc gba cartridge just sitting on the ground outside after school
GBC has more SOVL

GBA is just DKC at home
The GBC version turns you into animals instead of riding them, which makes Expresso a bigger bitch to use because she can't jump on enemies and you can't dismount to clear the road like you could before. It did reuse music from Donkey Kong Land in some stages, though, which I enjoyed for the callback.
GBA funnily enough suffers from having WORSE graphics.
Try donkey kong land since it has some odd levels. Not sure how well Country translates to the GBC, but at least the soundtracks should be cool with the sound chip.

GBA version is literally just a worse version of what came out on the SNES. SNES but....NOT. worse graphics, worse audio, and as usual, bad res if you're emulating. Not worth the extras.
If I remember right, it's because they lost the original models or something? so they had to recreate them based on the snes sprites?
Or maybe they just imported the snes sprites...
Maybe I shouldn't post until I know what I'm talking about.
For GBC, it's very accurate aside from concessions made for the weaker handheld, plus it adds an extra level and some minigames.
It's because they washed the colours out for visibility on non-backlit screens. There's a colour restoration romhack that gives visual parity with the SNES game.
They're both worse than the original game. What more is there to say? They're ports.
GBC version is novel for what it is, a demake. GBA version is a relic of its time and there’s no reason to go back to it, it’s worse than the SNES version and isn’t technically impressive like the GBC version.
i only ever saw a bunch of poors or minorities play em
Thats a lie considering certain characters have more frames like K.Rool
The GBC version is a culmination of the Donkey Kong Land series. Donkey Kong Land 2+3 are actually really impressive ports of DKC 2+3, but DKL 1 was a much different game. All 4 are worth playing if you want a slightly different experience over replaying the SNES games.

The GBA games are just SNES ports, but are some of the better SNES ports on GBA when you compare them to the stuff like the Final Fantasy Advance series.
Land 2 and 3 aren't ports as they have unique level design.
The gba version has more content, but holy shit what is up with the graphics?
Screen size is cancer on GB.
i've played gbc one. It's a good port. I was able to beat the game with no issues.

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