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Aladdin SNES? Aladdin Genesis? Pfft

Aladdin PSeX for me
Nice colors. Argonaut are based and quintessential /vr/ devs.
Quintessential skip it core. Same with Traveller's Tales.
Were you the guy who didn't know how to ground pound in Croc?
Nintendo literally stole Argonaut's Yoshi game prototype and made Super Mario 64 with it
Total nonsense. Dylan Cuthbert denies this absurd tale.
He does fuck miyamotos daughter so it can't be all bad.
I like the snes one but that's because it's the only one I've played
>that lava escape
>Same with Traveller's Tales.
Imagine not liking Lego treasureware
Miyamoto doesn't have a daughter.
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I've only played the Game Gear one, and it probably wasn't the best.
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I could never figure out the 3 head monkey statue on the last oasis level in this game as a kid, so that would literally be the sad and lonely end game for me where Aladdin stays in a dark cave forever. It was always amazing for me to wait for the demo video start playing and allow me to see a glimpse of the other levels that would come later. I replayed the game a few years ago and was impressed with how many more levels there are, but to be honest they start more and more feeling like a different game completely and not like Aladdin. I rlly like this game, its the best and most diverse "arabian nights" game ever, the enemy sounds from the human enemies (especially the crazy dudes in the oasis) are ingrained into my brain. Also the spiked macemen in the level where you play as Apu used to scare the shit out of me as a kid so much I had to not look at them.
Also fun fact about the oasis levels NA and EU difference, in EU there is a gorilla that falls asleep and you can sneak up to and steal throwable coconuts, but it's completely cut from the NA version - I lost my mind trying to find it when I replayed the game and thought the matrix is playing tricks on me.
SUch an amazing game I dont want to make a post too long cause nobody ever reads them anyway. Im just gonna share with u something funny - theres a type of candy in eastern europe/Russia n whenever I remember them it makes me instantly think about the rooftops on one of the Agrabah levels (the one with the crazy slide u could enjoy hahahah), because those rooftops literally look like same
Disney PS1 games were something else n just 3D games of those years I could talk forever about it esp. the 3 Toy Story games from PS1 towards which I literally have a religious-spiritual dedication to - to the point that I "notice patterns" that are related to niche things from those games and I have a notepad file where I write down all "Toy Story Revelations" that I get
is that why nintendo honored them by restoring yoshi as the main protagonist in sm64ds?
Miyamoto's genes are strong.
Apparently the photo is real and Miyamoto did attend the wedding, but the girl is not Miyamoto's daughter. She's just Japanese
This nigga's so British he shits the king
You know, my first thought upon seeing that photo was "Wow, Miyamoto must be her dad or something if he's posing with them in such intimate shots"
But I imagine anyone who managed to get Miyamoto to attend their wedding, would like Miyamoto to be captured in the important shots
And that could just be a relative, like a niece or nephew

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