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Is this the same Skull Kid from Majora's Mask?
It's supposed to be, yes.
>Majora's Mask prominently features an individual simply known as "Skull Kid." He is implied to have met Link during his quest in Ocarina of Time, the very same Skull Kid who had requested a performance of Saria's Song from him.[3] The Skull Kid steals Majora's Mask from the Happy Mask Salesman and is promptly corrupted by its power. Some time after, he ambushes Link in the Lost Woods with his fairy friends, Tatl and Tael, intending to steal his things. Link pursues him and soon finds himself in Termina.

Is that seriously the plot? The Lost Woods contain a portal to a parrallel world? So strange and weird.
Why does it matter? What elements of the game are further or enhanced by it being the same NPC?
He is the boss of the second game
While we are asking questions, the “friend” Link is searching for at the beginning of MM is Navi, right? What happened to her?
if you played the game and finished it you would know in the end of the game he does remember and recognizes Link from back in the lost woods
but alas you didn't, you are just a poser faggot
>While we are asking questions, the “friend” Link is searching for at the beginning of MM is Navi, right? What happened to her?

yeah, it's navi that's why he has other fairies helpin ghim.
quit lying. The only thing he remembers are Tatl and Tael from before getting possessed.
Yeah. That's the same skull kid who pissed on my wife.
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>The Lost Woods contain a portal to a parrallel world
someone should make a hack that does this
Imagine if we had a 3rd N64-era Zelda after Majora.
He literally says in the finale of MM that he recognizes you.
The OoT-MM combo randomizer does this, though instead the entrance to MM is the happy mask shop instead.
MM came out in 2000, the console was long past its way out at that point, the GC came out only a year later in Japan.
>no blackface
not my skull kid
they can whitewash him all they want, he'll still be my brother
I don't really like the shade being Link from OOT, it been imply that Links are descendant of some royal knight line, Shade can be relate to the royal knight, but not necessary an ancestor
While we are asking questions, how the fuck am I supposed to know what this bastard wants photos of without resorting to gamefaqs?
No he isn't. Spoiler alert: Majora is the boss of the second game, you retard.
Talk to everyone. Talk to the gossip stones when you get the mask of truth. Hint: find out who is important to him.
the skull kid in MM is clearly the terminian counterpart to link. why is this even a question?
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link's counterpart is actually just kafei. kafei is an adult turned into a kid, referencing how link was a kid turned into an adult in oot.
skull kid is just the same skull kid from ocarina of time, like only 3 characters actually return from that game lol and skull kid is privileged to be one of them
Kafei is a pretty underrated character, imo.
Kek. You think you know.
well initially it is him being corrupted but as the days go on it's fully majora. they hint at this with the moon tear sequence.
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>sword on the hip
Woah. That's actually kinda rad.
i ate her
Too masculine. Majora is a female demon.
She quietly left to perish, her sworn duty to the Great Deku Tree fulfilled.
There is a symbiotic relationship between a Kokiri and a Fairy, and a Fairy won't last long with a Hylian boy. And without the Great Deku Tree's protection everlasting any more, on account of the curse that killed him, Navi knew her time was coming.
Link was distraught, because Navi was the only person in his life that would remember what they both went through, in the Future Past.
>wide upper torso
>narrow hips
It's masculine
something as evil and horrible as these faceless jap-demon things shouldn't be allowed in a video game
You're retarded if you give it (You)s
Cant be, I killed him in OoT.
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Only possible in adult timeline (which I guess can imply that the TP Skull Kid is a different one).
Wait, no, TP is child timeline too.
Manga implies it's at least ONE OF the OoT Skull Kids...
Looks like fan art. In-game model looks less masculine. Explain the boobs, the bra, the female shrieking, the prancing, the begging to be dominated by BDC (big deity cock).
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Wide at the breast, skinny at the waist, wide at the hips. Those proportions are giga stacy.
Just as long as we understand that at no point is skull kid the source of power or the one actually calling the shots here. It's Majora pretty much the whole way through.
>TP Skull Kid
Why do I have zero memory of this?
>Looks like fan art.
It's not
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>giga stacy
>with that hypermasculine shoulder/hip ratio
do you think lizalfos are women too?
>Explain the boobs
They're pecs
>the bra
take your meds
>the female shrieking, the prancing, the begging to be dominated by BDC
He's gay
Looking at the actual character model, there's no way that thing is female.
>He's gay
Thank you for proving my point.
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His appearance was very minor and he disappears permanently after you pass his tests. I don't think they even call him Skull Kid in game, you had to learn about it from guides so it'd be easy to think it was something else.
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He's Japanese-gay, meaning overtly masculine in appearance. Majora is ripped and acts like a fruit.

I've been saying for years that all I want is a new (not romhack) zelda on the OOT engine. Hope nintendo eventually has some sort of neo-nostalgia era
hes not gay hes a child, did you even play the game?
majora is a chaotic force of nature, and isn't limited to being a child, adult, man, or woman. did you play the game? any of you dipshits?
Link got sick of the
>"Hey LISTEN!"
and backhanded her. He only meant to give her a warning, but in his rage he forgot she was tiny so he made her splat. Now, like James Sunderland, he wanders the world of Majora's Mask in self-delusion that Navi is still alive, waiting for him in their special place.

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