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I'm a broccoli head who really wants to enjoy this. Can anyone give me some tips please?
>wants to enjoy this
Trust me, you can't. Try Disohonored instead.
Play 2 instead then come back to this and play it as a prequel.
>play it as a prequel.
i think just playing it is what we humans in reality have to do. i can try to play it from the viewpoint of a velociraptor but it’s the still the same game
1. Play the tutorial
2. Hit people with the club
3. Save a lot
Just kill everything on the map and explore freely. Stealth is gay.
listen to what >>11395935 says
Thief is Turd, just play Dishonored it's gameplay is actually fun
save scum
How far in are you?
Dishonored is cartoonish, whimsical, and gay.
Pure museum. Game is boring as fuck.
use blackjack a lot
Play on expert, learn to use the blackjack with leaning, run when you see zombies.
Thief is shallow, pedantic, and insists upon itself
>cartoonish, whimsical, and gay
Stop describing yourself, okay? Nobody cares.
they're both awesome games that any one should play before they croak
Don't be afraid to spend your money it doesn't persist between levels
Also don't use TFix
Why? I'm using the GOG version + TFix and the game runs fine
Skip to the second one instead of playing this POS that turns into a terrible dungeon crawler halfway through.
Based Garrett, blowing his between-mission money on booze and gallivanting.
TFix changes a bunch of shit without telling you. It sticks a bunch of Thief 2 textures into Thief 1, technically they are higher quality but Thief 2 has colored lighting, Thief 1 doesn't and the textures reflect that. So if you put Thief 2 textures into 1 everything looks really bland and colorless. The bigger problem is that he changed the human guard AI to be the Thief 2 AI and that results in a really different game. They made a lot of changes to the AI in between the two games - not all for the best, 2's guards tend to be a little dumber overall but that's offset by the fact that Thief 2's levels tend to be far more sprawling with wide open areas which probably would've been bullshit with 1's AI. But when you stick that into Thief 1 with its more tight, close-quarters corridors it just comes off like the AI's shittier than it originally was in 1998.

And yes, we've told the guy who makes TFix that it's shit and he should change it but he swears it's a complete improvement across the board and that anyone whining should just build a Windows 98 PC. Instead use either TFix Lite (which removes the majority of "improvements") or just install NewDark directly (the actual fan patch that gets the game running on modern systems which TFix is based on)
Get a haircut
just sneak around and don't get caught
download the patch. attacks guard from behind
i got filtered by it being fun at the start then gay zombies show up
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>more fun showed up, but my preconception is that stealth games need to be always stealth vs humans, not have any GAY fantasy shit, so actually my fun ended because GAY zombies showed up and fucked me in the ass and mouth, they fucking spitroasted me
why is this thread so terrible? /vr/ usually isn't this bad.
Because the OP used the broccoli head bait line and you 30-something failures all fell for it
Better the supernatural shit than the steampunk robots in TMA.
Anyone that says 2 is better than 1 is a retard.
>the rules of the game are changed when engaging this foe. you're encouraged to go to town against the undead, especially since they have a weakness to holy water
meanwhile robots:
>lul their rules are basically the same as humans, also we spammed them in 3x as many missions as we ever did with the undead in The Dark Project. enjoy
use the compass it's not for show, know basic stealth game procedure, quicksave...that's about it. there's an instance in the level lost city where you'll be expected to make an unintuitive one time in the game strafe jump.
thief is one of my favorite games of all time but to a degree that's just because the basic premise of it is so perfect and singular. the actual levels are very hit or miss. you are going to have to withstand some tedium and frustration.
I liked the first level and then in the second I was in a big mine in the daytime and I just wanted more creepy atmosphere while I hide in somebody's house
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>walk through a city
>break into the sewers
>enter into a rich mansion
>pilfer everything
Was fun silent ghosting this mission. Any FM where they are just full of Robin Hood shit without the zombies and weirdness?
I like the weirdness, it's kind of the opposite for me. I liked the first mission because it made a spooky horror ambience out of being an intruder into a guy's home. When I see a cave full of zombies the perception changes into generic RPG dungeon mode and even though it's technically more supernatural and scary it doesn't feel that way as a result.
To add to this, I'd say The Sword is a good example of the tone of the former while still having the weirdness. It's why I don't like Thief II anywhere near as much, despite it having a lot more missions that are set in regular buildings, it lacks the weird creepiness.
i equate Thief Gold to a party pack of 4 vegetables, packed with dip.
not every combination is good, to every one. i like peas, carrots, cucumber and cherry tomatoes, but maybe someone thinks cherry tomatoes are gross.
the undead are, i guess, just one component, one vegetable of the party pack, that turn some people away.
so i guess that's why some people genuinely prefer 2, even though it's feels pretty stale to people who enjoyed cherry tomato and wishes it returned.
>also you have to listen to Droopy Dog read bible verses whenever one is near you
that's based though
Broccoli and chocolate go together like bread and butter. So, that's why I'm here to say, I'm a choccoli head who really enjoys Thief.

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