What was your reaction when you played Halo: Combat Evolved for the first time?
Never played it once, too busy playing UT
>>11427195This is the best vehicle combat in any FPS ever
Do you have to use the exact same OP picture every time?
>>11427226I don't think there's any other cover for the game, anon
>>11427195>Wow, this looks MUCH better than my old Sega and Mechwarrior 2, oh my gosh!
>This bundled game is meh. All you do is walk around and shoot aliens.>Time to boot up the game I bought an Xbox for!
I just thought it seemed like a meh game back in 2002. Played all they way through in 2018 and thought it was great
I was always firmly Nintendo / Sony, I used to shit-talk the xbawx. Then I found myself with only an xbox and no internet for 3-4 months in '02 or '03. Yes the original Halo is fantastic. It's been 20 years but it actually does stand out as one of the better games I remember. I played FPSs before and after, probably better ones, but there was just something about Halo and how you felt playing it.Anyway, stop making these threads. At least make some interesting topic about a level, map, or technique in the game.
I was a PS2 owner, so Timesplitters 2 did it for me.
>>11427195>This is just unreal tournament but I'm slow mode >lmfao the jumping is soooo slow. If I could play this on PC I'd school these fags >*plays on PC*>Wow wtf all of the guns are inaccurate as fuck health bars are huge and shields just regenerate so there's no point in picking people off from a distance In general I had already played a much better version of the same thing so I didn't care for halo. Hell even quake 2 was better
>>11427663As far as multiplayer goes, yeah, sure. I had dial-up back then so it didn't matter.
>>11427195The game felt really big and huge. Also it was like an alien game. Music, weapons, co-op mode and lighting effects carry the whole game.
>>11427195'Sure, the split screen thing in someone's living room is really fun like Goldeneye was, but I prefer playing with Mouse and Keyboard'
>>11427930So. Why not play the fucking pc version then?
>>11427663>Pretends better games existed before>Every single one of them died to Battlefield and CoD by 2007lol. lmfao even.
>>11427195I thought it was worse than Doom. Didn't really like it.I was the only person I know who had an Xbox without Halo.
>>11427747I played bots because I don't care about a campaign
>>11428026>Implying halo is alive and well today >Implying battlefield and cod are somehow better Even halo fags agree the series died with halo 2. Funny enough I bought halo 3 at launch and I thought unreal tournament 3 was better. Still do and for the same reasons. I can't get over how slow the gameplay is
>>11427195Paralysed. Dumbstruck.
>>11428024Because the PC version didn't come out for two years after the Xbox exclusive version released, and the post asked for my reaction on playing it for the first time.
>>11428270>I thought unreal tournament 3 was better.lmao wow. can't imagine what brain damage you have to think that
>>11427195Trying my best to process tutorial tips while helping fellow marines survive with my CS 1.6 skills.
I'll let you know if i ever get around to it, anon.
First time I played this game I realized that fixed aim shooters were a thing of the past. It set the bar so high for console FPS games like Goldeneye and Timesplitters became unplayable in comparison due to their archaic controls and design.
>>11428456Ever played it? Or did you just watch YouTubers to form your opinions?
"What a trash generic Doom clone".And I never played another game in the series.
>>11427195Literally never played it. Started with 2 and it was the coolest game I couldn't get because of it's rating.
>>11428682yeah i did play it faggot. it was godawful. it's basically forgotten and for good reason. meanwhile halo 3 is remembered fondly by everyone and was the peak of the series.
>>11427195I thought>damn Id rather be playing UT or CS
>>11427502>oddworldthe very definition of nerd shityou play as this old ugly looking alien dude interacting with a bunch of obscure objects and you have to be careful and thoughtful and you hardly ever get to kill anythingWho willingly plays this?
>>11427195Fun. Really liked the story.
>>11427195I was paralyzed, dumbstruck.
>>11427502lmfao someone has to have thought this for real
>>11428917>was the peak of the series.Legitimately commit suicide you piece of waste. Halo died with Halo 2.
>>11429080>you play as this old ugly looking alien dude interacting with a bunch of obscure objects and you have to be careful and thoughtful and you hardly ever get to kill anythingBased run'n'gun smoothbrain take on stealth puzzle games. Fuck them xenos. Hoorah!
>>11427195I thought the Silent Cartographer from the demo level was really cool. That's why I became a Halo fan and voted for Trump 3 times.
>>11429080Go post about "weebshit" or something.
>>11427195"this is fun, glad i got an xbox"
>>11427195I had already played Tribes and quake as a smell child so when halo came out I was just like hell yeah this one is sweet.The music is rad, the combat is rad, the weapons are rad, running people and aliens over us rad, blowing up my homies with a tank is rad...Really all around it was a good time
>>11427195I knew video games had become something other than casual. Guess you'd have to be there in the cramped apartment with five or more other guys going to college and getting stoned for the first time to really get it, but yeah. It felt more adult in a way.
>be me, 5 years old>go into Costco with my mom>Xbox demo unit with Halo>2 controllers plugged in for co-op mode>spent 40 minutes just killing the other player in funny waysgood times
>>11427502>Time to boot up the game i bought an Xbox for!Fixed
>>11430387You lie. Demo stations never had M rated games.
>>11430460>M ratedSorry what?
>>11427195I played halo 3 first because I had a ps2 and GameCube during 6th gen. I didn’t even really know many kids with a Xbox. I knew one kid with a Xbox and I would go over to his place and play crazy taxi and cell damage, no halo. Then I met my best friend in middle school and he had a og Xbox, but I already had a 360 at that point. I later bought the orginal halo from Best Buy after already being a fan of 3 and it was pretty cool. I never felt the urge to play a halo game outside of the original trilogy.
>>11430503Same. My cousin gave me his copies of Halo 1 and 2 when I got my Xbox 360
>>11430460First time I played RE4 was at a demo kiosk.
>>11430429Holy based
>I hope the rest of the campaign is as good as the first level on Halo! before the Flood shit it up. Split screen with the bros on blood gulch unmatched fun until 3 came out.
>>11431934I saw a trailer of on a demo unit and the chainsaw guy traumatized me. But it was only a trailer. You couldn't play the game.You're misremembering.
>>11428270>UT3Not retro and all of us chads were playing CoD by that point. I agree that Halo 3 was trash and ruined the series though.
>>11432653yeah too bad how the Flood fucks up the whole Fun
>>11433121I disagree, I think they're great fun to fight and future versions in later games ruin them.
>>11432653>>11433121The flood is great, they show up just as the covenant is starting to get boring. Man people really hate The Library, huh? Its the only reason I can imagine that such an objectively fun enemy type is so hated.
>>11427195I was 12 and I was really taken aback by how much I got sucked into the story, even at 12 I recognized good video game writing and voice acting when I saw itGameplay was another storyI thought the AI were pants on headThe AR was a nerf gun with a ridiculous pattern and I favored ARs in video games then like I do now so that was a bummerI called the multiplayer turning into a snipefest from a mile away, not that it took big brains to spot thatI was generally impressed how engrossing the campaign was and enjoyed it for it was, which was a meh shooter with some impressive window dressingAnd most of all how good a fit Halo was for Xbox Even at 12 I recognized that Sony needed a competitor and I kind of wanted Microsoft to do well with Xbox after watching the Dreamcast crash and burn
>>11430471Yeah master chief pulls his dick out in level 17
>>11433121Never understood how this opinion has persisted for so long, did the sudden enemy change really stunt your approach to tackling the game that much?
>>11433254Also never understood why The Library is so hated, it has great atmosphere and it's a constant onslaught.
>>11433784Its only real problem is that it feels a bit long and repetitive, which just seems more of a result of being the middle stage in a game where the second half revisits all the levels from the first. If The Library was like 2/3rds as long I just cant see people bitching about it as much as they do.
>>11427195>mfw The Library
>>11427195I think I got it in 2004 for my 16th birthday. That day I got both halo and call of duty finest hour. Woke up early, took my brother's Xbox to the living room and played in the dark for a few hours.
>>11435706nice cat
>Another thread by the lone halofag who gets dogpiled everytime he tries to defend babby's first FPS
>>11433784This. Library is much scarier than 343 Guilty Spark.