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Post dem christmas games
The best one ever made has always been Batman Returns for the Super Nintendo and it's not even close.
This stupid game gives me so much nostalgia. It’s a guilty pleasure. It was good being a Dreamcast king. I’m going to play this now, thanks for the reminder OP.
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I have always considered this a Christmas game
Same. Is it just because it was the big Christmas release for 1997. Aren’t there some Christmas themed levels?
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Yeah, it was released around christmas time, I think it still holds the record of fastest selling game during the christmas period and the snow world just oozes with the christmas spirit.
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I still can’t believe Elf Bowling got a fucking movie a decade after its cultural peak.
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>every single version of the game in every platafrom is different
I want to go back vros...
MWAUHAH The Grinch.... Video...game has always been celebrated for its excellence
Some modders are actually making a 2-Player Batman Returns game for the Genesis that is based on the SNES version.
i played this in the early 2000s at my sister's friend's house...god damn.
'look at me, I'm on three' (or something)
christ lol
I thinks it's good even if the levels are long as fuck as some puzzles are very cryptic, really liked the use of gadgets and how it expanded the story of the grinch to make a whole game of it instead of trying to mimic the animated short or the jim carrey film.
The music is really good too.
I remember being disappointed that the game didn't continue cycling through seasons after the story was over
Don't forget the Grinch for the gameboy color, it's actually not too bad.
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>Parasite Eve
>Game starts on Christmas Eve
Kino indeed.
Loved the Christmas segment but I think the Halloween one was more memorable.
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really guys? nobody posted this yet?
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I must

Nice screenshot
Yup. It's being released this Christmas!
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Under rated as fuck
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Bigger fan of games with an Xmas level rather than ones set at Christmas
But I do have a lot of memories of this game
>Is that all the balls you got, Santa?
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This is the only game I'm aware of that lets you drop beehives down chimneys to chase people out of their houses. It's been long enough since I played it that I can't remember if it was an especially good game or not, but it will always have that going for it. Are there any other games where you play as this kind of mischievous villain character and get up to hijinks?
>Yeah, it was released around christmas time, I think it still holds the record of fastest selling game during the christmas period
The kiosks helped with that one, imagine going to the mall and playing Frosty Village while your parents were doing their Christmas shopping. Funny to think that that kind of marketing died out, but they've clearly lost easy sales because of it.
people tend to forget Yakuza 2 takes place around Christmas season
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Is the dreamcast version any better than the ps1 version?
Play this and Xmas Lemmings every year.
For a not Christmas themed game that still feels right for the season, Thief 1. Cozy red and gold manors with roaring fires, just a shame there's no snow.
I'm a sports game player and the variety by year in NFL/NBA slop is sorely missed. Not just different sims but arcade style games too
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The Christmas part of Shenmue
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How about holiday versions of non-holiday games.
>The film was released on DVD on October 2, 2007[16] before being released on Amazon Prime on January 1, 2008[17] and Blu-ray on May 18, 2016.[18]
>The film was panned by critics for its writing, animation, directing, humor, plot, musical numbers, voice acting, characterizations, and for having little to nothing to do with the premise of the game. Due to the film's disastrous critical reception, plans for a sequel titled Elf Bowling 2: The Great Halloween Pumpkin-Heist were immediately cancelled.
>plans for a sequel
>Elf Bowling 2: The Great Halloween Pumpkin-Heist
>electric boogaloo
>immediately cancelled.
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i went to a screening at a microcinema this week and it was better than i expected, and also quite puzzling.

Tom Kenny voices the villain!
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Commander Keen 5 is a Christmas game.

Your parents may be divorced, but at least your mom who has primary custody got to keep the $2000 Compaq 386 with Sound Blaster. Your dad won't get a Sega Genesis until 1994.
Commander Keen 5 is ABSOLUTELY a Christmas game.

What screams "holiday vibes" louder than blasting through The Armageddon Machine with janky PC controls on a clunky beige 386 while your mom stresses over turkey dinner and your dad sulks because his idea of gaming is still ColecoVision? Nothing, that's what.

And let’s be real: the Sound Blaster was the MVP here. Those crunchy, MIDI-fueled space tunes? Peak festive spirit. Forget Christmas carols—nothing says "season's greetings" like the satisfying boing of Keen's pogo stick as you dodge Spindreds and Shriekers.

Your mom’s Compaq 386 was the golden ticket. No Sega Genesis under the tree could compete with the raw power of a machine that could barely run Windows 3.1 but handled Commander Keen like a champ. Meanwhile, Dad’s sitting there in 1994, finally booting up Sonic 2 and wondering why the kids aren’t impressed anymore.

So yeah, Commander Keen 5 isn’t just a Christmas game—it’s a divorce-era masterpiece. A reminder that even split custody couldn’t keep you from saving the galaxy, one pogo jump at a time.

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