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Let's discuss Wario as a franchise and how Wario has improved gaming since GB days with Wario Land 2 (one of the best 2D platforms ever made)

Please, let's keep it cool, Wario bros.

I HATE the gameboy games. They should all be rightful entries in the Mario Land series but they were stolen and given arbitrarily to Wario. They did the same bullshit with that "Yoshi game".

Wario World is okay.
>I HATE the gameboy games.
Hmmm... Smells like... not like garlic... tasteless... like... nothing.
>They should all be rightful entries in the Mario Land series but they were stolen and given arbitrarily to Wario.
Because Nintendo knew Wario was GB's carry, not that faggot from Brooklyn. That is why GBA has Wario Land 4 and has no original 2D Super Mario entry. Wario and Pokémon are synonym of Game Boy.
>They did the same bullshit with that "Yoshi game".
Yoshi's Island is a cool game, is not Wario Land tier, is not that great, just cool.
>Wario World is okay.
Is not the best Wario game, but is one of the best platforms available on GameCube.
Wario's dick size?
is that a lot?
Wario bro, let's talk about Wario's games, not Wario's dick, please. Don't make it weird.
Wario Land 2 is the peak of Wario games. Wario Land 4 is meh and the VirtuaBoy one is gucci. Wario World sucks but its OST is delightful.

WarioWare is a different beast, great fucking games.
Indeed, WarioWare are the best Wario games
wario land 3 might be my favorite game on the gameboy color
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>He claims that the reason for his immortality is purely because he doesn't feel like dying
>He can bench press 200KG

Wario is based as fuck
Mario was here.
Wario is a loser.
If there’s now a wario general, will there one day be a donkey kong general
based economy stimulator, never hoarding money but rather earns and spends it
Wario Land 3 was my first backtrack platformer. I hated it at first but it turned out to be great. Not really a fan of how the Wario games went after 4, but I've been meaning to try World sometime.
Wario always felt like untapped potential, above any other Nintendo ip. Wario should have been their big mascot of the 90s. He had exactly the kinda attitude for that era of gaming that was liked and marketable, but he was trapped on handhelds. A RareWare Wario 3D platformer could have been something great. You could probably even get away with making a Wario game in the style of a T-rated Conkers Bad Fur Day. Wario World was a great demo of what Wario could have been in tone and style if he had made a bigger jump to 3D, but it was too little, too late. I dont think i would trust a modern internal Nintendo dev to do him justice now.
Delightful? Are you a woman?
"Mario's evil twin" is a very stupid character concept but Wario turned out to be cool anyway. I like how he says "I'm-a Wario, I'm-a gonna ween" in Mario Kart. I like that he introduced us to Mona.
Are you a fag?
Gross looks gehy
It was too puzzly for me. WL2 also had some puzzle levels, mixed up with some straight platforming ones, it had a good balance.
I always felt like I'm expericencing the levels in a bite-sized format, never the whole thing. And oh god, how I hated the bossfights.
Wario is the most chad character in all of the main 3's catalogue (tendie, snoy, snigga). Love this fucker. There's no contest.
Stealing and appropriating a game series from Mario sounds incredibly in-character for Wario to do.
btw Warioland 4 is probably my favorite game ever. It has no complaints from me.
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It's literally his greatest achievement
slightly above average
Mario is a brokeboy who canonically gets cucked by bowser. Meanwhile Wario is so ambitious (greedy) that even after he gets a bag of infinite money he uses a device to enter a tv world to get even more money.
Wario was my idol as a kid. I would running shoulder bash people in school who challenged me. He is still my vision for the ideal video game character representation of manliness, alongside Duke Nukem.
>They did the same bullshit with that "Yoshi game".
Yoshi's Island would be nowhere near as fun or interesting if it was just a plain mario game
Based Wario bro
I have always wanted to play Wario World when I saw it in game magazines in 2003.
I played it a few months ago. It feels kinda good early on but becomes really tedious for the rest of the game. I completed the game 100% too.
I imagined this game to be some sort of Wario version of Sunshine instead.
I just wanted more of super Mario world, not yoshi's island without yoshi.
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Wario Land 3 might be my favorite GameBoy Color game. I played it during my HS graduation.
>They should all be rightful entries in the Mario Land series but they were stolen and given arbitrarily to Wario
I don’t know man, Wario’s gameplay seems pretty different from what Mario games do, I don’t why such a diverse moveset and gameplay should not get a different character
>I dont think i would trust a modern internal Nintendo dev to do him justice now.
Me neither, I wish they wouldn’t dissolve nintendo r&d 1
>tfw nintendo robbed us of metroid dread on the original nds
>tfw instead of a kino original nds wario land game we got some shitty wario master of disguise spinoff made by random external devs
What's Wario's fucking problem?
You got a fucking problem?
>What's Wario's fucking problem?
Make more $$$
>You got a fucking problem?
I want to make more $$$
didn't you make any money at your high school graduation? Wario is disappointed anon

a greater or additional amount or degree of:
"she poured herself more coffee" · "I feel better in myself and I have more energy"
>even after he gets a bag of infinite money
He didn't get a bag of infinite money. It was immediately taken from him.
Wario fans in charge of knowing their own franchise. This is why Mario is better.
if you ever wanna replay it you should play the japanese version, the final boss is a lot better and the music for it is so good. doesn't change anything else about the game unfortunately.
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I didn't know there were differences between the regions.
The game feels so frustrating if you want to 100% complete it.
shut the hell up
it's bumpy like an old stump
yeah true, especially in the snow level where you gotta get shit on like three slides and there's one right before the end of the level. not as bad as shake it when it comes to that but still.
This is the ultimate contrarian take, and you finished with the worse one. I don't even count the DS games, they are complete trash.
Minus saying gucci and delightful, are you me?
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4 > 2 > VB > 3 > 1 > World > Master of Disguise
never bothered to beat Shake It even though I bought it
you gotta be high if you think Wario Land 4 is he best Wario game. 2 is superior.
The people who say that played 4 as little as kids so before 2; that's the reason this take happens so often. Shake It is honestly "5"; it's fine it's like more 4 but the motion control shit is annoying. They should honestly release it again without them. I think VB is peak.
it's perfection in the second dimension even if it is on the short side. for longer ones i think 3 is better than 2 desu, the golf minigame kinda blows but otherwise it feels like a metroid game as wario which is a dope concept.
>3 better than 2
it drives me crazy that everyone thinks this, I like 1 more than 3. 3 is such trash, I love having to replay the level 4 times. It's like Mario 64, boots you after every treasure. The game is just covered in garbage padding, it's literally 2 but bad.
Based on the gigaleak, it looks like Yoshis Island was never going to be Mario. It was either going to feature Miyamoto's Donkey Kong, or possibly Mr. You from Sky-Skipper.
Wario World should get a sequel combined with Super Mario 3D World. A 4 player beat em up featuring Wario, Syrup, Waluigi and Mona.
the problem is that Miyamoto is a big faggot, he is afraid of success, but your idea is great and I agree; great idea for a Wario game let me tell you.
1 > 4 > ....
3 for GBC still the best.
Wario Woods is comfy
You know what feels like it could almost be a Wario game if you squint real hard? The Shrek game on the original Xbox. You are a big dude with a sort of shoulder charge, you have a fart attack, you punch and kick the shit out of characters, you play the roll of a sorta anti-hero and the game overall has a very bizarre tone to it that barely feels like the source material, almost as if it was being made as a different game originally.

So while janky in spots, I recommend every Wariobro in this threat to atleast try a bit of it and think of it as an alpha concept of what a fully 3D platformer for Wario could have been like beyond World and its arcade-y beat-em-up take.
Gay, Wario doesn't give a fuck about those people he saved. It's all about the treasure baby.
I feel like his heart might've moved a bit at the end, but otherwise yeah it was entirely treasure motivated like always.

The story is incredibly simple though
>There's a world inside of a music box, Wario gets sucked in
>A mysterious figure claims to be its protective god, bargains that if Wario can free him, he'll help Wario escape with any treasure he finds
>The figure turns out to be the villain and is defeated, this is flipped to the people being freed, and helping Wario escape with the treasure he found

The twist does remarkably little to change the fact that Wario was just helping out because he was gonna get treasure, or at least get out of there.
He probably just got the satisfaction of pummelling a punk that tricked him.
I like the fact that Wario constantly faces supernatural, possibly demonic entities. You had Demon Head, Rudy, the Golden Diva, the Black Jewl and Terrormisu, all eldritch entities trapped or sealed away somewhere. The Shake King is the odd one out, but Wario still needed to travel to another world to fight him and he is still rather demon-king like. Then you had Syrup who is more like a rival if anything, but even she made use of a genie. I just really like the idea that Wario explores the anchient, occultic side of the Mario universe that was ruled once by these evil deities, something the Mario rpgs also sometimes touch upon.
Yeah, like what in the fuck is that true final level in Wario Land II? It's surreal as all hell and out of place in the wider series.
wario has demons inside him.
'ere I go
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yo these electric spider guys can spawn babies apparently if you dodge their attacks for long enough. they don't actually do anything, but it's a nice detail.
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There's a good assumption that he slowly changed for the better (although not much) during the course of his games.

Fans interpret lyrics "I made peace with the time I forgot" in the ending of Wario Land 4 as Wario rethinking his past and feud with Mario, eventually giving it up (hence why he only shows up in Mario-included sports games afterwards). He even considers some of his Diamond City gang members friends in GBA games (although he's manipulative of them in recent ones but it's more of a habit because easy money). Of course, Wario is too proud to openly admit he likes somebody else, except his pet hen.
>the Black Jewl
>main antagonist

Sounds incredibly racist. Based Wario
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thoughts on Waluigi in here?
Safe take but Wario land 4 is the best of the Wario lands, followed by 2. 4 just does it better than 2, but 2 is still good fun. Wario Land 1 is just a worse Mario, way worse and doesn't resemble the rest of the series. 3 is just boring to me.
I think this is a decent take, I didn't like 4 when it first came out but that was merely because I didn't like the speedrun back to the entrance. I've come to enjoy it though and appreciate the game more. I've honestly always had 1 in higher regard than 3, maybe because it was the first one. Could be I played it when it came out, I think it's fair for most to think it's the worst as it isn't close to the rest. So I'm not upset about it when it's said. You didn't mention VB Wario Land, if you haven't played it I highly recommend it.
Waluigi is the reincarnation of Demon Face from VB Wario Land. After being defeated by Wario, it reincarnated into an approximation of the last being that destroyed it, its mind wiped of its previous existence.
>Wario Land 1 is just a worse Mario
WL1 barely resembles Mario, especially after the first area. If it resembles any of them, its Mario Land 2. It's stages are all more well imagined, rather then a typical Mario game stage of the time being a bunch of different ideas made with existing level design assets.
Fuck you, WL1 is perfect.
>You didn't mention VB Wario Land, if you haven't played it I highly recommend it.
Yeah I do need to play it; everyone says its a great game
>WL1 barely resembles Mario
The hat power up system, Wario being knocked down to a base miniature form on a hit, usage of auto scroller areas and even getting power ups from hitting a block. It's the most similar to Mario that Wario ever got.
Wario Land 2 and onwards it doesn't feel like a spin on the Mario formula but its own different thing.
I had a cropped version of this saved on my computer for 20+ years and I always thought it was just a funny edit, not an actual game ad.
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Why hasn't Wario hit this yet?
You sure he didn't? She's literally simping (simcing?) for him, the only reason Wario couldn't possibly do it yet is because she didn't pay him for sex.
She is craving for Wario's dick but Wario does not give a fuck if there is no profit involved.
Warioland 4 and Warioware mega microgame$ (and twisted for that matter) is the only reason to buy a GBA.
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Based, Pokemon is gay.
>Franck Ribery

Never knew he had such thoughts in him desu. Reads like a Cantona quote. They must be in the same book club.
Wario Land 4 was literally the first game I've bought after I finally got my own GBA back in 2010s. A sealed copy, on top of that (no it didn't stay that way, I've bought the fucking game to play it)

It was the first game I've EVER played on GBA when discovered emulators. So I can't even argue with you.
He should pimp out his harem
I've been replaying Wario World after a decade and holy garlic this game has some great pacing. Especially with the rooms that hold the red crystals. I mean, compare that to the bonus rooms in DKC Returns/ Tropical Freeze. All rooms in WW are individual challenges that get progressively more tricky. After collecting a red crystal you can instantly get outta there without any text box or animation interrupting the flow of the game. Same with the start of the game and transitions when entering levels. 1 short story-intro cutscene and then it's (You) who plays the game and not the other way around.

The only thing I would criticize is the repeated use of the same enemy types but the action and platforming is great overall.

Play Wario World
I'd bang Shokora in all of her forms
I could swear back in the day, the gamecube game was called "Wario World II", with Roman numbers. I was often looking at it in catalogue, thinking how would I play it and what did first game look like.
Now it's just a single Wario World game and sequel never existed. Weird.
I played Wario World a few days ago, those red crystals rooms reminded me Super Mario 3D Land because, at least the first ones, play a lot with the perspective. But it felt "weird" to control, perhaps was the analog... I played with a Steam Controller. I would like to get a fischer price controller and that usb adapter and give it a second chance. Its soundtrack is neat.
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