ITT: Pick an Atari 2600 game and post your score. If you see a score and you think you can beat it then go for it! Previous thread: >>11416672Played game 3 with difficulty on A. Shit gets frantic as hell when the robots speed up.
Besides the eggs not landing this seems to be an extremely faithful port of Joust
>>11447546I'd rather this port over the arcade original to be honest.
Tough little game right here. By you time you get to the fifth or sixth level,Elmer's fudd's bullets rain down on you really fast. So you gotta be quick to jump into the hole.
The Earth Dies Screaming. This is the first time I ever played it. I think it's decent, almost like an outer space version of Battlezone. But not as good
>>11447905Good score Anon! Is this one of those games that uses the children's controller? Also Bugs looks emaciated here kek.
>>11447935No. I believe it uses the standard joystick. But I'm not sure, as I'm playing it on an emulator. Plus, this game was never released until many years later.
Really tough game here. If you can get to the second building you're doing pretty well.
Asteroids inaugural effort for this thread.Game 8, Difficulty A: "Fast" asteroids, hyperspace, no bonus lives. UFOs active.
>>11444336>all the online emulator screenshots display this game with blue lines, it looks green as fuck on my CRT just like the box art.I checked the GBA version and it's blue there too
>>11448448Good score.
Playing a little bit of Kangaroo before supper. I haven't played it in quite awhile, so I'm playing it on the default settings. The first few levels are pretty easy, but the action does heat up around level 5 or so. Fun game, though I do hate having to press up on the joystick to jump. Never been a fan of that in a platformer type game..
Also played a little Night Stalker. This one is pretty cool, but it's pretty tough as well. Basically, the idea of the game is to wander around the maze and kill the bad guys. All the while avoiding other enemies. One of which prevents you from moving if you touch it, while the other steals your ammo. If that happens, you're pretty much defenseless until a gun icon appears on the screen, and when that happens you have to run around and hope you don't get shot. Which is easier said than done sometimes...
>>11448878How close is the emulation to the original?
>>11449965I didn't know there was a 2600 version of this. What's a good Intellivision emulator these days?
>>11450195I'm trying to figure that out here >>11449596 but no repliesjzintv I hear is most accurate on PC, but I have been having a little difficulty setting it up. It closes the game whenever I try controller, and I don't know how to set up the keyboard. I think the info is out there, just time is short.There is also a new libretro core for retroarch called freeintv, which people say is a bit easier to use on a standard game controller. Have not tried it yet though.I too did not know that night stalker had a 2600 version.
I learned recently about Carla Meninsky, who along with Carol Shaw did some of the best 2600 games. Whatever happened to women in games? Did the phenomenon of "putting NES in the boys section of the toy store" really put the end to it? pac-man, centipede, and yar's revenge were all more popular with women than with men, as warshaw writes in his book, so it's not as if there was no love for gaming among the fairer sex. All I know is that I'd be a much sadder man had I never been given river raid and warlords on 2600, by shaw and meninsky respectively. pic related, it's carla. >mom was a programmer who taught her fortran>went to stanford for math but finished with neuropsych degree>did games at atari>became an IP lawyer after atarismart ass motherfucker, must have been just to make shit work on a VCS. Reminds me of warshaw who became a therapist years after leaving atari over ET.
>>11450280Players? I know girls that like video games but they usually pick up just a handful of games and just play those, I've yet to meet a girl IRL who can or would pick up multiple games from different series and even genres. And from streamers, I only know one.Devs? They're a minority, most of them work on indie games, or they work on multiple roles for big projects except the director, which the industry has promoted as the face of games
I got myself Robot Tank as an early Christmas gift for myself. It should be here tomorrow so expect some scores from that.
Enduro gets pretty fun, and is an amazing technical showcase (changing terrain / time / fog / night / etc)
>>11450156idk I only ever played it on here rofl
>>11450195No idea. I've been looking for one myself. I used to play Intellivision games on, but lately for some reason I can't get the plug ins that run their emulators that play the games to work..
>>11450784Best racing game on the console imho.
>>11450660Never played that one myself. Think I'll give it a go later on...
Bump for tonight, Robot Tank didn't arrive today but I'm in a Berzerk mood so I'll just play that.
>>11447479>>11451956FUCK YEAH NEW PB! What really helped was learning to not hold the fire button. I quickly learned that I could've survived multiple situations if I didn't do that.
>>1144844850 "fuck-this-game" later, barely made any progress. Even if I made it easier on myself with extra lives at 20k, I still wouldn't have survived.
Really digging this one...
>>11453187Still a pretty decent score though.
Entombed is a nice game where you descend into a maze and try not to get crushed by screen scrolling or murdered by haunted scissors. You can find big dots that give you the power to dig through walls (or create them if you want to be a dick). Apparently the way that it generates mazes is considered pretty clever.
>>11454524I agree. it's a pretty cool little game.
>>11447905A more complete version was released later, it even has a manual. The score scaling is different, you have a tighter hole (!!) on difficulty A, and there is an added bonus mechanic of stealing the bullets from the houses on the top level. The bullet stealing bonus is easily exploited for risk-free points however, especially with the extra lives you get.
>>11454934>>11447905Here's my score on the houseless prototype
>>11453187That's an impressive score! 2600 Asteroids is great but it loses some of the fluidness of the arcade original so it's definitely harder in that sense. Doesn't help that sometimes you can accidentally press down and teleport into an asteroid kek.
>>11453187fuck those satellites, fuck those ufos, fuck this game
Yar's Revenge Game 6 ("Ultimate Yar's") difficulty A (Swirl moves faster, cannon & missile cancel each other.)For those who haven't played Yar's much, or just played the first game (0, which is actually the children's variant,) "Ultimate Yar's" introduces the energy unit "trons."1 for eating the shield2 for touching the quotile4 by catching the cannon if it bounces back (normally this would kill you in game 4.)You need 5 trons to summon the cannon by touching the left side. You can store up to 255, and carry it over to the next stage, but lose it all if you hit 256 … this has never really presented a problem for me.
>>11455471Tips: The Quotile cycles colors. When it turns red, it'll soon change to the Swirl. Hitting the Swirl mid air funnily enough gets easier when the game gets harder. At 150k the Swirl chases you around, so you can lure it into the cannon (pic.) Hang out at the top or bottom. When it fires, wrap around to the other side. When it matches your horizontal position, it'll change direction. You can now time your shot to hit it.Until then, mid air hits is a crap shoot. You're mostly anticipating when it'll fire and timing the cannon shot.It's not uncommon for me to lose the game before 150k, but if I do pass that threshold, it's smooth sailing to maxed out lives (you get one for each mid air hit,) and playing until I get tired.To get the Easter egg, (also pic) hit the Swirl mid air, and position the spot on your back on the lower 3rd of the line that appears. The line appears when you hit the Quotile, but is too far right for you to properly position yourself. Note: the game will end if you do this, and actually send you to the game select screen. So you won't even know your score.
Robot Tank arrived yesterday but I was out of town. I rarely say this but this game was ahead of its time. Only problem is I can't see the radar with RF so nighttime becomes a guessing game.
>>11454824Repackeaged and sold exclusively at Zellers with the name Laser Volley.
>>11456604I was on track to get the first badge then I got ambushed by the enemy at night.
>>11456639I just played this game for the first time. I really like it, though I kinda suck at it. And to me, I think it's better than Battlezone.
>>11456780It's definitely better than Battlezone. It doesn't feel like you have to be constantly moving to survive.
>>11452618Game 3 difficulty A/ADecent port, glad they kept the animations
>>11455471Yars' is such a good game
how did i do
>>11457449Pretty good.
Bump. Tired today so I won't be posting scores, but here's an internet archive link to every Atari 2600 game manual:
>>11458531Awesome. Thanks.
>>11456896thank you for your service, fellow correct-apostrophe-kun
>>11454824I always enjoyed the spectacle of this one
>>11447996Game 1 difficulty A/AAlmost got through the second tower. Thanks to whoever said player 1 used right controller port last thread.Having other modes that give you continues and practice runs is a good idea.It's a fun game but also probably the most horrific 2600 game I've played. People are burning to death right in front of you despite your best efforts, and reacting by being too heroically risky only makes the situation worse. Every death is signaled with a bleep like some sort of 8-bit brazen bull. Respect to firefighters
>>11459251It's an intense game for sure. And yes, mad respect for all the fire fighters out there. Their job is far from easy, and you have to have a certain mentality to do it..
>>11449593Game 1Sort of frustrating, sort of addicting. The platform on stage 2 that you can't jump on because you need to find the invisible ladder is weird. Definitely seems to reward point farming more than completing levels quickly.
>>11460186I usually just try to beat the levels as quickly as I can.
>>11460186Also, whch platform in level 2 are you referring to? I never knew of any invisible ladder. I usually just try to jump on the platforms..
>>11457449I like regular Pac Man on the 2600 but I'd be a moron to say that it's better than Ms Pac Man on the 2600.
>>11447546Love this game
>>11460943You're pretty good. Nice score.
>>11460687Oh ok. I never really thought of that platform as a ladder though
>>11461563It's a really good port for sure.
>>11450784Awesome game, never tried it before. Managed to get the Roadbuster trophy.
>>11447479 oh my fucking god. how did you turn this game into loss????
Looks like I'll be getting fired from my new fast food job...
>>11464441Oops. Forgot the pic lol
>>11462321Awesome. Nice job.
>>11464045Phoenix's manual has a story like a weird kaiju movie. Using the difficulty switches for sound control was a nice idea. This port lost a lot of the charm of the arcade version with all the features it left out. Boss is very similar to Demon Attack Intellivision's boss, apparently enough for a lawsuit. Speaking of Demon Attack, both the 2600 and the Intellivision versions of DA came out in 1982 according to wikipedia. Phoenix arcade came out in 1980 but the 2600 port didn't release until 1983. I can't help but wonder if the lawsuit was partially fueled by salt that a derivative game on a competing console surpassed anything Atari could hope to put out for a port.
>>1146444345k gets you into the Short Order SquadThis game has been recommended in other threads and rightly so, fun mix of speed, precision, and brainpower. It's reminiscent of Game&Watch games, particularly the modern variants found in the Game&Watch Gallery series on the Game Boy line.Like other Activision games (and unlike G&W games), Pressure Cooker has very satisfying point scaling.
>>11464443I like that game
>>11455471This was my favorite game growing up. But with the difficulty on A, I'm really fscking hating it.
>>11465493Yeah. It's one of my favorites.
>>11465560That's still a pretty good score though.
>>11465058To me, it's almost like an edutainment game in a way, in that you have to match proper shapes and colors together to score points. The main difference being is that Pressure Cooker is ten times as fun as a lot of those types of games..
What the 2600 port of Pac_Man COULD have been. This one is called "A Better Pac-Man", and is a hack of the 2600 version of Ms. Pac-Man minus the different mazes and the fruit staying in the middle of the maze.
The 2600 port of Cat Trax. I think this might be a homebrew, or a game that was originally supposed to be released back in the day but was cancelled for some reason...
Played a few rounds of Deadly Duck after Christmas dinner. This game gets really really tough around the 4th or 5th level, and it almost feels like hitting the enemies is more a case of luck than skill sometimes. Still, it's a pretty fun little game, and I love the "quack" sound your duck makes when he shoots a projectile. Pretty funny stuff.
Just played a homebrew of Tetris for the 2600 called Edtris, named after the person who programmed it. It's surprisingly good.
>>11448448>>11455425Game 8 difficulty A/AGot lucky with a lot of UFOs just crashing.I was trying to figure out what "no copyright" meant since it was Atari's big thing and all. I looked up footage and apparently some versions have an annoying copyright screen when they first start up. Fortunately my cart with the blue title text and cool art on the label doesn't do that.
>>11467735Another Pac-Man game, it's fun though. Just one maze as far as I can tell, but the AI is interesting. The Powerup timer seems pretty generous but the hitboxes going around corners are tough.
>>11467735Whatever it was, I like the art they did for the re-release
>>11467809Fortunately I already play tetris with one button
>>11468107So do I. And to be honest, I think a lot of people do as well..
>>11468107>>114678091 point per piece dropped15 points per line cleared, no bonuses for doubles, triples, tetrises, or combos.Waiting for the I-piece is a sure way to never get it, plus no bonus for tetris, so build with a 2-space wide well. That way just about any piece will clear lines when you need to lower the stack. (And its a great way to build combos if you're playing a Tetris version that awards for those.)
level 9 start
>>11468049Yeah. That does look pretty cool.
Wave 8 in Klax is a real bitch, man
>>11447905This is the best graphics on atari BY A MILE wtf
>>11470840No. I think Battlezone has better graphics. But this one looks pretty damn good as well.
>>11456896Totally agree.
>>11457430What is this?
>>11472056Brazilian band Goldenshower. Video was a bit of a viral thing, and note the year, before Youtube.
A quick game of Adventures of Tron on the default difficulty before I go watch some hockey. I think I did ok...
>>11472596Ok. Thanks. I'll check more of their stuff out later.
>>11456639Got to five squadrons several times but couldn't make it to six, the difficulty curve is crazy. Maybe there's a strat to it but I've had enough for now.The guided rocket aiming is a fun mechanic by itself, but I think this game was too desperate to seem impressive by using an onslaught of gimmicks, all of which are annoying, to cover up the core gameplay.
>>11469904Lost at wave 8 as well, several times.Good port (lol 90s 2600 game) but it's so visually ambitious I'm sure I woudn't have been able to see shit on my old TV
>>11472596>Hey Siri play some Brazilian Golden Shower videos
>>11473989That's usually about as far as I can get most of the time.
A little Lock and Chase before supper.
A little Chopper Command before bed. I really need to practice more...
>>11467780Simple but enjoyable, never felt unfair. The temptation to try threading the retaliation shots was too much and cost me a lot of lives, but it sure is satisfying to pull off. The point awards don't seem to scale after level 4 even though the enemy speeds do, so I'd think you would want to farm as long as possible starting level 4, which even the manual sort of implies as a strategy. The enemy speed seems to cap out too within a few more levels. Game delivered on premise and left me wanting more.
>>11474975Like Defender but set in the... Iran-Iraq Gulf War maybe?Game 1 difficulty A/A. 10k on Game 1 (or 2) gets you the Commando patch
>>11474975>>11475097Maxed the score as a kid, on difficulty B of course.A looks to be a struggle.
>>11475097>Like Defender but set in the... Iran-Iraq Gulf War maybe?Hmm. Probably. I mean, that was going on at the time wasn't it?
>>11474250Even though the Intellivision version I've played has better graphics, I think this 2600 version has better gameplay.
get rekt newbs
>>11475653Not really. There was shit going down then. but the "Gulf War" era was the 90s.
>>1147664090s was the second gulf war
>>11476692When was the first and what were the events surrounding it?90s: Iraq Invades Kuwait2ks: Invasion of Iraq based on post 9/11 sentiment and imaginary WMDs.
>>11476460I never could do anything with that game.
>>11476460Fuck off Todd Howard you lying piece of shit...wait, wrong Todd
>>11472741I didn't understand the item hitboxes before and I still don't now
>>11477106To tell you the truth, I don't quite understand the hitboxes either. I think you have to hit them dead center for it to register, but I'm not sure.
>>11467072Undoubtedly a better Pac-Man
>>11447928Cool game, manual has pretty important info about energy levels.The visuals are really interesting but the way enemies disappear when they pass you even though they still seem so far away kinda screws up the effect.
>>11477162Yeah. It's really good.
>>11478159looks like we're at the limit
I'm getting bent over the barrel by Missile Command.