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Finally got the game to work on Windows 11, so let's have a thread about it.

>2011 remaster (used to be available as a pre-order bonus for Alice 2, so if you missed out you can find it on the usual website)
>VorpalFix off of github, drag and drop where the exe file is
>Open up VorpalFix dot ini and change the settings as you desire
>Boot the game and go into the main menu options, you can change even more settings in the new VorpalFix submenu

Works great as far as I can tell, though my mouse remains way too sensitive because it's a modern gamer mouse with 10,000DPI and 1000Hz polling.
it's pretty mediocre honestly
I find it easier to run on linux
>>VorpalFix off of github, drag and drop where the exe file is
>>Open up VorpalFix d
is this only for windows 11?
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>it's pretty mediocre honestly
The gamplay is
But the atmosphere and especially the music is fantastic. If you're not into the whole late 90s/early 00s goth thing you won't like it
A child rape victim as the main character is a bit on the tasteless side for me
Isn't that only in the non-retro sequel? I haven't played the original in a long time but I don't remember this being mentioned in it
I can't speak for myself but I imagine it's better for victims of child tape to be represented as protagonists instead of than keeping them invisible
Really takes me back to reading PC mags on the bus to 6th grade. Seeing Alice ads right next to Deus Ex ads. I thought the art in Alice looked so cool (I like edgy junk) then forgot about it for years. It doesn't look like a good game from google images, there's a lot of promotional art and not many of gameplay shots.
I really liked the gameplay honestly. Sure it's clunky but it's got some stellar level design. I particularly like how they integrated the "mindfuck" segments into actual gameplay, rather than have them just be trippy visual effects, something the sequel never managed to do.
There is none of that in the original game. Alice lost her family in a house fire she was the only survivor, that is the source of her mental anguish.
I can't even tell if this plays better with a controller or kbm
i liked it and the artstyle when it released
didnt have a way to play it properly until 2009 or so

its worth checking out for the visuals
but falls short w\ the "gameplay"
if you are a shitter at vidya, skip

watch a playthrough or most of one though
american mcgee was the tits
It uses so few inputs you can in fact play it just fine on controller, but on hard you'll need to land knife headshots a lot early on.
VorpalFix is really amazing btw, some dedicated modder fixed virtually all of the issues with the game.
Get the game here:
Get the mod here:
Also, he's still releasing updates, if you have some autistic issue with the game, report it on github and he'll likely fix it. He's a coding wizard.

It was her sister, hence the fire. Although, this was all explained only in the sequel. Alice herself being gradually mindbroken into child prostitution was very tasteless though, yes.

It's a third person shooter on the Quake 3 engine, what do you think? There wasn't even controller support until the remaster and the console ports.
Forgot to mention, the Steam guide tells you how to integrate this remaster into Alice Madness Returns, but you don't have to do it, just extract it literally anywhere and apply the mod. It's the full game.
i played it to completion on PS3 since it was included with the sequel and it was fine,the trick to land jump more easily is to use the aim so that it shows two feets on the ground and when you jump without inputting direction Alice will land where the aim is at the ground.
Won’t mind PS2 and GameCube port
>PS2 and GameCube
Wouldn't have sold
The game was for weird PC nerds who listened to Nine Inch Nails
Honestly it's as much to listening to a music video by TOOBOE.
The lyrics and visuals makes you turn but you just set it on repeat. It feels indulgent and grim, but makes the material enjoyable either way.
Hope Mcgee’s sister safe and sound
>Wouldn't have sold
This what EA prick believe
What if Alice Otherland was fifth gen homebrew game instead two animated short
Hidden otaku meme
Rereleased HD on Switch, PS5 and deethbox?
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I got my copy to work on a Silicon Mac. The game has to be one of the most soulful games ever made, even though its made in the Quake III engine.
That's pretty cool. I had been posting links for fixed up versions for a while. This seems a lot better for the remaster though.

>Fix the random sound selection function. (e.g., Cheshire Cat summon, Vorpal Blade hit sounds and much more)
I had noticed odd and different sound effects sometimes in the remaster which made me not like it, I wonder if this fixes what I had noticed.

>my mouse remains way too sensitive
VorpalFix restores console so you should be able to set sensitivity as low as you want. You should be able to do less than 1 through console to fine tune it that way.

>seta cg_camerascale "1"
>cg_camerascale "1"
I don't see VorpalFix mentioning it but you probably want to use console or set it in the autoexec.cfg to run these commands otherwise there's a bit of smoothing/delay to mouse movement.
Has there ever been any repack/fitgirl/magipack version of Madness returns worth archiving? I've got the 360 version on disc but I kinda want a backup PC copy.
I have Quake 4 disc for my xbox
I have absolutely no idea how this comment is helpful in any way but I'm very happy for you
Thanks for comment.
One of my cousins (female) played the shit out of this game back in the 00's.

Whatever they were going for with Alice, which never interested me, they got something right.
Man I only just now remember these ads but they were so vivid for me back in the day.
Quake 4 is a good game and anyone who disagrees can suck my dick
And I have Legacy of Kain on my Samsung fridge, what's your point?
Someone said fridge?

> Cтpaнa игp
> not ЛКИ or Игpoмaния
How the remasters?
It's the same game with a bit of polish, really. They added a day/night cycle that makes the latter game way too dark without a torch (which, admittedly, is very cool to look at it) which is prohibitively annoying and I personally think some of the new models look WORSE (Zephon's minions look like they're wearing jeans). If you have access to the tarted up PC ports you're gaining NOTHING except achievements.
What would a Japanese McGee's Alice look like?
he moved to china and made the sequel in china so kind of like that i guess
Weird but kino
I have no idea what that cyrillic garbo means. It was just the best version of that ad on googul images.
Bulgarian writing system
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The first one, Strana Igr, means "Game Country/Land". The bottom one means "LKI" and "Igrmaniya" or "Gamemania".
Thank God I took Russian classes.
Bro looks constipated.
> not knowing what ЛКИ disabbriviates to
Nice try but not quite there chief
Not everyone was privileged with an access to the best computer games back then.
Doomguy? Q-marine?
Bump wonderdream
Lmao, putting niggas to rest like it's nothing.
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Pointy tip
Ever play jedi outcast and star trek elite force?
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No, but I have played the Bionicle knock-off of Alice.
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Get it on switch (Christmas discount)?
It's always crazy to me how American McGee was just a car mechanic that got into the game's industry through meeting John Carmack because they lived in the same apartment complex.
Why can’t McGee come up original dark fantasy IP instead ruined Alice with hot topic makeover?
He got it from id Software ruining H. P. Lovecraft.
They didn't even include his pet cat.
shit like that is literally the rule and not exception
maybe back then but nowadays i dont think so.
Wanted to buy the games on steam but decided no due to EA launcher. There was a thread on /v/ that I can no longer find with some other ways to play. Anyone got the links?
It was posted in this thread twice now, read the thread before you post
you don't need the ea launcher anymore
>Wanted to buy the games
McGee has given us his blessing to pirate the games since he makes no money from them.
It's an insipid game. It has too much story and lore for a platformer, too little story and lore for an adventure game, too little specialization for an RPG, too little variety in gameplay for an action platformer, etc. The games are brainless jank.
i disagree
There is no EA launcher in Alice Madness Returns.
The first game is not sold anywhere, you can grab it here:
Alright thanks, bought from steam for like 1 buck. I'll check the first game too from the link
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I remembered playing this
Jesus that PAL cover is awful
It's a French game too so it's not even a case of the cover art being ruined by baka gaijins
It's the original cover
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I like the one on the left.
McGee is a bro.

Q3 engine games were hella soulfull.
>Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2
>Jedi Knight
>Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force
>James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire
and hell, the OG Call of Duty.
Japanese art just work and appealing.
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>his pet cat
>remember liking Alice back in the day and think I even bought Madness Returns at some point
>spend time downloading them and configuring both of the games, install reshade and make sure the mouse sensitivity is right
>only added hd texture mod to Alice 1 because I think the original textures are fine
>archive both games, ready to play
>stop playing
Alice 1 is still so very cool.
*text mod not texture
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I like how the "plumper" one in the third image has a fatter body but the tail remains bony.
>the usual website
what "usual website"?
Retard, he means archive.org or couple of other websites. Go back to plebddit.
i'm not sure what reddit has to do with anything. but yeah i realized after posting they probably meant just downloading it from somewhere. in the alice threads on /v/ people talked a bit more about buying alice madness return keys when it wasn't available on steam anymore so that's what i was thinking of. bitch.
Mod are retard…
who tf uses that shit anymore?
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Alice but for babies
They say Wind Winker was kiddo…
Felt 3D artwork on disc

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