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Is it worth 30 bucks?
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That's the sort of thing The Thing would ask
>paying that much for a digital retro game with z-e-r-o resale value

wait for it to go on Humble, or just pirate
>or just pirate

Sure, but that would be unfair for those Nightdive employees who work their ass off to remaster this and other old games.
>nightshite vulturemaster
Well, you gotta admit their dedication.
The only reason why the company even exist is because the founder just wanted to play System Shock 2 on his modern laptop.
It was Doom 64 EX that kickstarted their coder's obsession with remastering old games. Their modern KEX engine is still based on that.
I wouldn't say it's worth $30 no. It starts really good and well structured at first but then devolves into artificial difficulty bullshit ei. all the enemies being company mercs with sniper rifles instead of thing monsters toward the end with no upgrades for your character outside doom style armor pick ups. Makes it's it pretty frustrating to proceed.

Feels rushed. (Also the 3rd level boss can be bypassed by just exiting out the door behind it.)
>Their modern KEX engine is still based on that.

It's impressive that they managed to port those engine into older games.

Any improvement compare to the original besides visual?
Depends, I only played the original. Do remasters ever fix balances or add qol upgrades?
>increasing size of files with Shitty AI upscaling in any game they get their hands on
Let me guess: they didn't fix the blood tests.

Correct me if my assumption is incorrect and I'll give the remaster a try.
All games should be free after 3 years.
You're asking for a game that involves non-scripted events i.e. an entirely new game.
Ok, I'm out.
they're all scripted? i seem to remember some randoms. I did a test once with those two guys you find pointing guns at one another. Shot one and he turned but so did the other guy. Reloaded save and instead shot the other guy and they both turned again. Oh well.
>Do remasters ever fix balances or add qol upgrades?
It varies for Nightdive remasters: Killing Time was all visuals. Quake 2 came with gameplay changes (faster weapon switching, nerfed and buffed enemy behavior). Powerslave Exhumed combines the Saturn and Playstation levels and adds a new difficulty with new placements.
I got it for Xbox but I never finished it because I couldn't change the controls the way I wanted. I need a new controller so I can't pick it back up.
Boss fights used to have a scripted moment where they would transform on the spot no matter what to keep you alone when fighting bosses. However that was removed.
>oops, all fuse boxes
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Play the superior Thing game
No but get it on sale
No they actually did. The reason people were just scripted to transform is the original version was because the game couldn't handle multiples of your dudes in boss fights. They fixed that, there are no scripted forced transformations regardless of blood test anymore.

Aside from that, most issues it has are the same issues the original had because I don't think I need to tell anyone that The Thing was an extremely flawed game (which John Carpenter went around telling everyone it's great so that pissed people off more)
>They fixed that, there are no scripted forced transformations regardless of blood test anymore.
Now I'm interested.
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It's a very boring game. If you play it for an hour, you've played it. Unironically had more fun with picrel.
Yes, they fixed it. That's why they remastered the damn thing.
I don't support vulture companies so I'm not even going to pirate this. Fuck them.
Vultures specifically hover around something as it's dying and then finish it off themselves. It's not a vulture when the thing has been dead for years and years.
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>arguing over pointless semantics
It's not semantics because the implication is Nightdive is doing something wrong. The question is, what are they doing wrong? If an old game can't work on modern PCs without a million custom fixes, why can't you release a new version?
More importantly, people don't buy something they don't want.
This game was so horrible that I returned it. Not even worth a dollar. You should feel bad for making this thread. Trying to trick users into buying this trash is despicable
>just wanted to play System Shock 2 on his modern laptop
But you can already do that.
But back then, you couldn't play it on Window 7.
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>Overpriced night dive slop

They should charge more honestly.
>is it worth $30
i think so, they apparently fixed all the annoying issues from the original
ive paid a lot more for far shittier horror games (signalis)
$30 is fair, just not a fan of buying it digitally so im waiting around
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The original is abandonware and has been for years.
The download had to taken down once the remaster dropped, despite neither GOG nor Steam having the original. Now you just can't get it at all without resorting to flat out piracy, and I'd sooner recommend going that route.
god you are fucking retarded. please gb2/reddit/
How'd an informative post about abandonware get you this assblasted?
>Now you just can't get it at all without resorting to flat out piracy
Those stupid “Abandonware” ARE piracy you fucking idiot. The PC version was never that great btw, I rather play the remaster.
If you’re a “The Thing” fan, like a major fan, then yes. It isn’t perfect but it’s the closest you will get to playing the movie.
The trust system is extremely unique but done kind of half assed but expected back then when it came out. I think that system could work well in a nugame but was more of a gimmick in this.
The people making it definitely loved the move otherwise they would have even bothered with the trust system.

In short, it’s a game of it’s era that tries to capture the spirit of the film when it could have been just another generic third person shooter or something.

If you are a John carpenter freak like me it’s worth 30 bucks (I got it on launch), if not, wait for a sale.

I think a “The Thing” multiplayer game in the style of Alien Isolation would be a major hit since among us is a thing.
Yeah this is nightdives entire MO, find an abandonware title, somehow get the rights to sell it? (not sure how they do this part), add a few token modernisations and then make bank off something which we all had been enjoying for free up until then.
>Those stupid “Abandonware” ARE piracy
And piracy is always fine.
The original was a piece of shit not worth 30$, even for a Thing fan like me. That shitty IP vulture cashgrab isn't even worth clicking on a VPN to download it.
"Abandonware" is a meme up there with "lost media".
You should not make unauthorized copies because that is illegal which means it is immoral.
Both of those are real terms with real meanings.
"Abandonware" was made up by freeloaders to rationalize theft.

Playing abandonware is like using AI to generate an event flyer.
>PaYiNg ThAt MuCh FoR a DiGiTaL rEtRo GaMe WiTh Z-E-R-O ReSaLe VaLuE"

oh wow, look at you with the "big brain economics" over here. yeah, we get it—digital games don’t have resale value. but guess what? neither does your Spotify subscription or that overpriced latte you bought this morning. and yet, here we are.

"wAiT fOr HuMbLe Or JuSt PiRaTe"—okay, first of all, the Humble Bundle is great, but not every retro gem is gonna show up there for $2 alongside 15 other games and a random eBook. second, pirating? sure, because clearly the best way to honor a game’s legacy is by stealing it. bravo. real classy.

here’s the thing: buying a digital retro game isn’t about resale value—it’s about respecting the work that went into it. you’re paying for convenience, preservation, and sometimes even enhancements (looking at you, save states). and if it means supporting devs or publishers who are actually keeping these games alive? worth it.

so yeah, laugh all you want. some of us are okay spending money on things we love instead of hoarding quarters like it’s still the arcade era. keep waiting for that Humble deal while I’m out here enjoying Super Mario RPG on Switch like a CHAMP.
nothing was stolen, and whatever you want to call it can't be a crime since it's victimless.
Future sales of new games are harmed if you are not demonstrating demand for copies of old games. Stop acting so entitled. There's a virtual infinity of other games you can play without being a criminal.
Oh, here we go—breaking out the "it's victimless" argument like it’s some kind of Uno reverse card. Nothing stolen? Sure, not in the physical sense, but let’s not pretend like the developers and publishers don’t lose out when their work gets pirated. You’re not just copying a game; you’re skipping the part where you support the people who made it.

"ViCtImLeSs"—tell that to the indie devs trying to make rent or the teams who have to justify remastering more classics because the sales didn’t hit expectations. Sure, Nintendo isn’t crying themselves to sleep because you downloaded EarthBound, but don’t act like there’s no ripple effect.

It’s not about legality or even crime. It’s about respect. If you love a game enough to want it, maybe it’s worth tossing a few bucks to the people who made it possible. Otherwise, you’re not just gaming the system—you’re gaming yourself.
If anyone needed any more proof that shitdive are the ones who keep making those viral marketing threads then here you go.
>ShItDiVe MaKiNg ViRaL mArKeTiNg ThReAdS

Ah yes, Nightdive Studios, the evil masterminds behind remastering cult classics, are clearly also the puppet masters of forum discourse. Because nothing says "effective viral marketing" like sparking 40-page slap fights about games half the thread didn’t even know existed.

“ViRaL MaRkEtInG”? Bro, it’s Nightdive. They’re too busy digging through dusty source code from the ‘90s to be orchestrating some Illuminati-tier ad campaign. You think the same people who revived System Shock are sitting in a boardroom saying, “Let’s make an obscure internet thread to sell two more copies of our remaster”? Get real.

Maybe—just maybe—people are still talking about these games because they actually like them. Wild concept, I know. But hey, if every nostalgic opinion about a retro title is now a corporate psy-op, I guess we’d better call up Nintendo and ask if they’re behind every Zelda debate too.

Anyway, go ahead and keep clutching that conspiracy theory like it’s a Chaos Emerald. The rest of us will be over here actually playing the games.
>Playing abandonware is like using AI to generate an event flyer.
Nonsensical word salad.
Abandonware isn't sold by anyone who owns the rights.
That's what makes it abandonware.
None of your money is going to the developers, so if you genuinely cared you would never have any problems with piracy of old games.
Ah yes, the romanticized notion of AbAnDoNwArE. Let’s break this down:

“Abandonware” doesn’t mean the rights magically vanish into the ether just because the IP holder isn’t actively selling it. Copyright law doesn’t go, “Oh, you’re not using this? Cool, it’s free for everyone now.” Rights holders can still enforce their ownership, whether or not they’re currently monetizing the game.

And let’s be honest: a lot of the stuff people call abandonware is more like “I don’t want to pay for this, and it’s hard to find.” If the rights holder comes out of the woodwork tomorrow and starts selling it on Steam or GOG, suddenly it’s not abandonware anymore? Feels more like a vibe than an actual definition.

Look, I get it—there’s something magical about tracking down a long-lost gem that nobody’s officially touched in decades. But the whole "it’s not sold, so it’s free" mindset? That’s a convenient stretch. It’s like claiming the last slice of pizza is yours because no one’s grabbed it yet.
You're gullible if you think it only leads to 2 copies sold. Any thread starts a chain of events including anyone seeing the thread potentially getting videos of the games recommended to them on YT just because the algo picked up that you've seen the name of the game somewhere, and so on. That's also why we get mysterious threads about games when ecelebs make videos on them.
Oh yes, because clearly, gaming discussions are part of a shadowy butterfly-effect marketing scheme that culminates in a whopping two extra copies sold. But hey, let’s unpack this conspiracy because it’s so airtight.

Sure, someone sees the thread, the YouTube algorithm kicks in, and suddenly their feed is flooded with retro game recommendations. But you know what else causes that? The algorithm doing its job. You watch one video or glance at a thread? Boom—YouTube thinks you’re ready for a deep dive into Retro Game History 101. No puppet strings needed.

As for the mysterious threads popping up alongside eceleb videos: welcome to 2024, where internet trends overlap because people share interests, not because there’s a grand marketing overlord orchestrating it. Sometimes, people talk about games because they like them, not because some YouTuber whispered, “Turok” and the algorithm went nuclear.

So yeah, maybe a thread here or a video there gets someone interested in buying the game. That’s just how interest works—it’s not some diabolical scheme. But the idea that it’s all part of a calculated viral marketing master plan? That’s giving way too much credit to both corporations and the average forum poster.
You won't like it.
4chan, 2024
"You wouldn't download a game. Piracy. It's a crime."
It is a crime and you should not do it because it is illegal which means it is immoral.
when i buy a used modern game does that make me immoral for not financially supporting that game ?
what's up with gen z needing to justify copying? Why can't you just steal and be proud of it?
it was a semi genuine question as i often cheap out and buy used games
>steal and be proud of it
listen im not here to lecture you but why would you be proud of stealing? are you a homeless bum or a refugee person of color who goes into a store, grab whatever you want and walk out with it because our elected officials think they are vulnerable little angels? fuck you
How long are jannies going to allow this shitty ad baiting thread?
i put $0.10* barcade tokens in the quarter slots on Aldi carts, effectively stealing $0.10 from the next shopper
Isn't Among Us more like the movie than this slop?
youre a monster
It hasn't been dead. It's been dormant.

They've improved the textures and added health and ammo pick ups in certain areas for better balance. The thing is, they didn't fix the blood tests. However I figure that would require more than a remaster.
What I would like to see is Nightdive getting the original devs and remaking the game as they originally envisioned it. The thing that gets me the most is the wasted potential. It could've been a great game and remembered as a classic instead of mediocre forgettable title. And don't get me started on the planned sequel and how they were double crossed by the publisher.
>20 cent quarter
Queer as a 3 dollar bill
why didn't they keep the multiplayer
>>11459198 #
>How long are jannies going to allow this shitty ad baiting thread?
One of the mods or jannies are in their pocket. This other anon’s post being deleted was proof.


And if the faggot thinking of deleting this post has the confidence to do so, I’m going to send everything you’ve done to Hiro’s personal email that he actually reads what’s going on. Some of us aren’t willing to bend backwards for people abusing their privileges here, and contrary to popular beliefs you have, we ARE allowed to have meta posts or threads about the moderation quality of the board. We are paying with our passes and your advertising revenue, we have rights.

>>11459040 #
>If anyone needed any more proof that shitdive are the ones who keep making those viral marketing threads then here you go.
They’ve made viral marketing threads about this on here and /v/ multiple times. I can list at least 10 ND threads where they spammed it on here, and a quarter of them got deleted because someone on the team actually had a conscience.

To make this post related to the game, out of all the games, you had to remaster this piece of shit? You couldn’t remaster something a little more desired or relevant? No one wanted to play this game again, and the reason you’re advertising here is because it didn’t sell enough copies to meet Rosen’s quota
in light of the recurring advertising coupled with blatant pirate shaming not unique to this thread, I'm taking back what I said before >>11455551

fuck you
They are going to use it as a metric like they did for Turok.
Turok ended up selling decently over the years so now Turok is getting a a new game.
If “The Thing” sells well (which it isn’t looking like it is but who knows), it could convince the license holder to green light a new game.
Piracy also is fine, just don’t pretend Abandonware sites aren’t anything other than glorified piracy. Anyone on earth can still download the original, shitty PC version or the console versions right now and nightdive didn’t take anything away from you, you neurotic moron. What a shame you have to fucking click more than the top Google hit to find it now.
Among Us has the thematic spirit of the movie more so than the 2002 game, but obviously aesthetically it’s the actual cheap slop here.
Combining the attention to detail of Alien: Isolation and the aesthetics of “The Thing” movie with the gameplay of Among Us would be a super ultra mega hit. My pipe dream is that they sell enough nightdive versions so that happens but it isn’t going to. “The Thing” enjoyers have lived in a mostly constant draught for 42 years besides the shitty prequel (where cgi isn’t it’s only problem).

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