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File: koji_igarashi.jpg (9 KB, 220x250)
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>SOTN is visibly inspired by Super Metroid
>"Actually it was inspired by ALTTP"
He said it was Zelda 2 not ALttP which makes sense. He also mentioned Simon's Quest and the MSX game iirc
It was Maze of Galious
it's clearly inspired by dragon's quest
Yeah, on Super Metroid
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But it’s obviously a rip off of James Pond.
Japanese ALWAYS do this with media. They just don't like to admit what they're influenced by because of ego, but also because of politeness culture, they have to make something else up to seem humble
This explains why it's bad
Based Igarashi, still making memetroidfags seethe to this day.
The IGAvanias were clearly influenced by Super Metroid, Zelda II, and Simon's Quest
Why does he always wear a cowboy hat?
Is it autism?
He's like the white man who owns a katana. It's just cool.
>something was clearly inspired by other similar thing
>um ackshually sweetie the main influence was this other thing which at best vaguely resembles my thing
Sure bro. The fact that the mapping system is almost fucking identical was simply a coincidence.
Based joker

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