How come B. Sokals Syberia is popular and Paradise is not? They are very similar in many ways
>>11458985I remember seeing it everywhere in game stores back in the day, don't know why I never played desu. Never played Sinking Island either.
>>11458985because of racismParadise takes place in Africa and the bigoted point & click gaymers don't like that
>>11458985Reminds me of Scarface
it simply doesn't inspire imagination like Syberia!Just remember the automatons.
>>11458985Syberia was a hit at the time of release and quite beautiful graphically. I think it had set the bar up so high Benoit Sokal himself couldn't get over it, neither with a sequel or a different game.Syberia II was eh
>>11459013Cant unsee
>>11460691it's a common art style and horrible choice for this type of game
>>11461303It was a different time I guess