Sometime in the 2000s, the computer science teacher says that in the next hour you and the boys can do whatever you want with the computers. What are we playing?
>>11475636>whatever you wantmeant anything besides what boomers consider gaming.
>>11475636>>11475637Tekzoned, sumfun1, newgrounds and battle tanks(url rel)
Put in my USB drive with Vice City on it
>>11475636>elementary school in the 2000sfuck off boomer
We always played the unreal tournament demo in class.
>>11475636Shit in the 2000's I was working at a college and locked down all the systems with admin access to stop them installing games.
I looked on GOG and the old ass games I want to play aren't listed.How the hell do I play Windows 98 games on a Windows 7 or 10 PC?Can I just put a virtual 98 on my system and more or less be good to go?
>>11475710did you do it for free?
>>11475710Should have installed some stuff but password protected the launchers or something.
Before our school blocked Runescape, the entire computer lab would be playing it.After the school blocked it, we’d just find some random game on miniclip/addictinggames/newground/etc
>>11475698go play outside with your friends, faggot
>>11475731i don't have friends retard
>>11475735well you’re not gonna find them here
>>11475636Club Penguin
>>11475698If you weren't done with elementary school by the 2000s you shouldn't be allowed to post on this board. Think how much better it would be without retarded people like this.
I had computer class only for one year (1999) and it was Q2 we'd play via LAN (even though it was laggy on those P100s with stock video cards).
Flash games on browser.
>>11475710Fuck You
>>11475636It was the 90's for me, so or the first Sim City or Minesweeper.
Everyone else was playing HaloCE and I was playing Duke3D. One guy played 2hu
We had a cross classroom halo lan match usually up with about 12 players about 30 minutes before school would let out between our game design and infotech 7th periods. I'll have to see if I can dig up a picture.
>>11475636i'd try to get on the internet and see some vidya news updates and shit like that
our computers had mame on it so fighting games every day before class, homeroom, and lunch time for 3 yearsmostly mvc
>>11475636>1999>it's StickDeath time
>>11475636We're all booting up the helicopter game and competing for score.
>>11475714What games? Depending on which ones, the answer may be simpler than you think.
>>11475714 up the games you want to play here to see if there's anything you need to do
>>11475636That porn video where the dude sticks his entire head into the girl's pussy.
As someone who actually was in Highscool during that time we played:Counterstrike (the most)HaloMario Kart 64 (emulated off USB)Peggle Peggle NightsPlants vs ZombiesZuma And like 10 different tower defense games
>>11475636fire up some flash games on
>>11476243For us it was
>>11475636probably some mario flash games
Smash 64 and Mario kart, maybe some Mario world. Dan ball's powder game
Some responses from REAL niggas people but this guy >>11476132 had no problem getting up in the morning and going to school
>>11475698computer science in elementary school? he's clearly referring to middle school or high school
For me, its Heli Attack 2 on
>>11475636>>11475710The funnest game of all. Make the network admin's life a living hell. Steal the balls from the mice. Superglue the cd rom drives shut. The a screenshot of the desktop, set it as wallpaper then kill explorer.exe and say the computer is frozen. Boot off a cd and wipe the hard disk. Steal the registry hives on a usb stick and crack the admin password later. Leave disgusting porn on all the computers on the teacher accounts of course. Use kaht2 to remote into other computers on the network and get other kids in trouble. Not necessarily in that order. Just what I remember off the top of my head.
>>11476532No need to super glue, just take the disk drive tray bands and shoot them at Jarvis. Fuck you jarvis
>>11476532>The a screenshot of the desktop, set it as wallpaper then kill explorer.exe and say the computer is frozenSo 4chan's reputation as "the hate machine of the internet" was true
>>11475743The library is still a cracking read after two decades of inactivity.
There was one kid who wouldn't shut his computer off so in the chaos of leaving I would sometimes open notepad on his computer and write stiff for the next person to find. Stuff like "I wish Mr. H would wear that shirt everyday, I love his arms" and "I hate all the kids here"
>>11476196I miss when life was simple enough that your status in society was determined how far you could get in helicopter game
>>11476532>find a program that moves the mouse a random direction or click every so often>launch it on all the library computers while the librarian is distracted>set all the backgrounds as ugly.jpg (was used in the schfifty-five video)>slip out and go to my next class like nothing happened>nobody even questions me about
>>11475636on fridays at my high school, she had a rackmount server for Midtown Madness multiplayer so we got to play that or Pontifix. Some kids would entertain themselves by deleting Windows because every PC there had Faronics Deep Freeze so a restart would undo everything not in the special partition. Others would sneak in emulators.
Flash game with a knight fighting dragons.
>>11475636Rollercoaster Tycoon 3
>>11475636Subspace Trench Wars, easy
In my school it was always Freearcade.comUntil just a couple years ago the site was virtually unchanged from way back when, but now all of the once vast library of original games seem to be gone.Many of them (perhaps even most) were Java, so the death of flash can't be the reason.
kid pix deluxe 3
>>11475636I had a CD-R with NES, SNES, and Genesis roms on it
>>11475636Quake III Arena. The computer teacher that always made everyone turn it off was actually secretly playing it during the one period in school where she has no students to teach and had downtime to herself to get work done. She decided to have a Quake III Arena tournament finally.
>>11475636Cave Story
>>11475636hopping onto Kongregate and playing Starfighter: Disputed Galaxy.Good times, good times.
halo pc demo for multiplayer
>>11475636Looking up my health ailments on Google to find out what cancer I'm dying of
With the boys?PAWNHands down, no alternative, someone’s gonna be mad.
>>11475636Quake 1 on LAN
>>11475636We were an iMac school. There was a demo website we used to always visit that had Age of Empires 1, as well as a bunch of shovelware games no one has probably ever heard of like Reckless Drivin (spy hunter clone with a bit of a GTA vibe) and this top down game where you play as a cubicle worker trying to escape from his office without leaving his roller chair.
>>11475636Probably random shit on Newgrounds since they would not let us install games on the lab computers, and this was well before USB drives were a thing. Teachers were stingy assholes about us playing games on the computers too.>>11475698>Not being in highschool in the 00sFuck off zoomie>>11475710Won't stop me from just putting in a CD full of emulators in my college years when I finally had a burner by then (and then got into an argument with the IT head when he was scared my new fangled $100 128MB usb drive might break the computers in the lab, he eventually relented). Also not using DeepFreeze, nice shitty admin work. Then again I discovered I could easily access everyone's network drives without even a password so shitty admins all around in colleges I guess.
>>11475714>How the hell do I play Windows 98 games on a Windows 7 or 10 PC?If the game doesn't run natively, either check PC gaming Wiki if there is a workaround/custom modern launcher or setup a Win98 system. It's going to be a lot harder for you if you are running a 64 bit version of Windows instead of 32, since 64 lacks support for 16 bit applications.If these games didn't require more than say a Pentium 2 or a Voodoo3 then you can emulate such a system on a good modern PC.>Can I just put a virtual 98 on my system and more or less be good to go?Emulated? Good chance. Virtualized? Far less chance. Those virtual machines aren't really intended for games, and they definitely aren't intended to game on an older OS. Drivers for the virtualized hardware will be iffy, especially any sort of 3D acceleration. and many applications will crash from the high speed of the virtual system.
>>11475636>pop in my worms armageddon cdyup its bullshit the wind time.
>>11476532>Steal the balls from the mice. Superglue the cd rom drives shut. The a screenshot of the desktop, set it as wallpaper then kill explorer.exe and say the computer is frozen. Boot off a cd and wipe the hard disk. Steal the registry hives on a usb stick and crack the admin password later. Leave disgusting porn on all the computers on the teacher accounts of course. Use kaht2 to remote into other computers on the network and get other kids in trouble.You sound like a total asshole. The wallpaper bit is classic and funny, but the rest is just being a total asshole, especially the part about mice and cd drives.>>114765684chan is a shell of what it once was. Used to be just for the sake of lulz or trolling, or pulled off stunts like locating a terrorist camp and getting an airstrike called on it, or finding a person who was videotaping herself abusing cats, many called it weaponized autism. Now it's just people bitching about politics and acting like an edgy teen from the 90s who just learned slurs while being assholes to everyone.>>11477184I would just push space, or tab then space, but I assume the program prevents that too. What about Alf+F4, Ctrl+Shift+ESC, or Ctrl+Alt+Del?
>>11479148>Now it's just people bitching about politics and acting like an edgy teen from the 90s who just learned slurs while being assholes to everyoneWell yeah, everything that used to be fun about this place gets you a 3-day ban now.
>>11479148>bitching about politics and acting like an edgy teen from the 90s who just learned slurs while being assholes to everyoneMental age of the masses is really dropping, that's the whole point of modern politics, to turn people into infantile babies, just a walking talking meat no brains attached only capable of screaming and moaning demanding this and that and follow media voice of course.
Fuck yeah time for Zoombinis
Have there been any good STG/Danmaku for Windows XP?
>>11475636Me and the boys can do whatever we want with the computers? I think we will take tasteful and loving pictures together. That will be our game, of coming together instead of violence like shooting and fist-fighting. But I do like Sonic sometimes, we might try that later.
>>11476201Idk just sometimes I randomly think of a game I used to play and think man I'd play that again.>>11476206>>11478852Thanks guys.
>>11475636You're too young for me to relate to.
>>11475636Setting all the computer homepages to goatse.
>>11475636I liked the McDonalds game quite a bit when I was a kid. There was another game by the commie dev of that one that I liked even more, but it's one year past retro.
>>11475637great game. the first one. didnt play the 2nd.
>>11475636>early '00sage of empires II and the likes>>late 00's halo lan at school
I was 12 or 13 years old at that time and my school didn't have computers, I didn't have one at home, I didn't have a console either. I wanted a GBA with all my soul but it was not possible. The closest thing was seeing how others played with their Game Boy at recess. Do you know how frustrated I felt? No, you don't know. It is so difficult for a child to understand that there is a wonderful world out there but you can't enter it. I will never forgive my parents for being irresponsible neglecters. You have those beautiful memories but all I have is hatred and resentment. I could have and do have some things that I didn't have, but what's the point? so that?
>>11475636i had a portable packed version of unreal tournament 99 on a usb stick, me and the boys would play over lan in the comp lab. great times. i wish people still liked going to each others houses and playing multiplayer games
>>11480313Innocent on all countsUnable to find even a single thing he was guilty of even after he died and all his files were openAll his accusers recanted and admitted they did it for moneyStay mad juden.
Shit, remember when all you needed to play was the cheap keyboard from school?
>>11475636>Sometime in the 2000sYou realise you retard that there's a pretty big difference between 2000 gaming and 2009 gaming?
Back in high school everyone played Peggle, PvZ, Binding of IsaacWe also had San Francisco Rush 2049 stunt/obstacle course mode competitionsI also personally finished all of Half-Life in my spare CS class time
>>11475698who said anything about elementary school?
>that one kid who knew
>>11482542Then you have a lot to choose from, you dumb fucking ape.
>>11475636MAME32 for me
>>11477947>Starfighter: Disputed Galaxies.>Spent years playing that on newgrounds.>It died sometimes in 2013.>The creator is slowly, slowly making a new one. Just one guy so it's taking a while.A beautiful game of memories.I learned how to play it again, locally. No one but bots around.
>>11480909The only thing he was guilty of was being a bit of a weirdo. But he was Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, and he knew the truth.
>>11483606I play Infinity in spurts. Few weeks or months on, a few months or a year off but I always keep it in rotation. I really like it, he managed to keep the action fresh and fun. Seriously one of the coolest devs I know of.IIRC, Infinity has yeah an offline version of Disputed Galaxy built into it. Online DG will never happen again. Infinity has online functionality though and a lot of it still does manage to feel like a bigger better improved version of DG.
Divine Intervention flash game or ebaums using 4proxy.t.2006
>>11475636Kid Works 2. Use the text to speech to read out "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." at full volume to annoy the other students.
>>11478846>Also not using DeepFreeze, nice shitty admin work. Then again I discovered I could easily access everyone's network drives without even a password so shitty admins all around in colleges I guess.Well college IT is the most brain dead easy IT gig in existence. It's 99% sticking instructors in rooms with students and making sure the projection system works. I was managing a campus full of computer labs during this time. All deepfreeze btw. Played a lot of Red Faction and Mechwarrior 3 when I had interns to act as worthy foes. Evening shift do a few tickets and the rest of the time is mine. Wish I could go back. Was a better time...
>>11475636One of my friends installed Brave Soul. It's just not hentai enough to where if you weren't in a sex scene someone would just think it's an action rpg
>>11475636they called it IT class in the 2000s
>>11486457No, we called it computer lab.
>>11486461Yeah but not computer science, I never heard that being used outside of a university setting until the 2010s
>>11475698>mfw I was already out of Highschool in the 2000s
>>11475636Blood (1998) LAN multiplayer of courseQuake 3 is a passing fad, blood is eternal
>>11486461>>11486469My school called it computer science and the actual location was referred to as a computer lab. Science happens in a lab after all.
>>11475636ANYTHING we want?
>>11475636I got a TWISTED sense of humor that makes normalfags freak the f out so Rapelay it is!
>>11485157oh fuck I forgot how much that shit dominated for a season>>11485313Are those Mogudan designs?
>>11475636A 4gb flashdrive I kept in my pocket that had visualboy and a dozen or so roms that I paid a friend $10 to download cause I had no idea whatsoever how to get the shit on my own until a good half year later, picrel
>>114825422000 and 2009 gaming? Absolutely. 2000 and 2009 school PCs? Not so much lol
>having windows pcs in your classroom>2000slollmao
>>11475636Adventure Quest was played by everyone.
fuck yea, art.
>>11487329In 2000 we were playing Scorching Earth on DOS. I'm almost certainly sure in 2009 my school already upgraded to Windows.
>>11487395Ooh I made a boo boo yeaaaa
>>11476324>computer science in elementary school? he's clearly referring to middle school or high schoolWe had computer classes in elementary school, it was an optional special class. But back then we could only really play stuff like Prince of Persia or Volfied on monochrome green monitors. The computers could not boot without a boot diskette either.
>>11475636Diablo 2 cow runs
>> or halo ce on a flash drive
>>11487145>Science happens in a lab after allNo, science is researched in a lab. It happens everywhere.
>>11475636Playing Chrono Trigger on Snes9x because the IT admin hasn't even disabled installs on the network. flash vidya on or the usual sites:,, or Rocksolidarcade.I don't remember if I just stopped playing because of mounting assignments or when the school started to crack down on that type of stuff.
a LAN game of GTA2
>>11488065Science is reporting tested observations. Labs are good for that.
>>11475636I was usually on Funnyjunk or ebaumsworld. I remember back in computer lab one of students got on the master computer while the teacher took a call, and put on papa smurf can i lick your ass and it played on all the computers...Shit was hilarious... i wish i can go back to being a kid
>>11475636Beats the hell out of the bullshit I'm doing now.
>>11475636>Yay! I can play G-Nome or MechWarrior 2!
>>11475636Pic Related.Don't know who setup an emulator with that game on the school's PC, but they're the reason I got into retro vidya, and for that I'm very thankful.
>>11475636computer repair was called "unreal tournament" at my high school
>>11475698I graduated high school in 2007
Going in alfy and playing Pang
>>11475636>What are we playing?Nothing- I just reminded the teacher about that quiz they were going to give us today.