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I really love Halo CE, Simply for the environments if nothing else.
I realize their are anons that believe it ruined fps game, is a baby game, but honestly I don't care I still love it
ugly ass game
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I'm not sure I want to know how many hours I lost to the multiplayer
"halo ruined fps" anons are just seething that their favorite game was made to look outdated and unplayable when halo raised the bar to a new level. Going back and trying to play Goldeneye after playing Halo was like trying to go back to SDTV after the switch to HD.
What was your favorite multiplayer map?
Also what was your favorite mission in CE? It was Halo for me followed closely by The Silent Cartographer
Chill Out and Rat Race. Love the small maps.
PC: Death Island
Console: Battle Creek
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>cool setting
>cool weapons
>cool enemy AI
>cool story
>the most sluggish, floaty movement imaginable
Man shooters were such dogshit before Halo.
>shooters were such dogshit before Halo.
This but CoD. Halo was dogshit.
>PC: Death Island
An anon after my own heart
>game takes place on an alien ring world
>"ugh why is the gravity like this?!"
Marathon was the same in being literally “floaty”, but I suspect the anon is using the more buzzwordy meaning for “float being “doesn’t feel good to me”.
Call of Duty came out before Halo, retard.
>CoD release date: October 29, 2003
Literally NEVER had an issue with the movement speed in Halo 1, when anons like the above avifag complain about the speed, what is their ideal medium? Which game would they prefer it move like?
If Halo was a GameCube game no one would be calling it overrated.
Doomfags just want every game to be Doom. Its autism and they can't accept things being different, even when they're good. I fucking love Quake and Doom but the Id worshipers on this site would gladly accept every single shooter just being clones of those two games until the end of time. Also, they view those two games as being "more hardcore" and see it as a badge of honour to enjoy fast shooters more than slower ones, as if anyone gives a fuck. Most people on this site gravitate towards the tribalism of children's toys because they have nothing in their life to be proud of.
Nice strawman anon. No one even mentioned either of those games.
>le strawman
reddit faggot term. Everyone knows the doom and quake diehards on this board sperg over Halo, who are you kidding?
>talk about a great experience that's somewhat tainted by bad movement
>apparently that's sperging
You just can't take a single ounce of criticism of your favorite game.
>What was your favorite multiplayer map?
PC: Death Island for BTB, Timberland for smaller engagements
Console: Sidewinder for BTB, Chiron TL-34 for smaller engagements

>Also what was your favorite mission in CE?
Two Betrayals. Snow + nighttime is my absolute weakness. Flood, Covies and Sentinels all fighting each other was the cherry on top. 2nd favorite would probably be The Silent Cartographer.
Everything other than the story would be ruined by letting the player move any faster. It's one of the primary reasons why sprint is such a shit mechanic and why Reach and 343 era games are shit compared to the OG trilogy.

You're not going to be able to appreciate the level's architecture and aesthetics if you're encouraged to zoom through it at 90 MPH, nor are you going to get to properly fight the good AI if you're going too fast that you can just skip past them.

Fuck going fast, I want to go at a medium pace.
Medium pace would be nice. What Halo offers doesn't feel very medium though. It's slow. Since that other anon compared it to Doom and Quake, the walk speed (not run speed) in those games is about what I'd consider medium speed. Halo is slower than that.
It only feels slow to you because everything in Halo is fucking huge because it was all made for huge aliens.
Walking around a Human structure shows the medium pace much better.
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>talk about a great experience that's somewhat tainted by *bad movement
We still don't know what the initial claim meant by "floaty", an explanation I'm hoping to see as someone enjoying the game with its movement. I think it's just a preference though as suggested by this anon >>11481750
Perhaps the poster meant the jumping physics? They're definitely floaty, though I think this is just fine and works well for what the game is doing.
Except for running off ledges, that always feels awkward, but only in Halo 1.
The ghost also feels weird and awkward compared to later on as well.
>their are anons that believe it ruined fps game
It is only one JewTuber who also likes nuDoom...
halo didn't kill fps games it just happened to be a part of a dismal trend(even in spite of it being individually good). the control fidelity and otions mouse/keyboard were getting replaced, the vidya industry was appealing to a larger audience with consoles and good qualities of pc games were left in the bin soley to meet the demands of consoles and their audience.
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I love Halo. It's my favorite Marathon game.
more of a boob game man myself
I love Halo for the story and locations. I never played a single match of Halo multiplayer. Never cared about that aspect of the game.
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My only complaint is that the multiplayer had no CPU bots. I was used to playing Timesplitters multiplayer with bots and I was a lonely only child with no actual person to play with. We also didn't have internet at the time so that didn't help. I'd just wander around the multiplayer maps alone pretending I was exploring
The movement speed is better, but the acceleration and player gravity could be greatly improved.
CE's jumping has an inherent delay, left over from when you could charge jumps.
PC kids saying Halo feels slow have never played Unreal 2 and it shows.
Unreal 2 is forgotten for a reason.
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This section right here is beyond kino
Truth and Reconciliation and The Library.
what fucking architecture? it all looks the same
The Halo games are fun, but I wish they hadn't popularized the two-weapon limit. I prefer shooters that let you carry a whole arsenal.
Halo's weapon limit is detrimental to its own design, too.
Every game that isn't mario zelda sonic resident evil doom is forgotten according to zoomers. Your lack of vidya literacy is not an argument.
It is an argument. Nobody cares if Unreal 2 is slow because nobody cares about Unreal 2. Nobody talks about it, nobody makes threads about it. It was an unpopular and forgotten game.
It is not. Imagine going to a film enthusiast forum and saying classic films that aren't endlessly regurgitated by modern audiences are not worth of consideration.

I'm really tired of anons trying to drag down discourse to the lowest common denominator. You guys hate video games.
Nobody is going to take your analysis of a B-movie seriously.
>Walk over ammo pickup
>You only collect as much ammo as you need to take you up to full, the rest of it stays there and you can get it later, so you never have to worry about "wasting" a pickup by walking over it when you're not missing enough ammo
This is absolutely brilliant. Why doesn't every FPS do this?
>it's so cool to be an anti-intellectual!
Your initial post is retarded anyway. Why should Halo get a pass for being shit just because another game is also shit?
If you think Halo is "sluggish" and "floaty" you should try Killzone.
Because it's not shit by any measure. It works on the strengths of the platform it's on, it shouldn't need to adjust to mouse and keyboard conventions.
It works fine in CE, but it would've been interesting if the sequels experimented with it a bit. 3 or 4 weapon slots mapped to the d-pad or something.
It works best for CE because CE is well-designed. It falls apart in later games because ammo caps are low and you're heavily punished for not using plasma and a headshot weapon.
I like the two weapon limit. Forces you to manage your pick ups.
Do wish more games went with differend approaches
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You can achieve similar results with much more limited ammo pickups: Even if you could carry a rocket launcher the whole playthrough there's still only so many times the game gives you rockets.
Just because you don't talk about Unreal 2 doesn't mean that nobody talks about it.
I think the other faggot confused MoH with CoD. Fuck both of you anyways; Halo is great.
for the uniqueness of it all.
>I need everything to be stylistically and thematically as inconsistent as possible in order to hold my attention
>I like the two weapon limit. Forces you to manage your pick ups.
Does it, though? If you ever get into a situation that absolutely requires a specific weapon, the game gives it to you.

Also, you should at least be able to always carry a pistol. The fact that a pistol is apparently as hard to carry as a rocket launcher is stupid.
Did you play the game and know what Halo actually is (ingame)?
>If it's not hailed as a classic today, then it's not worth talking about
What a braindead take
It's a good idea on paper, but in practice you just stick with a reliable shield-stripper and a reliable headshot gun. And in Flood levels you swap out the shield-stripper for a shotgun. Giving up one of those weapons leaves you very vulnerable, and even if you do drop it for something like a rocket launcher, you get like 6 shots max. And if you're on a higher difficulty, those rockets might not even kill an Elite.
Says the person who never slowed down long enough to look. if you would have, you would have noticed every single location has its own distinct visual style that you don't see elsewhere.
Silent Cartographer doesn't look anything like the Library or Assault on the Control Room.

Please explain why.
See >>11483327
A 2-weapon limit does not mix well with Halo's playstyle of encouraging plasma vs shields and bullets vs health, because it forces you to keep both of your weapon slots static. CE gets away with this by making the plasma pistol really good on its own, but it's a real problem in later games. I'd be more willing to use the weaker guns if I could carry it off to the side and not give up half my inventory.
I finally realised why CE has always been my favourite. it has just the right level of graphical fidelity and sparse level design to actually feel like you're on an alien world. it's close enough to Marathon but unique enough with it's own forerunner architecture to feel like a different and new IP. the new age music and forest/snow environments clashing with the forerunner structures is peak.

perfect snapshot of pure distilled Halo. doesn't need anything else
True fans always pick the first game of a series as their favorite. There's things the later games improved but everything good in Halo is built on CE.
I like CE's color palette and how it made the aliens seem sufficiently alien. The sheen on the Elites' armor, the Plasma Rifle's shell changing color in the light. Halo 2 has too many muted colors, and way too much grey and brown. Halo 3 has too many distracting visual effects.
Anon pls, Halo has some cool environments but it also has tons of repetitive rooms that all look the same.
Snow in CE is magical. Nothing else compares.
I hadn't played Marathon before Halo but I had played Myth, and there's a lot of that left in CE too. The old Bungie feel is totally gone in the later games.
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I miss when Halo had a modding scene.
fuuuck this song is kino
If I had the energy to bother right now I would go get a bunch of screenshots showing all the cool architecture and variety the game has to offer but I don't.
Maybe tomorrow.
Combat Evolved is the best halo game and Top 5 best 6th gen fps
this and Blood Gulch are cliche, so I'll say the outdoors one with the river running through the middle and the stone arch, which looks like Blood Gulch
peak Halo always feels like the beach mission and/or the mission(s) with snow and ice environments, where you get to utilize the Banshees to the fullest and even ride some tanks iirc
adhd must suck dick hunh
Halo 2 has nothing on these visuals and environments and level design
Timesplitters, Battlefront, CounterStrike, and Unreal Championship were all cool alternatives when you had no one to play with.

With bots I don't know how other games could compare with Halo.
There is nothing wrong with Halo: CE's 2 weapon limit.
>it also has tons of repetitive rooms that all look the same
only superficially
in actuality the layouts of rooms are very distinct per level
Halo 2 is a proto-7th-gen game.
Only because the plasma pistol exists.
You posted it anon
though I gotta say I always liked Chiron TL-34 for how insane it is, and although I didn't like it much at first Damnation has really grown on me over the years
The Library 100%
People complain it's a guantlet, but that's what it's supposed to be, that's what I like about it
Video games were so more visually distinct back then, now every game looks like every other game.
The second mission, "Halo", is a masterclass in aesthetic, environmental storytelling and game design.
>you get dropped into some alien world that's strangely familiar but equally mysterious
>you're given a limited area to explore and get your bearings, before being informed that you're being hunted and either need to run or fight
>then funneled through a small, linear segment that introduces you to the concepts of the game even better than the first mission
>you make it to the first forerunner structure and are greeted by surviving comrades who address you with astonishment and respect
>once you clean up the first camp and make your way through the tunnel beyond, you have a wide open valley before you beset with multiple camps that you can tackle in any order, and with any means, that you see fit
>warthoggin' with the boys, sniping, creeping through the interior of foreign structures in tight CQC encounters
>finally rescue everyone that you can and take the dropship home
This wasn't just the peak of the game, but the peak of the series. They should have used this level as a model for every level and game to come.
Derelict always had a special place in my heart, even if it's deeply flawed.
My favorite has to be 343 Guilty Spark. The ambiance of heading into some subterranean base, finding strange blips on radar or shadows in the distance that look like humans, or something that seems to be luring you deeper into the facility. The barricades. The jackal hallway with blood. The crazed marine. Finally, watching the video, following by the chapter title.
"The Flood."
Then the song kicks in. Jesus Christ.
That wouldn't change anything about my argument. I'm not claiming it doesn't have variety. I'm just saying it also has repetitiveness. A game can have both.
Just look at Truth and Reconciliation, or that one indoor room you go through like a dozen times during Assault on the Control Room or almost the entirety of the Library.
Back in the day, videogames consisted of screens that all looked the same.
It was the OoT of FPS games.
to be perfectly honest, I dislike the horde waves enemy encounters in this level, and have literally never liked them

if it wasn't for forcing you to be in the same place for 10 minutes at a time just to kill refilling enemies, I'd rate this level a lot higher
I preferred the mission that begins with the reveal of the flood; I literally don't remember the journey there, but I do remember the struggle to fight my way out

also weird but maybe less weird

not for few players
Derelict's main problem is that the most reliable ways to the top of the map are 2 extremely easy to defend teleporters. Your only other options are forcing your teammate to spawn up or grenade jumping. You know a map has issues when the 30-second rocket launcher is ignored.
I never played Halo because I always thought it was a kids game

I was about 12
You weren't alive then. Literally no one thought that.
the 2 weapon limit was the best choice ever made for FPS. How are you supposed to know what your opponent is going to do when he had 30 guns stuck up his ass he can scroll through? There's no strategy to multiplayer when everyone can hold every gun and quickly swap.
You either assume he has every weapon, or predict what he has depending on where you have been on the map. What strategy is there in Halo? You just use the headshot gun for 99% of all fights. There's no reason to pick up weaker niche weapons because you have to give up half of your total weapon slots for something that is barely ever usable.
>the 2 weapon limit was the best choice ever made for FPS
That’s more attributable to Counter-Strike, and its kind of gameplay (limited weapons, loadout focused) won out over “arena shooters”.
No one played that shit back then. I never heard anyone talk about Counter Strike until zoomers started playing it due to their gambling/streamer addictions.
You must have been living under a rock, because even the Xbox version was popular.
it was a different time. first time I ever played Halo was co-op with my friend on Silent Cartographer at one of those demo booths on a college trip for some tech show. we both bought the console just for Halo not long after. so many hours spent replaying the campaign co-op over and over.
>I like CE's color palette
very good point. one of those rare times everyone in every department is firing on all cylinders and it all comes together perfectly.
OG Bungie games are really good at focusing a story around cycles of destruction and rebirrth.
>chill out
based taste
top 3? truth, cartographer, AOTCR. God that campaign is so good
the early 2000s was defined by 2 weapon shooters >>11484608
Half of those let you hold more than 2 weapons. Even Gears let you have 4.
I can tolerate it in Halo and I can tolerate it's occasional existence in other shooters. What I hate is that it's now the default for FPS games.
The number of underage players failed to understand that this and the other game constantly topped the player counts while most shooters cannot consistently break above 5k. It's an industry standard for a reason.
It existed in Halo only as a concession to controllers, so they could have a single button to cycle between your two weapons. Older builds let you carry as many weapons as possible.
telling on yourself
NTA but:
People at AtariCommunity didn't care about it 20 years ago.
Less than one percent of people at BUF cared about it 15 years ago, and they only did so over the multiplayer overhaul mod that STILL sucked compared to any mainline UT game on account of being slow floaty shit.

20 years on and still no one cares about Unreal2, least of all the now-dead Unreal community that Epic recently shanked like it was the Ides of March. Unless you're a Civvie watcher, but that makes you a Civvie watcher.
I like the two weapin limit because it forces weapons to be viable long term primary weapons or temporary "power weapons" you're expected to use up and discard quickly like the rocket launcher. The problem with having 600 guns up your ass is a lot of them are either seemingly forgotten by the developers and aren't supported enough by ammo pickups in the level design or they're intentionally ammo-starved power weapons you just save forever for a rainy day that never comes.
I'd say that's purely a question of good arsenal design.
Quake is really good with this imo. The only weapon that gets obsoleted is the nailgun because the super nailgun is just superior. I still tend to use it against weaker enemies so I don't overuse ammo which is easy to do with the super nailgun.
Other than that the normal shotgun stays useful because its tight spread makes it your only long-range hitscan weapon apart from the lightning gun.
The grenade launcher stays useful because you can hit enemies in positions that the rocket launcher can't and it has a higher firing rate plus it's just really fun.
The only "ammo starved power weapon" in that game is really the lightning gun but you figure out pretty quickly that it's largely intended against shamblers and maybe vores so the whole saving forever thing just doesn't happen.

Something like the power weapons you describe that are to be discarded could be done like the turret weapons in Halo 3.
Halo had a 2 weapon limit, grenades bound to their own button, and recharging health before it made the switch to xbox according to one of the devs. These decisions were a boon for console controls but they were not "concessions".
Halo's 2-weapon limit was born from Oni's control scheme.
>Sperging about youtubers in the end
Checks out...
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Is it true the pc version is worse than the Xbox version?
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How so? I have a tough time believing that a multplat beat 'em up without weapon switching directed the control scheme for a mac exclusive (at the time) shooter. Especially since the Oni team only started working on Halo in 2001, after the transition to xbox had already happened.
Current MCC fixed all graphical issues with the Gearbox port. So it looks like the Xbox version now but with better resolution.
Anon...both of those are from the Master Chief Collection. Those images are pre patch and post patch. The HUD is the dead giveaway as that's the Anniversary version.
Right image is how CEA looks now in classic graphics for Xbox One/S/X and Steam.
no that's 2, the one that introduced double flippy shotguns but the story still wasn't completely up its own ass
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I want the Halo 2 remaster treatment done to CE to replace the abomination we actually got.
Just wait until Halo Studios does the Halo 1 Remake for PlayStation 5 :)
I love the level after it too, Truth and Reconciliation. A little bit of stealth at night with the sniper rifle, seeing how far you can get without alerting the enemy, boarding a Covenant cruiser and, rescuing the Captain and hijacking a dropship out of there.

T&R is cool because it's the only level without the pistol, and it's fun to play around that limitation.
I don't, it still looks bad and misses the point of the original's aesthetics.
Plus the cutscenes being pre-rendered is jarring and also all the changes to camera angles, timing and sound effects are just plain worse.

Classic Halo 2 graphically looks like shit but its artstyle was just fine and the anniversary version failed and I'm sick of people liking it just because it had some shiny cutscenes.
Yeah, recently played it again. Has a special place for me among my childhood vidya.
I played CE on PC.
I love it too dog. Right up there w some of the best titles of all time. Sonic 2, OoT, Turtles 3 (nes), only difference is, this game longevity goes way further when ur done w the absolutely wild campaign and delve into the multiplayer w 16-20 buddies.
This, Halo 2 looked ugly on release but I would take its original version over the terrible Hollywood-style FMVs.
Remaster looks good to me.
no they fixed it
Id laugh at this if it wasnt a real possibility now. Wild to think about after all these years Sony may be getting Halo.
also the aesthetics of this game still blow me away to this day.
Loved the PC demo
I want the PS5 to get Halo so there is a chance MCC gets more updates.
unless they restored the pistol 3 shot then meh
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is this the original PC version? if so, what mod do you use to center the pistol like this? i need this bad.
it is 3 shot tho
The trick to having an easier time in that mission is knowing it's the only mission im the game where you want to forfeit the pistol, since it's not good at crowd control against the endlessly-respawning Flood enemies you have to stick with the assault rifle or plasma rifle and shotgun.
Assault on the Control Room is peak.
Always has been
Ice Fields

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