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>And by "almost killed the franchise" I don't mean it failed to make money, to have a follow up, I mean some people on the internet whined about something

Can you speak like a normal person and not a clickbait title?
Not him, but I remember it being badly reviewed in video games magazines back then. Also your meme arrow text can be easily reversed
>its good because some people with no taste didnt complain about it
Another example is pic related.
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everyone did in fact hate doom 3 at release and i have the ytmnds to prove it
Your reversal fails. Good is not the opposite of killed. Killed means no more.

Again, stop using language like a youtube title.
>best selling Doom at the time
>highly positive reviews
>nominated for goty but lost to HL2
>Doom tards still think it's a flop
Okay yeah but have you played it? Because overall it's just "okay" at best. Armor is kinda useless, ammo is way too fucking plentiful, sound design sucks, and most of the monsters really aren't up to much.
It does have some cool light and shadows stuff, and the chainsaw is strong as hell, but everything else is either a step down or a weird side step from the original Doom games, and comparing it to other games of the era isn't doing it any favors either
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>Okay yeah but have you played it?
A different 'not that anon' but yeah and I loved it. I also believe that even if it was a hundred times better that it would still lose to HL2 and the Source-modding-train that it brought.
For what it's worth, I don't hate it, nor do I think it's shit. I just see it as a weird experiment more than anything else.
It's not a flop but it's indeed a slop.
>Okay yeah but have you played it?
Yeah, and I loved it.
It was a masterpiece, unlike the time wasting maze runner trash (Doom 1 and 2)
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That's not worth much to me I'm afraid, but thinking the armor is "kinda useless" interests me: Maintain pickups throughout a whole playthrough and you've reduced all damage by 30%/20% for the entire run (based on difficulty). Not only far from useless, it's close to how classic green armor works in absorbing a third of incoming damage.
I like Doom 3 more than Half Life 2. Only thing it has going for it is the story and gravity gun. Doom 3 was more enjoyable to me.
Absolutely nothing listed about why its good, just a lot of second hand 'praise' as usual.
>best selling Doom at the time
Refunds were not widely available.
Earlier doom games had a far larger audience, which is a better indicator of quality. A lot of those players didn't pay for it.
>positive reviews
Paid reviews or at the very least part of the usual hype-driven mania that is, and was, game journalism.
>nominated for goty but lost to HL2
As above. GOTY claims are and were a marketing tool, not an indication that the game is good.
>Doom tards still think it's a flop
It is a flop of a doom game. It is not in any respect a doom game, except its veneer. It would be easier to argue it is a half-life game in practice.
>best selling Doom at the time
Because it sucked so much nobody bothered to pirate it like they universally did with the originals.
>badly reviewed in video games magazines
that usually meant game was actually amazing, because who the fuck takes those reviewers seriously? some of my favorite games were reviewed poorly, which is when i lost trust in those
in gaming magazines you would form your opinion way before official reviews, by actually reading early previews and interviews
Fuck off, youtube zoomer
>it being badly reviewed in video games magazines
Bold faced lie. Vast majority of reviews were very positive.
Nice cope
Neither Doom 3 or Wind Waker have bad review scores
Doom 3 should have leaned way way harder into survival horror and resource management
What an absolutely awful thread
>the game is bad and flopped because I don't like it
another tiresome thread.
>Can you speak like a normal person and not a clickbait title?
Is a jewtuber zoom zoom looking for content.
Want to really know how successful Doom3 was?

> Game Pro 2003 "Doom 3 will save Arena Shooters from OSP and CPMA Mods Q3 Longevity"
> Doom 3 releases
> Fatal1ty is champion of the world beats Chinese(RocketBoy) in final of CPL
> Game is a buggy mess in MP
> Absolute dark maps boring and the majority of users did not want another SP game (HL 2 was released
> everyone went back to CPMA and OSP within 9 months
> Doom never released another game for almost 20 years
This. The early parts where you're vulnerable were extremely intense. Wish most of the game was like that.
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Doom 4 development started in 2007 and went through development hell for several years.
Didn't they use D4 resources to Rage and Serious Sam 3?
Lol OP got demolished. Come up with your own YouTube material
nice cope
now how many overhaul mods for D1 and D2 are there because the Vannilla games are trash?
I hate zoomers so much it's unreal
It was contentious but people liked it, including me. Nobody liked it like they liked Doom 1+2 though which is why it got a worse reputation than it deserved.
They weren’t ready for their corridor shooter to become a full on horror game, even gaming mags shit on it for that. Lest we forget the flashlight fiasco. The game while visually very good looking also had a clunkiness to it that other 2000s shooters didn’t have (Halo) further making it seem lesser in comparison.
Gaming mags I recall rated it at least above average but they all had complaints about it.

Doom 3 has actually got a lot better with age. I like it more now than I did then.
And it was going to be a call of duty clone. So happy this was shitcanned.
Back then I remember nothing but people saying they hated it. I finally played it for the very first time a couple of years ago and didn't understand the hate at all, I liked the whole experience.
No it didn't.


Double retarded.


Yes. It's flawed in various ways, and I dislike the flashlight shit the most, but besides that it's a pretty good shooter that I'm fond of.

More retarded than OP, quite an achievement.
>Back then I remember nothing but people saying they hated it
I had the opposite experience: I knew of people dunking on the flashlight but still liking the game, not a whole lot of hate, still some decent interest in modding. Nearly everyone I knew preferred Half-Life 2 or Halo 2. D3 felt closer to a traditional shooter than both but they were each fun in different ways, fun year for shootan.
>How the fuck is this retro.
2004 games that also have sixth gen console ports.
Plenty of people pirated Doom 3.

I remember PCGamer giving Duke Nukem Forever a score of like 90%, which completely shattered my illusion that professional reviews like those were anything BUT marketing.

There's endless mods for overhauling classic Doom in just about any way you can imagine, but that has more to do with GzDoom making modding really easy and capable, and base Doom and Doom 2 having just really solid core gameplay.
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>I remember PCGamer giving Duke Nukem Forever a score of like 90%
Not as bad, but still probably too high. Maybe the reviewer also found Borderlands funny.
It's an objectively 30% title, Gearbox wanted to make it more like contemporary console shooters to make it more profitable, but also without spending much of the money they were contracted to finish (most likely this was piped over to Borderlands, like with Colonial Marines's budget).
What we ended up with is a game which sort of tries to do Duke 3D and then modern console FPS at the same time, but is then extremely bad at both of those things.
>sound design sucks
Are you kidding? Sound design is by miles the strongest aspect of Doom 3.
I never cared much for the pistol firing sound, plus it bothers the hell out of me the that firing sound for the SMG and Plasma Rifle don't actually match the actual fire rate of the weapons. I think the Chaingun suffers from that too.
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>the sheer variety of ambient tracks
This game helped me realized how much I love that.
Still pops into my head now and then.
Didn't it sell extremely well?
>the game was&did so good it got a reboot 12 years later
Not serious sam, for sure. Croteam always built their own engines. What eventually became SS3 was pitched as a Doom sequel, which id respectfully rejected, so they reused those assets for their own game.
You can't blame Gearbox for the state of that thing, they essentially stepped in at the last minute and finished what was already made. Who knows what would have happened if they made it from the ground up, they're generally competent developers even if their CEO is a fucked up ass clown starved for attention.
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>most of the monsters aren't up to much.

>Imp in air-duct
... so uh, how's the whole invasion going for you?

>hellknight behind door
Eh, not bad I guess. Whole is base is overrun now,
weird that command is still really concerned about this
one guy. Been told to stay put and stay quiet in case he
shows up.... why the air duct?

>Imp in air-duct
I dunno, figured I'd get a better jump on him from here.
Better than hiding in the bathroom. Weird, hiding in
one place waiting for the enemy to appear isn't our usual M.O. is it?

>hellknight behind door
No, no it's not. But they say he doesn't talk at all, only grunts
near walls sometimes so he's hard to hear. But if he grunts enough,
you'll hear him coming.

>Imp in air-duct
heh heh heh!

>hellknight behind door
heh heh heh... sigh.

>Imp in air-duct
.... and that's why we're doing this? A flesh-bag that grunts?

>hellknight behind door
You didn't hear it from me. But rumor I heard is, command's
kinda freaked out. Apparently this guy's just... "built different".

>Imp in air-duct
....... the fuck outta here.

>hellknight behind door
nah, seriously, that's what I heard.

>Imp in air-duct
....... so what do we do if he shows up?

>hellknight behind door
Figured I'd just bellow real loud, start advancing,
swipe at him a bit. Worked for all the other invasions.
Why, you have a better idea?

>Imp in air-duct
I was thinking... fireballs?

>hellknight behind door
Aw yeah! I forgot about those. Fireballs. That should work.
Hey, you uh, heard from Pinkster at all lately?

>Imp in air-duct
Not for a while. Last I heard he ate a bunch of flesh-bags
during the cafeteria raid. All those flesh-bags ate a lotta
BEANS. He reported back to the Baron-on-Duty, and he
uh... "debriefed". Real loud. Right there in front of everyone.
Baron said, "One with the pink... one with the stink."

And placed him over in labs. All by himself.

>hellknight behind door

~ El Fin.
You can apply the exact same logic to the original games, you mongoloid.
3 released only 7 years after 64
also, the series went from 2.5d-like to full-fledged 3d
so my point still stands, chinky
I can very much blame Gearbox for saying they were going to finish two games, then putting a pittance towards actually doing so, instead EMBEZZLING that funding for their own games, and the two games coming out as completely fucked and garbage.

I'll remind you that DNF was cheaply outsourced to a few guys to cobble together at home, and that for ACM, Gearbox actually went so far as to hire a company to make a FAKE GAMEPLAY DEMO TO SHOW AS A GAMEPLAY TRAILER. The game shown in that trailer wasn't the actual game, ACM did not look that good, and it did not play that good, in fact it would turn out the actually released game had the game's AI completely buttfucked by a few sloppy typos in the code which would have been trivial to fix.

Gearbox could consciously spend money on fraudulent advertising, but not on actually completing the game like they agreed on. It's a miracle that Randy Pitchford and Gearbox weren't blackballed from the industry for brazenly ripping off two publishers like that.
So years and graphics is your arbitrary metric here? Doom 3 sold extremely well and reviewed quite decently, which is why they got started on trying to make a Doom 4 as early as 2007.

Maybe it's not the game you wanted it to be, but it's objectively not a flop. Faggot.
No they're absolutely a scumbag company, but the dev team know their way around an engine and probably had nothing to do with anything you just mentioned. I blame that pusbag Randy Bobandy directly for this.
Get rekt grandpa!!!
But it's a masterpiece of the art form
That would be Half-Life 2.
>high journo score
>sold well
>"everyone loved it back then!"
They'll say this about more modern garbage reboots like hitman absolution and splinter cell blacklist in a few years.
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>whiny cunts still upset about the game that tried something different
Half-Gay 2 is not a "masterpiece" of anything, unless you like loading screens, dishonest quantum crates, generic gray slow plodding realistic FPS slop, pretentious walking simulators and jumping around and tossing furniture around like a retarded autistic while people are talking.
By 'something different' do you mean a terrible intro section, shitty weapons, copypasted ambushes, an underwhelming plot, PDA reading, ugly character design or an absence of a challenge?
>dishonest quantum crates
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Half-Life 2 IS a masterpiece!
Change is almost always bad and never works, be it in games or your surgeries.
Doom 2's additional monsters complete the game.
Doom 2's additional monsters made the game utter shit compared to the original. Baffling how anyone thinks a fucking Lost Soul spawner was a good idea.
don't antagonize the Doom autist

t. Doom Autist
Counterpoint: Archviles.
Doom 2's additional monsters filled the game out, it's the maps that were shit. See, you'll bitch about any change.
The arch vile is a fucking stupid addition
lmao I bet you complain about hitscanners too
just fuck up the pace of game
Any monster can do that with poor map design. Barons exist too. Oh but fuck they're in the first game. I guess the change from Wolfenstein to Doom 1 sucks too.
t. John Romero

Doom 1 is superior in every way. Taking away episodes was retarded even if it was a pay thing
I prefer episodes too, and shorter WADs in general.
Really Doom 2 was a weaker game in terms of map design, but it served as a good foundation for other mappers.
Blacklist is good. Conviction is le bad one.
It killed the series for 12 years. That’s a decade plus two years lmao. That definitely counts as almost killing the franchise.
By that logic, Half-Life EP2 killed the series and was bad.
They began working on Doom 4 only three years after Doom 3's release you fucking retard. By all objective measures Doom 3 was a success.
hitman absolution is good
blacklist is trash
anon, OP said "almost killed" not "successfully killed"
By that logic, Kingdom Hearts 2 killed the series and was bad.
What a braindead conclusion.
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>its a zoomer revisionism thread
Doom 3 was wildly successful and had a flourishing community for many years
Fans of the classics didn't love it but it wasn't until zoomer youtubers that people said it wasn't a good 'doom game'. It wasn't meant to be a nostalgic rehash it was a full reimagining
>sound design sucks
get your ears checked
the machine gun and the bullet impacts sound like shit tho
I don't remember anyone caring about the multiplayer besides the e3/quakecon demo
I liked it, even though it wasn't really a Breath of Fire game
>Fans of the classics didn't love it
As someone who first got into Doom when he was like seven, Doom 3 wasn't all the things I wanted out of an all new Doom game, but even if there were things I didn't like (like the flashlight bullshit), I overall quite liked the game and was glad to have played it. Every few years, I do still come back to it, because it's a good time.

>"It's really not perfect, but it's still pretty good and I liked it a lot."
This was one of the common opinions at the time. Some didn't like it at all, but I never saw universal hate for it anywhere.
i saw nearly universal derision over the flashlight
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HL2 had the better narrative and mod tools.
F.E.A.R. had better gunplay.
Halo 2 had a tighter multiplayer experience.
Far Cry had the more freedom.
Doom 3 is just how fast can you shoot things that pop out at you in pitch darkness.
The flashlight was by far the most common complaint and point of ridicule, but beyond that the game was still quite liked.
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>Some didn't like it at all, but I never saw universal hate for it anywhere.
Not "universal" but enough to get this going https://ducttape.glenmurphy.com/
>>Duct Tape was downloaded over 80,000 times in the first 24 hours of its release (not including downloads from the mirrors at various mod sites).
And even then:
>>In order to preserve the atmosphere, these new lights are much narrower (and a little brighter) than the standard flashlight, and are only available on the basic weapons. The pistol is not equipped with a flashlight, so as not to spoil the early sections of the game.
it was a pretty TECHNOLOGY game that isn't entirely autopiloted and is easy to get immersed in so i liked it just fine. that's what games should try to be, after all.
No, it didn't.
No, it didn't.
No, it didn't.
Meds now.
>make it more like contemporary console shooters
That shit happened at 3DR.
downloading the leaked alpha and running it at like 15fps was amazing. We had so many great leaked alphas then. STALKER, Half Life 2, and Doom3 all got leaked a year before their releases.
Why do you people hate Doom 3 so much? I literally builded my first gaming PC just to play it, and being playing it since from time to time.
It's not a perfect game and it's extremely repetitive most of the time, but it should be just an ok game.
I think it's one or two faggots with some sort of bizarre grudge. I'm sure plenty didn't like the game at all, but it seems there's some who take it personal that there's people who actually like it.
When Doom 3 came out, I remember it being discussed as basically a tech demo, specifically the lighting. Everyone acknowledged that the game itself was not worthy of the Doom series, but that Carmack has outdone himself again with technical wizardry.
>Not him, but I remember it being badly reviewed in video games magazines back then
No you don't.
Fuck you!
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>but it should be just an ok game.

Jesus Christ...
legitimately one of the most absurd things I've ever read on this site
Doom is just an ok game. It's the modding scene that kept it alive. Brutal Doom is more popular than the original.
Doom 2016 also plays totally different from 3 and takes way more cues from the first two games. Even the story, little as there is, directly follows 1 and 2 with 3 being a separate universe altogether.
You could completely erase Doom 3 from existence and it wouldn't change the series very much. It was a nice tech demo for 2004 but left no lasting impact. Even HL2, which came out at the same time and is also often called a glorified tech demo, is remembered way more, lots of people talked about its 20th anniversary last year but nobody talked about Doom 3.
>Even the story, little that there is
There it takes some queues from D3 with focusing on a “Mars base” that never previously existed, and following a similar “hell hopping” back and forth past the halfway point of the game.
What a retard
>have you played it
Nta but I have and it's great.
>ammo is way too plentiful
It's a doom game
>armor is kinda useless
So not useless, just not up to your weird gay armor standards
>sound design sucks
You don't like the sound of a game. Noted
>most of the mosters aren't up to much
What are you looking for them to do, advanced calculus?
These are some real gay nitpicks anon. Fake and gay
Doom 3 was sickdark
>they didn't pump out new slop sequels on an annual basis for everyone to consoom
This is obviously the only way to gauge quality
if it supposedly did good, why wait 12 years to print more money, huh, anon-chan?
>x sold really well, therefore we're going to discontinue it
>12 years
BFG Edition was out in 2012, and if you want to be real big pedantic baby it sold ""good enough"" to get an expansion in 2005.

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