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He will save Uranus
Holy Christ this game sucked so bad.
Proto-Zapp Brannigan.
>Hartman was preparing to voice Zapp Brannigan, a character written specifically for him on Groening's second animated series Futurama, at the time of his death. Even though the role was specifically made for him, Hartman still insisted on trying out for the role. About a week before his death, he auditioned for Groening and Futurama executive producer David X. Cohen. Groening wrote that Hartman "blew us away with his performances". After Hartman's death, Billy West took over the role
my anus is more broken than the asteroid belt
True but I want so much for it to be good lol. An entire game filled with Phil Hartman dialogue and I don't get to enjoy it because I can't force myself to suffer through the gameplay. It's like a sick joke.
I'm playing it right now and I'm enjoying it, I don't like tank controls but they're not that terrible in this game outside some platforming sections, what does suck is how fast enemies spawn and shoot at you, no wonder there's so many health pick-ups around.
Tank controls combined with gex camera and the hit detection of Helen Keller.
game was shit but we'll never get a game about saving hot babes again
Is that Mr.Incredible???
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I loved this game as a kid. Never realized how much the "gaymers" hated it.
If he can save Uranus can he save Saturn?
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It was a different time... and a much better one in fact, at least culturally.
Lets remake the game as a tribute to Hartman. At the very least we should make a playerpawn for doom.
what about a duke3d mod? Blasto and Duke share more things in common.
Would also work well.
I got to level 4 of this game and they went full retard with the difficulty between the annoying flying enemies and all the endless pits & quicksand sections.
I've downloaded the ROM and I'm about to play for the 1st time, the idea of a macho hero saving hot bitches made me want to try it out for how based it is in concept alone.

What am I in for?
Cool concept with some frustrating sections.
love the protagonists personality. such a cool guy, honestly its probably one of the saving graces for the flaws of this game, its just fun to hear him say his one-liners.
I remember kind of liking it
Level 4 so far has been the worst level of the game, too long and convoluted.
Also I know it has a T rating but I'm surprised at how violent the game is, there's head and torso explosions and blood too.
Weirdly enough level 4 was the demo level on the PlayStation Sampler disc. I wanted so hard to like it but the confusing layout and awful platforming killed it for me.
That's a really bad level to show off the game, guess it was because it's open ended and long compared to the other stages to make little timmy go "omg the world is so big", the platforming really shouldn't require quick, precise jumps when the game uses tank controls and Blasto's jump is so bad. Legit should have gone with level 1 or 2 since they're actually fun levels.
>the platforming really shouldn't require quick, precise jumps when the game uses tank controls and Blasto's jump is so bad
Right? I remember as a kid getting pissed because I'd try to be super precise on when to press jump and even then I'd still miss the ledges. Is the rest of the game worth going out of my way to check out? The gameplay always interested me despite the frustrations.
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I'll say try the first two levels and see if you get hooked by it, the controls aren't super terrible (imo the biggest issue with the controls are Blasto's pathetic jump and him back-hoping instead of walking backwards, the later one can be mitigated with holding R1 at least) and the levels have waves of enemies that spawn very quick and shoot at you very fast, the platforming isn't a big issue until level 4 I'll say.
If you want some tips, try to get all the babes because they replenish health and give you 2 extra lives, always save and reload if you lose a lot of lives or your powerups (try to save them for the parts you're struggling with), strafe a lot because that's the best way to avoid fire, always hold a laser charge just in case, save health pickups for later if you're full and use your sub weapons, don't try to save them for later.
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Got to beat this fucker, it is very rough indeed with the precise platforming, confusing level design and quick enemy spawn, but there's a lot of charm to it and when the game is fun, it is very fun.
Getting to the secret Evil Blasto fight was really dumb, lot of very specific shit to do and leaps of faiths, couldn't get the Babe Viewer even if I'm sure I got all of the girls on my playthrough, oh well.
getting some major SOUL level readings from this image
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>space ghost but le blonde
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An actual Space Ghost game would have been light years better
Yeah, but what would it be about? What did space ghost do besides have a talk show?
whoa momma!
I have intense burned-in nostalgia for this game since it was among of the first PlayStation games I ever owned and it's marketing definitely worked on me. I thought Blasto was cool. I love the aesthetic of the game, neon pathways in outerspace. What I didn't like as a little kid was that this game was fucking hard.

The game was rated "T" but was definitely being marketed towards younger children which is why I always find the opening video to this game hilarious.

>I will enslave their women, eat their children, and rape their cattle!

I'm shocked Sony/ESRB let them get away with that line. I was 5 or 6 when I first got this and this line flew over my head until literally 20 years later.
He's a composite of Flash Gordon and Space Ghost and so he's a bit more complex than that.
no, it's johnny bravo
He was a super hero.
Same. It was literally the first game I ever rented for my PS1 and the Looney Tunes art style and humor won me over entirely. Even though it was an undeniably shitty game to play, I still loved it. I actually went back and played it from start to finish a few years ago. In spite of some tedious (if not outright malicious) game design, it’s charming enough to not make playing through it feel like an utter waste of time.

One thing that I found pretty weird was that apparently they didn’t finish the “BOSC RULES!” Easter Egg that’s supposed to show up when you unlock each of the game’s secrets. Two of them don’t work, and I don’t think I ever figured out how to do it. Here’s someone on GameFaqs who mentions it:
Probably some GameShark fuckery involved unless the devs decided that trolling their audience would be better. Seems like trolling their audience was their MO for the gameplay in general kek.
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Based. I can tell you have a big penis.

This is a "if you know, you know" game. A feel reserved for the select of us.
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Mein neger.

>used to mimic Blasto’s “YUM YUM” when I’d see a hot chick even as a little kid (8-10 years old)
>my slightly older friends thought it was the funniest shit
>they even made me a birthday card one year that featured it like it was my catchphrase or something
We /blasto/ now?
Did you think Space Ghost was created as a talk show host?
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They would do this but redub all his lines
If a sequel were to be made before Hartman died, i'd hope they would've made the platforming...well everything better.
This is proof anyone who played blasto as a child grew up to be an alpha male and life of the party.

I always was /blasto/, I will continue to be /blasto/ and I will die surrounded by my harem /blasto/.

I salute you 30-something who also had blasto as a kid.
Playing this game made me want to see a Blasto Doom WAD or a Duke3D mod.
Never noticed that rape line before, crazy lmao. You could get away with so much in the 90's even in media meant to be aimed at kids.

I'm in
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Wowza! This was in the game?!
It’s crazy they did. Is there even an “M” rated game on PS1 that dared use the word “rape”? You still don’t really see it in video games. A whole narrative beat of Silent Hill 2 is about rape and I still don’t think they use the actual word.

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