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I've watched T2: Judgement Day and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines for the 1st time recently. I still like the 1st film better for being more horror themed, but I had a fun time with the sequels. I'd say the video games for the 1st film were mostly good, especially the SEGA/Virgin ones. I'm getting into the video games based on the sequels now and so far it's been worse, for T2 I've played the Master System/Game Gear version and the Game Boy version, both were fine, but nothing more than that... the NES one is just like the Master System/Game Gear, but it looks and sounds better, which is nice, but it's more of a pain to get by too... I'm torn on trying to beat it, moving onto the SNES/Genesis title, or going for Terminator 3 on GBA, which looks like a cool isometric shooter.

Anyways, discuss video games based on this great franchise.
Future Shock and Skynet are the best Terminator games
Best T2 game was the arcade one with the gun.
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T2 on the gameboy always felt incredibly atmospheric to me as a kid. It falls apart bad in later levels but i will always come back to that first stage with the cool music
>Daggerfall with guns
This was Bethesdas sci-fi ip before they commandeered fallout.
This looks awesome. Is it a good time?
Arcade or the side scroller? The latter is so awkward and jank but I still love it - getting the (underwhelming) credits as a kid was a genuine fond memory. The LA water canel chase was my first introduction to RNG that I was never bothered by it in other games ever since.
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It's pretty fun, great shotgun. You're able to play Future Shock through Skynet, too. Very much an early prototype of the "Bethesda Fallout" formula as mentioned by >>11486003
NTA but the Game Boy one, while not being anything special, did it's job, a simple handheld title based on the film, with most of the major scenes, and a pretty fun opening level, it does get worse in later levels, but never too bad, I look back on it fondly.
>Anyways, discuss video games based on this great franchise.
The best Terminator game is Resistance. And it shows what a Terminator movie about someone other that John Conner could have been.

With that said, Robocop vs Terminator is the best 16bit title. Terminator for Sega CD deserves a good mention too.
Machine intelligence taking over humanity is going to be far more disastrous and terrifying in real life so you’ll have that going for you.

I also enjoy the first Terminator the best for being more akin to a slasher film.
Where the fuck is our sourceport for this? Easily the most forgotten gem of the “boomer shooter” era.
I prefer the theatrical cut to Judgement Day and I still remember going to the theater to watch it in its day due to all the hype which spilled over to video games. I remember liking the pinball table based on T2 and it is still worth a play today. Give Journey to Silius a try as it was based on the first movie.
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It's great but there are glitches in Future Shock, you need to make sure to ALWAYS keep a back-up save at the start of every level because you will probably get softlocked

Some glitches I remember on top of my head:
- in the first jeep level, the level ends when you stop in front of the police station but sometimes it just doesn't register. Go away and come back to try again
- that guy on the torture device in the middle pic >>11485975 you're supposed to kill him for the door to open but I could never get that to work (and I'm not the only one), it's the end of the level anyway so use a cheat code to go to the next level if you get stuck
- a level where you have to explode 4 antennas, you can do it in any order but only one precise order actually triggers the end (you'll know the order if you look carefully)
- another level later on in some underground base with some non linearility but if you don't do things in the right order the exit door doesn't open

also if you get crashes at loading screens when entering buildings (you'll quickly find out in the first level) you need to either reduce CPU speed or use a patch online that fixes that

also Future Shock is 320*200 only but you can also play it within Skynet for 640*480 res
T2 for NES is a pile of LJN garbage but i love it.
Any Terminator games where you actually play as the goddamn Terminators?
no it plays like shit and has bugs out the wazoo. if you're a bethesdrone you'll probably really like it. I got tricked by the charming artstyle and uninstalled after it wouldn't let me finish the second level like >>11487452 said. combat is ass
T2 for NES
NTA but I'm trying to get into this one, but it's way harder than the Master System/Game Gear versions... the driving level is a pain so far, when I even get to it, even the 1st level I'm struggling on, while jumping on enemies seems effective, I still can't get the hang of the boss at the end, he never dies and always does so much damage with ease, and I can't seem to figure out their pattern, on the SEGA version it was just a matter of attacking, running away, then attacking again. I like the graphics and OST so far though, and I hope I can beat it at some point.
God I want her to just sit on my face for all eternity.
Why they never made a film out of this?
>Give Journey to Silius a try as it was based on the first movie.
I downloaded a ROM hack that changes the sprites and artwork to resemble the OG Terminator film more, I'm excited to try it out eventually with the ROM hack, it looks way better than the official Terminator title the NES ended up getting.
An update, I managed to get the hang of things a bit, me being familiar with the SEGA versions also helped on the later levels, and getting the continue in the 2nd level by shooting one of the cars, this is key. I got to the last level and it's way less forgiving than the SEGA ports, though it was already a pain there, the jumps and instant deaths thanks to the steel is a pain, I lost all of my lives getting used to the level and failed one of the last few jumps before the final boss, I'll try again later tonight, or next week. Overall, I get now why this is often regarded as the better version, it looks, sounds and plays better, also has the vehicle level and tells the story better, it's pretty decent.
All straight men that watched this as kids share that same wish, anon.
There's a sourceport called FutureShock32 that works pretty good.
Is this dos or windows
If Skynet had made facesitting gynoids it would've won, just saying
Because America doesn't like anything too cool. Makes them angry
DOS in skynet
I'm going to play Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (GBA)

What am I in for?
Are you the same guy that made that thread about T1 games months ago? That was a good one.

Anyway, I never played any of the T2 games, but I don't think they can be as bad as the first Terminator on NES.

Will you eventually try RoboCop's games, too? That's another huge can of misery you can open if you want to torture yourself further.
Yup! I'm glad you've liked it. I finally watched the 2nd film months later, and decided to give a shot to the 3rd one aswell while I was at it. I still like the 1st film the best, because it feels more like a horror/slasher film, which I quite like, though the 2nd film is probably the greatest sequel I've ever watched and I get why most prefer it. The 3rd was just an inferior copy of its predecessor, but I still enjoyed watching it for what it was, I like it. I've played the Terminator 2 titles on NES, Game Boy, Master System and Game Gear so far, I'm still taking my time before trying the SNES/Genesis one, and the ones based on the arcade. So far, all of the ones I've played where better than The Terminator on NES, though none of them were as good as the SEGA titles for the 1st film, they're just decent titles for fans of the film, which I guess is enough. I want to get into the RoboCop fims at some point, and knowing me, when I like a film, I play the video games right after it, I just can't help it. Hopefully 2025 is the year I finally give it a proper go, I've only ever watched the 2010's remake.
Yeah, Terminator 3 is one of those things that it wasn't that well received compared to its prequels back then, but because everything related that came after it was so unabashedly bad it is now seen as alright. At least that's how it has always felt to me.

I think Robocop's reboot was decent all things considered. Being near as good as the first movie was impossible from the beginning so I wasn't expecting anything like that.

Anyway, I think most of RoboCop's games were developed and/or published by Data East, a well known company from back in the day, so you'd expect certain amount of quality. I played RoboCop 2 a lot and really liked the aesthetics of it. Gameplay, however, was really sluggish and slippy. Not gonna say as bad as T1 on NES, but they do have that same fleeting feeling in how you move the character.
For the same reason they couldn't film Ash vs. Freddy vs. Jason.
Modding fallout 1/2 into this engine would be fucking awesome.
This guns screen actually shows the zoomed in texture in real time. Pretty slick for the era
The music, visuals, and gameplay make great use of the NES/Famicom and with that mod, it should bring it closer to how it was originally intended. Sunsoft made some of my most favorite games on the system and I hope you like it too.
That's whats happening in our world. If you look at 4chan even, malicious parties are stroking the fires of misogyny and gender warfare in the youth, urging them to go all in on sexbots, who will eventually and quickly replace humans.
Accepting intelligent non-human life as equal to you is the stepping stone to being replaced by them, and to do that they will do what they always do... sell them through sex appeal.

The future is far more insidious and evil than any Terminator film or game made it out to be, and it's happening in real time without you noticing it.

A post nuclear world ala Fallout is preferable to an anti-human future.
before some piece of shit reminds me i made a typo
That isn't a gun. It's a joystick with a gun shaped handle, and it isn't a good game. It's a credit feeder that can't be 1CC'd
That's interesting, because the arcade 1up release of it has detachable gun controllers apparently using sinden light gun technology.


Here's a review of it by a guy who looks exactly like you.
i guess it was cheaper than building it with enough material for it to not snap off, and standing that close wouldn't be fun without the reflector setup.

if you play it on MAME, it just works with a regular controller's stick, no extra setup needed
I'm thinking of watching Salvation, Genisys and Dark Fate at some point, though I've heard awful things about them, even more than Rise of the Machines, which I recalled watching glimpses of as a kid, so it's the only Terminator film I remembered at least somewhat and had a bit of nostalgia for, even if I barely remembered the film properly. RoboCop's remake was one that I recall enjoying, but never caring enough about to go out of my way to rewatch, the few clips I've seen of the OG makes the remake feel tame and not that exciting, I want to get to the classic films at some point. I think I'1l be fine when it comes to the video games, I have a surprisingly high tolerance for BS, especially with stuff based on IPs I like, so it'll probably be fine... I hope.

Sunsoft was great during those days, Batman being my favorite title so far, both the NES and Genesis versions, it's a shame they began outsourcing everything over the years and died out, they were quality when putting out their own stuff. I'm excited to try out this ROM hack, it looks sublime, and so does Journey to Silius.
>I want to get to the classic films at some point.
Just so you are aware: RoboCop 2 is alright, but 3 is pure garbage, so I wouldn't feel pressured to watch it.

Also, something I forgot to mention before regarding RoboCop's games and Data East: some of them are kind of way under the radar, like the arcade game which I didn't even know it existed until relatively recently. Apparently the game is hard as nails, too.


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