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Dark Gaia creeped me out
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Terranigma's Dark Gaia looked cool but I have no idea what it is
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You can see how Dark Gaia looks like in the concept art in this anniversary video made by the game artist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSwNryI7Az0&t=1056s
I think this and Soul Blazer were the ones with the creepiest bosses. I may be misremembering but Trials of mana and even FFL had similar concept designs
Illusion of Gaia is generally off-putting throughout. It's a reason I love it and it's an all-time favorite for me.
I was more creeped out when a pig killed itself because people were starving. Like... it walks into a fire. As if the pig had no survival instincts and knew it was food.
To be fair, those people had turned to cannibalism due to having no food and were about to eat Will and his pals, so Hamlet knew he had to take one for the team.
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i know it's supposed to be a touching scene but the an-ass localized script made me bust out laughing.
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Does Soul Blazer have a similar scene? It seems to be a theme in the series.
Turbo's death in Soulblazer is sacrificial, though he is not eaten.
I did not enjoy Illusion of Gaia when I beat it. Compared to Soul Blazer it was bloated and didn't have a good story, but I'm still thinking about these games a year later. Both of them! I still think Soul Blazer is a tighter experience with a simple formula and surprisingly nice story.
I started Terranigma and it's much better than Gaia, but I put it down. I beat the bird boss and couldn't figure out where to go from there.
Soul Blazer was way too stiff to be enjoyable, and the gameplay was mediocre.
Illusion of Gaia was stiff but a lot better.
Terranigma looks great but bores me to death, I don't know why. It looks like such a slog that I never left the village.
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What about what happened to Seth?
i know right, can you believe that little asshole will take the red jewel with him when he goes for a swim if you don't talk to him fast enough
Entire trilogy's creepy if you think about it. I always replay it, it's a really cool trilogy.
high iq
lethal levels of zoom in this thread
it's not "creepy", it's just very melancholy in some places.
looks like a yugioh monster
I assumed something very lost in translation happened here, since I do not remember Dark Gaia ever being talked about or alluded to in the game. It just sort of shows up and now your mission is kill it.
I think it's vaguely implied to be the power behind the comet that's mutating humans on Earth every time it passes by, but beyond that, nothing.
>The comet draws near. The time for your last battle approaches. This is the last time I will talk to you like this in this place. With your rejuvenated power, defeat the comet, Dark Gaia, and become the Dark Knight. Shadow's greatest power, the Firebird, will arise when you're one with the Light Knight. Only you can restore the Earth to its original condition. I'm putting all of my faith in you...
Quintet really knew how to make good pixel art
I really don't know anyone else who captured the specific mood of this guy's games. As I understand it, he was also involved in the first Ys game, which also has this mood to it.
I think the most striking quality of the Quintet games is this sense of "shit happens, and it can be horrible but you deal with it."
I think of the people dying in Actraiser leading to invention of music. I think of the Russian roulette scene in IoG.
I don't know. I've never really been able to express my thoughts on these games well. They are very special to me.
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Surprised they didn't get censored by Nintendo for a lot of the themes in this game. Slavery, alcoholism, gambling to name a few.
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>As I understand it, he was also involved in the first Ys game, which also has this mood to it.
The first two Ys games, and he also wrote the plot outline for the third before leaving Falcom.
After Quintet and Shade, he went on to design Robopon 2 of all things. Then he established an online payment company, scammed his creditors, and went to jail. After getting out he hasn't returned to the industry and the Quintet games remain untouchable by current corporations (except for ActRaiser, he signed a rerelease agreement for it before the scam).
I agree with you. When Tomoyoshi Miyazaki puts his heart on a game, he gives it a special melancholy and whimsy that no other dev can.
They drew the line an cannibals of all things, and changed them into starving people.
In the Untold History of Japanese Game Developers one of the Quintet devs talks about how they oversaw the translation process, going through words to make sure they were fine, and this would explain why the translations are full of Engrish but also why none of them were too censored.
Terranigma is the most ambitious, but as being ambitious often goes in games of these genre things can get a bit obtuse or convoluvted

I think it's worth beating even if you need to look things up here and there, which you probably will multiple times. Soul Blazer is very straightforward so it's the best pick up and play experience, Gaia only made me scratch my head at two parts I can remember.....one being that momentum based maze with the ramps where I couldn't figure out the controls, and the other being the side scrolling parts where you take the third form
What is creepy to you, guys in scary clown masks? Skeletons? Stop being autistic for real. sick of it on this board.
How's the retranslation for IoG?
Russian roulette.
excuse me you mean "russian glass" totally different
This is the worst picture I've ever seen in my life. Thanks.
Neither of the two come close to Blazer, the presentation and narrative are bloated and boring compared to the first.
You're a dork. You're welcome.

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