in the late '80s. Konami released Bayou Billy for the Nintendo Entertainment System. it's a pretty fun game.Archie, for god knows what reason. decided to adapt it into a five issue comic series.i tried storytiming this on /v/ but the threads move too fast there. so I figure i'd put it here since a comic about RETRO GAMES belongs on the RETRO GAME board.
>>11489059Please for the love of God don't be the same guy whose been nonstop storytiming on /lit/.
>>11489094I don't think i've storytimed on /lit/ at all.i did a few /k/ ones and i did a car comic for /o/ that one time. but other than that? no. not really.i just figured you guys would enjoy this.
>>11489072don't forget, they're from jersey. This will come up later.
>>11489059Interesting, didn't know about this. Thanks for the thread>ArchieThey did several video game comic adaptations besides Sonic, mostly Sega's properties. Their Nights comic was pretty shit but I always love that side retro media that adapts games into something else even if it's bad.Bayou Billy was pretty ambitious game, Konami probably had big plans on it, hence why there was attempt to promote it via comic.
>>11489187oops i meant to say 'youre welcome'
>>11489059Billy isn't even a real name. We all know it's Bayou Bimmy.
>>11489059>"Bayou Billy? I hope you kept the receipt."
>>11489105and they dont get out much
also known as Good Kid, m.A.A.d city.
still here
amazing that this thread is still here.
bayou billy go fastbayou billy gonna whoop some ass
>this existing
This is pretty cool I never played Bayou Billy but I love the style of the art in the comic
>>11489186Cute dead gator
bumping for OP
>>11491914apparently, there exists an actual Greenwood Cemetery in New Orleans, Louisiana.
>>11489059Bayou Billy is a garbage game and I'm shocked they even bothered releasing ancillary material for it.
>>11492115what makes it garbage in your eyes?
>>11489187Unless both of these are a reference I'm unfamiliar with, I can't help but remember this Simpsons episode.
I'll include the vidya related ads. so here's an advert for Mappy-Land.
>>11492117Not him but every game mode is stiff and jank, made worse with arbitrarily high difficulty
>>11491962>Adult Mutant Ninja WerewolfNo wonder Archie wouldn't put him in their TMNT comic.
>>11492115To be fair, this comic is much more interesting than the game.
>>11492029>pool of chemicals>dyed white skin>laughing lunatic>the JOKE was on methis implies that Batman and Bayou Billy exist in the same universe.would be a kino crossover
>>11492386Archie Comics finds an excuse to cross everything over whenever they can get away with it. Oddly, crossing Sonic the Hedgehog with TMNT never happened despite having ongoings for both at one point.
>>11489185>Bayou Billy was pretty ambitious game, Konami probably had big plans on it, hence why there was attempt to promote it via comic.It could be even remembered as an 8-bit classic if they didn't ramp up the difficulty for the NES release.
>>11489059I think /co/ would have gotten you some more attention on this.
I appreciated it thanks anon
>>11493185yeah but /co/ doesn't appreciate retro video games
last ish!
>>11489059Konami needs to bring back Bayou Billy. This is a remake that is actually necessary, someone needs to give him the good game he deserves
>>11494265Bumping to keep it alive until the end.
this comic ain't actually bad
>>11494978thanks. i had to go to work so uhh i'm glad you kept it bumped
i'm sorry it's taken three (3) days
>>11495940Cajun villain Darth Gator.
Is the game any good? I first heard of Bayou Billy when watching Captain N in 2000s youtube, so I guess it was big enough to get an episode, odd it disappeared and never been used again. Wasn't the crocodile dundee movies popular at that time? because of that maybe? >>11489059
>>11496717>Is the game any good?It's a fairly-basic Double Dragon clone, but with driving stages and first-person target shooting (the latter with Zapper compatibility) to mix things up. It's mainly known for how much harder they made the US release, so you might want to get the Japan version ("Mad City") for a first run.
What a shitty comic.
>>11489641Oh man, I remember seeing the ad for this in other Archie comics.
>>11492203growing up, in our house, 'playing mappy' became a euphemism for jerking off. this ad was in all our Archie digest books as kids, and one of my brothers shot cum all over one of them, right on the back, when he jerked off to a Betty pin up. he hid it from us afterwards but my other brother eventually found it in his room, stashed under the bed. he claimed that the stain came from him spilling a glass of milk on it, and he told us that for years, even though we never believed him. after we grew up he finally admitted that he had been lying all along and it really was his jizz.
>>11497094Based Betty cum-tributor
>>11496717Didn't the cartoon lampshade the game's infamous difficulty by saying it was the one NES game that Kevin couldn't beat?
Mad City looks actually fun, it's a shame Bayou Billy was a flop all because localizers wanted it to be so hard you'd rent it more than once just to beat it.Series should come back just for that music alone.
fell asleep again award
>>11497992I'm getting shades of Benny Hill for some reason.
>>11492117I think this is something best explained by having you play it by yourself. Especially the "street fighting" mode.
I can't believe it's almost over, bros.. my fellow Billyheads..