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I have never gotten all the chaos emeralds. I pick up one or two here and there but I can't be bothered to get them all.
Fun fact: in Sonic 2, you can get all the emeralds in first 2 zones. That's why it's called Emerald Hill.
That's what I was going to post
Though it makes the game too easy and you have to hear this for the rest of the game:
there are 7 of those checkpoint things across 2 acts ?
Another fun fact. If you get all the Chaos Emeralds in "Sonic 3" part but never enter any giant rings in the "and Knuckles" part, you get the Hyper Sonic ending without having to collect the Super Emeralds.
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That sounds like too much work
There are three in each zone, so you can get the seventh in the first zone of the second act. But there's a glitch where you can reset the game and keep your emeralds so you can also get them all in the first zone.
I used save states once to get them all, just to see what it was like to play as super sonic. Didn't seem like it'd be worth it to get during an actual playthrough.
>cheating with save states
>not cheating with the 04 01 02 06 cheat code like we did in 1994 to get Super Sonic
The special stages in Sonic 1 are just a headache and the ones in 3 are simply beyond me. Sonic 2's seem quite feasible in comparison but I still never bothered.
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I do it with cheats
>old cheats :D
>new cheats >:(
at least in S3+K you dont have to do it all in one run
Having a whole new set of emeralds that also locks you out of the best ending with no warning was devious as hell though
How would you have even figured that out without the internet?
Magazines, cheat books, etc.

This is why you will never amount to anything, George!
I get them all in Sonic 1. The awful "we can haz mode 7 too!!" pipes in Sonic 2 are unfun and irritating, so I avoid. The ball stages in 3&K are OK, but I've never gone throughst them all.
As a kid I could only get all 6 emeralds in Sonic 1.
Sonic 2's special stages can be memorized but fuck they require a lot of practice. As a kid I could never get most emeralds after the 3rd or 4th one. Did it various times and even practiced them on Sonic Jam.
Sonic 3's and S&K are the easiest ones to get but as a kid I couldn't get them simply because i didn't know about the way you can change red balls into blue balls in group, so I just ran through each blue one individually and it took forever and I think the 4th emerald stage was my filter. S&K, they are weirder than 3's, as a kid I couldn't grasp them. They are more "on rail" than 3's, it's usually straight paths where you mostly are surrounded by red balls and bumpers, like labyrinths. There's that one tricky one where after a long spring jump you need to bump into a bouncer on purpose, get a blue ball, then go forward and change direction to the right. It's not hard once you know them, overall might be less complicated than the 3 ones.
Still I'll say 1's are the best. Don't interrupt the levels' flow, they use the game's actual physics instead of being a mini game, and they are over fairly quickly.
Care to show an example in 1994 of one of thise with this code?

>without internet
I don't understand people like you. What are you doubting? Is there earnest curiosity to your questioning or is there a chip on your shoulder, like... prove it? I'm nta, but I remember knowing the sound test codes in sonic 2. As yes, Im sure I found it in some magazine or one of my tips books. You can buy a copy of this book yourself and see if it's in there.
>Care to show an example in 1994 of one of thise with this code?
Why that specific year?
Also I don't have an example. My magazines have long since gone. Why do you need one?
I just played Sonic 2 recently and found out if you bring Tails that actually makes the bonus stages harder as it increases the ring requirements. It's balanced around having a second player controlling Tails. Maybe well known, IDK, but I sure as hell didn't know that when I was 8 or whenever that game came out...

I'd get them just to say you've done it once, but by no means is it necessary, like at all.
I've tried to get all of them at least once in the Sonic titles I like, except the Advance series because it's too awful there, and it's really my least favorite part of Sonic, especially since I'm a bit of a completionist. Anyways, if you're like me, I'd recommend both my favorite Sonic titles, Sonic 1 (Game Gear/Master System) and Sonic 2 (Game Gear/Master System) as the Chaos Emeralds in them aren't located in other levels or mini games, they're just found through the levels by exploring, I love this approach and they remain my favorite Sonic titles to 100% because of it.
Why so defensive? I'm asking where people learned it from and I got a response based off speculation. Well people probably did this etc. It's a genuine curiosity because I never found out about it til I saw it in an early 2000 magazine with cheat codes. I had this game back then and it wasn't in the manual. Did the devs leak it? Did someone brute force it?
>why that specific year
Because anon said that he used it in that specific year and if he did he had to learn about it from somewhere. It's too obtuse of a code to just figure out on accident.
I did it in Sonic 1, when I was a kid. Just bouncing around was fun. Not really worth it, Super Sonic is kind of shit, so in the sequels I too just said fuck it.
Asking for an example from a specific year is an aggressive manner of speaking. You're probably perfectly capable of searching internet yourself for some that happened 30 years ago. Unless you honestly expect someone to go "Here, april 1994 issue of gamepro" as if they know that off the top of their head something from their childhood. It's absurd and overly inquisitive and not casual, so that's why so defensive. You are also asking archival against anecdotally. You can find this information for people who kept records and see. Or you can believe people when they recall their experience and that of course they wouldn't have exact details.
super sonic wasn't a thing in sonic 1. it debuted in 2.
You're a fool lol. Don't make a claim and get shitty when someone asks your for an example, simple as.
You don't seem to get how conversations work. This isn't a court room. If the anecdotal nature of a dialogue frustrates you, it's a you problem. Demanding archival memory from an anecdotal observation is shitty. Because someone didn't know a code and didn't experience it themself, they shouldn't immediately doubt it's spread as knowledge. Then again, it tends to be flat earth type morons that demand proof and still deny things because their inability to understand things.
... Is there a particular reason to be doubtful of that claim? Magazine cheat codes were already a staple at that point, wasn't it? Pretty sure there was a game maker/game magazine relationship regarding these. The game magazines probably were also given these for review and screenshots reasons
cheating isn't lateral anon. you either do it or you don't.
This. I got them all once in Sonic 2, legit... never again, it's not fun and it's not worth it either. I have to ignore my OCD every time I play Sonic 2 in the hopes of actually having fun during my run.
Holy shit you're a moron.

I never said I was doubtful, I'm interested in when and how people found out about that code. That's all I'm asking.
The special stages suck dick. The Sonic 2 ones in particular are too long and zero fun. Dumb mini-games being the method to earn something as relatively important to the lore as the Chaos Emeralds is a retarded concept to begin with.
And you got an answer, magazines and such. Hell a book was posted, it is in that book, PDF is available on online. A lot of this is framed as "when I was a kid", people don't remember exact details from their childhood. Which maybe you don't get that cause you're a kid yourself. I'm not gonna ask for proof though, cause Im not a massive faggot like you.
I go for all 7 emeralds every time I replay Sonic 2. I think it's a fun challenge to see how early I can get them and how I can succeed in the later special stages. I always play with sonic & tails.
I savescum for special stages without remorse
I thought George was a Super Nintendo guy
Hello? I've got the mega collection. MEGA, Jerry!
Forgot my picture. I own my failure.
he is canonically a konami guy.
I've got the emeralds in almost all of the Sonic games. Before you ask
>hardest/most obnoxious special stages
Yes, Sonic 2 has the shittiest special stages of them all.
>hardest/most obnoxious requirements to get to a special stage
Advance 2 hands down
>hardest overall
I want to say Sonic 2 but the emblems in Advance 2 suck so much that I don't know. Let's say it's a tie
The only bonus stages where I've bothered getting all emeralds and unlocking super sonic were the tunnel-style ones, in both Sonic 2 and Sonic Pocket Adventure. I'm not a big fan of any style of special stages in Sonic games, but the tunnel ones are simple trial-and error and memorization, so for me they're more doable than the others. I hate Sonic 1's special stages enough that I've only ever bothered to get one emerald.

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