Create and post a tier list of your taste in retro consoles: the retards that created it out the Turbografx 16 down as the Mini, treat it as the original console and PC engine when ranking.
>>11489885>no Funtec Super A'can or Konami PicnoMissing some of the greats.
>playstation D>wii above gamecubeNot worthy of a (You)
>>11489882Assuming Gameboy wasn't included because it is both too great and too pure for a mere tier list.
>>11489980Have some self respect, slob.
>>11489916you have meme taste
>>11490182What does this even mean
>>11490162>Atari 2600 above Saturn and Master SystemShit bait.
>>114902012600 deserves an A rank for being the best system of the late 70s and early 80s and getting it all started. Not fair to compare it to systems that came out almost a decade or 2 after it.
>>11490210If it's not fair to compare them the tierlist is pointless. I wanna have fun playing games and lists like this should reflect that instead of street cred or whatever
>>11490213You could, you know, make your own instead of seething about someone else's
>>11490210Consoles should be judged by how they hold up today, not how much they made boomers cream their pants in the 70s
>>11490229>consoles should be judged in a way that doesn't hurt my fee fees and make me throw a tantrumYou heard him, /vr/. We need to delete our tierlists ASAP and make them all line up with anon's emotions right now or he'll unleash his wrath upon us all.
>>11489882>>11490213The only thing anyone gets right itt is having PC at the top. PCs are the undisputed champs of gaming and surpassed most every console by the mid-2000s. Even before that, I’d say PC gaming was much more versatile.
>>11489882How is the N64 zoomer slop, but not the Dreamcast?
>>114902292600 has no jarpigs, that's a big plus
Anybody who puts the Super Ninttin any tier but S is gay and trans and nigger and probably also a Zoomer.
>>11490307I agree, but Neo Geo AES has no jarpigs and actually good games.
>>11490282Outside of Sonic, Skies of Arcadia and Shenmue, Dreamcast was still a arcade enthusiast console, compared to N64 that surrender to the forces of storyfaggotry and gay collections.
This is my list. I think it's pretty fair.
>>11490340Neo geo is 50% fighting shit tho, 2600 has more variety
I ranked them by how likely I am to actually want to play them. So I'll play Genesis basically any time, and I'll never even fucking touch SuperGrafx.
>>11489882I agree with nes-s tier but SNES and Genesis should be A and no Sony console should be above slop level
>>11490406>and I'll never even fucking touch SuperGrafxsupergrafx is just a pc engine with a couple extra chipsyou can play supergrafx roms on a standard pc engine now and supeergrafx hucards on an analogue duo. maybe we'll reach a point someday where the hucards can play on a pc engine
>>11490425Yeah but I'd have to be mentally ill to even want to put in the effort to play all 5 games.Actually fuck I forgot, 64DD should probably be even lower.
I love my NES and multicart so much. There is just so much goddamn variety and gameplay in its library, from crafted adventures to just pure arcade joy
*record scratch* Hey it's me, objective reality. You're probably wondering how I got here..
>>11490486forgot to put saturn in D and PCE in C.
>>11489882It's missing the add-ons and handhelds as usual
>>11490532Here's mine if you prefer.
>>11490486>Master system in FSorry you hate fun
>>11490264PC gaming pre mid 2000s was top tier. Now there is far too much DRM faggotry and GaaS shit dominating the platform. It is kind of disingenuous to just list "PC", when they are all vastly different hardware between years or "generations" with compatibility issues. If we want to count them as emulation machines, then you might as well apply that same option to consoles with backwards compatibility and have their own emulators available to run on them. In tiers like this, it should really just be comparing actual PC exclusive games compared to consoles.Also funny how people list PC on here amongst consoles, yet dont list any microcomputers, despite putting on meme picks like the HyperScan and pong consoles.
>>11490347>forces of storyfaggotry But the 64 has less rpgs then the Dreamcast.
>>11490384Blazing Star and Metal Slug mog the whole 2600 library on their own.
>>11490406Can you link this tier list maker
>>11490201Master System sucks.
>>11491582nah, you tripping
>>11491603based euro
>>11491603Can you link this tier list please?
>>11491723It was just linked. Presumably the post would still be in the archives.
>>11491728Found it:
>>11490615besides the first phantasy star what is even worth playing on it. serious question
>>11491772Don't bother with it. Someone keeps deleting charts made with it.
>>11491861It's just the gay anti spam bot removing links
>>11491861incidental inclusions of non-retro systems will be removed for being off-topic
>>11489882Of the consoles I ownS Tier>PS2, PSX, N64, GenesisA Tier>SNES, NES, GBB Tier>GBA, Dreamcast, GCC Tier >Virtual Boy, Game Gear
>>11491786hang onpsychic worldninja gaidenmaster of darknessdeep duck troublecastle of illusioncaptain silver
>>11491586Name 10 games that didn't suck then
>>11490486I really dnt mind this other than the 64 should be placed near last
Here ya go
S tier: NES, Super NES, PSX, PS2Neo Geo tier: Neo GeoThe rest.
Why no handhelds on the selector?
>>11493243woops, same image sans typos
Not a single good list in here.
>>11493965Post yours then
>>11489882These are the systems I own (or have deep experience with)5th gen for me is just bad, really really bad. Visuals are shit and most games stuck with dpad controls in an age where 3D becase the norm. The 16bit games outclass these with ease.
>>11489882I've tried rating only the consoles I consider myself to be properly familiar with, this is what I've got:
Just used consoles I’ve owned