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I hate these shitty bonus stages
imagine having pleb taste
I love doing those. I dislike the Sonic 1 and 2 ones.
I like that one.
But they are fun though, probably the best bonus stages in any Sonic game with the ones in CD coming close. If you hate those then you probably have never tried getting the emeralds in 1 and 2
Best special stages in the classic series. Mania fucked up by making them bonus stages though, they take too long
I like them. But I can’t wrap my head around the code required to detect the player circling around the blue spheres.
These are easily the most tolerable and beatable ones across the entire series.
This one was fun
I agree OP!
blue balls > UFOs > acid trip > half-pipe
I think I like them all except Sonic 1's. I get why people hate Sonic 2's, but you have so many chances to try again thanks to the really generous checkpoint bonus stage system that I usually get all emeralds by Chemical Plant Act 2.
Shitty special stage made my head spin.
I like them a little bit, but some blue sphere levels are too damn hard for my disabled brain. Sonic 2's get way too hard too. I can do the first 3 and then it triggers my vertigo and I throw up and get really mad at the game. I once broke my copy of sonic 2 as a kid cause I got so mad. Then I stole my cousins and when he accused me of stealing it, I accused my uncle of molesting me. Sonic 1 stages are pretty ok I guess, but no super sonic.
The 3D effect is better than modern 3D games.
They become too easy on repeat playthroughs
The only good special stages were Sonic 2 and the Genesis version of 3D Blast
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>I once broke my copy of sonic 2 as a kid cause I got so mad. Then I stole my cousins and when he accused me of stealing it, I accused my uncle of molesting me.
Hahaha, this is so /vr/
I did something similar as a kid, but my uncle really did molest me
I really don't understand the hate for blue spheres, it's by far the most playable one out of all Genesis special stages. 1 is a jankfest with circus music, 2 is rote memorization with rings coming at you from behind sharp turns and CD is ruined by its choppy framerate. Honestly my best guess is that the spinning planet effect makes people queasy.
>I hate these shitty bonus stages
it's called filler.

>spinning planet effect makes people queasy.
sonic 1's special stage did that to me. it was so disorientating.
>I once broke my copy of sonic 2 as a kid cause I got so mad. Then I stole my cousins and when he accused me of stealing it, I accused my uncle of molesting me.
Good laugh, thank you, Anon.
this and the CD one are the only ones I like
The CD ones can be REALLY unfair, especially if you've got input lag. Really takes the fun out of playing the Japanese version via the Genesis Mini 2.
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In general I think the best possible approach to Sonic bonus stages is something at least partially based on the core gameplay of the game, but these in S3 are at least fun and interesting puzzles compared to the grating memorization gauntlets of Sonic 2 for example.
What do you mean? There's probably more and less efficient ways to do it, but checking for "enclosed" sets of points in a matrix is pretty trivial
i liked them, but i really dislike the fact that mania just ported them over 1:1 instead of making entirely new maps.
You're lying. The last one for that is nearly impossible. Show yourself beating that. You won't because you didn't
>The last one is nearly impossible
Yeah? Me and my brother have been doing these since we were 8 and 6.
You just need to practice more.
>struggle to beat third special stage on mega collection/virtual console
>get all chaos/super emeralds first try on sonic 3 air
are the stages actually hard or is it the shitty framerate that fucks you over
The frame rate is consist, so it shouldn't be fucking you over too bad.
But yeah, it's a easier on Mania/Origins than the OG. But it's still no problem on hardware.
My problem is that they're very difficult to win on your first try. You should have been able to spend rings you collected in the level to retry the stage. Like 10 rings per try. Alternatively (or in addition), you should get a map. The levels have repeating patterns and no landmarks, it's disorienting.
I played SRB2 recently, and its Nights special stages are the best in any Sonic game. You get to do them by collecting secret coins in the act. If you get multiple coins, then you can get multiple emeralds. So not only is the mini-game fun, but if you're determined, you could get all of the emeralds really early in the game on a first playthrough, which is cool.
When you play a lot, you see the colours and know exactly what level you are on. They are the landmark.
>Those changes
Origins pretty much did exactly this. Lives are exclusivly used for retrying special stages in Origins.
I can explain the strong relationship of autism and sonic fandom with this very gif.
I'd like to hear this explanation. Go ahead.
>Fucking retard doesn't jump off the blocks and just lets the stage dump him out helplessly
And bear in mind, this is the EASIEST of the stages.
Autism isn't real though
>When you play a lot
Sure, I get that, and it ties somewhat into Sonic's core game loop of "the stages get better with improved familiarity."
>Origins pretty much did exactly this.
Oh, that's really cool. Still won't be playing it over AIR, but neat.
What's air?
How does it know the inside of the surrounded area from the outside though?
That's an autistic take
When you breathing
>but you have so many chances to try again thanks to the really generous checkpoint bonus stage system that I usually get all emeralds by Chemical Plant Act 2.
I just don't have the patience to hunt down fucking checkpoints, honestly. Sonic 2's gameplay is really fun and the level design is good, so I usually play through the whole game without ever getting a single emerald. The special stages just completely break the flow.
and I liked it so much I played the Sonic 1 & knuckles version so much to the point I knew all the routines (the levels are built randomly but out of pre-made parts)
Doesn't look like my sort of thing.
So just don't use widescreen?
I won't. So I won't get the wide screen mod you showed me.
How was Christmas in 2025 anon. Does your uncle still come over
It's not a mod though. It's an entire remaster.
The sprites don't seem remastered.
Mindnumbingly retarded conversation, holy shit. When he said "just don't use widescreen", he meant you can turn it off and play in original ratio. When he said "remaster", he implied it's rewritten and runs on your computer natively. I shouldn't have to spell it out for you.
Sounds pointless.
"Remaster" doesn't imply it runs naively on your PC.

Why would you hate this? Really great music and it's fun. Easily better than 1 and 2's bonus stages. 1's are just ok, albeit kind of stressful. 2's is getting hit by hazards around corners that you can't see coming so you have to memorize the stupid stages. I got all the emeralds once and it was pretty tedious.
shouldn't it be called "DON'T get red spheres"?
Well the game level is a rectangle that you are always inside. So any rectangle you traverse will be smaller. Since you can't surround a large rectangle with a small rectangle that means you always know the inside/outside.
I've grown to appreciate Blue Spheres as I've gotten older but still
CD > S3(&K) > Game Gear in general > S1 > S2.
this but for sonic 2
Special stages suck because they shatter the flow of the game. I just want to do some platforming and shit, not fuck around on some half pipe or sphere several times a level.
>it's called filter.
>zoomniggers complaining blue spheres is at all fucking hard
You faggots are embarrassing.
Isn't it interesting how you can have an objectively wrong opinion.

When you think about it in theory it should be impossible, but then you see such tripe and there it is - an objectively wrong opinion.
Sonic 2 stages were alright, 1 and 3 were bullshit tho
How can autism be real when our brains aren't real?
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I recommend 8-Bit Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, instead of Special Stages, you get the Chaos Emeralds by just exploring the levels and finding them, it's fun the 1st time around, though after that it's kind of lame since you already know where they are, though in Sonic 2 some of them are difficult even if you know, so it keeps it intersting at least.
>>11492979 It's bait, doofus.
Sonic 2 special stages are most bullshit out of the entire trilogy. Fuck those half-pipes
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I want to like Sonic 1's bonus stages for actually using the main physics of the game, but it's just not fun to play.
The stage on S3 was horrible. But S1 had the best bonus stages.
don't do them then? playing with super sonic and shields is playing on easy mode.
It helps that you don't have to feel bad about skipping them because you don't actually get anything for them in Sonic 1. Even in Sonic 2 you just get an invincibility power that by the time you get it the game will not only be almost over, but also begs the question of why you would want to earn the power to not have to play the game?. Blue Spheres and UFO Chase in addition to actually being fun actually gives you access to the final Boss.
>UFO Chase
It doesn't give you the final boss, but it does give you the good ending without having to go through the other method, as well as giving you more incentive to go to the Future.
And that's without mentioning Time Attack.
also mania isn't even worth getting the good ending for because it just explains how sonic ends up in forces.

they should've stuck with the original draft of classic sonic in forces being tails's imaginary DID friend
The first set are fine but some of the super emerald ones almost require you to look up a map and plan it beforehand
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The ones in Sonic 1 were cool, played it on the game gear many times.
Nauseatingly masturbatory post
As good as the genesis sonics were, all the emerald special stages are trash. The only good ones are the one from Sonic Mania.
>Sonic 2 special stages are most bullshit out of the entire trilogy.
what? not at all. the S2 ones are the only ones one has a decent shoot at getting all of them first try; the ring limit is very generous and forgiving. the same cannot be said for the S1/S3/SCD stages (3DB stages are pretty easy too actually now that i think of it)
True, these were fun, and were just about exploring for rings, lives and continues, a real bonus stage, not tied to the Chaos Emeralds or completion, it was fun.
At least Sonic 3 let you save your progress, so if you failed a Special Stage, you could just keep replaying and reloading until you got them all, unlike Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 where you had limited attempts before the end of the run.
The trick to blue spheres is to time your inputs roughly half a second in advance, this mini-game's got some pretty bad input lag, even on the real hardware (I grew up with the game), possibly due to the low framerate animations.
>this mini-game's got some pretty bad input lag
Not really input lag, but simply how the stages work. You're locked to running on the gridlines, so any press of Left or Right you make won't register until you hit the next intersection.
The song for these stages is amazing. I hate you OP.

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